from ops.ActionFramework import Action, ProcessableAction, ValidationFailure, AttributePackageManager import ops.survey,, ops.psp import ops.system.environment import ops.files.dirs from ops.psp import PSP, PSPAttribute, RegistryError import util.DSZPyLogger as logging import dsz.cmd import dsz.version.checks import dsz.ui import os import copy import re import parser from datetime import timedelta, datetime from ops.cmd.safetychecks import addSafetyHandler from ops.cmd import OpsCommandException psplog = logging.getLogger('PSPActions') psplog.setFileLogLevel(logging.WARNING) datacache = {} x86ProgramFiles = [] def _SetCacheData(cmd, uniqid, val): datacache['{0}_{1}'.format(cmd, uniqid)] = val def _GetCacheData(cmd, uniqid): return datacache.get('{0}_{1}'.format(cmd, uniqid), None) def _GetTargetEnvirons(): env_data = ops.system.environment.get_environment(maxage=timedelta(seconds=600), use_volatile=True) retval = dict() for env_var in env_data.environment.value: retval[] = env_var.value return retval def _isProgramFilesPath(path): targetenvironmentvars = _GetTargetEnvirons() pathsplit = path.split(os.path.sep) programfiles = targetenvironmentvars.get('ProgramFiles', None) if (programfiles is not None): programfiles = os.path.split(programfiles)[1] else: programfiles = 'Program Files' if (pathsplit[1] == programfiles): return True return False def GetDirList(mask, path): dsz.control.echo.Off() try: psplog.debug('path: {0}'.format(path)) targetenvironmentvars = _GetTargetEnvirons() path = re.sub('%(.+)%', (lambda m: ('%{0}%'.format( if ( not in targetenvironmentvars) else targetenvironmentvars[])), path) except: psplog.error('There was an error trying to parse the environment variables on this target. \n ***** PSP DATA MAY NOT BE ACCURATE. *****', exc_info=True) return None dir_cache_key = ('PSP_%s' % os.path.join(path, mask)) maxage = timedelta(minutes=5) pathsplit = path.split(os.path.sep) result = None try: if ((len(pathsplit) > 2) and _isProgramFilesPath(path) and (pathsplit[2] in x86ProgramFiles)): path = os.path.join(pathsplit[0], targetenvironmentvars.get('ProgramFiles(x86)', '{0} {1}'.format(pathsplit[1], '(x86)')), os.path.sep.join(pathsplit[2:])) except: psplog.debug('Unexpected error trying to convert dirlist to (x86) dirlist.', exc_info=True) result = __getdirlist(path, cache_tag=dir_cache_key, maxage=maxage, mask=mask) if (result is None): pathsplit = path.split(os.path.sep) if ((len(pathsplit) > 2) and _isProgramFilesPath(path) and (pathsplit[2] not in x86ProgramFiles) and dsz.version.checks.IsOs64Bit()): path = os.path.join(pathsplit[0], targetenvironmentvars.get('ProgramFiles(x86)', '{0} {1}'.format(pathsplit[1], '(x86)')), os.path.sep.join(pathsplit[2:])) x86ProgramFiles.append(pathsplit[2]) dir_cache_key = ('PSP_%s' % os.path.join(path, mask)) result = __getdirlist(path, cache_tag=dir_cache_key, maxage=maxage, mask=mask) else: result = None dsz.control.echo.On() return result def __getdirlist(path, cache_tag, maxage, mask): try: result = ops.files.dirs.get_dirlisting(path, cache_tag=cache_tag, maxage=maxage, mask=mask) except OpsCommandException: psplog.debug(('Dir list failed (%s).' % path), exc_info=True) result = None except: psplog.debug(('Unexpected error trying to get dir list (%s).' % path), exc_info=True) result = None return result def GetFileGrep(pathnmask, pattern): dsz.control.echo.Off() cmd = 'grep "{0}" -pattern {1} -max 0'.format(pathnmask, pattern) (suc, cmdid) = dsz.cmd.RunEx(cmd, dsz.RUN_FLAG_RECORD) dsz.control.echo.On() lines = [] if suc: grepobj = grepfile = grepobj.file[0] for line in grepfile.line: lines.append(line) else: lines = None return lines class RegQueryAction(Action, ProcessableAction, ): mandatoryparams = ['regkey'] optionalparams = ['regsubkey', 'regvalue', 'regdata', 'regcompare'] varexpansion = ['regsubkey', 'regvalue', 'regdata', 'regkey'] validparamvalues = {'regcompare': ['regex', '>', '<', '=', '<=', '>=']} def __init__(self, execparams, parent): psplog.debug('New reg query action: exparms: {0} parent: {1}'.format(execparams, parent)) Action.__init__(self, execparams=execparams, parent=parent) hivemap = {'hklm': 'L', 'hkey_local_machine': 'L', 'hku': 'U', 'hkey_users': 'U', 'hkcu': 'C', 'hkey_current_user': 'C', 'hkcc': 'G', 'hkey_current_config': 'G', 'hkcr': 'R', 'hkey_classes_root': 'R'} try: self.hive = hivemap[self.execparams['regkey'].split('\\', 1)[0].lower()] except: self.hive = None def Validate(self): result = Action.Validate(self) if (self.hive is None): result.append(ValidationFailure(self, 'Invalid Hive: {0}'.format(self.execparams['regkey'].split('\\', 1)[0]))) if ((self.execparams.get('regvalue') is None) and (self.execparams.get('regdata') is not None)): result.append(ValidationFailure(self, 'You cannot have a regdata without a regvalue.')) return result def Execute(self): Action.Execute(self) self.result = None suc = False self.regkey = self.execparams['regkey'].split('\\', 1)[1] self.regvalue = self.execparams.get('regvalue', None) self.regsubkey = self.execparams.get('regsubkey', None) self.regdata = self.execparams.get('regdata', None) self.regcompare = self.execparams.get('regcompare', '=') searchkeys = (True if ((self.regsubkey is not None) and (self.regvalue is None)) else False) searchvalues = (True if (self.regvalue is not None) else False) try: result = ops.psp.RegQuery(self.hive, self.regkey, self.regvalue, searchvalues, searchkeys, haltonerror=True) if ((self.regvalue is None) and (self.regsubkey is None) and (self.regdata is None)): self.result = result suc = True elif ((len(result) > 0) and ((self.regvalue in result) or (self.regvalue is None)) and ((self.regsubkey in result) or (self.regsubkey is None))): self.result = result suc = True if (self.regdata is not None): if ((self.regcompare == 'regex') and (not re.match(self.regdata, result[self.regvalue], re.IGNORECASE))): suc = False elif ((self.regcompare == '>') and (not (result[self.regvalue].lower() > self.regdata.lower()))): suc = False elif ((self.regcompare == '<') and (not (result[self.regvalue].lower() < self.regdata.lower()))): suc = False elif ((self.regcompare == '=') and (not (result[self.regvalue].lower() == self.regdata.lower()))): suc = False elif ((self.regcompare == '>=') and (not (result[self.regvalue].lower() >= self.regdata.lower()))): suc = False elif ((self.regcompare == '<=') and (not (result[self.regvalue].lower() <= self.regdata.lower()))): suc = False else: suc = False except RegistryError: suc = False except: psplog.error('Unknown error while querying registry (See OPLOGS for more info)!', exc_info=True) suc = False psplog.debug('Registry Query key,result,success?: {2},{0},{1}'.format(self.result, suc, self.regkey)) return suc def GetVariable(self, varname): ret = None if (varname == 'regvalue'): ret = self.regvalue elif ((varname == 'regdata') and self.regvalue): try: ret = self.result[self.regvalue] except: psplog.debug('Error getting regdata. regval: {0}'.format(self.regvalue), exc_info=True) ret = None elif (varname == 'regsubkey'): ret = self.regsubkey elif (varname == 'regkey'): ret = self.regkey return ret def process(self, params): psplog.debug('regquery processing parms: {0}'.format(params)) value = params.get('regvalue', None) self.regvalue = value subkey = params.get('regsubkey', None) self.regsubkey = subkey savetype = params.get('savetype', 'Data') if ((value is None) and (subkey is None)): raise AttributeError("You must specify either 'regvalue' or 'regsubkey'!") else: if value: data = self.result.get(value, None) else: data = None if (self.result.has_key(subkey) and (self.result[subkey] is None)): data = subkey psplog.debug('regquery did data match?: {0}'.format(data)) psplog.debug('regquery my result: {0}'.format(self.result)) if (data and (savetype == 'Data')): result = data elif data: result = value else: result = None return result def validateprocess(self, procparms): valid = True for parm in procparms: if (not (parm in self.processparms)): valid = False return valid class DirListAction(Action, ProcessableAction, ): mandatoryparams = ['directory'] optionalparams = ['dirmask'] varexpansion = ['directory', 'filename'] def __init__(self, execparams, parent): Action.__init__(self, execparams=execparams, parent=parent) def Execute(self): Action.Execute(self) self.path = self.execparams['directory'] mask = self.execparams.get('dirmask', '*') self.result = GetDirList(mask=mask, path=self.path) return (self.result is not None) def GetVariable(self, varname): ret = None if (varname == 'filename'): ret = os.path.join(self.path, self.result[0]) elif (varname == 'directory'): ret = self.path return ret def process(self, params): filename = params.get('filename', None) if (filename is None): raise AttributeError("You must specify 'filename='!") else: data = filter((lambda x: (x == filename)), self.result) if (len(data) == 0): data = None else: data = os.path.join(self.execparams['path'], data[0]) result = data return result class ScriptAction(Action, ): mandatoryparams = ['name'] optionalparams = ['entrypoint', 'args'] def __init__(self, params, parent): self.additionaldata = None Action.__init__(self, execparams=params, parent=parent) def Execute(self): Action.Execute(self) self.script = self.execparams['name'] self.entrypoint = self.execparams.get('entrypoint', 'main') self.args = self.execparams.get('args') try: PSPmodule = __import__('ops.psp.{0}'.format(self.script), fromlist=self.entrypoint) PSPmethod = PSPmodule.__dict__[self.entrypoint] try: if (self.additionaldata and self.args): self.result = PSPmethod(self.additionaldata, self.args) elif self.additionaldata: self.result = PSPmethod(self.additionaldata) else: self.result = PSPmethod(self.args) except SystemExit: pass except ImportError: psplog.critical('[ScriptAction] There was an error importing the script: {0}'.format(self.script), exc_info=True) self.result = False except: psplog.critical('[ScriptAction] There was an error executing the entrypoint: {0}.{1}'.format(self.script, self.entrypoint), exc_info=True) self.result = False return (self.result or False) def shallow(myst): if (not isinstance(myst, list)): return myst if (len(myst) == 2): return shallow(myst[1]) return [shallow(a) for a in myst[1:]] class SafetyCheckAction(Action, ): mandatoryparams = ['command', 'handlerfunc'] optionalparams = [] def __init__(self, params, parent): self.additionaldata = None Action.__init__(self, execparams=params, parent=parent) def Execute(self): Action.Execute(self) plugin = self.execparams['command'] handler = self.execparams['handlerfunc'] safetychecked = False if (not safetychecked): try: addSafetyHandler(plugin, handler) except: psplog.critical("Unable to add safetyHandler for '{0}'. Please use caution!".format(plugin)) def _parseIt(self, goodif): parsed = shallow(parser.st2list(parser.expr(goodif)))[0] if (not isinstance(parsed, list)): parsed = [parsed] return parsed def Validate(self): valid = Action.Validate(self) goodif = self.execparams.get('goodif', None) if (goodif is not None): try: parsed = self._parseIt(goodif) for (ndx, item) in enumerate(parsed): if (not (item in self.validstatements)): valid.append(ValidationFailure(self, ('%s is not a valid SafetyCheck Statement' % item))) if (item in self.binaryops): if (((ndx - 1) < 0) or ((ndx + 1) > len(parsed)) or (parsed[(ndx - 1)] not in self.conds) or (parsed[(ndx + 1)] not in self.conds)): valid.append(ValidationFailure(self, 'Invalid use of binary operator!')) except SyntaxError: psplog.critical('Unable to parse the SafetyCheck line!', exc_info=True) valid.append(ValidationFailure(self, 'Unable to parse the SafetyCheck line!')) return valid class PSPManager(AttributePackageManager, ): def __init__(self): AttributePackageManager.__init__(self) self.pspobjs = [] def addVendor(self, vendorData): return self.addAttributePackage(vendorData) def GetResults(self): return self.GetAllPSPs() def GetLastPSP(self): return self.GetAllPSPs()[(-1)] def GetAllPSPs(self): pspdicts = self.walkAndCollect(self._wacCB) pspobjs = [] for psp in pspdicts: if ((psp.get('Vendor') is None) and (psp.get('vendor') is None)): continue psplog.debug('psp dict: {0}'.format(psp)) attribs = [PSPAttribute(x.lower(), psp[x].attribval, config=psp[x].attribconfig, displayas=psp[x].attribdisplay) for x in psp] pspobjs.append(PSP(attribs=attribs)) return pspobjs def _wacCB(self, atpkg, repolist): psplog.debug(u'In WAC CB') psplog.debug((u'repolist: %s' % repolist)) psplog.debug((u'atpkg: %s' % atpkg)) if (atpkg.attribname.lower() in ['vendor', 'product', 'version']): existingrepos = [] for repo in repolist[:]: psplog.debug((u'atpkg.parent: %s' % atpkg.parent)) psplog.debug((u'repo.get(atpkg.parent): %s' % repo.get(atpkg.parent.attribname))) if (repo.get(atpkg.parent.attribname).attribval == atpkg.parent.attribval): psplog.debug((u'duplicate attrib: %s' % atpkg.parent.attribval)) if repo.has_key(atpkg.attribname): existingrepos.append(repo) continue else: repo[atpkg.attribname] = atpkg existingrepos = [] break for repo in existingrepos: if repo.has_key(atpkg.attribname): psplog.debug((u'creating a copy: %s' % atpkg.attribname)) newrepo = repo.copy() newrepo[atpkg.attribname] = atpkg repolist.append(newrepo) break else: for repo in repolist: if atpkg.parent: if (repo.get(atpkg.parent.attribname).attribval == atpkg.parent.attribval): repo[atpkg.attribname] = atpkg else: repo[atpkg.attribname] = atpkg class StaticAction(Action, ): def __init__(self, params, parent): self.mandatoryparams = ['text'] Action.__init__(self, params, parent) def Execute(self): Action.Execute(self) self.result = self.execparams['text'] return True class FileGrepAction(Action, ProcessableAction, ): def __init__(self, execparams, parent): mandatoryparams = ['filepath', 'pattern'] Action.__init__(self, execparams=execparams, manparams=mandatoryparams, parent=parent) ProcessableAction.__init__(self, ['matchval']) def Execute(self): Action.Execute(self) pathnmask = self.execparams['filepath'] pattern = self.execparams['pattern'] self.result = GetFileGrep(pathnmask=pathnmask, pattern=pattern) return (self.result is not None) def process(self, params): matchval = params.get('matchval', None) data = filter((lambda x: (x.find(matchval) >= 0)), self.result) if (len(data) == 0): data = None else: data = data[0] result = data return result class ConditionAction(Action, ): def __init__(self, params, parent): self.mandatoryparams = None Action.__init__(self, execparams=params, parent=parent) def Execute(self): Action.Execute(self) self.result = self.parent.process(self.execparams) return (self.result is not None) def Validate(self): Action.Validate(self) if (self.parent is None): raise AttributeError('The Process Action cannot ride the rollercoaster by itself! (It needs a parent)') if isinstance(self.parent, ProcessableAction): return self.parent.validateprocess(self.execparams) else: raise AttributeError('The parent action is not processable.') class SaveDataAction(Action, ): mandatoryparams = ['attribute', 'value'] optionalparams = ['display', 'pspid', 'config'] def __init__(self, params, **kwargs): Action.__init__(self, execparams=params, **kwargs) def Execute(self): Action.Execute(self) attrib = self.execparams['attribute'] value = self.execparams['value'] pspid = self.execparams.get('pspid', None) config = (self.execparams.get('config', 'false').lower() == 'true') if (attrib in ['vendor', 'product', 'version', 'installDate']): config = True try: prevPSPs = self.actmgr.GetPSPsFrom(self.parent.parent) except: psplog.error('Error getting previous PSP objects. Make sure there is a NewSWAction before you try to save to it.', exc_info=True) return False if (pspid != None): prevPSP = filter((lambda x: (x.pspid == pspid)), prevPSPs)[0] if ((prevPSP[attrib] != None) and (prevPSP[attrib] != 'NTR')): psplog.debug('before copy: {0}'.format(prevPSP)) prevPSP = copy.deepcopy(prevPSP) psplog.debug('after copy: {0}'.format(prevPSP)) self.actmgr.addPSP(prevPSP, self.parent) prevPSP.SaveAttribute(attrib, value, config) else: for prevPSP in prevPSPs: if ((prevPSP[attrib] != None) and (prevPSP[attrib] != 'NTR')): psplog.debug('prevPSP: {0}'.format(prevPSP)) newPSP = copy.deepcopy(prevPSP) psplog.debug('newPSP: {0}'.format(newPSP)) self.actmgr.addPSP(newPSP, self.parent) newPSP.SaveAttribute(attrib, value, config) return True class NewSWAction(Action, ): optionalparams = ['type'] def __init__(self, params, parent): Action.__init__(self, execparams=params, parent=parent) def Execute(self): Action.Execute(self) swtype = self.execparams.get('type') if (swtype == 'PSP'): res = PSP() else: res = None self.result = res self.actmgr.addPSP(self.result, self) return (self.result is not None) class BWGlistTagHandler(object, ): def consume(self, element): if (element.tag.lower() == 'blacklist'): actklass = BlacklistAction elif (element.tag.lower() == 'whitelist'): actklass = WhitelistAction elif (element.tag.lower() == 'greylist'): actklass = GreylistAction else: return None acts = [] for command in element.getchildren(): actattribs = {'command': command.tag.lower()} actattribs.update(command.attrib) for arg in command.getchildren(): actattribs['arguments'] = arg.text acts.append(actklass(actattribs, None)) return acts class DoNotAction(Action, ): mandatoryparams = ['flag'] optionalparams = ['unset'] paramvalues = {'flag': ops.survey.flags()} def __init__(self, params, parent): Action.__init__(self, execparams=params, parent=parent) def Execute(self): Action.Execute(self) flag = self.execparams['flag'] val = (True if (self.execparams.get('unset') is None) else False) if (flag in self.paramvalues['flag']): ops.env.set(flag, val) self.result = True else: self.result = False return self.result class BlacklistAction(Action, ): mandatoryparams = ['command'] optionalparams = ['note', 'arguments'] varexpansion = [] def __init__(self, execparams, parent): Action.__init__(self, execparams=execparams, parent=parent) def Execute(self): Action.Execute(self) self.result = None suc = False self.command = self.execparams['command'] self.note = self.execparams.get('note', None) self.arguments = self.execparams.get('arguments', None) try: suc = True except: psplog.error('Blacklist failed.', exc_info=True) suc = False return suc class WhitelistAction(Action, ): mandatoryparams = ['command'] optionalparams = ['note', 'arguments'] varexpansion = [] def __init__(self, execparams, parent): Action.__init__(self, execparams=execparams, parent=parent) def Execute(self): Action.Execute(self) self.result = None suc = False self.command = self.execparams['command'] self.note = self.execparams.get('note', None) self.arguments = self.execparams.get('arguments', None) try: suc = True except: psplog.error('Whitelist failed.', exc_info=True) suc = False return suc class GreylistAction(Action, ): mandatoryparams = ['command'] optionalparams = ['note', 'arguments'] varexpansion = [] def __init__(self, execparams, parent): Action.__init__(self, execparams=execparams, parent=parent) def Execute(self): Action.Execute(self) self.result = None suc = False self.command = self.execparams['command'] self.note = self.execparams.get('note', None) self.arguments = self.execparams.get('arguments', None) try: suc = True except: psplog.error('Greylist failed.', exc_info=True) suc = False return suc