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183 lines
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183 lines
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Executable file
// Copyright 2015-2020 Peter Dimov.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt
#include <boost/mp11/integer_sequence.hpp>
#include <boost/mp11/list.hpp>
#include <boost/mp11/function.hpp>
#include <boost/mp11/detail/config.hpp>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <type_traits>
#include <cstddef>
# pragma warning( push )
# pragma warning( disable: 4100 ) // unreferenced formal parameter 'tp'
namespace boost
namespace mp11
// tuple_apply
namespace detail
using std::get;
template<class F, class Tp, std::size_t... J> BOOST_MP11_CONSTEXPR auto tuple_apply_impl( F && f, Tp && tp, integer_sequence<std::size_t, J...> )
-> decltype( std::forward<F>(f)( get<J>(std::forward<Tp>(tp))... ) )
return std::forward<F>(f)( get<J>(std::forward<Tp>(tp))... );
} // namespace detail
template<class F, class Tp,
class Seq = make_index_sequence<std::tuple_size<typename std::remove_reference<Tp>::type>::value>>
BOOST_MP11_CONSTEXPR auto tuple_apply( F && f, Tp && tp )
-> decltype( detail::tuple_apply_impl( std::forward<F>(f), std::forward<Tp>(tp), Seq() ) )
return detail::tuple_apply_impl( std::forward<F>(f), std::forward<Tp>(tp), Seq() );
// construct_from_tuple
namespace detail
template<class T, class Tp, std::size_t... J> BOOST_MP11_CONSTEXPR T construct_from_tuple_impl( Tp && tp, integer_sequence<std::size_t, J...> )
return T( get<J>(std::forward<Tp>(tp))... );
} // namespace detail
template<class T, class Tp,
class Seq = make_index_sequence<std::tuple_size<typename std::remove_reference<Tp>::type>::value>>
BOOST_MP11_CONSTEXPR T construct_from_tuple( Tp && tp )
return detail::construct_from_tuple_impl<T>( std::forward<Tp>(tp), Seq() );
// tuple_for_each
namespace detail
template<class Tp, std::size_t... J, class F> BOOST_MP11_CONSTEXPR F tuple_for_each_impl( Tp && tp, integer_sequence<std::size_t, J...>, F && f )
using A = int[sizeof...(J)];
return (void)A{ ((void)f(get<J>(std::forward<Tp>(tp))), 0)... }, std::forward<F>(f);
template<class Tp, class F> BOOST_MP11_CONSTEXPR F tuple_for_each_impl( Tp && /*tp*/, integer_sequence<std::size_t>, F && f )
return std::forward<F>(f);
} // namespace detail
template<class Tp, class F> BOOST_MP11_CONSTEXPR F tuple_for_each( Tp && tp, F && f )
using seq = make_index_sequence<std::tuple_size<typename std::remove_reference<Tp>::type>::value>;
return detail::tuple_for_each_impl( std::forward<Tp>(tp), seq(), std::forward<F>(f) );
// tuple_transform
namespace detail
// std::forward_as_tuple is not constexpr in C++11 or libstdc++ 5.x
template<class... T> BOOST_MP11_CONSTEXPR auto tp_forward_r( T&&... t ) -> std::tuple<T&&...>
return std::tuple<T&&...>( std::forward<T>( t )... );
template<class... T> BOOST_MP11_CONSTEXPR auto tp_forward_v( T&&... t ) -> std::tuple<T...>
return std::tuple<T...>( std::forward<T>( t )... );
template<std::size_t J, class... Tp>
BOOST_MP11_CONSTEXPR auto tp_extract( Tp&&... tp )
-> decltype( tp_forward_r( get<J>( std::forward<Tp>( tp ) )... ) )
return tp_forward_r( get<J>( std::forward<Tp>( tp ) )... );
template<class F, class... Tp, std::size_t... J>
BOOST_MP11_CONSTEXPR auto tuple_transform_impl( integer_sequence<std::size_t, J...>, F const& f, Tp&&... tp )
-> decltype( tp_forward_v( tuple_apply( f, tp_extract<J>( std::forward<Tp>(tp)... ) )... ) )
return tp_forward_v( tuple_apply( f, tp_extract<J>( std::forward<Tp>(tp)... ) )... );
template<class F, class Tp1, std::size_t... J>
BOOST_MP11_CONSTEXPR auto tuple_transform_impl( integer_sequence<std::size_t, J...>, F const& f, Tp1&& tp1 )
-> decltype( tp_forward_v( f( get<J>( std::forward<Tp1>(tp1) ) )... ) )
return tp_forward_v( f( get<J>( std::forward<Tp1>(tp1) ) )... );
template<class F, class Tp1, class Tp2, std::size_t... J>
BOOST_MP11_CONSTEXPR auto tuple_transform_impl( integer_sequence<std::size_t, J...>, F const& f, Tp1&& tp1, Tp2&& tp2 )
-> decltype( tp_forward_v( f( get<J>( std::forward<Tp1>(tp1) ), get<J>( std::forward<Tp2>(tp2) ) )... ) )
return tp_forward_v( f( get<J>( std::forward<Tp1>(tp1) ), get<J>( std::forward<Tp2>(tp2) ) )... );
template<class F, class Tp1, class Tp2, class Tp3, std::size_t... J>
BOOST_MP11_CONSTEXPR auto tuple_transform_impl( integer_sequence<std::size_t, J...>, F const& f, Tp1&& tp1, Tp2&& tp2, Tp3&& tp3 )
-> decltype( tp_forward_v( f( get<J>( std::forward<Tp1>(tp1) ), get<J>( std::forward<Tp2>(tp2) ), get<J>( std::forward<Tp3>(tp3) ) )... ) )
return tp_forward_v( f( get<J>( std::forward<Tp1>(tp1) ), get<J>( std::forward<Tp2>(tp2) ), get<J>( std::forward<Tp3>(tp3) ) )... );
#endif // !BOOST_MP11_WORKAROUND( BOOST_MP11_MSVC, < 1900 )
} // namespace detail
template<class F, class Tp1, class... Tp,
class Seq = make_index_sequence<std::tuple_size<typename std::remove_reference<Tp1>::type>::value>>
BOOST_MP11_CONSTEXPR auto tuple_transform( F const& f, Tp1&& tp1, Tp&&... tp )
-> decltype( detail::tuple_transform_impl( Seq(), f, std::forward<Tp1>(tp1), std::forward<Tp>(tp)... ) )
return detail::tuple_transform_impl( Seq(), f, std::forward<Tp1>(tp1), std::forward<Tp>(tp)... );
template<class F, class... Tp,
class Z = mp_list<mp_size_t<std::tuple_size<typename std::remove_reference<Tp>::type>::value>...>,
class E = mp_if<mp_apply<mp_same, Z>, mp_front<Z>>,
class Seq = make_index_sequence<E::value>>
BOOST_MP11_CONSTEXPR auto tuple_transform( F const& f, Tp&&... tp )
-> decltype( detail::tuple_transform_impl( Seq(), f, std::forward<Tp>(tp)... ) )
return detail::tuple_transform_impl( Seq(), f, std::forward<Tp>(tp)... );
#endif // BOOST_MP11_WORKAROUND( BOOST_MP11_MSVC, < 1910 )
} // namespace mp11
} // namespace boost
# pragma warning( pop )
#endif // #ifndef BOOST_TUPLE_HPP_INCLUDED