510 lines
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510 lines
20 KiB
import string
import uuid
import random
from util import iDict
import exception
# Nothing is validating the Redir section in the xml. I may get nonexistent
# params.
__all__ = ['RedirectionManager', 'LocalRedirection', 'RemoteRedirection']
def str2bool(x):
if x is None:
return False
if x.lower() in ('true', 't', '1'):
return True
return False
def strip_xpath(x):
if not x:
return x
if x.startswith('/'):
return ""
return x
def is_identifier(x):
if not x:
return False
if x[0] in string.digits:
return False
return True
def rand_port():
return str(random.randint(RAND_PORT_MIN, RAND_PORT_MAX))
class LocalRedirection(object):
listenaddr: Name of parameter to give the IP addr of listening tunnel on local LP
listenport: Name of parameter to give the port of the listening tunnel on local LP
destaddr: Name of parameter that contains the IP of the target computer
destport: Name of parameter that contains the port on the target computer
def __init__(self, protocol, listenaddr, listenport, destaddr, destport,
closeoncompletion="false", name="", srcport=None, srcportlist=None,
srcportrange=None, *trashargs, **trashkargs):
self.protocol = protocol
# XXX - The redirection section really shouldn't have XPath in it.
self.listenaddr = strip_xpath(listenaddr)
self.listenport = strip_xpath(listenport)
self.destaddr = strip_xpath(destaddr)
self.destport = strip_xpath(destport)
self.closeoncompletion = str2bool(closeoncompletion)
self.name = name
self.srcport = strip_xpath(srcport)
self.srcportlist = srcportlist
self.srcportrange = srcportrange
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.__dict__)
class RemoteRedirection(object):
def __init__(self, protocol, listenaddr, destport, closeoncompletion="false",
name="", listenport=None, listenportlist=None,
listenportrange=None, listenportcount=None, destaddr="",
*trashargs, **trashkargs):
self.protocol = protocol
self.listenaddr = strip_xpath(listenaddr)
self.listenport = strip_xpath(listenport)
self.destaddr = strip_xpath(destaddr)
self.destport = strip_xpath(destport)
self.closeoncompletion = str2bool(closeoncompletion)
self.name = name
# Need conversion?
self.listenportlist = listenportlist
self.listenportrange = listenportrange
self.listenportcount = listenportcount
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.__dict__)
class RedirectionManager:
"""This is something of a misnomer. This is really a redirection manager rather than
a redirection object. This is responsible for taking the defined tunnels in the
plug-in's XML and 'swapping out' the parameters as they pertain to redirection.
A sample redirection section appears as follows:
<!-- (1) The "throwing" tunnel -->
<local name="Launch"
listenaddr="TargetIp" # IP of redirector
listenport="TargetPort" # Port of redirector
destaddr="TargetIp" # IP of target computer
destport="TargetPort" # Port of target computer
<!-- (2) The "Callin" tunnel -->
<local name="Callin"
listenaddr="TargetIp" # IP on redirector
listenport="CallinPort" # Port on redirector
destaddr="TargetIp" # IP of target callin
destport="ListenPort" # Port of target callin
<!-- (3) The "callback" tunnel -->
<remote name="Callback"
listenaddr="CallbackIp" # IP opened by egg (last redirector)
listenport="CallbackPort" # Port opened by egg (last redirector)
destport="CallbackLocalPort" # Port for throwing side to listen
For the "throwing" (launch) tunnel, we:
1: Ask for/retrieve the "Destination IP" and "Destination Port", which default to
the "TargetIp" and "TargetPort" parameters
2: Ask for the "Listen IP" (listenaddr) and "Listen Port" (listenport)
and then swap them in "TargetIp" and "TargetPort"
3: After execution, restore the proper session parameters
* (listenaddr, listenport) = l(destaddr, destport)
For the "callin" tunnel, we:
1: Ask for/retrieve the "Destination IP" and Destination Port", which default to
the "TargetIp" and the "ListenPort" parameters
2: Ask for the "Listen IP" (listenaddr) and "Listen Port" (listenport) and
then swap them into "TargetIp" and "CallinPort" parameters
3: After execution, restore the proper session parameters
* (listenaddr, listenport) = l(destaddr, destport)
For the "callback" tunnel, we:
1: Ask for the Listen IP and Listen Port for which the payload will callback.
This is most likely the last hop redirector IP and a port on it
2: Ask for the Destination IP and Destination Port, which will likely be the
operator workstation. Store the Destination port as "CallbackLocalPort",
basically ignoring the DestinationIp
3: After execution, restore the proper session parameters
* (destaddr, destport) = l(listenaddr, listenport)
def __init__(self, io):
self.io = io
self.active = False
# A place to store parameters for the session. We push the info, run the plug-in
# (with redirection), and then pop the info to restore it
self.session_cache = {}
def on(self):
self.active = True
def off(self):
self.active = False
def is_active(self):
return self.active
def get_status(self):
if self.active:
return "ON"
return "OFF"
def get_session(self, id):
return self.session_cache.get(id)
def pre_exec(self, plugin):
if not plugin.canRedirect():
return 0
if self.is_active():
self.io.print_msg("Redirection ON")
return self.config_redirect(plugin, True)
self.io.print_msg("Redirection OFF")
return self.config_redirect(plugin, False)
def post_exec(self, plugin, id):
if id == 0:
# if plugin doesn't do redir, return
stored_session_data = self.session_cache.pop(id)
except KeyError:
# Restore the old information to the session
for key,val in stored_session_data['params'].items():
plugin.set(key, val)
def print_session(self, id):
session = self.session_cache[id]
except KeyError:
Pre plugin execution
def conv_param(self, val, params, session_data={}):
"""Resolve a value from one of session, params, or the hard value"""
# First try to find the session parameter
if val in session_data:
return session_data[val]
# Then try to find the context-specific parameter
if is_identifier(val):
return params[val]
return None
# If it is neither a session or context parameter, return the value as is
return val
def prompt_redir_fake(self, msg, default):
done = None
while not done:
line = self.io.prompt_user(msg, default)
except exception.PromptHelp, err:
self.io.print_warning('No help available')
except exception.PromptErr, err:
except exception.CmdErr, err:
if line:
return line
def prompt_redir(self, plugin, var, msg, default):
"""Prompt for a redirect value and set it in Truantchild"""
done = None
while not done:
line = self.io.prompt_user(msg, default)
plugin.set(var, line)
done = plugin.hasValidValue(var)
except exception.PromptHelp, err:
self.io.print_warning('No help available')
except exception.PromptErr, err:
except exception.CmdErr, err:
return plugin.get(var)
def straight_remote(self, r, plugin):
params = iDict(plugin.getParameters())
lport = self.conv_param(r.listenport, params)
dport = self.conv_param(r.destport, params)
laddr = self.conv_param(r.listenaddr, params)
if None in (lport, dport, laddr):
# Do we need to choose a random local port?
# XXX - This won't happen unless lport is 0
if not lport or lport == "0":
lport = rand_port()
# Store off the old values so that we can restore them after the
# plug-in executes
cache = {r.listenaddr : plugin.get(r.listenaddr),
r.listenport : plugin.get(r.listenport),
r.destport : plugin.get(r.destport)}
self.io.print_success("Remote Tunnel - %s" % r.name)
# Modify the plugin and report success
callbackip = self.prompt_redir(plugin, r.listenaddr, 'Listen IP', laddr)
callbackport = self.prompt_redir(plugin, r.listenport, 'Listen Port', lport)
plugin.set(r.destport, callbackport)
self.io.print_success("(%s) Remote %s:%s" % (r.protocol, callbackip, callbackport))
except exception.PromptErr:
self.io.print_error("Aborted by user")
for (var,val) in cache.items():
plugin.set(var, val)
self.io.print_error("Error setting '%s' - May be in an inconsistent state" % var)
def straight_local(self, l, plugin):
"""Effectively just print the straight path to the target"""
params = iDict(plugin.getParameters())
laddr = self.conv_param(l.listenaddr, params)
lport = self.conv_param(l.listenport, params)
if not laddr or not lport:
# The logic here was previously wrong, which meant that people didn't have to be careful
# about their redirection sections. Until we get them fixed, we need a hack that will
# allow these invalid redirection sections if we try it the valid way and fail
enable_hack = False
cache = {l.destaddr : plugin.get(l.destaddr),
l.destport : plugin.get(l.destport)}
laddr = self.conv_param(l.destaddr, params)
lport = self.conv_param(l.destport, params)
except exception.CmdErr:
enable_hack = True
cache = {l.destaddr : plugin.get(l.listenaddr),
l.destport : plugin.get(l.listenport)}
self.io.print_success("Local Tunnel - %s" % l.name)
if not enable_hack:
targetip = self.prompt_redir(plugin, l.destaddr, 'Destination IP', laddr)
targetport = self.prompt_redir(plugin, l.destport, 'Destination Port', lport)
self.io.print_success("(%s) Local %s:%s" % (l.protocol, targetip, targetport))
targetip = self.prompt_redir(plugin, l.listenaddr, 'Destination IP', laddr)
targetport = self.prompt_redir(plugin, l.listenport, 'Destination Port', lport)
self.io.print_success("(%s) Local %s:%s" % (l.protocol, targetip, targetport))
except exception.PromptErr:
self.io.print_error("Aborted by user")
for (var,val) in cache.items():
plugin.set(var, val)
self.io.print_error("Error setting '%s' - May be in an inconsistent state" % var)
except Exception as e:
self.io.print_error("Error: {0}".format(str(type(e))))
def redirect_remote(self, r, plugin, session_data):
"""(destaddr, destport) = r-xform(listenaddr, listenport)
* Each of the identifiers above specifies a variable for the plug-in
(1) Prompt for Listen IP - Likely the ultimate redirector's IP
(2) Prompt for Listen Port - Likely the ultimate redirector's port
(3) Prompt for Destination - Likely
(4) Prompt for Destination Port - Likely a local port
Lookup the variables specified by listenaddr and listenport, transform them with
a given transform function, and substitute the resulting values into the
variables specified by destaddr and destport.
The plug-in will then have to open a port to listen on using the variables
specified by the destnation IP and destination port
params = iDict(plugin.getParameters())
lport = self.conv_param(r.listenport, params, session_data['params'])
dport = self.conv_param(r.destport, params, session_data['params'])
laddr = self.conv_param(r.listenaddr, params, session_data['params'])
daddr = self.conv_param(r.destaddr, params, session_data['params'])
if None in (lport, dport, laddr, daddr):
for p,n in (laddr, r.listenaddr), (lport, r.listenport), (daddr, r.destaddr), (dport, r.destport):
if p == None:
self.io.print_warning("Parameter %s referenced by tunnel %s not found. This tunnel will "
"be ignored" % (n, r.name))
if not lport or lport == "0":
lport = rand_port()
self.io.print_success("Remote Tunnel - %s" % r.name)
# Prompt the user for the listenaddr and listenport
callbackip = self.prompt_redir(plugin, r.listenaddr, 'Listen IP', laddr)
callbackport = self.prompt_redir(plugin, r.listenport, 'Listen Port', lport)
# Do the substitution
session_data['params'][r.listenaddr] = callbackip
session_data['params'][r.listenport] = callbackport
# Get the other end of the tunnel, where the connection will eventually be made.
# This will likely be, but does not have to be, the local workstation
callbacklocalip = self.prompt_redir_fake('Destination IP', daddr)
if not dport:
dport = callbackport
callbacklocalport = self.prompt_redir(plugin, r.destport, 'Destination Port', dport)
session_data['params'][r.destport] = callbacklocalport
self.io.print_success("(%s) Remote %s:%s -> %s:%s" %
(r.protocol, callbackip, callbackport,
callbacklocalip, callbacklocalport))
def redirect_local(self, l, plugin, session_data):
targetip = Destination IP (on the target)
targetport = Destination Port (on the target)
redirip = IP of the LP
redirport = Port on the LP
# listenaddr - name of variable containing the LP IP
# listenport - name of variable containing the LP Port
# destaddr - name of variable containing the Target IP
# destport - name of variable containing the Target Port
# targetip - IP of the target
# targetport - Port of the target
# redirip - IP of the LP
# redirport - Port of the LP
params = iDict(plugin.getParameters())
# Get the defaults for the user prompt
laddr = self.conv_param(l.listenaddr, params, session_data['params'])
lport = self.conv_param(l.listenport, params, session_data['params'])
daddr = self.conv_param(l.destaddr, params, session_data['params'])
dport = self.conv_param(l.destport, params, session_data['params'])
if None in (laddr, lport, daddr, dport):
for p,n in (laddr, l.listenaddr), (lport, l.listenport), (daddr, l.destaddr), (dport, l.destport):
if p == None:
self.io.print_warning("Parameter %s referenced by tunnel %s not found. This tunnel will "
"be ignored" % (n, l.name))
self.io.print_success("Local Tunnel - %s" % l.name)
# Get the destination IP and port for the target
targetip = self.prompt_redir_fake('Destination IP', daddr)
targetport = self.prompt_redir_fake('Destination Port', dport)
# Get the redirection addresses
redirip = self.prompt_redir(plugin, l.listenaddr, 'Listen IP', '')
if not dport:
dport = targetport
redirport = self.prompt_redir(plugin, l.listenport, 'Listen Port', lport)
session_data['params'][l.listenaddr] = targetip
session_data['params'][l.listenport] = targetport
# Record the redirection tunnel
session_data['local'].append(LocalRedirection(l.protocol, redirip,
redirport, targetip,
targetport, name=l.name))
self.io.print_success("(%s) Local %s:%s -> %s:%s" %
(l.protocol, redirip, redirport, targetip, targetport))
def config_redirect(self, plugin, do_redir):
"""Configure whether the plug-in should perform redirection
plugin - An instance of a plugin
do_redir - Should we do redirection? (True or False)"""
redir = plugin.getRedirection()
# Make a new session dictionary here
session_data = {
'params' : {}, #
'remote' : [], #
'local' : [] #
if do_redir:
id = uuid.uuid4()
id = 0
self.io.print_success("Configure Plugin Local Tunnels")
for l in redir['local']:
if do_redir:
self.redirect_local(l, plugin, session_data)
self.straight_local(l, plugin)
self.io.print_success("Configure Plugin Remote Tunnels")
for r in redir['remote']:
if do_redir:
self.redirect_remote(r, plugin, session_data)
self.straight_remote(r, plugin)
except exception.PromptErr:
for key,val in session_data['params'].items():
plugin.set(key, val)
# Store info into the cache so that we can restore it in post_exec
if id:
self.session_cache[id] = session_data
return id