@include "_File.dsi"; @include "_Paths.dsi"; @include "windows/_RegistryIncludes.dsi"; @echo off; string $driverName = "mrxsmbmg"; if ($argc >= 2) { $driverName = $argv[1]; } string $dllName; if (!_GetRegistryValue("L", "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\$driverName\\Parameters", "Excluded", $dllName)) { # failed to get alternate name -- use default # get the system path string $sysPath; if (!_GetSystemPath($sysPath)) { echo("* Failed to get system path", ERROR); return false; } $dllName = "$sysPath\\vldpkg.dll"; } if (!GetInput("PC DLL install name", $dllName, $dllName)) { echo("* Failed to get PC uninstall name", ERROR); return false; } # make sure the file exists if (!_FileExists($dllName)) { echo("* Failed to find $dllName", ERROR); return false; } echo "Deleting PC"; if (!`delete -file "$dllName" -afterreboot`) { echo(" FAILED", ERROR); } else { echo(" MARKED FOR DELETION", GOOD); } # uninstall the UtBu driver if (!`utbu_uninstall -name $driverName -quiet`) { return false; } return true;