2017-04-14 11:45:07 +02:00

32 lines
1 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Plugin providerName="Tasking/Mcl_Cmd_InjectDll_Tasking.pyo" providerType="script">
<Command name="InjectDll" id="0">
<Help>Loads a DLL into a given process</Help>
<Option name='library' optional='false'>
<Help>The library to be injected</Help>
<Argument name='name' data='library'/>
<Option name='id' optional='false'>
<Help>The process ID into which to inject</Help>
<Argument name='value' data='procId'/>
<Option name='method' optional='true'>
<Help>Specifies memory access and thread method - will use current default if not specified.</Help>
<Argument name='memory' data='memory'/>
<Argument name='thread' data='thread'/>
<Data name='library' type='string'/>
<Data name='procId' type='uint32_t'/>
<Data name='memory' type='string'/>
<Data name='thread' type='string'/>