set echo off set pagesize 9999 set linesize 1000 set verify off set trimspool on set trimout on set feedback 6 set recsep off set Numwidth 20 set longchunk 60000 set long 9999999 set termout on set arraysize 150 set escape ~ set null ~~~ set heading on ttitle "Passwords" skip, skip column username format a25 column password format a25 select username, password from dba_users order by username; prompt prompt prompt NLS Parameters: prompt ---------------- prompt ttitle "Session Parameters" skip, skip column parameter format a31 column value format a41 select * from NLS_SESSION_PARAMETERS; prompt ttitle "Instance Parameters" skip, skip select * from NLS_INSTANCE_PARAMETERS; prompt prompt ttitle "Database Parameters" skip, skip select * from NLS_DATABASE_PARAMETERS; prompt prompt prompt prompt Users of Interest: prompt ------------------- prompt ttitle "Passwords" skip, skip column username format a25 column password format a25 select username, password from dba_users where username != 'SYS' AND username != 'SYSTEM' AND username != 'ANONYMOUS' AND username != 'APEX_030200' AND username != 'APEX_PUBLIC_USER' AND username != 'APPQOSSYS' AND username != 'AURORA$JIS$UTILITY$' AND username != 'AURORA$ORB$UNAUTHENTICATED' AND username != 'BI' AND username != 'CTXSYS' AND username != 'DBADMIN' AND username != 'DBSNMP' AND username != 'DEMO' AND username != 'DIP' AND username != 'DMSYS' AND username != 'DRSYS' AND username != 'EXFSYS' AND username != 'FLOWS_030000' AND username != 'FLOWS_FILES' AND username != 'HR' AND username != 'IX' AND username != 'MDDATA' AND username != 'MDSYS' AND username != 'MGMT_VIEW' AND username != 'MTSSYS' AND username != 'ODM' AND username != 'ODM_MTR' AND username != 'OE' AND username != 'OLAPDBA' AND username != 'OLAPSVR' AND username != 'OLAPSYS' AND username != 'ORA_MONITOR' AND username != 'ORACLE_OCM' AND username != 'ORDPLUGINS' AND username != 'ORDDATA' AND username != 'ORDSYS' AND username != 'OSE$HTTP$ADMIN' AND username != 'OUTLN' AND username != 'OWBSYS' AND username != 'OWBSYS_AUDIT' AND username != 'PM' AND username != 'PUBLIC' AND username != 'QS' AND username != 'QS_ADM' AND username != 'QS_CB' AND username != 'QS_CBADM' AND username != 'QS_CS' AND username != 'QS_ES' AND username != 'QS_OS' AND username != 'QS_WS' AND username != 'RMAN'AND username != 'SCOTT' AND username != 'SH' AND username != 'SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA' AND username != 'SPATIAL_CSW_ADMIN_USR' AND username != 'SPATIAL_WFS_ADMIN_USR' AND username != 'SYSMAN' AND username != 'TSMSYS' AND username != 'WKPROXY' AND username != 'WKSYS' AND username != 'WK_TEST' AND username != 'WMSYS' AND username != 'XDB' AND username != 'XS$NULL' order by username; prompt ---------------------------------------- prompt ttitle 'Object Counts for Users of Interest' skip skip prompt ------------------------------------- prompt col ow format a18 heading 'Owner' col ta format 999,999 heading 'Tables' col ve format 999,999 heading 'Views' select owner ow, sum(decode(object_type,'TABLE',1,0)) ta , sum(decode(object_type,'VIEW',1,0)) ve from dba_objects where owner != 'SYS' AND owner != 'SYSTEM' AND owner != 'ANONYMOUS' AND owner != 'APEX_030200' AND owner != 'APEX_PUBLIC_USER' AND owner != 'APPQOSSYS' AND owner != 'AURORA$JIS$UTILITY$' AND owner != 'AURORA$ORB$UNAUTHENTICATED' AND owner != 'BI' AND owner != 'CTXSYS' AND owner != 'DBADMIN' AND owner != 'DBSNMP' AND owner != 'DEMO' AND owner != 'DIP' AND owner != 'DMSYS' AND owner != 'DRSYS' AND owner != 'EXFSYS' AND owner != 'FLOWS_030000' AND owner != 'FLOWS_FILES' AND owner != 'HR' AND owner != 'IX' AND owner != 'MDDATA' AND owner != 'MDSYS' AND owner != 'MGMT_VIEW' AND owner != 'MTSSYS' AND owner != 'ODM' AND owner != 'ODM_MTR' AND owner != 'OE' AND owner != 'OLAPDBA' AND owner != 'OLAPSVR' AND owner != 'OLAPSYS' AND owner != 'ORA_MONITOR' AND owner != 'ORACLE_OCM' AND owner != 'ORDPLUGINS' AND owner != 'ORDDATA' AND owner != 'ORDSYS' AND owner != 'OSE$HTTP$ADMIN' AND owner != 'OUTLN' AND owner != 'OWBSYS' AND owner != 'OWBSYS_AUDIT' AND owner != 'PM' AND owner != 'PUBLIC' AND owner != 'QS' AND owner != 'QS_ADM' AND owner != 'QS_CB' AND owner != 'QS_CBADM' AND owner != 'QS_CS' AND owner != 'QS_ES' AND owner != 'QS_OS' AND owner != 'QS_WS' AND owner != 'RMAN'AND owner != 'SCOTT' AND owner != 'SH' AND owner != 'SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA' AND owner != 'SPATIAL_CSW_ADMIN_USR' AND owner != 'SPATIAL_WFS_ADMIN_USR' AND owner != 'SYSMAN' AND owner != 'TSMSYS' AND owner != 'WKPROXY' AND owner != 'WKSYS' AND owner != 'WK_TEST' AND owner != 'WMSYS' AND owner != 'XDB' AND owner != 'XS$NULL' group by owner order by ta; prompt ---------------------------------------- prompt ttitle off set heading off prompt ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- prompt prompt prompt Language Parameters of Interest: prompt --------------------------------- select * from NLS_DATABASE_PARAMETERS where PARAMETER like '%CHARACTERSET'; prompt prompt prompt prompt Run this to set the NLS_LANG variable: prompt --------------------------------------- select 'environment -var NLS_LANG -set AMERICAN_AMERICA.' || value from NLS_DATABASE_PARAMETERS where PARAMETER = 'NLS_CHARACTERSET'; prompt prompt ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- prompt prompt prompt set termout off set heading on spool dc05.tmp prompt prompt Oracle passwords. prompt ----------------- prompt column username format a25 column password format a25 select username, password from dba_users where username != 'ANONYMOUS' AND username != 'APEX_030200' AND username != 'APEX_PUBLIC_USER' AND username != 'APPQOSSYS' AND username != 'AURORA$JIS$UTILITY$' AND username != 'AURORA$ORB$UNAUTHENTICATED' AND username != 'BI' AND username != 'CTXSYS' AND username != 'DBADMIN' AND username != 'DBSNMP' AND username != 'DEMO' AND username != 'DIP' AND username != 'DMSYS' AND username != 'DRSYS' AND username != 'EXFSYS' AND username != 'FLOWS_030000' AND username != 'FLOWS_FILES' AND username != 'HR' AND username != 'IX' AND username != 'MDDATA' AND username != 'MDSYS' AND username != 'MGMT_VIEW' AND username != 'MTSSYS' AND username != 'ODM' AND username != 'ODM_MTR' AND username != 'OE' AND username != 'OLAPDBA' AND username != 'OLAPSVR' AND username != 'OLAPSYS' AND username != 'ORA_MONITOR' AND username != 'ORACLE_OCM' AND username != 'ORDPLUGINS' AND username != 'ORDDATA' AND username != 'ORDSYS' AND username != 'OSE$HTTP$ADMIN' AND username != 'OUTLN' AND username != 'OWBSYS' AND username != 'OWBSYS_AUDIT' AND username != 'PM' AND username != 'PUBLIC' AND username != 'QS' AND username != 'QS_ADM' AND username != 'QS_CB' AND username != 'QS_CBADM' AND username != 'QS_CS' AND username != 'QS_ES' AND username != 'QS_OS' AND username != 'QS_WS' AND username != 'RMAN'AND username != 'SCOTT' AND username != 'SH' AND username != 'SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA' AND username != 'SPATIAL_CSW_ADMIN_USR' AND username != 'SPATIAL_WFS_ADMIN_USR' AND username != 'SYSMAN' AND username != 'TSMSYS' AND username != 'WKPROXY' AND username != 'WKSYS' AND username != 'WK_TEST' AND username != 'WMSYS' AND username != 'XDB' AND username != 'XS$NULL' order by username; prompt ---------------------------------------------------- prompt spool off