import xml.etree import os.path import ops from util.DSZPyLogger import getLogger, WARNING from ops.psp.actions import PSPManager, RegQueryAction, DirListAction, DoNotAction, ScriptAction, SafetyCheckAction from ops.ActionFramework import XMLConditionalActionDataSource, ActionManager, XMLAttributeActionDataSource import dsz.ui psplog = getLogger('genericPSP') psplog.setFileLogLevel(WARNING) xmltoattributemap = {'regkey': RegQueryAction, 'directory': DirListAction} xmltoactionmap = {'donot': DoNotAction, 'script': ScriptAction, 'safetycheck': SafetyCheckAction} def findConfig(vendor): return os.path.join(ops.DATA, 'pspFPs', '{0}-fp.xml'.format(vendor)) def findActions(vendor): return os.path.join(ops.DATA, 'pspFPs', '{0}-actions.xml'.format(vendor)) def main(vendor): psps = [] fpfile = findConfig(vendor) if (not os.path.exists(fpfile)): return None with open(fpfile, 'r') as fd: xmldata = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(fd).getroot() atpkgs = XMLAttributeActionDataSource(xmldata, xmltoattributemap).GetRootActions() pspmgr = PSPManager() for atpkg in atpkgs: pspmgr.addVendor(atpkg) if pspmgr.valid: pspmgr.Execute() psps = pspmgr.GetAllPSPs() for psp in psps: if (psp.vendor is None): psp.vendor = vendor else: psplog.critical("This vendor's config file is not valid: {0}".format(vendor)) return None psplog.debug('I found {0} PSPs for Vendor {1}'.format(len(psps), vendor)) psplog.debug('PSP objects: {0}'.format(psps)) actfile = findActions(vendor) if os.path.exists(actfile): with open(actfile, 'r') as fd: xmldata = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(fd).getroot() actmgr = ActionManager(XMLConditionalActionDataSource(xmldata, xmltoactionmap, psps).GetRootActions()) fails = actmgr.Validate() if (len(fails) == 0):'Executing actions for: {0}'.format(vendor)) psplog.debug('actmgr: {0}'.format(actmgr)) actmgr.Execute() else: psplog.critical("This vendor's action file is not valid: {0}\n{1}".format(vendor, fails)) return None if (len(psps) == 0): dsz.ui.Echo('I found 0 Products for {0}'.format(vendor), dsz.GOOD) return None return psps