# Database initialization script # 2009-04-06 - Created # Note: To specify datatype put a space and the datatype in the column field # BUG: Why can't you pull out multiple objects from a single command? # BUG: DSZ truncates large arrays due to memory so large batch inserts will get truncated @include "_DatabaseIncludes.dsi"; @include "_SQLiteIncludes.dsi"; @include "windows/_RegistryIncludes.dsi"; @include "Ops_GenericFunctions.dsi"; @include "_Menu.dsi"; # If an existing database isn't found create a new one sub createDB(IN string $logDir, IN string $resourceDir) { string $output; string $driveLetter; string $prepsDir; getPrepsFolder($driveLetter, $prepsDir); string $IP; string $IPw; getIpFolder($IP, $IPw); string $project; getProjectName($project); string $targetPreps = "$project\\\\$IPw"; if (defined($IPw)) { if ($project != "NOPROJECT" && !FileGetFiles($targetPreps, "target.db", $output)) { echo("Could not find a previous database. If this is not a new box did you prep?", WARNING); `local copy $resourceDir[0]\\Ops\\Tools\\target.db $logDir\\target.db`; } else { echo("Detected previous database. Thanks for prepping.", GOOD); `lpsetenv -name OPS_Project -value $project`; } } int $dbHandle; _sqlOpen("$logDir\\target.db", $dbHandle); #################### # Processlist Tables # 1. process_history # 2. processlist #################### string $procHistory; $procHistory[0] = "PID INT"; $procHistory[1] = "PPID"; $procHistory[2] = "NAME"; $procHistory[3] = "USER"; $procHistory[4] = "PATH"; $procHistory[5] = "FIRST_SEEN"; # Create table to hold process information which is unique based on name, path _sqliteCreateTable($dbHandle, "process_history", $procHistory, ""); `local database -exec $dbHandle "create unique index process_unique on process_history (name, path)"`; string $procColumns; $procColumns[0] = "PID INT"; $procColumns[1] = "PPID"; $procColumns[2] = "NAME"; $procColumns[3] = "USER"; $procColumns[4] = "PATH"; # Recreate table with current processlist information `local database -exec $dbHandle "DROP TABLE processlist"`; _sqliteCreateTable($dbHandle, "processlist", $procColumns, ""); ##################### # Networking Tables # 1. Network # 2. Interface ##################### string $netColumns; $netColumns[0] = "HOST_NAME"; $netColumns[1] = "DNS_SERVERS"; $netColumns[2] = "DOMAIN_NAME"; _sqliteCreateTable($dbHandle, "network", $netColumns, ""); `local database -exec $dbHandle "create unique index network_unique on network (host_name, dns_servers, domain_name)"`; string $intColumns; $intColumns[0] = "MAC"; $intColumns[1] = "IP"; $intColumns[2] = "NETMASK"; $intColumns[3] = "DESCRIPTION"; $intColumns[4] = "GATEWAY"; $intColumns[5] = "DHCP_SERVER"; _sqliteCreateTable($dbHandle, "interface", $intColumns, ""); `local database -exec $dbHandle "create unique index interface_unique on interface (mac, ip)"`; ##################### # Applications Table ##################### string $uninstallCol; $uninstallCol[0] = "NAME"; $uninstallCol[1] = "VERSION"; $uninstallCol[2] = "DESCRIPTION"; $uninstallCol[3] = "INSTALL_DATE"; _sqliteCreateTable($dbHandle, "applications", $uninstallCol, ""); `local database -exec $dbHandle "create unique index application_unique on applications (name, description)"`; ##################### # Services Table ##################### string $servicesCol; $servicesCol[0] = "SERVICE"; $servicesCol[1] = "DISPLAY_NAME"; $servicesCol[2] = "STATE"; _sqliteCreateTable($dbHandle, "services", $servicesCol, ""); `local database -exec $dbHandle "create unique index service_unique on services (service)"`; ##################### # Dir Tables # 1. WINDOWS # 2. System32 ##################### string $windowsCol; $windowsCol[0] = "NAME"; $windowsCol[1] = "SIZE INT"; $windowsCol[2] = "MODIFIED"; $windowsCol[3] = "ACCESSED"; $windowsCol[4] = "CREATED"; `local database -exec $dbHandle "DROP TABLE windows"`; _sqliteCreateTable($dbHandle, "windows", $windowsCol, ""); `local database -exec $dbHandle "create unique index windows_unique on windows (name)"`; string $system32Col; $system32Col[0] = "NAME"; $system32Col[1] = "SIZE INT"; $system32Col[2] = "MODIFIED"; $system32Col[3] = "ACCESSED"; $system32Col[4] = "CREATED"; `local database -exec $dbHandle "DROP TABLE system32"`; _sqliteCreateTable($dbHandle, "system32", $system32Col, ""); `local database -exec $dbHandle "create unique index system32_unique on system32 (name)"`; ##################### # Drivers Table # 1. drivers # 2. loaded_drivers ##################### string $driversCol; $driversCol[0] = "NAME"; $driversCol[1] = "SIZE INT"; $driversCol[2] = "HASH"; $driversCol[3] = "MODIFIED"; $driversCol[4] = "ACCESSED"; $driversCol[5] = "CREATED"; _sqliteCreateTable($dbHandle, "drivers", $driversCol, ""); `local database -exec $dbHandle "create unique index drivers_unique on drivers (name)"`; string $loadedDrivers; $loadedDrivers[0] = "NAME"; _sqliteCreateTable($dbHandle, "loaded_drivers", $loadedDrivers, ""); `local database -exec $dbHandle "create unique index loadedDrivers_unique on loaded_drivers (name)"`; _sqlClose( $dbHandle ); } ###################################################################################### # returns the drive letter from the LP environment variable. Includes the : # Also returns path to preps with the assumption it is located under \preps # Preps is now DSZOPSDisk\Resources\Ops\preps sub getPrepsFolder(OUT string $driveLetter, OUT string $prepsDir) { string $dir; Ops_GetResourcePath($dir); $prepsDir = "$dir/preps"; _NormalizePath($prepsDir, _IsWindowsLocal()); if (_IsUnixLocal()) { $driveLetter = ""; } else { $driveLetter = $prepsDir; RegExSub("^([a-zA-Z]:).*", "\$1", $driveLetter); } return true; } #Determine the IP the target is post-processed under #Returns the IP in the first variable #Returns the IP with w appended in the second variable #The second is needed because of string limitations in EP sub getIpFolder(OUT string $IP, OUT string $IPw) { string $dir = %_sgEnv{"log_path"}; string $temp; SplitPath($dir, $temp); $IP = $temp[1]; $IPw = "w"; $IPw = "$IP$IPw"; return true; } #This function will determine the project name from the preps directory #If they have two folders in the preps directory, we make them choose which one they want #We return the project name sub getProjectName(OUT string $project) { string $folderList; string $prepsDir; string $driveLetter; getPrepsFolder($driveLetter, $prepsDir); FileGetDirs($prepsDir, "*", $folderList); for (int $i=0; $i < sizeof($folderList); $i++) { # ignore non-folders and the . and .. files if ($folderList[$i] == "." || $folderList[$i] == "..") { continue; } } if (sizeof($folderList) > 1) { # not sure why they have 2, but we'll accomodate echo("I've found more than 1 possible project names in the preps directory\n", WARNING); string $chosen; _ExecuteSimpleMenu("Pick a project", $folderList, $chosen); undef($folderList); $project = $chosen; } else if (defined($folderlist)) { $project = $folderlist; } else { $project = "NOPROJECT"; } return true; } ###################################################################################### # Function: getTable - returns raw results of a query against a table # $dbHandle - Handle to SQLite database # $query - SQL query to be run # $update - TRUE - Update current processlist or FALSE - use cached # $output - TRUE - Print query output or FALSE - don't print query output # %tableResults - Query output sub getTable(IN int $dbHandle, IN string $table, IN string $query, IN bool $update, IN bool $output) { string $logDir; GetEnv("_LOGPATH", $logDir); string $resourceDir; _GetLpResourcesDirectory( $resourceDir ); if ($update) { if ($table == "process_history") { populateProcTables($dbHandle, $resourceDir, $logDir); } else if ($table == "processlist") { populateProcTables($dbHandle, $resourceDir, $logDir); } else if ($table == "network") { populateNetworkingTables($dbHandle, $resourceDir, $logDir); } else if ($table == "interface") { populateNetworkingTables($dbHandle, $resourceDir, $logDir); } else if ($table == "applications") { populateApplicationsTable($dbHandle, $resourceDir, $logDir); } else if ($table == "services") { populateServicesTable($dbHandle, $resourceDir, $logDir); } else if ($table == "windows") { populateWindowsTable($dbHandle, $resourceDir, $logDir); } else if ($table == "system32") { populateSystem32Table($dbHandle, $resourceDir, $logDir); } else if ($table == "drivers") { populateDriverTable($dbHandle, $resourceDir, $logDir); } else if ($table == "loaded_drivers") { populateDriverTable($dbHandle, $resourceDir, $logDir); } else { echo "Error table ($table) not found"; } } if ($output) { @echo on; `local database -exec $dbHandle "$query"`; @echo off; } else { # No output no query. Just populated the table. } } # Function: getTable - returns results of a query against # a table in a hash table (columns are keys) # $dbHandle - Handle to SQLite database # $query - SQL query to be run # $update - TRUE - Update current processlist or FALSE - use cached # $output - TRUE - Print query output or FALSE - don't print query output # %tableResults - Query output sub getTable(IN int $dbHandle, IN string $table, IN string $query, IN bool $update, IN bool $output, OUT string %tableResults) { string $logDir; GetEnv("_LOGPATH", $logDir); string $resourceDir; _GetLpResourcesDirectory( $resourceDir ); if ($update) { if ($table == "process_history") { populateProcTables($dbHandle, $resourceDir, $logDir); } else if ($table == "processlist") { populateProcTables($dbHandle, $resourceDir, $logDir); } else if ($table == "network") { populateNetworkingTables($dbHandle, $resourceDir, $logDir); } else if ($table == "interface") { populateNetworkingTables($dbHandle, $resourceDir, $logDir); } else if ($table == "applications") { populateApplicationsTable($dbHandle, $resourceDir, $logDir); } else if ($table == "services") { populateServicesTable($dbHandle, $resourceDir, $logDir); } else if ($table == "windows") { populateWindowsTable($dbHandle, $resourceDir, $logDir); } else if ($table == "system32") { populateSystem32Table($dbHandle, $resourceDir, $logDir); } else if ($table == "drivers") { populateDriverTable($dbHandle, $resourceDir, $logDir); } else if ($table == "loaded_drivers") { populateDriverTable($dbHandle, $resourceDir, $logDir); } else { echo "Error table ($table) not found"; } } if ($output) { @echo on; _sqlExec( $dbHandle, $query, %tableResults ); @echo off; } else { _sqlExec( $dbHandle, $query, %tableResults ); } } # Function: batchInsert - performs a batch insert into a table # Assumes an open SQL connection sub batchInsert(IN string $batch, IN int $dbHandle) { string $batchInsert; for( int $i=0; $i < sizeof( $batch ); $i++ ) { StrCat($batchInsert, $batch[$i]); StrCat($batchInsert, ";"); } # Batch insert `local database -exec $dbHandle "BEGIN TRANSACTION;"`; `local database -exec $dbHandle "$batchInsert"`; `local database -exec $dbHandle "END TRANSACTION;"`; } # Holds historical information of all processes seen on a machine and when # Joined with current processlist table to find new processes on a machine sub populateProcTables(IN int $dbHandle, IN string $resourceDir, IN string $logDir) { string %emptyResult; string %tableResults; ############################# # Populate processlist table ############################# object $processes; object $created; int $pid; int $ppid; int $batchCounter = 0; string $name; string $user; string $path; string $date; string $procInserts; string $batchProcInsert; string $procHistoryInserts; string $batchHistoryInsert; @record on; `processes -list`; @record off; GetCmdData("InitialProcessListItem::ProcessItem", $processes); GetCmdData("InitialProcessListItem::ProcessItem::id", $pid); GetCmdData("InitialProcessListItem::ProcessItem::parentId", $ppid); GetCmdData("InitialProcessListItem::ProcessItem::name", $name); GetCmdData("InitialProcessListItem::ProcessItem::user", $user); GetCmdData("InitialProcessListItem::ProcessItem::path", $path); GetEnv("Ops_Date", $date); # Build all the insert statements for( int $i=0; $i < sizeof( $processes ); $i++ ) { # Batch inserts (new into process_history, current running into processlist) # Memory limit workaround: Do batch insert on every 25 inserts $procInserts[$batchCounter] = "INSERT or ignore INTO process_history (PID, PPID, NAME, USER, PATH, FIRST_SEEN) VALUES (\\\"$pid[$i]\\\", \\\"$ppid[$i]\\\", \\\"$name[$i]\\\", \\\"$user[$i]\\\", \\\"$path[$i]\\\", \\\"$date\\\")"; $procHistoryInserts[$batchCounter] = "INSERT or ignore INTO processlist (PID, PPID, NAME, USER, PATH) VALUES (\\\"$pid[$i]\\\", \\\"$ppid[$i]\\\", \\\"$name[$i]\\\", \\\"$user[$i]\\\", \\\"$path[$i]\\\")"; if($batchCounter == 50) { batchInsert($procInserts, $dbHandle); batchInsert($procHistoryInserts, $dbHandle); $batchCounter = 0; } $batchCounter++; } # In cases less than 25 or 26 (to get that last one) etc... batchInsert($procInserts, $dbHandle); batchInsert($procHistoryInserts, $dbHandle); return true; } sub populateNetworkingTables(IN int $dbHandle, IN string $resourceDir, IN string $logDir) { string %emptyResult; string %tableResults; @record on; `ifconfig`; @record off; ############################# # Populate the network table ############################# object $fixed; GetCmdData("FixedDataItem", $fixed); string $hostName; string $domainName; object $dnsServers; object $dnsServer; string $dnsIp; string $netInserts; for (int $i=0; $i < sizeof($fixed); $i++) { GetObjectData($fixed[$i], "hostname", $hostName); GetObjectData($fixed[$i], "domainname", $domainName); GetObjectData($fixed[$i], "dnsservers", $dnsServers); GetObjectData($dnsServers, "dnsserver", $dnsServer); for (int $j=0; $j < sizeof($dnsServer); $j++) { GetObjectData($dnsServers, "dnsserver[$j]::Ip", $dnsIp); $netInserts[$j] = "INSERT or ignore INTO network (HOST_NAME, DOMAIN_NAME, DNS_SERVERS) VALUES (\\\"$hostName\\\", \\\"$domainName\\\", \\\"$dnsIp\\\")"; } } ############################### # Populate the interface table ############################### object $iface; GetCmdData("InterfaceItem", $iface); string $netmask; string $description; string $gateway; string $dhcpServer; string $intInserts; int $totalInserts = 0; for (int $i=0; $i < sizeof($iface); $i++) { string $mac; GetObjectData($iface[$i], "Address", $mac); GetObjectData($iface[$i], "description", $description); GetObjectData($iface[$i], "Gateway::Ip", $gateway); GetObjectData($iface[$i], "Dhcp::Ip", $dhcpServer); string $ips; GetObjectData($iface[$i], "IpAddress::mask", $netmask); GetObjectData($iface[$i], "IpAddress::Ip", $ips); for (int $j=0; $j < sizeof($ips); $j++) { if($ips[$j] != "") { $intInserts[$totalInserts] = "INSERT or ignore INTO interface (MAC, IP, NETMASK, DESCRIPTION, GATEWAY, DHCP_SERVER) VALUES (\\\"$mac\\\", \\\"$ips[$j]\\\",\\\"$netmask\\\", \\\"$description\\\", \\\"$gateway\\\", \\\"$dhcpServer\\\")"; $totalInserts++; } } } ################### # Database Inserts # sqlExec clears our current command data (we can only hold one command in memory at a time). ################### string $batchIntInserts; string $batchNetInserts; # Append them all for a single insert for( int $i=0; $i < sizeof( $intInserts ); $i++ ) { StrCat($batchIntInserts, $intInserts[$i]); StrCat($batchIntInserts, ";"); } for( int $i=0; $i < sizeof( $netInserts ); $i++ ) { StrCat($batchNetInserts, $netInserts[$i]); StrCat($batchNetInserts, ";"); } # Batch insert `local database -exec $dbHandle "BEGIN TRANSACTION;"`; `local database -exec $dbHandle "$batchIntInserts"`; `local database -exec $dbHandle "$batchNetInserts"`; `local database -exec $dbHandle "END TRANSACTION;"`; return true; } sub populateApplicationsTable(IN int $dbHandle, IN string $resourceDir, IN string $logDir) { string %emptyResult; string %tableResults; object $packages; int $batchCounter = 0; string $name; string $version; string $description; string $installDate; string $appInserts; #------------------------------------ # Updated to use the packages command # instead of the uninstall key #------------------------------------ @record on; `packages`; @record off; GetCmdData("package", $packages); ################### # Database Inserts # sqlExec clears our current command data (we can only hold one command in memory at a time). ################### for (int $i=0; $i < sizeof($packages); $i++) { GetObjectData($packages[$i], "name", $name); GetObjectData($packages[$i], "version", $version); GetObjectData($packages[$i], "description", $description); GetObjectData($packages[$i], "installDate", $installDate); $appInserts[$batchCounter] = "INSERT or ignore INTO applications (NAME, VERSION, DESCRIPTION, INSTALL_DATE) VALUES (\\\"$name\\\", \\\"$version\\\",\\\"$description\\\", \\\"$installDate\\\")"; if($batchCounter == 50) { batchInsert($appInserts, $dbHandle); $batchCounter = 0; } $batchCounter++; } # In cases less than 25 or 26 (to get that last one) etc... batchInsert($appInserts, $dbHandle); return true; } sub populateServicesTable(IN int $dbHandle, IN string $resourceDir, IN string $logDir) { string %emptyResult; string %tableResults; object $services; int $batchCounter = 0; string $serviceName; string $displayName; string $state; string $serviceInserts; string $batchServiceInsert; @record on; `services`; @record off; GetCmdData("Service", $services); ################### # Database Inserts # sqlExec clears our current command data (we can only hold one command in memory at a time). ################### for (int $i = 0; $i < sizeof($services); $i++) { GetObjectData($services[$i], "serviceName", $serviceName); GetObjectData($services[$i], "displayName", $displayName); GetObjectData($services[$i], "state", $state); $serviceInserts[$batchCounter] = "INSERT or ignore INTO services (SERVICE, DISPLAY_NAME, STATE) VALUES (\\\"$serviceName\\\", \\\"$displayName\\\",\\\"$state\\\")"; if($batchCounter == 50) { batchInsert($serviceInserts, $dbHandle); $batchCounter = 0; } $batchCounter++; } # In cases less than 25 or 26 (to get that last one) etc... batchInsert($serviceInserts, $dbHandle); return true; } sub populateWindowsTable(IN int $dbHandle, IN string $resourceDir, IN string $logDir) { string %emptyResult; string %tableResults; string $systemDir; GetEnv("OPS_SYSTEMDIR", $systemDir); # Directory listing of WINDOWS or WINNT @record on; `dir -mask * -path $systemDir\\..\\ -max 0`; @record off; object $dirItem; object $fileItem; string $name; int $size; int $batchCounter = 0; string $mTime; string $aTime; string $cTime; string $winInserts; string $batchWinInsert; GetCmdData("DirItem", $dirItem); ################### # Database Inserts # sqlExec clears our current command data (we can only hold one command in memory at a time). ################### for (int $i = 0; $i < sizeof($dirItem); $i++) { GetObjectData($dirItem[$i], "FileItem", $fileItem); for (int $i = 0; $i < sizeof($fileItem); $i++) { GetObjectData($fileItem[$i], "name", $name); GetObjectData($fileItem[$i], "size", $size); GetObjectData($fileItem[$i], "FileTimes::Modified::time", $mTime); GetObjectData($fileItem[$i], "FileTimes::Accessed::time", $aTime); GetObjectData($fileItem[$i], "FileTimes::Created::time", $cTime); $winInserts[$batchCounter] = "INSERT or ignore INTO windows (NAME, SIZE, MODIFIED, ACCESSED, CREATED) VALUES (\\\"$name\\\", \\\"$size\\\",\\\"$mTime\\\",\\\"$aTime\\\",\\\"$cTime\\\")"; if($batchCounter == 100) { batchInsert($winInserts, $dbHandle); $batchCounter = 0; } $batchCounter++; } } # In cases less than 25 or 26 (to get that last one) etc... batchInsert($winInserts, $dbHandle); return true; } sub populateSystem32Table(IN int $dbHandle, IN string $resourceDir, IN string $logDir) { string %emptyResult; string %tableResults; string $systemDir; GetEnv("OPS_SYSTEMDIR", $systemDir); # Directory listing of system32 @record on; `dir -mask * -path $systemDir -max 0`; @record off; object $dirItem; object $fileItem; string $name; int $size; int $batchCounter = 0; string $mTime; string $aTime; string $cTime; string $system32Inserts; string $batchSystem32Insert; GetCmdData("DirItem", $dirItem); ################### # Database Inserts # sqlExec clears our current command data (we can only hold one command in memory at a time). ################### for (int $i = 0; $i < sizeof($dirItem); $i++) { GetObjectData($dirItem[$i], "FileItem", $fileItem); for (int $i = 0; $i < sizeof($fileItem); $i++) { GetObjectData($fileItem[$i], "name", $name); GetObjectData($fileItem[$i], "size", $size); GetObjectData($fileItem[$i], "FileTimes::Modified::time", $mTime); GetObjectData($fileItem[$i], "FileTimes::Accessed::time", $aTime); GetObjectData($fileItem[$i], "FileTimes::Created::time", $cTime); $system32Inserts[$batchCounter] = "INSERT or ignore INTO system32 (NAME, SIZE, MODIFIED, ACCESSED, CREATED) VALUES (\\\"$name\\\", \\\"$size\\\",\\\"$mTime\\\",\\\"$aTime\\\",\\\"$cTime\\\")"; if($batchCounter == 100) { batchInsert($system32Inserts, $dbHandle); $batchCounter = 0; } $batchCounter++; } } # In cases less than 25 or 26 (to get that last one) etc... batchInsert($system32Inserts, $dbHandle); return true; } sub populateDriverTable(IN int $dbHandle, IN string $resourceDir, IN string $logDir) { # Pull loaded driver information @record on; `drivers -list`; @record off; int $batchCounter = 0; string %emptyResult; string %tableResults; string $systemDir; string $driverName; string $driverInsert; string $batchDriverInsert; object $driverItem; GetEnv("OPS_SYSTEMDIR", $systemDir); GetCmdData("DriverItem", $driverItem); ################### # Database Inserts # sqlExec clears our current command data (we can only hold one command in memory at a time). ################### for ( int $i=0; $i < sizeof($driverItem); $i++) { GetObjectData($driverItem[$i], "name", $driverName); $driverInsert[$batchCounter] = "INSERT or ignore INTO loaded_drivers (NAME) VALUES (\\\"$driverName\\\")"; if($batchCounter == 50) { batchInsert($driverInsert, $dbHandle); $batchCounter = 0; } $batchCounter++; } # In cases less than 25 or 26 (to get that last one) etc... batchInsert($driverInsert, $dbHandle); # Directory listing of drivers for hash calculation @record on; `dir -mask * -path $systemDir\\drivers -max 0 -hash`; @record off; object $dirItem; object $fileItem; string $name; int $size; $batchCounter = 0; string $hash; string $mTime; string $aTime; string $cTime; string $dirInsert; string $batchDirInsert; GetCmdData("DirItem", $dirItem); ################### # Database Inserts # sqlExec clears our current command data (we can only hold one command in memory at a time). ################### for (int $i = 0; $i < sizeof($dirItem); $i++) { GetObjectData($dirItem[$i], "FileItem", $fileItem); for (int $i = 0; $i < sizeof($fileItem); $i++) { GetObjectData($fileItem[$i], "name", $name); GetObjectData($fileItem[$i], "size", $size); GetObjectData($fileItem[$i], "Hash::Value", $hash); GetObjectData($fileItem[$i], "FileTimes::Modified::time", $mTime); GetObjectData($fileItem[$i], "FileTimes::Accessed::time", $aTime); GetObjectData($fileItem[$i], "FileTimes::Created::time", $cTime); $dirInsert[$batchCounter] = "INSERT or ignore INTO drivers (NAME, SIZE, HASH, MODIFIED, ACCESSED, CREATED) VALUES (\\\"$name\\\",\\\"$size\\\",\\\"$hash\\\",\\\"$mTime\\\",\\\"$aTime\\\",\\\"$cTime\\\")"; if($batchCounter == 50) { batchInsert($dirInsert, $dbHandle); $batchCounter = 0; } $batchCounter++; } } # In cases less than 25 or 26 (to get that last one) etc... batchInsert($driverInsert, $dbHandle); }