95 lines
2.7 KiB
95 lines
2.7 KiB
# _PerlFunctions
# Provides some common perl functions to EPS
sub substr(IN string $expr, IN int $offset, OUT string $ret)
`local run -command "perl -e \\"print substr($expr,$offset)\\"" -redirect`;
$ret = GetCmdData("output");
sub substr(IN string $expr, IN int $offset, IN int $length, OUT string $ret)
`local run -command "perl -e \\"print substr($expr,$offset,$length)\\"" -redirect`;
$ret = GetCmdData("output");
sub grep(IN string $expr, IN string $list)
string $a;
string $tmp;
@record on;
foreach $a ($list)
@echo on;
`log local run -command "perl -e \\"if('$a' =~ m/$expr/i) { print 'found'; }else{ print 'not';} \\"" -redirect`;
$tmp = GetCmdData("output");
@echo off;
if($tmp == "found") { return true; }
@record off;
return false;
#we ran into a problem where the string to search was longer than what could be accepted
#This overloaded function will return the status of the "run -command" itself
#The caller should assume success.
sub grep(IN string $expr, IN string $list, REF bool $status)
string $a;
string $tmp;
@record on;
foreach $a ($list)
ifnot(`log local run -command "perl -e \\"if('$a' =~ m/$expr/i) { print 'found'; }else{ print 'not';} \\"" -redirect`){
$status = FALSE;
return false;
$tmp = GetCmdData("output");
if($tmp == "found") { return true; }
@record off;
return false;
sub hex2dec(REF string $a)
@record on;
`log local run -command "perl -e \\"print hex '$a'\\"" -redirect`;
@record off;
$a = GetCmdData("output");
return true;
sub replace(REF string $a, IN string $replacee, IN string $replacer)
@record on;
`local run -command "perl -e \\"\$b=shift; \$b =~ s/;/,/gi; print \$b; \\" $a" -redirect`;
@record off;
$a = GetCmdData("output");
return true;
sub lc(REF string $a)
@record on;
`local run -command "perl -e \\"print lc($a)\\"" -redirect`;
@record off;
$a = GetCmdData("output");
return true;
#$oldDate is expecting the string to look like MM_DD_YYYY
sub diffDates(IN string $oldDate, REF string $dateDiff)
@echo off;
@record on;
`local time`;
string $date = GetCmdData("remotedate");
string $dateSplit = split("/",$date);
string $oldDateSplit = split("_",$oldDate);
`local run -command "perl -e \\"use Date::Calc qw(Delta_Days);\@a=('$oldDateSplit[2]','$oldDateSplit[0]','$oldDateSplit[1]');\@b=('$dateSplit[2]','$dateSplit[0]','$dateSplit[1]');\$c=Delta_Days(\@a,\@b);print \\"\$c\\"\\"" -redirect`;
$dateDiff = GetCmdData("output");
return true;