ReinUsesLisp afa8096df5 shader: Allow tracking of indirect buffers without variable offset
While changing this code, simplify tracking code to allow returning
the base address node, this way callers don't have to manually rebuild
it on each invocation.
2019-07-14 22:36:44 -03:00

109 lines
4 KiB

// Copyright 2018 yuzu Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include <variant>
#include "common/common_types.h"
#include "video_core/shader/shader_ir.h"
namespace VideoCommon::Shader {
namespace {
std::pair<Node, s64> FindOperation(const NodeBlock& code, s64 cursor,
OperationCode operation_code) {
for (; cursor >= 0; --cursor) {
const Node node =;
if (const auto operation = std::get_if<OperationNode>(&*node)) {
if (operation->GetCode() == operation_code) {
return {node, cursor};
if (const auto conditional = std::get_if<ConditionalNode>(&*node)) {
const auto& conditional_code = conditional->GetCode();
const auto [found, internal_cursor] = FindOperation(
conditional_code, static_cast<s64>(conditional_code.size() - 1), operation_code);
if (found) {
return {found, cursor};
return {};
} // Anonymous namespace
std::tuple<Node, u32, u32> ShaderIR::TrackCbuf(Node tracked, const NodeBlock& code,
s64 cursor) const {
if (const auto cbuf = std::get_if<CbufNode>(&*tracked)) {
// Constant buffer found, test if it's an immediate
const auto offset = cbuf->GetOffset();
if (const auto immediate = std::get_if<ImmediateNode>(&*offset)) {
return {tracked, cbuf->GetIndex(), immediate->GetValue()};
return {};
if (const auto gpr = std::get_if<GprNode>(&*tracked)) {
if (gpr->GetIndex() == Tegra::Shader::Register::ZeroIndex) {
return {};
// Reduce the cursor in one to avoid infinite loops when the instruction sets the same
// register that it uses as operand
const auto [source, new_cursor] = TrackRegister(gpr, code, cursor - 1);
if (!source) {
return {};
return TrackCbuf(source, code, new_cursor);
if (const auto operation = std::get_if<OperationNode>(&*tracked)) {
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < operation->GetOperandsCount(); ++i) {
if (auto found = TrackCbuf((*operation)[i], code, cursor); std::get<0>(found)) {
// Cbuf found in operand.
return found;
return {};
if (const auto conditional = std::get_if<ConditionalNode>(&*tracked)) {
const auto& conditional_code = conditional->GetCode();
return TrackCbuf(tracked, conditional_code, static_cast<s64>(conditional_code.size()));
return {};
std::optional<u32> ShaderIR::TrackImmediate(Node tracked, const NodeBlock& code, s64 cursor) const {
// Reduce the cursor in one to avoid infinite loops when the instruction sets the same register
// that it uses as operand
const auto [found, found_cursor] =
TrackRegister(&std::get<GprNode>(*tracked), code, cursor - 1);
if (!found) {
return {};
if (const auto immediate = std::get_if<ImmediateNode>(&*found)) {
return immediate->GetValue();
return {};
std::pair<Node, s64> ShaderIR::TrackRegister(const GprNode* tracked, const NodeBlock& code,
s64 cursor) const {
for (; cursor >= 0; --cursor) {
const auto [found_node, new_cursor] = FindOperation(code, cursor, OperationCode::Assign);
if (!found_node) {
return {};
const auto operation = std::get_if<OperationNode>(&*found_node);
const auto& target = (*operation)[0];
if (const auto gpr_target = std::get_if<GprNode>(&*target)) {
if (gpr_target->GetIndex() == tracked->GetIndex()) {
return {(*operation)[1], new_cursor};
return {};
} // namespace VideoCommon::Shader