#!/usr/bin/python2.6 import code import os import sys from fuzzbunch import env """ Set up core paths """ (FB_FILE, FB_DIR, EDFLIB_DIR) = env.setup_core_paths( os.path.realpath(__file__)) """ Make sure our libraries are setup properly """ #env.setup_lib_paths(os.path.abspath(__file__), EDFLIB_DIR) """ Plugin directories """ PAYLOAD_DIR = os.path.join(FB_DIR, "payloads") EXPLOIT_DIR = os.path.join(FB_DIR, "exploits") TOUCH_DIR = os.path.join(FB_DIR, "touches") IMPLANT_DIR = os.path.join(FB_DIR, "implants") LP_DIR = os.path.join(FB_DIR, "listeningposts") EDE_DIR = os.path.join(FB_DIR, "ede-exploits") TRIGGER_DIR = os.path.join(FB_DIR, "triggers") SPECIAL_DIR = os.path.join(FB_DIR, "specials") """ Fuzzbunch directories """ LOG_DIR = os.path.join(FB_DIR, "logs") FB_CONFIG = os.path.join(FB_DIR, "Fuzzbunch.xml") from fuzzbunch.edfplugin import EDFPlugin #from fuzzbunch.edeplugin import EDEPlugin from fuzzbunch.fuzzbunch import Fuzzbunch from fuzzbunch.pluginfinder import addplugins, PluginfinderError from fuzzbunch import exception from fuzzbunch.daveplugin import DAVEPlugin from fuzzbunch.deployablemanager import DeployableManager def do_interactive(fb): gvars = globals() gvars['quit'] = (lambda *x: fb.io.print_error("Press Ctrl-D to quit")) gvars['exit'] = gvars['quit'] fb.io.print_warning("Dropping to Interactive Python Interpreter") fb.io.print_warning("Press Ctrl-D to exit") code.interact(local=gvars, banner="") def main(fb): #fb.printbanner() fb.cmdqueue.append("retarget") while 1: try: fb.cmdloop() except exception.Interpreter: do_interactive(fb) else: break def load_plugins(fb): fb.io.pre_input(None) fb.io.print_msg("Loading Plugins") fb.io.post_input() addplugins(fb, "Exploit", EXPLOIT_DIR, EDFPlugin) addplugins(fb, "Payload", PAYLOAD_DIR, EDFPlugin) addplugins(fb, "Touch", TOUCH_DIR, EDFPlugin) addplugins(fb, "ImplantConfig", IMPLANT_DIR, EDFPlugin) addplugins(fb, "ListeningPost", LP_DIR, EDFPlugin) addplugins(fb, "Special", SPECIAL_DIR, DAVEPlugin, DeployableManager) # addplugins(fb, "EDE-Exploit", EDE_DIR, EDEPlugin) # addplugins(fb, "Trigger", TRIGGER_DIR, EDFPlugin) @exception.exceptionwrapped def setup_and_run(config, fbdir, logdir): # Setup fb globally so that we can debug interactively if we want global fb fb = Fuzzbunch(config, fbdir, logdir) fb.printbanner() load_plugins(fb) main(fb) if __name__ == "__main__": setup_and_run(FB_CONFIG, FB_DIR, LOG_DIR)