ddb.dsz.plugin.terminal.Terminal raw command %command% command script _noop.dss command Raw: %command% command No command was provided. get script RequestHandler/FileRetrieve.dss -args " name path fullpath -path \"\\"%path%\\"\" -mask \"\\"%name%\\"\" name path fullpath -mask \"\\"%name%\\"\" path name fullpath -path \"\\"%path%\\"\" fullpath name path -full \"\\"%fullpath%\\"\" recursive -recursive max -max %max% offset -offset %offset% time -time %time% age -age \"\\"%age%\\"\" after -after \"\\"%after%\\"\" before -before \"\\"%before%\\"\" extra -extra \"\\"%extra%\\"\" minsize -minsize \"\\"%minsize%\\"\" maxsize -maxsize \"\\"%maxsize%\\"\" " Retrieve name path fullpath %name% from %path% name path fullpath %name% path name fullpath %path% fullpath name path %fullpath% bytes recursive children %bytes% bytes bytes recursive children %children% files, %bytes% bytes recursive children bytes %children% files offset bytes %offset% - End time Time Filtered max Num Limited dir script RequestHandler/FileListing.dss -args " path name -path \"\\"%path%\\"\" -mask \"\\"%name%\\"\" path name -path \"\\"%path%\\"\" name path -mask \"\\"%name%\\"\" recursive -recursive time -time %time% age -age \"\\"%age%\\"\" after -after \"\\"%after%\\"\" before -before \"\\"%before%\\"\" max -max %max% extra -extra \"\\"%extra%\\"\" " Directory listing path name of %path%/%name% path name of %path% name path of %name% recursive Recursive recursive Flat time Time Filtered max Num Limited strings script RequestHandler/FileStrings.dss -args " strings name path fullpath -path \"\\"%path%\\"\" -mask \"\\"%name%\\"\" name path fullpath -mask \"\\"%name%\\"\" path name fullpath -path \"\\"%path%\\"\" fullpath name path \"\\"%fullpath%\\"\" recursive -recursive max -max %max% " Gets strings of name path fullpath %path%/%name% name path fullpath %name% path name fullpath %path% fullpath name path %fullpath% bytes recursive %bytes% bytes bytes recursive children %children% files, %bytes% bytes recursive children bytes %children% files drives script RequestHandler/DrivesListing.dss -args " " Drive Listing processinfo script RequestHandler/ProcessInfo.dss -args " id elevate -id %id% id elevate -id %id% -elevate " Get ProcessInfo of id elevate #%id% id elevate #%id% (Elevate if necessary) id unknown process processoptions script RequestHandler/ProcessOptions.dss -args " id -id %id% -query " Get ProcessOptions of id #%id% id unknown process kill script RequestHandler/ProcessKill.dss -args " id force -id %id% id force -id %id% -force " Kill id force #%id% (Force) id force #%id% at all costs markProcess local script _AddToProcessDatabase.dss -args " name type comment \"%name%\" \"\" \"%type%\" name type comment \"%name%\" \"%comment%\" \"%type%\" " Mark name type %name% as %type% ping ping script RequestHandler/NetworkPing.dss -args " address %address% " Ping address %address% traceroute script RequestHandler/NetworkTraceroute.dss -args " address %address% " traceroute address %address% duplicatetoken script RequestHandler/DuplicateToken.dss -args " id -duplicate %id% " DuplicateToken id {process=%id%}