57 lines
3.5 KiB
57 lines
3.5 KiB
import dsz
import ops
import ops.env
import ops.system.scheduler
import ops.files.dirs
import ops.survey
from ops.pprint import pprint
from optparse import OptionParser
import os.path
import datetime
def main():
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option('--maxage', dest='maxage', default='3600', help='Maximum age of scheduler information to use before re-running query commands', type='int')
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
ops.survey.print_header('Scheduler survey')
schedulers = ops.system.scheduler.get_all_schedulers_local(maxage=datetime.timedelta(seconds=options.maxage))
(windir, sysdir) = dsz.path.windows.GetSystemPaths()
tasklist = ops.files.dirs.get_dirlisting(os.path.join(windir, 'Tasks'), cache_tag='TASKS_FOLDER_DIR', recursive=True)
if (tasklist.commandmetadata.status != 0):
ops.warn("Could not query Tasks folder. Look at the following value from the registry and decide if you want to try dir'ing it yourself.")
regval = ops.cmd.quickrun('registryquery -hive L -key "Software\\Microsoft\\SchedulingAgent" -value TasksFolder')
ops.info(('Tasks folder should be %s' % regval.key[0].value[0]))
displays = list()
dataage = datetime.timedelta(seconds=0)
if ('at' in schedulers):
dataage = schedulers['at'].dszobjage
for job in schedulers['at'].atjob:
freqstring = ''
if (job.frequency == 'Today'):
freqstring = ('Today at %s' % job.time)
elif ((job.frequency == 'Each') or (job.frequency == 'Next')):
freqstring = ('%s %s%s at %s' % (job.frequency, job.weekday, job.month, job.time))
freqstring = 'Could not interpret data, check the job manually'
displays.append({'source': 'AT', 'jobname': job.id, 'nextrun': freqstring, 'command': job.commandtext, 'triggers': '', 'runas': 'SYSTEM'})
if ('gui' in schedulers):
dataage = schedulers['gui'].dszobjage
for job in schedulers['gui'].netjob:
displays.append({'source': 'GUI', 'jobname': job.jobname, 'nextrun': ('%s %s' % (job.nextrundate, job.nextruntime)), 'command': ('%s %s' % (job.application, job.parameters)), 'triggers': job.trigger.triggerstring, 'runas': job.account})
if ('service' in schedulers):
dataage = schedulers['service'].dszobjage
for folder in schedulers['service'].folder:
for job in filter((lambda x: (not x.disabled)), folder.job):
for action in job.action:
freqstring = ', '.join(map((lambda x: ('%s %s %s' % (x.type, x.startboundary, x.endboundary))), job.trigger))
if (action.type.lower() == 'exec'):
actionstring = ('%s %s (runs in "%s")' % (action.execjob.path, action.execjob.arguments, action.execjob.workingdir))
actionstring = ('COM job ClassID and data: %s - %s' % (action.com.classid, action.com.data))
displays.append({'source': 'SERVICE', 'jobname': ('%s\\%s' % (folder.name, job.name)), 'nextrun': freqstring, 'command': actionstring, 'triggers': freqstring, 'runas': ('%s %s' % (job.principal.userid, job.principal.runlevel))})
pprint(displays, dictorder=['source', 'command', 'nextrun', 'triggers', 'runas', 'jobname'], header=['source', 'command', 'nextrun', 'triggers', 'runas', 'jobname'])
if ((__name__ == '__main__') or (__name__ == ops.survey.PLUGIN)):
main() |