import dsz import dsz.cmd import dsz.version import dsz.script import ops import ops.cmd import ops.db import ops.project from datetime import timedelta, datetime import time from util.DSZPyLogger import DSZPyLogger dzlogger = DSZPyLogger() drvlog = dzlogger.getLogger('DRIVERLIST') DRIVERS_TAG = 'OPS_DRIVERS_TAG' MAX_SERVICES_CACHE_SIZE = 3 def start_hashhunter(maxage=3600, grdo=False, gath=False): voldb = ops.db.get_voldb() conn = voldb.connection with conn: curs = conn.execute('SELECT count(*) FROM hashhunter WHERE cpaddr=?', [ops.TARGET_ADDR]) if (int(curs.fetchone()['count(*)']) == 0): return False arg_args = [('-a %s' % maxage)] if grdo: arg_args.append('--grdo') if gath: arg_args.append('--gath') command = ops.cmd.getDszCommand('python', arglist=[(' -args "%s"' % ' '.join(arg_args))], prefixes=['background']) command.execute() return True def get_drivers_list(maxage=0, targetID=None, use_volatile=False, minimal=True): command = ops.cmd.getDszCommand('drivers -list') if minimal: command.minimal = True else: command.minimal = False return ops.project.generic_cache_get(command, cache_tag=DRIVERS_TAG, cache_size=2, maxage=timedelta(seconds=maxage), targetID=targetID, use_volatile=use_volatile).driveritem def run_drivers_dirs(maxage=3600, targetID=None): sysdir = dsz.env.Get('OPS_SYSTEMDIR') command = ops.cmd.getDszCommand(('dir -mask * -path %s\\Drivers -hash sha1 -max 0' % sysdir)) dirobj = ops.project.generic_cache_get(command, cache_tag='DRIVERLIST_DIRS_SYSDIR_DRIVERS', cache_size=1, maxage=timedelta(seconds=maxage), targetID=targetID, use_volatile=True) command = ops.cmd.getDszCommand(('dir -mask *.sys -path %s -hash sha1 -max 0' % sysdir)) dirobj = ops.project.generic_cache_get(command, cache_tag='DRIVERLIST_DIRS_SYSDIR', cache_size=1, maxage=timedelta(seconds=maxage), targetID=targetID, use_volatile=True) def run_drivers_grdo(maxage=3600, targetID=None, gath=False): sysdir = dsz.env.Get('OPS_SYSTEMDIR') command = ops.cmd.getDszCommand(('grdo_filescanner -mask * -path %s\\Drivers -maxscan 0 -maxresults 0 -chunksize 25000' % sysdir)) if gath: command.arglist.append('-nofilehandle') grdoobj = ops.project.generic_cache_get(command, cache_tag='DRIVERLIST_GRDO_SYSDIR_DRIVERS', cache_size=1, maxage=timedelta(seconds=maxage), targetID=targetID, use_volatile=True) command = ops.cmd.getDszCommand(('grdo_filescanner -mask *.sys -path %s -maxscan 0 -maxresults 0 -chunksize 25000' % sysdir)) if gath: command.arglist.append('-nofilehandle') grdoobj = ops.project.generic_cache_get(command, cache_tag='DRIVERLIST_GRDO_SYSDIR', cache_size=1, maxage=timedelta(seconds=maxage), targetID=targetID, use_volatile=True) def get_driver_first_seen(project=None, targetid=None, driver=None, path=None, sha1=None): driver_items = check_drivertracker(project=project, targetid=targetid, driver=driver, path=path, sha1=sha1) earliest_seen ='%Y-%m-%d') for driver_item in driver_items: if (driver_item['first_seen'] is None): continue if (datetime(*time.strptime(driver_item['first_seen'], '%Y-%m-%d')[0:6]) < datetime(*time.strptime(earliest_seen, '%Y-%m-%d')[0:6])): earliest_seen = driver_item['first_seen'] return earliest_seen def check_drivertracker(project=None, targetid=None, driver=None, path=None, sha1=None): if ((driver is None) and (path is None) and (sha1 is None)): return False driver_items = [] projects_list = ops.project.getAllProjectNames() pdb_list = [] if (project is None): for item in projects_list: verify_drivertracker(project=item) pdb_list.append(ops.project.get_pdb(project=item)) else: verify_drivertracker(project=project) pdb_list.append(ops.project.get_pdb(project=project)) for pdb in pdb_list: conn = pdb.connection with conn: item_list = [] query_list = [] querystring = 'SELECT * FROM drivertracker WHERE' if (driver is not None): item_list.append('driver=?') query_list.append(driver.lower()) if (path is not None): item_list.append('path=?') query_list.append(path.lower()) if (sha1 is not None): item_list.append('sha1=?') query_list.append(sha1.lower()) querystring = ('%s %s' % (querystring, ' AND '.join(item_list))) curs = conn.execute(querystring, query_list) for row in curs: if ((targetid is not None) and (not (row['targetid'] == targetid))): continue driver_items.append({'targetid': row['targetid'], 'driver': row['driver'], 'path': row['path'], 'first_seen': row['first_seen'], 'sha1': row['sha1'], 'reported': row['reported'], 'pulled': row['pulled']}) return driver_items def query_driver_database(name=None, comment=None, drv_type=None, hash=None, size=None, date_added=None): if ((name is None) and (comment is None) and (drv_type is None) and (hash is None) and (size is None) and (date_added is None)): return [] item_list = [] query_list = [] querystring = 'SELECT * FROM drivers WHERE' if (name is not None): if (type(name) == type([])): item_list.append((('(' + ' OR '.join((len(name) * ['name=?']))) + ')')) for item in name: query_list.append(item.lower()) else: item_list.append('name=?') query_list.append(name.lower()) if (comment is not None): if (type(comment) == type([])): item_list.append((('(' + ' OR '.join((len(comment) * ['comment=?']))) + ')')) for item in comment: query_list.append(item.lower()) else: item_list.append('comment=?') query_list.append(comment) if (drv_type is not None): if (type(drv_type) == type([])): item_list.append((('(' + ' OR '.join((len(drv_type) * ['type=?']))) + ')')) for item in drv_type: query_list.append(item.lower()) else: item_list.append('type=?') query_list.append(drv_type) if (hash is not None): if (type(hash) == type([])): item_list.append((('(' + ' OR '.join((len(hash) * ['hash=?']))) + ')')) for item in hash: query_list.append(item.lower()) else: item_list.append('hash=?') query_list.append(hash.lower()) if (size is not None): if (type(size) == type([])): item_list.append((('(' + ' OR '.join((len(size) * ['size=?']))) + ')')) for item in size: query_list.append(item.lower()) else: item_list.append('size=?') query_list.append(size) if (date_added is not None): if (type(date_added) == type([])): item_list.append((('(' + ' OR '.join((len(date_added) * ['date_added=?']))) + ')')) for item in date_added: query_list.append(item.lower()) else: item_list.append('date_added=?') query_list.append(date_added) querystring = ('%s %s' % (querystring, ' AND '.join(item_list))) with ops.db.Database(ops.db.DRIVERLIST) as db: conn = db.cursor() curs = conn.execute(querystring, query_list) result_list = [] for row in curs: temp_dict = {} for key in row.keys(): temp_dict[key] = row[key] result_list.append(temp_dict) return result_list def try_add_driver(driver=None, path=None, sha1=None, reported='0', pulled='0'): if ((driver is None) and (path is None)): return False verify_drivertracker() projectdb = ops.project.get_pdb() targetid = ops.project.getTargetID() conn = projectdb.connection with conn: if (sha1 is not None): curs = conn.execute('SELECT count(*) FROM drivertracker WHERE targetid=? and driver=? AND path=? AND sha1=?', [targetid, driver.lower(), path.lower(), sha1.lower()]) else: curs = conn.execute('SELECT count(*) FROM drivertracker WHERE targetid=? and driver=? AND path=?', [targetid, driver.lower(), path.lower()]) if (int(curs.fetchone()['count(*)']) > 0): return False with conn: today ='%Y-%m-%d') if (sha1 is None): sha1 = '' curs = conn.execute('INSERT INTO drivertracker (targetid, driver, path, first_seen, sha1, reported, pulled) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', [targetid, driver.lower(), path.lower(), today, sha1.lower(), '0', '0']) return True def database_report_driver(driver=None, path=None, sha1=None, field='reported'): if (not (field in ['reported', 'pulled'])): return False if ((driver is None) and (path is None)): return False verify_drivertracker() projectdb = ops.project.get_pdb() targetid = ops.project.getTargetID() conn = projectdb.connection with conn: today ='%Y-%m-%d') if (sha1 is not None): curs = conn.execute(("UPDATE drivertracker SET %s='%s' WHERE targetid=? and driver=? AND path=? AND sha1=?" % (field, today)), [targetid, driver.lower(), path.lower(), sha1.lower()]) else: curs = conn.execute(("UPDATE drivertracker SET %s='%s' WHERE targetid=? and driver=? AND path=?" % (field, today)), [targetid, driver.lower(), path.lower()]) def get_driver_report_date(project=None, targetid=None, driver=None, path=None, sha1=None, field='reported'): if (not (field in ['reported', 'pulled'])): return False driver_items = check_drivertracker(project=project, targetid=targetid, driver=driver, path=path, sha1=sha1) last_reported = '' for driver_item in driver_items: if (driver_item[field] == '0'): continue elif (last_reported == ''): last_reported = driver_item[field] elif (datetime(*time.strptime(driver_item[field], '%Y-%m-%d')[0:6]) > datetime(*time.strptime(last_reported, '%Y-%m-%d')[0:6])): last_reported = driver_item[field] return last_reported def report_driver(driver): loginfo = ','.join([str(driver['name']), str(driver['size']), str(driver['hash']), str(driver['comment'])]) project_name = ops.project.getTarget() targetid = ops.project.getTargetID() reported_date = get_driver_report_date(project=project_name, targetid=targetid, driver=driver['file'], path=driver['dir'], sha1=driver['hash'], field='reported') if ((reported_date == '') or (( - datetime(*time.strptime(reported_date, '%Y-%m-%d')[0:6])) > timedelta(days=30))): database_report_driver(driver=driver['file'], path=driver['dir'], sha1=driver['hash'], field='reported')'Unknown driver: %s' % loginfo)) def verify_drivertracker(project=None): if (project is None): projectdb = ops.project.get_pdb() else: projectdb = ops.project.get_pdb(project=project) projectdb.ensureTable('drivertracker', 'CREATE TABLE drivertracker (targetid, driver, path, first_seen, sha1, reported, pulled)')