// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2018 suyu Emulator Project // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later #include #include #include #include "common/hex_util.h" #include "common/logging/log.h" #include "core/crypto/key_manager.h" #include "core/file_sys/content_archive.h" #include "core/file_sys/nca_metadata.h" #include "core/file_sys/partition_filesystem.h" #include "core/file_sys/program_metadata.h" #include "core/file_sys/submission_package.h" #include "core/loader/loader.h" namespace FileSys { NSP::NSP(VirtualFile file_, u64 title_id_, std::size_t program_index_) : file(std::move(file_)), expected_program_id(title_id_), program_index(program_index_), status{Loader::ResultStatus::Success}, pfs(std::make_shared(file)), keys{Core::Crypto::KeyManager::Instance()} { if (pfs->GetStatus() != Loader::ResultStatus::Success) { status = pfs->GetStatus(); return; } const auto files = pfs->GetFiles(); if (IsDirectoryExeFS(pfs)) { extracted = true; InitializeExeFSAndRomFS(files); return; } SetTicketKeys(files); ReadNCAs(files); } NSP::~NSP() = default; Loader::ResultStatus NSP::GetStatus() const { return status; } Loader::ResultStatus NSP::GetProgramStatus() const { if (IsExtractedType() && GetExeFS() != nullptr && FileSys::IsDirectoryExeFS(GetExeFS())) { return Loader::ResultStatus::Success; } const auto iter = program_status.find(GetProgramTitleID()); if (iter == program_status.end()) return Loader::ResultStatus::ErrorNSPMissingProgramNCA; return iter->second; } u64 NSP::GetProgramTitleID() const { if (IsExtractedType()) { return GetExtractedTitleID() + program_index; } auto program_id = expected_program_id; if (program_id == 0) { if (!program_status.empty()) { program_id = program_status.begin()->first; } } program_id = program_id + program_index; if (program_status.find(program_id) != program_status.end()) { return program_id; } const auto ids = GetProgramTitleIDs(); const auto iter = std::find_if(ids.begin(), ids.end(), [](u64 tid) { return (tid & 0x800) == 0; }); return iter == ids.end() ? 0 : *iter; } u64 NSP::GetExtractedTitleID() const { if (GetExeFS() == nullptr || !IsDirectoryExeFS(GetExeFS())) { return 0; } ProgramMetadata meta; if (meta.Load(GetExeFS()->GetFile("main.npdm")) == Loader::ResultStatus::Success) { return meta.GetTitleID(); } else { return 0; } } std::vector NSP::GetProgramTitleIDs() const { if (IsExtractedType()) { return {GetExtractedTitleID()}; } std::vector out{program_ids.cbegin(), program_ids.cend()}; return out; } bool NSP::IsExtractedType() const { return extracted; } VirtualFile NSP::GetRomFS() const { return romfs; } VirtualDir NSP::GetExeFS() const { return exefs; } std::vector> NSP::GetNCAsCollapsed() const { if (extracted) LOG_WARNING(Service_FS, "called on an NSP that is of type extracted."); std::vector> out; for (const auto& map : ncas) { for (const auto& inner_map : map.second) out.push_back(inner_map.second); } return out; } std::multimap> NSP::GetNCAsByTitleID() const { if (extracted) LOG_WARNING(Service_FS, "called on an NSP that is of type extracted."); std::multimap> out; for (const auto& map : ncas) { for (const auto& inner_map : map.second) out.emplace(map.first, inner_map.second); } return out; } std::map, std::shared_ptr>> NSP::GetNCAs() const { return ncas; } std::shared_ptr NSP::GetNCA(u64 title_id, ContentRecordType type, TitleType title_type) const { if (extracted) LOG_WARNING(Service_FS, "called on an NSP that is of type extracted."); const auto title_id_iter = ncas.find(title_id); if (title_id_iter == ncas.end()) return nullptr; const auto type_iter = title_id_iter->second.find({title_type, type}); if (type_iter == title_id_iter->second.end()) return nullptr; return type_iter->second; } VirtualFile NSP::GetNCAFile(u64 title_id, ContentRecordType type, TitleType title_type) const { if (extracted) LOG_WARNING(Service_FS, "called on an NSP that is of type extracted."); const auto nca = GetNCA(title_id, type, title_type); if (nca != nullptr) return nca->GetBaseFile(); return nullptr; } std::vector NSP::GetFiles() const { return pfs->GetFiles(); } std::vector NSP::GetSubdirectories() const { return pfs->GetSubdirectories(); } std::string NSP::GetName() const { return file->GetName(); } VirtualDir NSP::GetParentDirectory() const { return file->GetContainingDirectory(); } void NSP::SetTicketKeys(const std::vector& files) { for (const auto& ticket_file : files) { if (ticket_file == nullptr) { continue; } if (ticket_file->GetExtension() != "tik") { continue; } auto ticket = Core::Crypto::Ticket::Read(ticket_file); if (!keys.AddTicket(ticket)) { LOG_WARNING(Common_Filesystem, "Could not load NSP ticket {}", ticket_file->GetName()); continue; } } } void NSP::InitializeExeFSAndRomFS(const std::vector& files) { exefs = pfs; const auto iter = std::find_if(files.begin(), files.end(), [](const VirtualFile& entry) { return entry->GetName().rfind(".romfs") != std::string::npos; }); if (iter == files.end()) { return; } romfs = *iter; } void NSP::ReadNCAs(const std::vector& files) { for (const auto& outer_file : files) { if (outer_file->GetName().size() < 9 || outer_file->GetName().substr(outer_file->GetName().size() - 9) != ".cnmt.nca") { continue; } const auto nca = std::make_shared(outer_file); if (nca->GetStatus() != Loader::ResultStatus::Success || nca->GetSubdirectories().empty()) { program_status[nca->GetTitleId()] = nca->GetStatus(); continue; } const auto section0 = nca->GetSubdirectories()[0]; for (const auto& inner_file : section0->GetFiles()) { if (inner_file->GetExtension() != "cnmt") { continue; } const CNMT cnmt(inner_file); ncas[cnmt.GetTitleID()][{cnmt.GetType(), ContentRecordType::Meta}] = nca; for (const auto& rec : cnmt.GetContentRecords()) { const auto id_string = Common::HexToString(rec.nca_id, false); auto next_file = pfs->GetFile(fmt::format("{}.nca", id_string)); if (next_file == nullptr) { if (rec.type != ContentRecordType::DeltaFragment) { LOG_WARNING(Service_FS, "NCA with ID {}.nca is listed in content metadata, but cannot " "be found in PFS. NSP appears to be corrupted.", id_string); } continue; } auto next_nca = std::make_shared(std::move(next_file)); if (next_nca->GetType() == NCAContentType::Program) { program_status[next_nca->GetTitleId()] = next_nca->GetStatus(); program_ids.insert(next_nca->GetTitleId() & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF000); } if (next_nca->GetStatus() != Loader::ResultStatus::Success && next_nca->GetStatus() != Loader::ResultStatus::ErrorMissingBKTRBaseRomFS) { continue; } // If the last 3 hexadecimal digits of the CNMT TitleID is 0x800 or is missing the // BKTRBaseRomFS, this is an update NCA. Otherwise, this is a base NCA. if ((cnmt.GetTitleID() & 0x800) != 0 || next_nca->GetStatus() == Loader::ResultStatus::ErrorMissingBKTRBaseRomFS) { // If the last 3 hexadecimal digits of the NCA's TitleID is between 0x1 and // 0x7FF, this is a multi-program update NCA. Otherwise, this is a regular // update NCA. if ((next_nca->GetTitleId() & 0x7FF) != 0 && (next_nca->GetTitleId() & 0x800) == 0) { ncas[next_nca->GetTitleId()][{cnmt.GetType(), rec.type}] = std::move(next_nca); } else { ncas[cnmt.GetTitleID()][{cnmt.GetType(), rec.type}] = std::move(next_nca); } } else { ncas[next_nca->GetTitleId()][{cnmt.GetType(), rec.type}] = std::move(next_nca); } } break; } } } } // namespace FileSys