
594 lines
21 KiB

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2023 yuzu Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include <mbedtls/sha256.h>
#include "common/scope_exit.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/k_process.h"
#include "core/hle/service/cmif_serialization.h"
#include "core/hle/service/ipc_helpers.h"
#include "core/hle/service/ro/ro.h"
#include "core/hle/service/ro/ro_nro_utils.h"
#include "core/hle/service/ro/ro_results.h"
#include "core/hle/service/ro/ro_types.h"
#include "core/hle/service/server_manager.h"
namespace Service::RO {
namespace {
// Convenience definitions.
constexpr size_t MaxSessions = 0x3;
constexpr size_t MaxNrrInfos = 0x40;
constexpr size_t MaxNroInfos = 0x40;
constexpr u64 InvalidProcessId = 0xffffffffffffffffULL;
constexpr u64 InvalidContextId = 0xffffffffffffffffULL;
// Types.
using Sha256Hash = std::array<u8, 32>;
struct NroInfo {
u64 base_address;
u64 nro_heap_address;
u64 nro_heap_size;
u64 bss_heap_address;
u64 bss_heap_size;
u64 code_size;
u64 rw_size;
ModuleId module_id;
struct NrrInfo {
u64 nrr_heap_address;
u64 nrr_heap_size;
// Verification.
std::vector<Sha256Hash> hashes;
struct ProcessContext {
constexpr ProcessContext() = default;
void Initialize(Kernel::KProcess* process, u64 process_id) {
m_nro_in_use = {};
m_nrr_in_use = {};
m_nro_infos = {};
m_nrr_infos = {};
m_process = process;
m_process_id = process_id;
m_in_use = true;
if (m_process) {
void Finalize() {
if (m_process) {
m_nro_in_use = {};
m_nrr_in_use = {};
m_nro_infos = {};
m_nrr_infos = {};
m_process = nullptr;
m_process_id = InvalidProcessId;
m_in_use = false;
Kernel::KProcess* GetProcess() const {
return m_process;
u64 GetProcessId() const {
return m_process_id;
bool IsFree() const {
return !m_in_use;
u64 GetProgramId(Kernel::KProcess* other_process) const {
// Automatically select a handle, allowing for override.
if (other_process) {
return other_process->GetProgramId();
} else if (m_process) {
return m_process->GetProgramId();
} else {
return 0;
Result GetNrrInfoByAddress(NrrInfo** out, u64 nrr_heap_address) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < MaxNrrInfos; i++) {
if (m_nrr_in_use[i] && m_nrr_infos[i].nrr_heap_address == nrr_heap_address) {
if (out != nullptr) {
*out = std::addressof(m_nrr_infos[i]);
Result GetFreeNrrInfo(NrrInfo** out) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < MaxNrrInfos; i++) {
if (!m_nrr_in_use[i]) {
if (out != nullptr) {
*out = std::addressof(m_nrr_infos[i]);
Result GetNroInfoByAddress(NroInfo** out, u64 nro_address) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < MaxNroInfos; i++) {
if (m_nro_in_use[i] && m_nro_infos[i].base_address == nro_address) {
if (out != nullptr) {
*out = std::addressof(m_nro_infos[i]);
Result GetNroInfoByModuleId(NroInfo** out, const ModuleId* module_id) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < MaxNroInfos; i++) {
if (m_nro_in_use[i] && std::memcmp(std::addressof(m_nro_infos[i].module_id), module_id,
sizeof(*module_id)) == 0) {
if (out != nullptr) {
*out = std::addressof(m_nro_infos[i]);
Result GetFreeNroInfo(NroInfo** out) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < MaxNroInfos; i++) {
if (!m_nro_in_use[i]) {
if (out != nullptr) {
*out = std::addressof(m_nro_infos[i]);
Result ValidateHasNroHash(u64 base_address, const NroHeader* nro_header) const {
// Calculate hash.
Sha256Hash hash;
const u64 size = nro_header->GetSize();
std::vector<u8> nro_data(size);
m_process->GetMemory().ReadBlock(base_address,, size);
mbedtls_sha256_ret(, size,, 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < MaxNrrInfos; i++) {
// Ensure we only check NRRs that are used.
if (!m_nrr_in_use[i]) {
// Locate the hash within the hash list.
const auto hash_it = std::ranges::find(m_nrr_infos[i].hashes, hash);
if (hash_it == m_nrr_infos[i].hashes.end()) {
// The hash is valid!
Result ValidateNro(ModuleId* out_module_id, u64* out_rx_size, u64* out_ro_size,
u64* out_rw_size, u64 base_address, u64 expected_nro_size,
u64 expected_bss_size) {
// Ensure we have a process to work on.
R_UNLESS(m_process != nullptr, RO::ResultInvalidProcess);
// Read the NRO header.
NroHeader header{};
m_process->GetMemory().ReadBlock(base_address, std::addressof(header), sizeof(header));
// Validate header.
R_UNLESS(header.IsMagicValid(), RO::ResultInvalidNro);
// Read sizes from header.
const u64 nro_size = header.GetSize();
const u64 text_ofs = header.GetTextOffset();
const u64 text_size = header.GetTextSize();
const u64 ro_ofs = header.GetRoOffset();
const u64 ro_size = header.GetRoSize();
const u64 rw_ofs = header.GetRwOffset();
const u64 rw_size = header.GetRwSize();
const u64 bss_size = header.GetBssSize();
// Validate sizes meet expected.
R_UNLESS(nro_size == expected_nro_size, RO::ResultInvalidNro);
R_UNLESS(bss_size == expected_bss_size, RO::ResultInvalidNro);
// Validate all sizes are aligned.
R_UNLESS(Common::IsAligned(text_size, Core::Memory::YUZU_PAGESIZE), RO::ResultInvalidNro);
R_UNLESS(Common::IsAligned(ro_size, Core::Memory::YUZU_PAGESIZE), RO::ResultInvalidNro);
R_UNLESS(Common::IsAligned(rw_size, Core::Memory::YUZU_PAGESIZE), RO::ResultInvalidNro);
R_UNLESS(Common::IsAligned(bss_size, Core::Memory::YUZU_PAGESIZE), RO::ResultInvalidNro);
// Validate sections are in order.
R_UNLESS(text_ofs <= ro_ofs, RO::ResultInvalidNro);
R_UNLESS(ro_ofs <= rw_ofs, RO::ResultInvalidNro);
// Validate sections are sequential and contiguous.
R_UNLESS(text_ofs == 0, RO::ResultInvalidNro);
R_UNLESS(text_ofs + text_size == ro_ofs, RO::ResultInvalidNro);
R_UNLESS(ro_ofs + ro_size == rw_ofs, RO::ResultInvalidNro);
R_UNLESS(rw_ofs + rw_size == nro_size, RO::ResultInvalidNro);
// Verify NRO hash.
R_TRY(this->ValidateHasNroHash(base_address, std::addressof(header)));
// Check if NRO has already been loaded.
const ModuleId* module_id = header.GetModuleId();
R_UNLESS(R_FAILED(this->GetNroInfoByModuleId(nullptr, module_id)), RO::ResultAlreadyLoaded);
// Apply patches to NRO.
// LocateAndApplyIpsPatchesToModule(module_id, static_cast<u8*>(mapped_memory), nro_size);
// Copy to output.
*out_module_id = *module_id;
*out_rx_size = text_size;
*out_ro_size = ro_size;
*out_rw_size = rw_size;
void SetNrrInfoInUse(const NrrInfo* info, bool in_use) {
ASSERT(std::addressof(m_nrr_infos[0]) <= info &&
info <= std::addressof(m_nrr_infos[MaxNrrInfos - 1]));
const size_t index = info - std::addressof(m_nrr_infos[0]);
m_nrr_in_use[index] = in_use;
void SetNroInfoInUse(const NroInfo* info, bool in_use) {
ASSERT(std::addressof(m_nro_infos[0]) <= info &&
info <= std::addressof(m_nro_infos[MaxNroInfos - 1]));
const size_t index = info - std::addressof(m_nro_infos[0]);
m_nro_in_use[index] = in_use;
std::array<bool, MaxNroInfos> m_nro_in_use{};
std::array<bool, MaxNrrInfos> m_nrr_in_use{};
std::array<NroInfo, MaxNroInfos> m_nro_infos{};
std::array<NrrInfo, MaxNrrInfos> m_nrr_infos{};
Kernel::KProcess* m_process{};
u64 m_process_id{InvalidProcessId};
bool m_in_use{};
Result ValidateAddressAndNonZeroSize(u64 address, u64 size) {
R_UNLESS(Common::IsAligned(address, Core::Memory::YUZU_PAGESIZE), RO::ResultInvalidAddress);
R_UNLESS(size != 0, RO::ResultInvalidSize);
R_UNLESS(Common::IsAligned(size, Core::Memory::YUZU_PAGESIZE), RO::ResultInvalidSize);
R_UNLESS(address < address + size, RO::ResultInvalidSize);
Result ValidateAddressAndSize(u64 address, u64 size) {
R_UNLESS(Common::IsAligned(address, Core::Memory::YUZU_PAGESIZE), RO::ResultInvalidAddress);
R_UNLESS(Common::IsAligned(size, Core::Memory::YUZU_PAGESIZE), RO::ResultInvalidSize);
R_UNLESS(size == 0 || address < address + size, RO::ResultInvalidSize);
class RoContext {
explicit RoContext() = default;
Result RegisterProcess(size_t* out_context_id, Kernel::KProcess* process, u64 process_id) {
// Validate process id.
R_UNLESS(process->GetProcessId() == process_id, RO::ResultInvalidProcess);
// Check if a process context already exists.
R_UNLESS(this->GetContextByProcessId(process_id) == nullptr, RO::ResultInvalidSession);
// Allocate a context to manage the process handle.
*out_context_id = this->AllocateContext(process, process_id);
Result ValidateProcess(size_t context_id, u64 process_id) {
const ProcessContext* ctx = this->GetContextById(context_id);
R_UNLESS(ctx != nullptr, RO::ResultInvalidProcess);
R_UNLESS(ctx->GetProcessId() == process_id, RO::ResultInvalidProcess);
void UnregisterProcess(size_t context_id) {
Result RegisterModuleInfo(size_t context_id, u64 nrr_address, u64 nrr_size, NrrKind nrr_kind,
bool enforce_nrr_kind) {
// Get context.
ProcessContext* context = this->GetContextById(context_id);
ASSERT(context != nullptr);
// Validate address/size.
R_TRY(ValidateAddressAndNonZeroSize(nrr_address, nrr_size));
// Check we have space for a new NRR.
NrrInfo* nrr_info = nullptr;
// Ensure we have a valid process to read from.
Kernel::KProcess* process = context->GetProcess();
R_UNLESS(process != nullptr, RO::ResultInvalidProcess);
// Read NRR.
NrrHeader header{};
process->GetMemory().ReadBlock(nrr_address, std::addressof(header), sizeof(header));
// Set NRR info.
context->SetNrrInfoInUse(nrr_info, true);
nrr_info->nrr_heap_address = nrr_address;
nrr_info->nrr_heap_size = nrr_size;
// Read NRR hash list.
process->GetMemory().ReadBlock(nrr_address + header.GetHashesOffset(),
sizeof(Sha256Hash) * header.GetNumHashes());
Result UnregisterModuleInfo(size_t context_id, u64 nrr_address) {
// Get context.
ProcessContext* context = this->GetContextById(context_id);
ASSERT(context != nullptr);
// Validate address.
R_UNLESS(Common::IsAligned(nrr_address, Core::Memory::YUZU_PAGESIZE),
// Check the NRR is loaded.
NrrInfo* nrr_info = nullptr;
R_TRY(context->GetNrrInfoByAddress(std::addressof(nrr_info), nrr_address));
// Nintendo does this unconditionally, whether or not the actual unmap succeeds.
context->SetNrrInfoInUse(nrr_info, false);
*nrr_info = {};
Result MapManualLoadModuleMemory(u64* out_address, size_t context_id, u64 nro_address,
u64 nro_size, u64 bss_address, u64 bss_size) {
// Get context.
ProcessContext* context = this->GetContextById(context_id);
ASSERT(context != nullptr);
// Validate address/size.
R_TRY(ValidateAddressAndNonZeroSize(nro_address, nro_size));
R_TRY(ValidateAddressAndSize(bss_address, bss_size));
const u64 total_size = nro_size + bss_size;
R_UNLESS(total_size >= nro_size, RO::ResultInvalidSize);
R_UNLESS(total_size >= bss_size, RO::ResultInvalidSize);
// Check we have space for a new NRO.
NroInfo* nro_info = nullptr;
nro_info->nro_heap_address = nro_address;
nro_info->nro_heap_size = nro_size;
nro_info->bss_heap_address = bss_address;
nro_info->bss_heap_size = bss_size;
// Map the NRO.
R_TRY(MapNro(std::addressof(nro_info->base_address), context->GetProcess(), nro_address,
nro_size, bss_address, bss_size, generate_random));
UnmapNro(context->GetProcess(), nro_info->base_address, nro_address, nro_size,
bss_address, bss_size);
// Validate the NRO (parsing region extents).
u64 rx_size = 0, ro_size = 0, rw_size = 0;
R_TRY(context->ValidateNro(std::addressof(nro_info->module_id), std::addressof(rx_size),
std::addressof(ro_size), std::addressof(rw_size),
nro_info->base_address, nro_size, bss_size));
// Set NRO perms.
R_TRY(SetNroPerms(context->GetProcess(), nro_info->base_address, rx_size, ro_size,
rw_size + bss_size));
context->SetNroInfoInUse(nro_info, true);
nro_info->code_size = rx_size + ro_size;
nro_info->rw_size = rw_size;
*out_address = nro_info->base_address;
Result UnmapManualLoadModuleMemory(size_t context_id, u64 nro_address) {
// Get context.
ProcessContext* context = this->GetContextById(context_id);
ASSERT(context != nullptr);
// Validate address.
R_UNLESS(Common::IsAligned(nro_address, Core::Memory::YUZU_PAGESIZE),
// Check the NRO is loaded.
NroInfo* nro_info = nullptr;
R_TRY(context->GetNroInfoByAddress(std::addressof(nro_info), nro_address));
// Unmap.
const NroInfo nro_backup = *nro_info;
// Nintendo does this unconditionally, whether or not the actual unmap succeeds.
context->SetNroInfoInUse(nro_info, false);
std::memset(nro_info, 0, sizeof(*nro_info));
R_RETURN(UnmapNro(context->GetProcess(), nro_backup.base_address,
nro_backup.nro_heap_address, nro_backup.code_size + nro_backup.rw_size,
nro_backup.bss_heap_address, nro_backup.bss_heap_size));
std::array<ProcessContext, MaxSessions> process_contexts;
std::mt19937_64 generate_random;
// Context Helpers.
ProcessContext* GetContextById(size_t context_id) {
if (context_id == InvalidContextId) {
return nullptr;
ASSERT(context_id < process_contexts.size());
return std::addressof(process_contexts[context_id]);
ProcessContext* GetContextByProcessId(u64 process_id) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < MaxSessions; i++) {
if (process_contexts[i].GetProcessId() == process_id) {
return std::addressof(process_contexts[i]);
return nullptr;
size_t AllocateContext(Kernel::KProcess* process, u64 process_id) {
// Find a free process context.
for (size_t i = 0; i < MaxSessions; i++) {
ProcessContext* context = std::addressof(process_contexts[i]);
if (context->IsFree()) {
context->Initialize(process, process_id);
return i;
// Failure to find a free context is actually an abort condition.
void FreeContext(size_t context_id) {
if (ProcessContext* context = GetContextById(context_id); context != nullptr) {
class RoInterface : public ServiceFramework<RoInterface> {
explicit RoInterface(Core::System& system_, const char* name_, std::shared_ptr<RoContext> ro,
NrrKind nrr_kind)
: ServiceFramework{system_, name_}, m_ro(ro), m_context_id(InvalidContextId),
m_nrr_kind(nrr_kind) {
// clang-format off
static const FunctionInfo functions[] = {
{0, C<&RoInterface::MapManualLoadModuleMemory>, "MapManualLoadModuleMemory"},
{1, C<&RoInterface::UnmapManualLoadModuleMemory>, "UnmapManualLoadModuleMemory"},
{2, C<&RoInterface::RegisterModuleInfo>, "RegisterModuleInfo"},
{3, C<&RoInterface::UnregisterModuleInfo>, "UnregisterModuleInfo"},
{4, C<&RoInterface::RegisterProcessHandle>, "RegisterProcessHandle"},
{10, C<&RoInterface::RegisterProcessModuleInfo>, "RegisterProcessModuleInfo"},
// clang-format on
~RoInterface() {
Result MapManualLoadModuleMemory(Out<u64> out_load_address, ClientProcessId client_pid,
u64 nro_address, u64 nro_size, u64 bss_address, u64 bss_size) {
R_TRY(m_ro->ValidateProcess(m_context_id, *client_pid));
R_RETURN(m_ro->MapManualLoadModuleMemory(out_load_address.Get(), m_context_id, nro_address,
nro_size, bss_address, bss_size));
Result UnmapManualLoadModuleMemory(ClientProcessId client_pid, u64 nro_address) {
R_TRY(m_ro->ValidateProcess(m_context_id, *client_pid));
R_RETURN(m_ro->UnmapManualLoadModuleMemory(m_context_id, nro_address));
Result RegisterModuleInfo(ClientProcessId client_pid, u64 nrr_address, u64 nrr_size) {
R_TRY(m_ro->ValidateProcess(m_context_id, *client_pid));
m_ro->RegisterModuleInfo(m_context_id, nrr_address, nrr_size, NrrKind::User, true));
Result UnregisterModuleInfo(ClientProcessId client_pid, u64 nrr_address) {
R_TRY(m_ro->ValidateProcess(m_context_id, *client_pid));
R_RETURN(m_ro->UnregisterModuleInfo(m_context_id, nrr_address));
Result RegisterProcessHandle(ClientProcessId client_pid,
InCopyHandle<Kernel::KProcess>& process) {
// Register the process.
R_RETURN(m_ro->RegisterProcess(std::addressof(m_context_id), process.Get(), *client_pid));
Result RegisterProcessModuleInfo(ClientProcessId client_pid, u64 nrr_address, u64 nrr_size,
InCopyHandle<Kernel::KProcess>& process) {
// Validate the process.
R_TRY(m_ro->ValidateProcess(m_context_id, *client_pid));
// Register the module.
R_RETURN(m_ro->RegisterModuleInfo(m_context_id, nrr_address, nrr_size, m_nrr_kind,
m_nrr_kind == NrrKind::JitPlugin));
std::shared_ptr<RoContext> m_ro{};
size_t m_context_id{};
NrrKind m_nrr_kind{};
} // namespace
void LoopProcess(Core::System& system) {
auto server_manager = std::make_unique<ServerManager>(system);
auto ro = std::make_shared<RoContext>();
const auto RoInterfaceFactoryForUser = [&, ro] {
return std::make_shared<RoInterface>(system, "ldr:ro", ro, NrrKind::User);
const auto RoInterfaceFactoryForJitPlugin = [&, ro] {
return std::make_shared<RoInterface>(system, "ro:1", ro, NrrKind::JitPlugin);
server_manager->RegisterNamedService("ldr:ro", std::move(RoInterfaceFactoryForUser));
server_manager->RegisterNamedService("ro:1", std::move(RoInterfaceFactoryForJitPlugin));
} // namespace Service::RO