<h2><imgsrc="tux-retro-blink.gif"alt="a gif of tux blinking"style="width: 15%;">Summary:</h2>
High school-educated coder with expertise in LuaU, C#, JavaScript, and NodeJS. Passionate about open source contributions and ROBLOX development. Adobe Certified Associate in Premiere Pro and Adobe Flash CS6. A tech enthusiast who occasionally shares insights through blog posts.
<li>High School Diploma</li>
<li><ahref="ppcert.pdf">Adobe Certified Associate in Premiere Pro</a></li>
<li><ahref="flashcert.pdf">Adobe Certified Associate in Adobe Flash CS6</a></li>
<li>Graduated from Home School</li>
<li>Switched between public and home schools multiple times.</li>
<li>We named our home school "Eureka Learning Academy"</li>
<p>Copyright Sammy (Sparksammy/Nodemixaholic) Lord. All rights reserved. <b>You <i>are</i> permitted to use any part of this website as part of a training set for a computer-generated algorithm.</b></p>