ReinUsesLisp 82c2601555 video_core: Reimplement the buffer cache
Reimplement the buffer cache using cached bindings and page level
granularity for modification tracking. This also drops the usage of
shared pointers and virtual functions from the cache.

- Bindings are cached, allowing to skip work when the game changes few
  bits between draws.
- OpenGL Assembly shaders no longer copy when a region has been modified
  from the GPU to emulate constant buffers, instead GL_EXT_memory_object
  is used to alias sub-buffers within the same allocation.
- OpenGL Assembly shaders stream constant buffer data using
  glProgramBufferParametersIuivNV, from NV_parameter_buffer_object. In
  theory this should save one hash table resolve inside the driver
  compared to glBufferSubData.
- A new OpenGL stream buffer is implemented based on fences for drivers
  that are not Nvidia's proprietary, due to their low performance on
  partial glBufferSubData calls synchronized with 3D rendering (that
  some games use a lot).
- Most optimizations are shared between APIs now, allowing Vulkan to
  cache more bindings than before, skipping unnecesarry work.

This commit adds the necessary infrastructure to use Vulkan object from
OpenGL. Overall, it improves performance and fixes some bugs present on
the old cache. There are still some edge cases hit by some games that
harm performance on some vendors, this are planned to be fixed in later
2021-02-13 02:17:22 -03:00

479 lines
18 KiB

// Copyright 2018 yuzu Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#pragma once
#include <array>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
#include "common/common_types.h"
#include "video_core/engines/maxwell_3d.h"
#include "video_core/engines/shader_bytecode.h"
#include "video_core/engines/shader_header.h"
#include "video_core/shader/ast.h"
#include "video_core/shader/compiler_settings.h"
#include "video_core/shader/memory_util.h"
#include "video_core/shader/node.h"
#include "video_core/shader/registry.h"
namespace VideoCommon::Shader {
struct ShaderBlock;
constexpr u32 MAX_PROGRAM_LENGTH = 0x1000;
struct ConstBuffer {
constexpr explicit ConstBuffer(u32 max_offset_, bool is_indirect_)
: max_offset{max_offset_}, is_indirect{is_indirect_} {}
constexpr ConstBuffer() = default;
void MarkAsUsed(u64 offset) {
max_offset = std::max(max_offset, static_cast<u32>(offset));
void MarkAsUsedIndirect() {
is_indirect = true;
bool IsIndirect() const {
return is_indirect;
u32 GetSize() const {
return max_offset + static_cast<u32>(sizeof(float));
u32 GetMaxOffset() const {
return max_offset;
u32 max_offset = 0;
bool is_indirect = false;
struct GlobalMemoryUsage {
bool is_read{};
bool is_written{};
class ShaderIR final {
explicit ShaderIR(const ProgramCode& program_code_, u32 main_offset_,
CompilerSettings settings_, Registry& registry_);
const std::map<u32, NodeBlock>& GetBasicBlocks() const {
return basic_blocks;
const std::set<u32>& GetRegisters() const {
return used_registers;
const std::set<Tegra::Shader::Pred>& GetPredicates() const {
return used_predicates;
const std::set<Tegra::Shader::Attribute::Index>& GetInputAttributes() const {
return used_input_attributes;
const std::set<Tegra::Shader::Attribute::Index>& GetOutputAttributes() const {
return used_output_attributes;
const std::map<u32, ConstBuffer>& GetConstantBuffers() const {
return used_cbufs;
const std::list<SamplerEntry>& GetSamplers() const {
return used_samplers;
const std::list<ImageEntry>& GetImages() const {
return used_images;
const std::array<bool, Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs::NumClipDistances>& GetClipDistances()
const {
return used_clip_distances;
const std::map<GlobalMemoryBase, GlobalMemoryUsage>& GetGlobalMemory() const {
return used_global_memory;
std::size_t GetLength() const {
return static_cast<std::size_t>(coverage_end * sizeof(u64));
bool UsesLayer() const {
return uses_layer;
bool UsesViewportIndex() const {
return uses_viewport_index;
bool UsesPointSize() const {
return uses_point_size;
bool UsesInstanceId() const {
return uses_instance_id;
bool UsesVertexId() const {
return uses_vertex_id;
bool UsesLegacyVaryings() const {
return uses_legacy_varyings;
bool UsesYNegate() const {
return uses_y_negate;
bool UsesWarps() const {
return uses_warps;
bool HasPhysicalAttributes() const {
return uses_physical_attributes;
const Tegra::Shader::Header& GetHeader() const {
return header;
bool IsFlowStackDisabled() const {
return disable_flow_stack;
bool IsDecompiled() const {
return decompiled;
const ASTManager& GetASTManager() const {
return program_manager;
ASTNode GetASTProgram() const {
return program_manager.GetProgram();
u32 GetASTNumVariables() const {
return program_manager.GetVariables();
u32 ConvertAddressToNvidiaSpace(u32 address) const {
return (address - main_offset) * static_cast<u32>(sizeof(Tegra::Shader::Instruction));
/// Returns a condition code evaluated from internal flags
Node GetConditionCode(Tegra::Shader::ConditionCode cc) const;
const Node& GetAmendNode(std::size_t index) const {
return amend_code[index];
u32 GetNumCustomVariables() const {
return num_custom_variables;
friend class ASTDecoder;
struct SamplerInfo {
std::optional<Tegra::Shader::TextureType> type;
std::optional<bool> is_array;
std::optional<bool> is_shadow;
std::optional<bool> is_buffer;
constexpr bool IsComplete() const noexcept {
return type && is_array && is_shadow && is_buffer;
void Decode();
void PostDecode();
NodeBlock DecodeRange(u32 begin, u32 end);
void DecodeRangeInner(NodeBlock& bb, u32 begin, u32 end);
void InsertControlFlow(NodeBlock& bb, const ShaderBlock& block);
* Decodes a single instruction from Tegra to IR.
* @param bb Basic block where the nodes will be written to.
* @param pc Program counter. Offset to decode.
* @return Next address to decode.
u32 DecodeInstr(NodeBlock& bb, u32 pc);
u32 DecodeArithmetic(NodeBlock& bb, u32 pc);
u32 DecodeArithmeticImmediate(NodeBlock& bb, u32 pc);
u32 DecodeBfe(NodeBlock& bb, u32 pc);
u32 DecodeBfi(NodeBlock& bb, u32 pc);
u32 DecodeShift(NodeBlock& bb, u32 pc);
u32 DecodeArithmeticInteger(NodeBlock& bb, u32 pc);
u32 DecodeArithmeticIntegerImmediate(NodeBlock& bb, u32 pc);
u32 DecodeArithmeticHalf(NodeBlock& bb, u32 pc);
u32 DecodeArithmeticHalfImmediate(NodeBlock& bb, u32 pc);
u32 DecodeFfma(NodeBlock& bb, u32 pc);
u32 DecodeHfma2(NodeBlock& bb, u32 pc);
u32 DecodeConversion(NodeBlock& bb, u32 pc);
u32 DecodeWarp(NodeBlock& bb, u32 pc);
u32 DecodeMemory(NodeBlock& bb, u32 pc);
u32 DecodeTexture(NodeBlock& bb, u32 pc);
u32 DecodeImage(NodeBlock& bb, u32 pc);
u32 DecodeFloatSetPredicate(NodeBlock& bb, u32 pc);
u32 DecodeIntegerSetPredicate(NodeBlock& bb, u32 pc);
u32 DecodeHalfSetPredicate(NodeBlock& bb, u32 pc);
u32 DecodePredicateSetRegister(NodeBlock& bb, u32 pc);
u32 DecodePredicateSetPredicate(NodeBlock& bb, u32 pc);
u32 DecodeRegisterSetPredicate(NodeBlock& bb, u32 pc);
u32 DecodeFloatSet(NodeBlock& bb, u32 pc);
u32 DecodeIntegerSet(NodeBlock& bb, u32 pc);
u32 DecodeHalfSet(NodeBlock& bb, u32 pc);
u32 DecodeVideo(NodeBlock& bb, u32 pc);
u32 DecodeXmad(NodeBlock& bb, u32 pc);
u32 DecodeOther(NodeBlock& bb, u32 pc);
/// Generates a node for a passed register.
Node GetRegister(Tegra::Shader::Register reg);
/// Generates a node for a custom variable
Node GetCustomVariable(u32 id);
/// Generates a node representing a 19-bit immediate value
Node GetImmediate19(Tegra::Shader::Instruction instr);
/// Generates a node representing a 32-bit immediate value
Node GetImmediate32(Tegra::Shader::Instruction instr);
/// Generates a node representing a constant buffer
Node GetConstBuffer(u64 index, u64 offset);
/// Generates a node representing a constant buffer with a variadic offset
Node GetConstBufferIndirect(u64 index, u64 offset, Node node);
/// Generates a node for a passed predicate. It can be optionally negated
Node GetPredicate(u64 pred, bool negated = false);
/// Generates a predicate node for an immediate true or false value
Node GetPredicate(bool immediate);
/// Generates a node representing an input attribute. Keeps track of used attributes.
Node GetInputAttribute(Tegra::Shader::Attribute::Index index, u64 element, Node buffer = {});
/// Generates a node representing a physical input attribute.
Node GetPhysicalInputAttribute(Tegra::Shader::Register physical_address, Node buffer = {});
/// Generates a node representing an output attribute. Keeps track of used attributes.
Node GetOutputAttribute(Tegra::Shader::Attribute::Index index, u64 element, Node buffer);
/// Generates a node representing an internal flag
Node GetInternalFlag(InternalFlag flag, bool negated = false) const;
/// Generates a node representing a local memory address
Node GetLocalMemory(Node address);
/// Generates a node representing a shared memory address
Node GetSharedMemory(Node address);
/// Generates a temporary, internally it uses a post-RZ register
Node GetTemporary(u32 id);
/// Sets a register. src value must be a number-evaluated node.
void SetRegister(NodeBlock& bb, Tegra::Shader::Register dest, Node src);
/// Sets a predicate. src value must be a bool-evaluated node
void SetPredicate(NodeBlock& bb, u64 dest, Node src);
/// Sets an internal flag. src value must be a bool-evaluated node
void SetInternalFlag(NodeBlock& bb, InternalFlag flag, Node value);
/// Sets a local memory address with a value.
void SetLocalMemory(NodeBlock& bb, Node address, Node value);
/// Sets a shared memory address with a value.
void SetSharedMemory(NodeBlock& bb, Node address, Node value);
/// Sets a temporary. Internally it uses a post-RZ register
void SetTemporary(NodeBlock& bb, u32 id, Node value);
/// Sets internal flags from a float
void SetInternalFlagsFromFloat(NodeBlock& bb, Node value, bool sets_cc = true);
/// Sets internal flags from an integer
void SetInternalFlagsFromInteger(NodeBlock& bb, Node value, bool sets_cc = true);
/// Conditionally absolute/negated float. Absolute is applied first
Node GetOperandAbsNegFloat(Node value, bool absolute, bool negate);
/// Conditionally saturates a float
Node GetSaturatedFloat(Node value, bool saturate = true);
/// Converts an integer to different sizes.
Node ConvertIntegerSize(Node value, Tegra::Shader::Register::Size size, bool is_signed);
/// Conditionally absolute/negated integer. Absolute is applied first
Node GetOperandAbsNegInteger(Node value, bool absolute, bool negate, bool is_signed);
/// Unpacks a half immediate from an instruction
Node UnpackHalfImmediate(Tegra::Shader::Instruction instr, bool has_negation);
/// Unpacks a binary value into a half float pair with a type format
Node UnpackHalfFloat(Node value, Tegra::Shader::HalfType type);
/// Merges a half pair into another value
Node HalfMerge(Node dest, Node src, Tegra::Shader::HalfMerge merge);
/// Conditionally absolute/negated half float pair. Absolute is applied first
Node GetOperandAbsNegHalf(Node value, bool absolute, bool negate);
/// Conditionally saturates a half float pair
Node GetSaturatedHalfFloat(Node value, bool saturate = true);
/// Get image component value by type and size
std::pair<Node, bool> GetComponentValue(Tegra::Texture::ComponentType component_type,
u32 component_size, Node original_value);
/// Returns a predicate comparing two floats
Node GetPredicateComparisonFloat(Tegra::Shader::PredCondition condition, Node op_a, Node op_b);
/// Returns a predicate comparing two integers
Node GetPredicateComparisonInteger(Tegra::Shader::PredCondition condition, bool is_signed,
Node op_a, Node op_b);
/// Returns a predicate comparing two half floats. meta consumes how both pairs will be compared
Node GetPredicateComparisonHalf(Tegra::Shader::PredCondition condition, Node op_a, Node op_b);
/// Returns a predicate combiner operation
OperationCode GetPredicateCombiner(Tegra::Shader::PredOperation operation);
/// Queries the missing sampler info from the execution context.
SamplerInfo GetSamplerInfo(SamplerInfo info,
std::optional<Tegra::Engines::SamplerDescriptor> sampler);
/// Accesses a texture sampler.
std::optional<SamplerEntry> GetSampler(Tegra::Shader::Sampler sampler, SamplerInfo info);
/// Accesses a texture sampler for a bindless texture.
std::optional<SamplerEntry> GetBindlessSampler(Tegra::Shader::Register reg, SamplerInfo info,
Node& index_var);
/// Accesses an image.
ImageEntry& GetImage(Tegra::Shader::Image image, Tegra::Shader::ImageType type);
/// Access a bindless image sampler.
ImageEntry& GetBindlessImage(Tegra::Shader::Register reg, Tegra::Shader::ImageType type);
/// Extracts a sequence of bits from a node
Node BitfieldExtract(Node value, u32 offset, u32 bits);
/// Inserts a sequence of bits from a node
Node BitfieldInsert(Node base, Node insert, u32 offset, u32 bits);
/// Marks the usage of a input or output attribute.
void MarkAttributeUsage(Tegra::Shader::Attribute::Index index, u64 element);
/// Decodes VMNMX instruction and inserts its code into the passed basic block.
void DecodeVMNMX(NodeBlock& bb, Tegra::Shader::Instruction instr);
void WriteTexInstructionFloat(NodeBlock& bb, Tegra::Shader::Instruction instr,
const Node4& components);
void WriteTexsInstructionFloat(NodeBlock& bb, Tegra::Shader::Instruction instr,
const Node4& components, bool ignore_mask = false);
void WriteTexsInstructionHalfFloat(NodeBlock& bb, Tegra::Shader::Instruction instr,
const Node4& components, bool ignore_mask = false);
Node4 GetTexCode(Tegra::Shader::Instruction instr, Tegra::Shader::TextureType texture_type,
Tegra::Shader::TextureProcessMode process_mode, bool depth_compare,
bool is_array, bool is_aoffi,
std::optional<Tegra::Shader::Register> bindless_reg);
Node4 GetTexsCode(Tegra::Shader::Instruction instr, Tegra::Shader::TextureType texture_type,
Tegra::Shader::TextureProcessMode process_mode, bool depth_compare,
bool is_array);
Node4 GetTld4Code(Tegra::Shader::Instruction instr, Tegra::Shader::TextureType texture_type,
bool depth_compare, bool is_array, bool is_aoffi, bool is_ptp,
bool is_bindless);
Node4 GetTldCode(Tegra::Shader::Instruction instr);
Node4 GetTldsCode(Tegra::Shader::Instruction instr, Tegra::Shader::TextureType texture_type,
bool is_array);
std::tuple<std::size_t, std::size_t> ValidateAndGetCoordinateElement(
Tegra::Shader::TextureType texture_type, bool depth_compare, bool is_array,
bool lod_bias_enabled, std::size_t max_coords, std::size_t max_inputs);
std::vector<Node> GetAoffiCoordinates(Node aoffi_reg, std::size_t coord_count, bool is_tld4);
std::vector<Node> GetPtpCoordinates(std::array<Node, 2> ptp_regs);
Node4 GetTextureCode(Tegra::Shader::Instruction instr, Tegra::Shader::TextureType texture_type,
Tegra::Shader::TextureProcessMode process_mode, std::vector<Node> coords,
Node array, Node depth_compare, u32 bias_offset, std::vector<Node> aoffi,
std::optional<Tegra::Shader::Register> bindless_reg);
Node GetVideoOperand(Node op, bool is_chunk, bool is_signed, Tegra::Shader::VideoType type,
u64 byte_height);
void WriteLogicOperation(NodeBlock& bb, Tegra::Shader::Register dest,
Tegra::Shader::LogicOperation logic_op, Node op_a, Node op_b,
Tegra::Shader::PredicateResultMode predicate_mode,
Tegra::Shader::Pred predicate, bool sets_cc);
void WriteLop3Instruction(NodeBlock& bb, Tegra::Shader::Register dest, Node op_a, Node op_b,
Node op_c, Node imm_lut, bool sets_cc);
std::tuple<Node, u32, u32> TrackCbuf(Node tracked, const NodeBlock& code, s64 cursor) const;
std::pair<Node, TrackSampler> TrackBindlessSampler(Node tracked, const NodeBlock& code,
s64 cursor);
std::pair<Node, TrackSampler> HandleBindlessIndirectRead(const CbufNode& cbuf,
const OperationNode& operation,
Node gpr, Node base_offset,
Node tracked, const NodeBlock& code,
s64 cursor);
std::optional<u32> TrackImmediate(Node tracked, const NodeBlock& code, s64 cursor) const;
std::pair<Node, s64> TrackRegister(const GprNode* tracked, const NodeBlock& code,
s64 cursor) const;
std::tuple<Node, Node, GlobalMemoryBase> TrackGlobalMemory(NodeBlock& bb,
Tegra::Shader::Instruction instr,
bool is_read, bool is_write);
/// Register new amending code and obtain the reference id.
std::size_t DeclareAmend(Node new_amend);
u32 NewCustomVariable();
const ProgramCode& program_code;
const u32 main_offset;
const CompilerSettings settings;
Registry& registry;
bool decompiled{};
bool disable_flow_stack{};
u32 coverage_begin{};
u32 coverage_end{};
std::map<u32, NodeBlock> basic_blocks;
NodeBlock global_code;
ASTManager program_manager{true, true};
std::vector<Node> amend_code;
u32 num_custom_variables{};
std::set<u32> used_registers;
std::set<Tegra::Shader::Pred> used_predicates;
std::set<Tegra::Shader::Attribute::Index> used_input_attributes;
std::set<Tegra::Shader::Attribute::Index> used_output_attributes;
std::map<u32, ConstBuffer> used_cbufs;
std::list<SamplerEntry> used_samplers;
std::list<ImageEntry> used_images;
std::array<bool, Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs::NumClipDistances> used_clip_distances{};
std::map<GlobalMemoryBase, GlobalMemoryUsage> used_global_memory;
bool uses_layer{};
bool uses_viewport_index{};
bool uses_point_size{};
bool uses_physical_attributes{}; // Shader uses AL2P or physical attribute read/writes
bool uses_instance_id{};
bool uses_vertex_id{};
bool uses_legacy_varyings{};
bool uses_y_negate{};
bool uses_warps{};
bool uses_indexed_samplers{};
Tegra::Shader::Header header;
} // namespace VideoCommon::Shader