Lioncash baed7e1fba kernel/thread: Make all instance variables private
Many of the member variables of the thread class aren't even used
outside of the class itself, so there's no need to make those variables
public. This change follows in the steps of the previous changes that
made other kernel types' members private.

The main motivation behind this is that the Thread class will likely
change in the future as emulation becomes more accurate, and letting
random bits of the emulator access data members of the Thread class
directly makes it a pain to shuffle around and/or modify internals.
Having all data members public like this also makes it difficult to
reason about certain bits of behavior without first verifying what parts
of the core actually use them.

Everything being public also generally follows the tendency for changes
to be introduced in completely different translation units that would
otherwise be better introduced as an addition to the Thread class'
public interface.
2018-10-04 00:14:15 -04:00

321 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright 2018 yuzu emulator team
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#include <cinttypes>
#include <memory>
#include <dynarmic/A64/a64.h>
#include <dynarmic/A64/config.h>
#include "common/logging/log.h"
#include "common/microprofile.h"
#include "core/arm/dynarmic/arm_dynarmic.h"
#include "core/core.h"
#include "core/core_cpu.h"
#include "core/core_timing.h"
#include "core/gdbstub/gdbstub.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/process.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/svc.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/vm_manager.h"
#include "core/memory.h"
namespace Core {
using Vector = Dynarmic::A64::Vector;
class ARM_Dynarmic_Callbacks : public Dynarmic::A64::UserCallbacks {
explicit ARM_Dynarmic_Callbacks(ARM_Dynarmic& parent) : parent(parent) {}
~ARM_Dynarmic_Callbacks() = default;
u8 MemoryRead8(u64 vaddr) override {
return Memory::Read8(vaddr);
u16 MemoryRead16(u64 vaddr) override {
return Memory::Read16(vaddr);
u32 MemoryRead32(u64 vaddr) override {
return Memory::Read32(vaddr);
u64 MemoryRead64(u64 vaddr) override {
return Memory::Read64(vaddr);
Vector MemoryRead128(u64 vaddr) override {
return {Memory::Read64(vaddr), Memory::Read64(vaddr + 8)};
void MemoryWrite8(u64 vaddr, u8 value) override {
Memory::Write8(vaddr, value);
void MemoryWrite16(u64 vaddr, u16 value) override {
Memory::Write16(vaddr, value);
void MemoryWrite32(u64 vaddr, u32 value) override {
Memory::Write32(vaddr, value);
void MemoryWrite64(u64 vaddr, u64 value) override {
Memory::Write64(vaddr, value);
void MemoryWrite128(u64 vaddr, Vector value) override {
Memory::Write64(vaddr, value[0]);
Memory::Write64(vaddr + 8, value[1]);
void InterpreterFallback(u64 pc, std::size_t num_instructions) override {
LOG_INFO(Core_ARM, "Unicorn fallback @ 0x{:X} for {} instructions (instr = {:08X})", pc,
num_instructions, MemoryReadCode(pc));
ARM_Interface::ThreadContext ctx;
num_interpreted_instructions += num_instructions;
void ExceptionRaised(u64 pc, Dynarmic::A64::Exception exception) override {
switch (exception) {
case Dynarmic::A64::Exception::WaitForInterrupt:
case Dynarmic::A64::Exception::WaitForEvent:
case Dynarmic::A64::Exception::SendEvent:
case Dynarmic::A64::Exception::SendEventLocal:
case Dynarmic::A64::Exception::Yield:
case Dynarmic::A64::Exception::Breakpoint:
if (GDBStub::IsServerEnabled()) {
Kernel::Thread* thread = Kernel::GetCurrentThread();
GDBStub::SendTrap(thread, 5);
ASSERT_MSG(false, "ExceptionRaised(exception = {}, pc = {:X})",
static_cast<std::size_t>(exception), pc);
void CallSVC(u32 swi) override {
void AddTicks(u64 ticks) override {
// Divide the number of ticks by the amount of CPU cores. TODO(Subv): This yields only a
// rough approximation of the amount of executed ticks in the system, it may be thrown off
// if not all cores are doing a similar amount of work. Instead of doing this, we should
// device a way so that timing is consistent across all cores without increasing the ticks 4
// times.
u64 amortized_ticks = (ticks - num_interpreted_instructions) / Core::NUM_CPU_CORES;
// Always execute at least one tick.
amortized_ticks = std::max<u64>(amortized_ticks, 1);
num_interpreted_instructions = 0;
u64 GetTicksRemaining() override {
return std::max(CoreTiming::GetDowncount(), 0);
u64 GetCNTPCT() override {
return CoreTiming::GetTicks();
ARM_Dynarmic& parent;
std::size_t num_interpreted_instructions = 0;
u64 tpidrro_el0 = 0;
u64 tpidr_el0 = 0;
std::unique_ptr<Dynarmic::A64::Jit> ARM_Dynarmic::MakeJit() const {
auto& current_process = Core::CurrentProcess();
auto** const page_table = current_process->VMManager();
Dynarmic::A64::UserConfig config;
// Callbacks
config.callbacks = cb.get();
// Memory
config.page_table = reinterpret_cast<void**>(page_table);
config.page_table_address_space_bits = current_process->VMManager().GetAddressSpaceWidth();
config.silently_mirror_page_table = false;
// Multi-process state
config.processor_id = core_index;
config.global_monitor = &exclusive_monitor->monitor;
// System registers
config.tpidrro_el0 = &cb->tpidrro_el0;
config.tpidr_el0 = &cb->tpidr_el0;
config.dczid_el0 = 4;
config.ctr_el0 = 0x8444c004;
// Unpredictable instructions
config.define_unpredictable_behaviour = true;
return std::make_unique<Dynarmic::A64::Jit>(config);
MICROPROFILE_DEFINE(ARM_Jit_Dynarmic, "ARM JIT", "Dynarmic", MP_RGB(255, 64, 64));
void ARM_Dynarmic::Run() {
ASSERT(Memory::GetCurrentPageTable() == current_page_table);
void ARM_Dynarmic::Step() {
cb->InterpreterFallback(jit->GetPC(), 1);
ARM_Dynarmic::ARM_Dynarmic(std::shared_ptr<ExclusiveMonitor> exclusive_monitor,
std::size_t core_index)
: cb(std::make_unique<ARM_Dynarmic_Callbacks>(*this)), core_index{core_index},
exclusive_monitor{std::dynamic_pointer_cast<DynarmicExclusiveMonitor>(exclusive_monitor)} {
ThreadContext ctx{};
ARM_Dynarmic::~ARM_Dynarmic() = default;
void ARM_Dynarmic::MapBackingMemory(u64 address, std::size_t size, u8* memory,
Kernel::VMAPermission perms) {
inner_unicorn.MapBackingMemory(address, size, memory, perms);
void ARM_Dynarmic::UnmapMemory(u64 address, std::size_t size) {
inner_unicorn.UnmapMemory(address, size);
void ARM_Dynarmic::SetPC(u64 pc) {
u64 ARM_Dynarmic::GetPC() const {
return jit->GetPC();
u64 ARM_Dynarmic::GetReg(int index) const {
return jit->GetRegister(index);
void ARM_Dynarmic::SetReg(int index, u64 value) {
jit->SetRegister(index, value);
u128 ARM_Dynarmic::GetVectorReg(int index) const {
return jit->GetVector(index);
void ARM_Dynarmic::SetVectorReg(int index, u128 value) {
jit->SetVector(index, value);
u32 ARM_Dynarmic::GetPSTATE() const {
return jit->GetPstate();
void ARM_Dynarmic::SetPSTATE(u32 pstate) {
u64 ARM_Dynarmic::GetTlsAddress() const {
return cb->tpidrro_el0;
void ARM_Dynarmic::SetTlsAddress(VAddr address) {
cb->tpidrro_el0 = address;
u64 ARM_Dynarmic::GetTPIDR_EL0() const {
return cb->tpidr_el0;
void ARM_Dynarmic::SetTPIDR_EL0(u64 value) {
cb->tpidr_el0 = value;
void ARM_Dynarmic::SaveContext(ThreadContext& ctx) {
ctx.cpu_registers = jit->GetRegisters();
ctx.sp = jit->GetSP();
ctx.pc = jit->GetPC();
ctx.pstate = jit->GetPstate();
ctx.vector_registers = jit->GetVectors();
ctx.fpcr = jit->GetFpcr();
ctx.fpsr = jit->GetFpsr();
ctx.tpidr = cb->tpidr_el0;
void ARM_Dynarmic::LoadContext(const ThreadContext& ctx) {
void ARM_Dynarmic::PrepareReschedule() {
void ARM_Dynarmic::ClearInstructionCache() {
void ARM_Dynarmic::ClearExclusiveState() {
void ARM_Dynarmic::PageTableChanged() {
jit = MakeJit();
current_page_table = Memory::GetCurrentPageTable();
DynarmicExclusiveMonitor::DynarmicExclusiveMonitor(std::size_t core_count) : monitor(core_count) {}
DynarmicExclusiveMonitor::~DynarmicExclusiveMonitor() = default;
void DynarmicExclusiveMonitor::SetExclusive(std::size_t core_index, VAddr addr) {
// Size doesn't actually matter.
monitor.Mark(core_index, addr, 16);
void DynarmicExclusiveMonitor::ClearExclusive() {
bool DynarmicExclusiveMonitor::ExclusiveWrite8(std::size_t core_index, VAddr vaddr, u8 value) {
return monitor.DoExclusiveOperation(core_index, vaddr, 1,
[&] { Memory::Write8(vaddr, value); });
bool DynarmicExclusiveMonitor::ExclusiveWrite16(std::size_t core_index, VAddr vaddr, u16 value) {
return monitor.DoExclusiveOperation(core_index, vaddr, 2,
[&] { Memory::Write16(vaddr, value); });
bool DynarmicExclusiveMonitor::ExclusiveWrite32(std::size_t core_index, VAddr vaddr, u32 value) {
return monitor.DoExclusiveOperation(core_index, vaddr, 4,
[&] { Memory::Write32(vaddr, value); });
bool DynarmicExclusiveMonitor::ExclusiveWrite64(std::size_t core_index, VAddr vaddr, u64 value) {
return monitor.DoExclusiveOperation(core_index, vaddr, 8,
[&] { Memory::Write64(vaddr, value); });
bool DynarmicExclusiveMonitor::ExclusiveWrite128(std::size_t core_index, VAddr vaddr, u128 value) {
return monitor.DoExclusiveOperation(core_index, vaddr, 16, [&] {
Memory::Write64(vaddr + 0, value[0]);
Memory::Write64(vaddr + 8, value[1]);
} // namespace Core