diff --git a/src/video_core/pica.h b/src/video_core/pica.h
index 5d27da5d14..83af6a1271 100644
--- a/src/video_core/pica.h
+++ b/src/video_core/pica.h
@@ -713,6 +713,16 @@ struct Regs {
+    static bool IsLightingSamplerSupported(LightingConfig config, LightingSampler sampler) {
+        switch (sampler) {
+        case LightingSampler::Distribution0:
+            return (config != LightingConfig::Config1);
+        case LightingSampler::Distribution1:
+            return (config != LightingConfig::Config0) && (config != LightingConfig::Config1) && (config != LightingConfig::Config5);
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
     struct {
         struct LightSrc {
             LightColor specular_0;  // material.specular_0 * light.specular_0
@@ -751,12 +761,13 @@ struct Regs {
         BitField<0, 3, u32> src_num; // number of enabled lights - 1
         union {
-            BitField< 4, 4, u32> config;
+            BitField< 4, 4, LightingConfig> config;
             BitField<27, 1, u32> clamp_highlights; // 1: GL_TRUE, 0: GL_FALSE
         union {
             BitField<16, 1, u32> lut_enable_d0; // 0: GL_TRUE, 1: GL_FALSE
+            BitField<17, 1, u32> lut_enable_d1; // 0: GL_TRUE, 1: GL_FALSE
             // Each bit specifies whether distance attenuation should be applied for the
             // corresponding light
@@ -804,13 +815,13 @@ struct Regs {
         } abs_lut_input;
         union {
-            BitField< 0, 3, u32> d0;
-            BitField< 4, 3, u32> d1;
-            BitField< 8, 3, u32> sp;
-            BitField<12, 3, u32> fr;
-            BitField<16, 3, u32> rb;
-            BitField<20, 3, u32> rg;
-            BitField<24, 3, u32> rr;
+            BitField< 0, 3, LightingLutInput> d0;
+            BitField< 4, 3, LightingLutInput> d1;
+            BitField< 8, 3, LightingLutInput> sp;
+            BitField<12, 3, LightingLutInput> fr;
+            BitField<16, 3, LightingLutInput> rb;
+            BitField<20, 3, LightingLutInput> rg;
+            BitField<24, 3, LightingLutInput> rr;
         } lut_input;
         union {
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_rasterizer.h b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_rasterizer.h
index 72ded8f22e..788618ed21 100644
--- a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_rasterizer.h
+++ b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_rasterizer.h
@@ -91,6 +91,13 @@ struct PicaShaderConfig {
         res.lighting.lut_d0.abs_input = regs.lighting.abs_lut_input.d0 == 0;
         res.lighting.lut_d0.type = (Pica::Regs::LightingLutInput)regs.lighting.lut_input.d0.Value();
         res.lighting.lut_d0.scale = regs.lighting.lut_scale.GetScale(regs.lighting.lut_scale.d0);
+        res.lighting.lut_d1.enable = regs.lighting.lut_enable_d1 == 0;
+        res.lighting.lut_d1.abs_input = regs.lighting.abs_lut_input.d1 == 0;
+        res.lighting.lut_d1.type = (Pica::Regs::LightingLutInput)regs.lighting.lut_input.d1.Value();
+        res.lighting.lut_d1.scale = regs.lighting.lut_scale.GetScale(regs.lighting.lut_scale.d1);
+        res.lighting.config = regs.lighting.config;
         res.lighting.clamp_highlights = regs.lighting.clamp_highlights != 0;
         return res;
@@ -126,6 +133,7 @@ struct PicaShaderConfig {
             bool enable = false;
             unsigned src_num = 0;
             bool clamp_highlights = false;
+            Pica::Regs::LightingConfig config = Pica::Regs::LightingConfig::Config0;
             struct {
                 bool enable = false;
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_gen.cpp b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_gen.cpp
index 9044a38137..4f8b675bf8 100644
--- a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_gen.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_gen.cpp
@@ -408,15 +408,26 @@ static void WriteLighting(std::string& out, const PicaShaderConfig& config) {
         // If enabled, clamp specular component if lighting result is negative
         std::string clamp_highlights = config.lighting.clamp_highlights ? "(dot(light_vector, normal) <= 0.0 ? 0.0 : 1.0)" : "1.0";
-        // Lookup specular "distribution 0" LUT value
+        // Specular 0 component
         std::string d0_lut_value = "1.0";
-        if (config.lighting.lut_d0.enable) {
+        if (config.lighting.lut_d0.enable && Pica::Regs::IsLightingSamplerSupported(config.lighting.config, Pica::Regs::LightingSampler::Distribution0)) {
+            // Lookup specular "distribution 0" LUT value
             std::string d0_lut_index = GetLutIndex(light_config.num, config.lighting.lut_d0.type, config.lighting.lut_d0.abs_input);
             d0_lut_value = "(" + std::to_string(config.lighting.lut_d0.scale) + " * " + GetLutValue(Regs::LightingSampler::Distribution0, d0_lut_index) + ")";
+        std::string specular_0 = "(" + d0_lut_value + " * " + light_src + ".specular_0)";
+        // Specular 1 component
+        std::string d1_lut_value = "1.0";
+        if (config.lighting.lut_d1.enable && Pica::Regs::IsLightingSamplerSupported(config.lighting.config, Pica::Regs::LightingSampler::Distribution1)) {
+            // Lookup specular "distribution 1" LUT value
+            std::string d1_lut_index = GetLutIndex(light_config.num, config.lighting.lut_d1.type, config.lighting.lut_d1.abs_input);
+            d1_lut_value = "(" + std::to_string(config.lighting.lut_d1.scale) + " * " + GetLutValue(Regs::LightingSampler::Distribution1, d1_lut_index) + ")";
+        }
+        std::string specular_1 = "(" + d1_lut_value + " * " + light_src + ".specular_1)";
         // Compute secondary fragment color (specular lighting) function
-        out += "specular_sum += " + clamp_highlights + " * " + d0_lut_value + " * " + light_src + ".specular_0 * " + dist_atten + ";\n";
+        out += "specular_sum += (" + specular_0 + " + " + specular_1 + ") * " + clamp_highlights + " * " + dist_atten + ";\n";
     // Sum final lighting result