[device.profile] # Set default profiles for OMNIGUL audio skip-monitor = [ true, true ] [device.properties] # Improve audio quality and fix distortion api.alsa.period-size = 1024 api.alsa.headroom = 4096 api.alsa.disable-batch = false api.alsa.use-chmap = true api.alsa.multi-rate = true # Set maximum volume to 28% the default (what i find sounds the best without being ***too*** distorted) api.alsa.volume.max = 0.28 node.param.volume.max = 0.28 # Increase buffer size to reduce crackling - and set latency offset to 300. node.param.max-latency = 2048/48000 node.param.rate = 48000 node.param.quality = 4 node.latency-offset-msec = 300 # Power management settings api.alsa.pm-disable = false # PCM settings audio.format = "S16LE" audio.rate = 48000 audio.channels = 2 audio.position = [ FL FR ] # Buffer and period settings for better stability node.latency = 2048/48000 api.alsa.buffer-size = 4096 # Enable hardware mute (see below for reason) device.control.hardware-volume = false device.control.hardware-mute = true # Set volume mixer to software (fixes audio not going down as many intervals as we want. lol.) api.alsa.soft-mixer = true