@echo off REM -------------- Variables -------------V1.0------- set dirpath=D:\to_pp\ set host= set ftp-dir=fast set check=0 For /F "tokens=1,2,3 delims=/" %%i in ('type c:\suite.txt') do Call :suite-set %%i For /F "tokens=1,2,3 delims=/" %%i in ('echo %date%') do Call :set-date %%i %%j %%k For /F "tokens=1,2,3 delims=:" %%i in ('echo %time%') do Call :set-time %%i %%j %%k REM ------------- Variables ---------------------- REM -------------- Zip the Folders ---------------------------------------------------------- FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3 delims=<>.," %%i in ('dir %dirpath%*. /B') do Call :load-variables %%i %%j %%k goto :ftp-files :load-variables set name=%1 :zipit c:\progra~1\winzip\wzzip -p -r %dirpath%%name% %dirpath%%name%\*.* move /Y %dirpath%%name%.zip %dirpath%%name%-W-%suite%-%d%-%t%.zip C:\windows\system32\md5sums -u %dirpath%%name%-W-%suite%-%d%-%t%.zip > %dirpath%%name%-W-%suite%-%d%-%t%.zip.md5 goto exit REM -------------- Zip the Folders ---------------------------------------------------------- :suite-set set suite=%1 goto :exit :set-date set d=%4%2%3 rem echo %s% goto :exit :set-time set t=%1%2%4 rem echo %t% goto :exit :ftp-files REM ------------- FTP the FILES -------------------------------------------------------------- @echo off @echo off color 07 set i=0 echo. echo. echo Sending Data via ftp ........... echo. echo. d: cd %dirpath% echo from the directory %dirpath% > %dirpath%send.ftp echo open %host% >> %dirpath%send.ftp echo anonymous >> %dirpath%send.ftp echo cd %ftp-dir% >> %dirpath%send.ftp echo mput *.zip >> %dirpath%send.ftp echo mput *.md5 >> %dirpath%send.ftp echo ls >> %dirpath%send.ftp echo bye ftp -is:%dirpath%send.ftp> %dirpath%\report.txt REM ------------ Check the FTP status ---------------------------------------- @echo off rem cls color f5 for /F "usebackq tokens=1 skip=2 delims==>," %%i in (`"find "Invalid command." %dirpath%report.txt"`) do call :ftp-check %%i if [%check%]==[0] ( for /F "usebackq tokens=1,2,3 delims==>, " %%i in (`"find "Connected" %dirpath%report.txt"`) do call :ftp-success %%i %%j %%k ) goto :end rem ----------------- Display Successfull FTP --------------------------------------- :ftp-success if [%2]==[Connected] ( echo The files: for /F "usebackq tokens=1 delims=>," %%m in (`"find "W-%suite%" %dirpath%report.txt"`) do call :print-success %%m echo. echo. echo were FTP'd successfully !!! echo. echo. goto :cleanup ) :print-success color 2f echo %1 set check=1 goto :end rem ----------------- Display FAILED FTP -------------------------------------------- :ftp-check if [%1]==[Invalid] ( if /I [%1]==["Invalid command."] then ( color 47 echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo The FTP transfer FAILED !!!! echo. echo Please notify the Staff ...... echo. echo. set check=1 pause c: color 07 goto :end ) ) REM ---------------- Cleanup temporary files and folders --------------------------- :cleanup @echo off del /Q %dirpath%*.zip del /Q %dirpath%*.md5 del /Q %dirpath%*.ftp del /Q %dirpath%*.txt del /Q %dirpath%%name%\*.* IF EXIST %name% (rmdir %dirpath%%name%) echo. echo. echo The Time is: %time% echo. echo The Date is: %date%' echo. rem pause color 07 c: :end :exit rem ----------------- The END ----------------------------------------------------------