250 lines
7.4 KiB
250 lines
7.4 KiB
Port of the C figlet driver to Python. Ugly, gross, not fully working, but
does what I need to display a simple banner with a hand selected set of fonts.
import sys
import os
import random
__all__ = ['newbanner']
def newbanner(fontdir, msg):
Returns msg converted to a random ascii art font from the given
font = get_randfont(fontdir)
if not font:
return "", ""
f = Fig(font)
return "", ""
return f.getline(),font
def get_randfont(fontdir):
fonts = get_fontdirlist(fontdir)
if not fonts:
return None
index = random.randint(0, len(fonts) - 1)
return fonts[index]
def get_fontdirlist(fontdir='fonts'):
fonts = [fontdir + os.path.sep + item
for item in os.listdir(fontdir)
if item.endswith(".flf")]
return fonts
class Fig:
hdr = {}
def __init__(self, fontfile=None):
if fontfile:
Font File parsing
def init_fonts(self, fontfile=None):
if fontfile:
self.fontfile = fontfile
file = open(self.fontfile)
def parse_header(self, header):
self.hdr['signature'] = header[0][:-1]
self.hdr['hardblank'] = header[0][-1]
self.hdr['height'] = int(header[1])
self.hdr['baseline'] = header[2]
self.hdr['maxlength'] = int(header[3])
self.hdr['oldlayout'] = header[4]
self.hdr['commentlines'] = int(header[5])
self.hdr['printdir'] = header[6]
self.hdr['fulllayout'] = header[7]
self.hdr['codetagcount'] = header[8]
self.hdr['printdir'] = ""
self.hdr['fulllayout'] = ""
self.hdr['codetagcount'] = ""
if self.hdr['signature'] != "flf2a":
self.hdr = {}
return False
return True
def parse_comments(self, file):
for i in range(0, self.hdr['commentlines']):
line = file.readline()
del line
def parse_chars(self, file):
self.chars = {}
for c in range(32,127):
self.chars[chr(c)] = []
for i in range(0, self.hdr['height']):
def getletter(self, c):
self.previouscharwidth = self.currcharwidth
self.currcharwidth = len(self.chars[c][0])
return self.chars[c]
def len_letter(self, letter):
return len(letter[0])
Input Handling
def smushmem(self, ch1, ch2):
special = "|/\\[]{}()<>"
if ch1 == ' ':
return ch2
if ch2 == ' ':
return ch1
if self.previouscharwidth < 2 or self.currcharwidth < 2:
return '\0'
if ch1 == self.hdr['hardblank'] or ch2 == self.hdr['hardblank']:
return '\0'
if ch1 == ch2:
return ch1
if ch1 == '_' and ch2 in special:
return ch2
if ch2 == '_' and ch1 in special:
return ch1
if ch1 == "|" and ch2 in special[1:]:
return ch2
if ch2 == "|" and ch1 in special[1:]:
return ch1
if ch1 in "/\\" and ch2 in special[3:]:
return ch2
if ch2 in "/\\" and ch1 in special[3:]:
return ch1
if ch1 in "[]" and ch2 in special[5:]:
return ch2
if ch2 in "[]" and ch1 in special[5:]:
return ch1
if ch1 in "{}" and ch2 in special[7:]:
return ch2
if ch2 in "{}" and ch1 in special[7:]:
return ch1
if ch1 in "()" and ch2 in special[9:]:
return ch2
if ch2 in "()" and ch1 in special[9:]:
return ch1
if ch1 == '[' and ch2 == ']':
return '|'
if ch1 == ']' and ch2 == '[':
return '|'
if ch1 == '{' and ch2 == '}':
return '|'
if ch1 == '}' and ch2 == '{':
return '|'
if ch1 == '(' and ch2 == ')':
return '|'
if ch1 == ')' and ch2 == '(':
return '|'
return '\0'
def get_smushamount(self, l):
max_smush = self.currcharwidth
for row in range(0, self.hdr['height']):
linebd = len(self.line[row])
ch1 = ' '
while linebd > 0 and ch1 == ' ':
ch1 = self.line[row][linebd]
except IndexError:
ch1 = ' '
if ch1 != ' ':
linebd = linebd - 1
charbd = 0
ch2 = ' '
while ch2 == ' ':
ch2 = l[row][charbd]
if ch2 != ' ':
charbd = charbd + 1
except IndexError:
ch2 = None
amt = charbd + self.outlinelen - 1 - linebd
if ch1 == None or ch1 == ' ':
amt = amt + 1
elif ch2 != None:
if self.smushmem(ch1, ch2) != '\0':
amt = amt + 1
if amt < max_smush:
max_smush = amt
return max_smush
def addchar(self, c):
letter = self.getletter(c)
smush_amount = self.get_smushamount(letter)
for row in range(0, self.hdr['height']):
for k in range(0, smush_amount):
if self.outlinelen - smush_amount + k >= 0:
ch1 = self.line[row][self.outlinelen-smush_amount+k]
ch2 = letter[row][k]
self.line[row][self.outlinelen-smush_amount+k] = self.smushmem(ch1, ch2)
self.line[row] += letter[row][smush_amount:]
self.outlinelen = len(self.line[0])
def addline(self, line):
for c in line: self.addchar(c)
Output handling
def clearline(self):
self.line = []
for i in range(0,self.hdr['height']):
self.previouscharwidth = 0
self.currcharwidth = 0
self.outlinelen = 0
def getstring(self, i):
return ''.join(self.line[i]).replace(self.hdr['hardblank'], ' ')
def getline(self):
lines = []
for i in range(0, self.hdr['height']):
return '\n'.join(lines)
def putstring(self, i):
print ''.join(self.line[i]).replace(self.hdr['hardblank'], ' ')
def printline(self):
for i in range(0, self.hdr['height']):
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print "usage: %s [phrase] [fontdir]" % sys.argv[0]
fontdir = sys.argv[2]
fonts = get_fontdirlist(fontdir)
index = random.randint(0, len(fonts) - 1)
for font in fonts:
print "FONT: ", font
f = Fig(font)