eventlogmonitor python windows\eventlogs.py -args " -m " -project Ops Usage: eventlogmonitor [Options] Note: To quit an eventlogmonitor, press Ctrl-D. If you are prompted to continue or quit, type quit and hit enter. Options: -l [logname] If provided, will only monitor the named log -i [interval] Number of seconds to wait between successive eventlogquery commands -c [classic] If provided, will only monitor the classic event logs (System, Security, Application) -t [target] Monitor event logs on given target instead of this target eventlogsurvey python windows\eventlogs.py -args " " -project Ops Usage: eventlogsurvey [Options] Options: -l [logname] If provided, will only monitor the named log -c [classic] If provided, will only monitor the classic event logs (System, Security, Application) -t [target] Monitor event logs on given target instead of this target eventlogclean script windows/eventlogclean.dss -args " " -project Ops Usage: script eventLogClean.eps _Options_ Deletes multiple records from one of the event logs Options: [-log <system/application/security>] Erase log entries from this log [-start <ID>] Record ID to start with [-end <ID>] Record ID to end with [-list <IDs>] List of record IDs to delete (1,3 or 1,3-4,7 or 1-5,10,15)--no spaces!