2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
from direct . directnotify . DirectNotifyGlobal import *
from direct . distributed import DistributedObjectAI
from direct . task import Task
import random
import DistributedSuitAI
import SuitDNA
import SuitPlannerBase
import SuitTimings
from otp . ai . AIBaseGlobal import *
from toontown . battle import BattleManagerAI
from toontown . battle import SuitBattleGlobals
from toontown . building import HQBuildingAI
from toontown . building import SuitBuildingGlobals
from toontown . dna . DNAParser import DNASuitPoint
from toontown . hood import ZoneUtil
from toontown . suit . SuitInvasionGlobals import IFSkelecog , IFWaiter , IFV2
2015-03-14 23:23:50 +00:00
from libpandadna import *
2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
from toontown . toon import NPCToons
from toontown . toonbase import ToontownBattleGlobals
from toontown . toonbase import ToontownGlobals
2015-03-27 02:48:23 +00:00
if config . GetBool ( ' want-lawbot-cogdo ' , True ) :
2015-04-04 07:30:05 +00:00
if config . GetBool ( ' want-cashbot-cogdo ' , False ) :
if config . GetBool ( ' want-bossbot-cogdo ' , False ) :
if config . GetBool ( ' want-omni-cogdo ' , False ) :
ALLOWED_FO_TRACKS + = ' slcb '
2015-03-27 02:48:23 +00:00
2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
class DistributedSuitPlannerAI ( DistributedObjectAI . DistributedObjectAI , SuitPlannerBase . SuitPlannerBase ) :
notify = directNotify . newCategory ( ' DistributedSuitPlannerAI ' )
CogdoPopFactor = config . GetFloat ( ' cogdo-pop-factor ' , 1.5 )
2015-03-27 00:09:32 +00:00
CogdoRatio = min ( 1.0 , max ( 0.0 , config . GetFloat ( ' cogdo-ratio ' , DEFAULT_COGDO_RATIO ) ) )
2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
None , None , None , None , None , None ,
72 , 60 , 48 , 36 , 24 , 12 , 6 , 3 , 1 , 0.5
BUILDING_HEIGHT_DISTRIBUTION = [ 14 , 18 , 25 , 23 , 20 ]
defaultSuitName = simbase . config . GetString ( ' suit-type ' , ' random ' )
if defaultSuitName == ' random ' :
defaultSuitName = None
def __init__ ( self , air , zoneId ) :
DistributedObjectAI . DistributedObjectAI . __init__ ( self , air )
SuitPlannerBase . SuitPlannerBase . __init__ ( self )
self . air = air
self . zoneId = zoneId
2015-04-07 14:19:50 +00:00
self . canonicalZoneId = ZoneUtil . getCanonicalZoneId ( zoneId )
2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
if simbase . air . wantCogdominiums :
if not hasattr ( self . __class__ , ' CogdoPopAdjusted ' ) :
self . __class__ . CogdoPopAdjusted = True
for index in xrange ( len ( self . SuitHoodInfo ) ) :
2015-03-27 00:09:32 +00:00
SuitBuildingGlobals . buildingMinMax [ self . zoneId ] [ 0 ] = int ( 0.5 + self . CogdoPopFactor * SuitBuildingGlobals . buildingMinMax [ self . zoneId ] [ 0 ] )
SuitBuildingGlobals . buildingMinMax [ self . zoneId ] [ 1 ] = int ( 0.5 + self . CogdoPopFactor * SuitBuildingGlobals . buildingMinMax [ self . zoneId ] [ 1 ] )
2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
self . hoodInfoIdx = - 1
for index in xrange ( len ( self . SuitHoodInfo ) ) :
currHoodInfo = self . SuitHoodInfo [ index ]
2015-04-07 14:19:50 +00:00
if currHoodInfo [ self . SUIT_HOOD_INFO_ZONE ] == self . canonicalZoneId :
2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
self . hoodInfoIdx = index
self . currDesired = None
self . baseNumSuits = (
self . SuitHoodInfo [ self . hoodInfoIdx ] [ self . SUIT_HOOD_INFO_MIN ] +
self . SuitHoodInfo [ self . hoodInfoIdx ] [ self . SUIT_HOOD_INFO_MAX ] ) / 2
self . targetNumSuitBuildings = SuitBuildingGlobals . buildingMinMax [ self . zoneId ] [ 0 ]
2015-04-07 14:19:50 +00:00
if ZoneUtil . isWelcomeValley ( self . zoneId ) :
self . targetNumSuitBuildings = 0
2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
self . pendingBuildingTracks = [ ]
self . pendingBuildingHeights = [ ]
self . suitList = [ ]
self . numFlyInSuits = 0
self . numBuildingSuits = 0
self . numAttemptingTakeover = 0
self . zoneInfo = { }
self . zoneIdToPointMap = None
self . cogHQDoors = [ ]
self . battleList = [ ]
self . battleMgr = BattleManagerAI . BattleManagerAI ( self . air )
self . setupDNA ( )
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' Creating a building manager AI in zone ' + str ( self . zoneId ) )
self . buildingMgr = self . air . buildingManagers . get ( self . zoneId )
if self . buildingMgr :
2015-05-10 17:43:10 +00:00
( blocks , hqBlocks , gagshopBlocks , petshopBlocks , kartshopBlocks ) = self . buildingMgr . getDNABlockLists ( )
2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
for currBlock in blocks :
bldg = self . buildingMgr . getBuilding ( currBlock )
bldg . setSuitPlannerExt ( self )
self . dnaStore . resetBlockNumbers ( )
self . initBuildingsAndPoints ( )
numSuits = simbase . config . GetInt ( ' suit-count ' , - 1 )
if numSuits > = 0 :
self . currDesired = numSuits
suitHood = simbase . config . GetInt ( ' suits-only-in-hood ' , - 1 )
if suitHood > = 0 :
if self . SuitHoodInfo [ self . hoodInfoIdx ] [ self . SUIT_HOOD_INFO_ZONE ] != suitHood :
self . currDesired = 0
self . suitCountAdjust = 0
def cleanup ( self ) :
taskMgr . remove ( self . taskName ( ' sptUpkeepPopulation ' ) )
taskMgr . remove ( self . taskName ( ' sptAdjustPopulation ' ) )
for suit in self . suitList :
suit . stopTasks ( )
if suit . isGenerated ( ) :
self . zoneChange ( suit , suit . zoneId )
suit . requestDelete ( )
self . suitList = [ ]
self . numFlyInSuits = 0
self . numBuildingSuits = 0
self . numAttemptingTakeover = 0
def delete ( self ) :
self . cleanup ( )
DistributedObjectAI . DistributedObjectAI . delete ( self )
SuitPlannerBase . SuitPlannerBase . delete ( self )
def initBuildingsAndPoints ( self ) :
if not self . buildingMgr :
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' Initializing building points ' )
self . buildingFrontDoors = { }
self . buildingSideDoors = { }
for p in self . frontdoorPointList :
blockNumber = p . getLandmarkBuildingIndex ( )
if blockNumber < 0 :
self . notify . debug ( ' No landmark building for ( %s ) in zone %s ' % ( str ( p ) , self . zoneId ) )
if blockNumber in self . buildingFrontDoors :
self . notify . debug ( ' Multiple front doors for building %s in zone %s ' % ( blockNumber , self . zoneId ) )
self . buildingFrontDoors [ blockNumber ] = p
for p in self . sidedoorPointList :
blockNumber = p . getLandmarkBuildingIndex ( )
if blockNumber < 0 :
self . notify . debug ( ' No landmark building for ( %s ) in zone %s ' % ( str ( p ) , self . zoneId ) )
if blockNumber in self . buildingSideDoors :
self . buildingSideDoors [ blockNumber ] . append ( p )
self . buildingSideDoors [ blockNumber ] = [ p ]
for bldg in self . buildingMgr . getBuildings ( ) :
if isinstance ( bldg , HQBuildingAI . HQBuildingAI ) :
blockNumber = bldg . getBlock ( ) [ 0 ]
if blockNumber not in self . buildingFrontDoors :
self . notify . debug ( ' No front door for building %s in zone %s ' % ( blockNumber , self . zoneId ) )
if blockNumber not in self . buildingSideDoors :
self . notify . debug ( ' No side door for building %s in zone %s ' % ( blockNumber , self . zoneId ) )
def countNumSuitsPerTrack ( self , count ) :
for suit in self . suitList :
if suit . track in count :
count [ suit . track ] + = 1
count [ suit . track ] = 1
def countNumBuildingsPerTrack ( self , count ) :
if not self . buildingMgr :
for building in self . buildingMgr . getBuildings ( ) :
if building . isSuitBuilding ( ) :
if building . track in count :
count [ building . track ] + = 1
else :
count [ building . track ] = 1
def countNumBuildingsPerHeight ( self , count ) :
if not self . buildingMgr :
for building in self . buildingMgr . getBuildings ( ) :
if building . isSuitBuilding ( ) :
height = building . numFloors - 1
if height in count :
count [ height ] + = 1
else :
count [ height ] = 1
def formatNumSuitsPerTrack ( self , count ) :
result = ' '
for ( track , num ) in count . items ( ) :
result + = ' %s : %s ' % ( track , num )
return result [ 2 : ]
def calcDesiredNumFlyInSuits ( self ) :
if self . currDesired is not None :
return 0
return self . baseNumSuits + self . suitCountAdjust
def calcDesiredNumBuildingSuits ( self ) :
if self . currDesired is not None :
return self . currDesired
if not self . buildingMgr :
return 0
suitBuildings = self . buildingMgr . getEstablishedSuitBlocks ( )
return int ( len ( suitBuildings ) * self . SUIT_BUILDING_NUM_SUITS )
def getZoneIdToPointMap ( self ) :
if self . zoneIdToPointMap is not None :
return self . zoneIdToPointMap
self . zoneIdToPointMap = { }
for point in self . streetPointList :
points = self . dnaStore . getAdjacentPoints ( point )
i = points . getNumPoints ( ) - 1
while i > = 0 :
pi = points . getPointIndex ( i )
p = self . pointIndexes [ pi ]
i - = 1
zoneId = self . dnaStore . getSuitEdgeZone ( point . getIndex ( ) , p . getIndex ( ) )
if zoneId in self . zoneIdToPointMap :
self . zoneIdToPointMap [ zoneId ] . append ( point )
self . zoneIdToPointMap [ zoneId ] = [ point ]
return self . zoneIdToPointMap
def getStreetPointsForBuilding ( self , blockNumber ) :
pointList = [ ]
if blockNumber in self . buildingSideDoors :
for doorPoint in self . buildingSideDoors [ blockNumber ] :
points = self . dnaStore . getAdjacentPoints ( doorPoint )
i = points . getNumPoints ( ) - 1
while i > = 0 :
pi = points . getPointIndex ( i )
point = self . pointIndexes [ pi ]
if point . getPointType ( ) == DNASuitPoint . STREET_POINT :
pointList . append ( point )
i - = 1
if blockNumber in self . buildingFrontDoors :
doorPoint = self . buildingFrontDoors [ blockNumber ]
points = self . dnaStore . getAdjacentPoints ( doorPoint )
i = points . getNumPoints ( ) - 1
while i > = 0 :
pi = points . getPointIndex ( i )
pointList . append ( self . pointIndexes [ pi ] )
i - = 1
return pointList
def createNewSuit ( self , blockNumbers , streetPoints , toonBlockTakeover = None ,
cogdoTakeover = None , minPathLen = None , maxPathLen = None ,
buildingHeight = None , suitLevel = None , suitType = None , suitTrack = None ,
suitName = None , skelecog = None , revives = None , waiter = None ) :
startPoint = None
blockNumber = None
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' Choosing origin from %d + %d possibles. ' % ( len ( streetPoints ) , len ( blockNumbers ) ) )
while startPoint == None and len ( blockNumbers ) > 0 :
bn = random . choice ( blockNumbers )
blockNumbers . remove ( bn )
if bn in self . buildingSideDoors :
for doorPoint in self . buildingSideDoors [ bn ] :
points = self . dnaStore . getAdjacentPoints ( doorPoint )
i = points . getNumPoints ( ) - 1
while blockNumber == None and i > = 0 :
pi = points . getPointIndex ( i )
p = self . pointIndexes [ pi ]
i - = 1
startTime = SuitTimings . fromSuitBuilding
startTime + = self . dnaStore . getSuitEdgeTravelTime ( doorPoint . getIndex ( ) , pi , self . suitWalkSpeed )
if not self . pointCollision ( p , doorPoint , startTime ) :
startTime = SuitTimings . fromSuitBuilding
startPoint = doorPoint
blockNumber = bn
while startPoint == None and len ( streetPoints ) > 0 :
p = random . choice ( streetPoints )
streetPoints . remove ( p )
if not self . pointCollision ( p , None , SuitTimings . fromSky ) :
startPoint = p
startTime = SuitTimings . fromSky
if startPoint == None :
return None
newSuit = DistributedSuitAI . DistributedSuitAI ( simbase . air , self )
newSuit . startPoint = startPoint
if blockNumber != None :
newSuit . buildingSuit = 1
if suitTrack == None :
suitTrack = self . buildingMgr . getBuildingTrack ( blockNumber )
else :
newSuit . flyInSuit = 1
newSuit . attemptingTakeover = self . newSuitShouldAttemptTakeover ( )
if newSuit . attemptingTakeover :
if suitTrack == None and len ( self . pendingBuildingTracks ) > 0 :
suitTrack = self . pendingBuildingTracks [ 0 ]
del self . pendingBuildingTracks [ 0 ]
self . pendingBuildingTracks . append ( suitTrack )
if buildingHeight == None and len ( self . pendingBuildingHeights ) > 0 :
buildingHeight = self . pendingBuildingHeights [ 0 ]
del self . pendingBuildingHeights [ 0 ]
self . pendingBuildingHeights . append ( buildingHeight )
if suitName is None :
suitDeptIndex , suitTypeIndex , flags = self . air . suitInvasionManager . getInvadingCog ( )
if flags & IFSkelecog :
skelecog = 1
if flags & IFWaiter :
waiter = True
if flags & IFV2 :
revives = 1
if suitDeptIndex is not None :
suitTrack = SuitDNA . suitDepts [ suitDeptIndex ]
if suitTypeIndex is not None :
suitName = self . air . suitInvasionManager . getSuitName ( )
else :
suitName = self . defaultSuitName
if ( suitType is None ) and ( suitName is not None ) :
suitType = SuitDNA . getSuitType ( suitName )
suitTrack = SuitDNA . getSuitDept ( suitName )
if ( suitLevel is None ) and ( buildingHeight is not None ) :
suitLevel = self . chooseSuitLevel ( self . SuitHoodInfo [ self . hoodInfoIdx ] [ self . SUIT_HOOD_INFO_LVL ] , buildingHeight )
( suitLevel , suitType , suitTrack ) = self . pickLevelTypeAndTrack ( suitLevel , suitType , suitTrack )
newSuit . setupSuitDNA ( suitLevel , suitType , suitTrack )
newSuit . buildingHeight = buildingHeight
gotDestination = self . chooseDestination ( newSuit , startTime , toonBlockTakeover = toonBlockTakeover , cogdoTakeover = cogdoTakeover , minPathLen = minPathLen , maxPathLen = maxPathLen )
if not gotDestination :
self . notify . debug ( " Couldn ' t get a destination in %d ! " % self . zoneId )
newSuit . doNotDeallocateChannel = None
newSuit . delete ( )
return None
newSuit . initializePath ( )
self . zoneChange ( newSuit , None , newSuit . zoneId )
if skelecog :
newSuit . setSkelecog ( skelecog )
newSuit . generateWithRequired ( newSuit . zoneId )
if revives is not None :
newSuit . b_setSkeleRevives ( revives )
if waiter :
newSuit . b_setWaiter ( 1 )
newSuit . d_setSPDoId ( self . doId )
newSuit . moveToNextLeg ( None )
self . suitList . append ( newSuit )
if newSuit . flyInSuit :
self . numFlyInSuits + = 1
if newSuit . buildingSuit :
self . numBuildingSuits + = 1
if newSuit . attemptingTakeover :
self . numAttemptingTakeover + = 1
return newSuit
def countNumNeededBuildings ( self ) :
if not self . buildingMgr :
return False
numSuitBuildings = len ( self . buildingMgr . getSuitBlocks ( ) )
if ( random . random ( ) * 100 ) < SuitBuildingGlobals . buildingChance [ self . zoneId ] :
2015-04-07 14:19:50 +00:00
bmax = SuitBuildingGlobals . buildingMinMax [ self . zoneId ] [ 1 ]
if ZoneUtil . isWelcomeValley ( self . zoneId ) :
bmax = 0
numNeeded = bmax - numSuitBuildings
2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
else :
2015-04-07 14:19:50 +00:00
numNeeded = self . targetNumSuitBuildings - numSuitBuildings
return numNeeded
2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
def newSuitShouldAttemptTakeover ( self ) :
return False
numNeeded = self . countNumNeededBuildings ( )
if self . numAttemptingTakeover > = numNeeded :
self . pendingBuildingTracks = [ ]
return False
self . notify . debug ( ' DSP %s is planning a takeover attempt in zone %s ' % ( self . getDoId ( ) , self . zoneId ) )
return True
def chooseDestination ( self , suit , startTime , toonBlockTakeover = None ,
cogdoTakeover = None , minPathLen = None , maxPathLen = None ) :
possibles = [ ]
backup = [ ]
2015-03-27 00:09:32 +00:00
2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
if toonBlockTakeover is not None :
suit . attemptingTakeover = 1
blockNumber = toonBlockTakeover
if blockNumber in self . buildingFrontDoors :
possibles . append ( ( blockNumber , self . buildingFrontDoors [ blockNumber ] ) )
elif suit . attemptingTakeover :
for blockNumber in self . buildingMgr . getToonBlocks ( ) :
building = self . buildingMgr . getBuilding ( blockNumber )
( extZoneId , intZoneId ) = building . getExteriorAndInteriorZoneId ( )
if not NPCToons . isZoneProtected ( intZoneId ) :
if blockNumber in self . buildingFrontDoors :
possibles . append ( ( blockNumber , self . buildingFrontDoors [ blockNumber ] ) )
2015-03-27 00:09:32 +00:00
if cogdoTakeover is None :
if suit . dna . dept in ALLOWED_FO_TRACKS :
cogdoTakeover = random . random ( ) < self . CogdoRatio
2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
elif self . buildingMgr :
for blockNumber in self . buildingMgr . getSuitBlocks ( ) :
track = self . buildingMgr . getBuildingTrack ( blockNumber )
if ( track == suit . track ) and ( blockNumber in self . buildingSideDoors ) :
for doorPoint in self . buildingSideDoors [ blockNumber ] :
possibles . append ( ( blockNumber , doorPoint ) )
backup = [ ]
for p in self . streetPointList :
backup . append ( ( None , p ) )
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' Choosing destination point from %s + %s possibles. ' % ( len ( possibles ) , len ( backup ) ) )
if len ( possibles ) == 0 :
possibles = backup
backup = [ ]
if minPathLen is None :
if suit . attemptingTakeover :
minPathLen = self . MIN_TAKEOVER_PATH_LEN
else :
minPathLen = self . MIN_PATH_LEN
if maxPathLen is None :
maxPathLen = self . MAX_PATH_LEN
retryCount = 0
while ( len ( possibles ) > 0 ) and ( retryCount < 50 ) :
p = random . choice ( possibles )
possibles . remove ( p )
if len ( possibles ) == 0 :
possibles = backup
backup = [ ]
path = self . genPath ( suit . startPoint , p [ 1 ] , minPathLen , maxPathLen )
if path and ( not self . pathCollision ( path , startTime ) ) :
suit . endPoint = p [ 1 ]
suit . minPathLen = minPathLen
suit . maxPathLen = maxPathLen
suit . buildingDestination = p [ 0 ]
suit . buildingDestinationIsCogdo = cogdoTakeover
suit . setPath ( path )
return 1
retryCount + = 1
return 0
def pathCollision ( self , path , elapsedTime ) :
i = 0
pi = path . getPointIndex ( i )
point = self . pointIndexes [ pi ]
adjacentPoint = self . pointIndexes [ path . getPointIndex ( i + 1 ) ]
while ( point . getPointType ( ) == DNASuitPoint . FRONT_DOOR_POINT ) or (
point . getPointType ( ) == DNASuitPoint . SIDE_DOOR_POINT ) :
i + = 1
lastPi = pi
pi = path . getPointIndex ( i )
adjacentPoint = point
point = self . pointIndexes [ pi ]
elapsedTime + = self . dnaStore . getSuitEdgeTravelTime ( lastPi , pi , self . suitWalkSpeed )
result = self . pointCollision ( point , adjacentPoint , elapsedTime )
return result
def pointCollision ( self , point , adjacentPoint , elapsedTime ) :
for suit in self . suitList :
if suit . pointInMyPath ( point , elapsedTime ) :
return 1
if adjacentPoint is not None :
return self . battleCollision ( point , adjacentPoint )
else :
points = self . dnaStore . getAdjacentPoints ( point )
i = points . getNumPoints ( ) - 1
while i > = 0 :
pi = points . getPointIndex ( i )
p = self . pointIndexes [ pi ]
i - = 1
if self . battleCollision ( point , p ) :
return 1
return 0
def battleCollision ( self , point , adjacentPoint ) :
zoneId = self . dnaStore . getSuitEdgeZone ( point . getIndex ( ) , adjacentPoint . getIndex ( ) )
return self . battleMgr . cellHasBattle ( zoneId )
def removeSuit ( self , suit ) :
self . zoneChange ( suit , suit . zoneId )
if self . suitList . count ( suit ) > 0 :
self . suitList . remove ( suit )
if suit . flyInSuit :
self . numFlyInSuits - = 1
if suit . buildingSuit :
self . numBuildingSuits - = 1
if suit . attemptingTakeover :
self . numAttemptingTakeover - = 1
suit . requestDelete ( )
def countTakeovers ( self ) :
count = 0
for suit in self . suitList :
if suit . attemptingTakeover :
count + = 1
return count
def __waitForNextUpkeep ( self ) :
t = random . random ( ) * 2.0 + self . POP_UPKEEP_DELAY
taskMgr . doMethodLater ( t , self . upkeepSuitPopulation , self . taskName ( ' sptUpkeepPopulation ' ) )
def __waitForNextAdjust ( self ) :
t = random . random ( ) * 10.0 + self . POP_ADJUST_DELAY
taskMgr . doMethodLater ( t , self . adjustSuitPopulation , self . taskName ( ' sptAdjustPopulation ' ) )
def upkeepSuitPopulation ( self , task ) :
targetFlyInNum = self . calcDesiredNumFlyInSuits ( )
targetFlyInNum = min ( targetFlyInNum , self . TOTAL_MAX_SUITS - self . numBuildingSuits )
streetPoints = self . streetPointList [ : ]
flyInDeficit = ( ( targetFlyInNum - self . numFlyInSuits ) + 3 ) / 4
while flyInDeficit > 0 :
if not self . createNewSuit ( [ ] , streetPoints ) :
flyInDeficit - = 1
if self . buildingMgr :
suitBuildings = self . buildingMgr . getEstablishedSuitBlocks ( )
else :
suitBuildings = [ ]
if self . currDesired != None :
targetBuildingNum = max ( 0 , self . currDesired - self . numFlyInSuits )
else :
targetBuildingNum = int ( len ( suitBuildings ) * self . SUIT_BUILDING_NUM_SUITS )
targetBuildingNum + = flyInDeficit
targetBuildingNum = min ( targetBuildingNum , self . TOTAL_MAX_SUITS - self . numFlyInSuits )
buildingDeficit = ( ( targetBuildingNum - self . numBuildingSuits ) + 3 ) / 4
while buildingDeficit > 0 :
if not self . createNewSuit ( suitBuildings , streetPoints ) :
buildingDeficit - = 1
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) and self . currDesired == None :
self . notify . debug ( ' zone %d has %d of %d fly-in and %d of %d building suits. ' % ( self . zoneId , self . numFlyInSuits , targetFlyInNum , self . numBuildingSuits , targetBuildingNum ) )
if buildingDeficit != 0 :
self . notify . debug ( ' remaining deficit is %d . ' % buildingDeficit )
if self . buildingMgr :
suitBuildings = self . buildingMgr . getEstablishedSuitBlocks ( )
timeoutIndex = min ( len ( suitBuildings ) , len ( self . SUIT_BUILDING_TIMEOUT ) - 1 )
timeout = self . SUIT_BUILDING_TIMEOUT [ timeoutIndex ]
if timeout != None :
timeout * = 3600.0
oldest = None
oldestAge = 0
now = time . time ( )
for b in suitBuildings :
building = self . buildingMgr . getBuilding ( b )
if hasattr ( building , ' elevator ' ) :
if building . elevator . fsm . getCurrentState ( ) . getName ( ) == ' waitEmpty ' :
age = now - building . becameSuitTime
if age > oldestAge :
oldest = building
oldestAge = age
if oldestAge > timeout :
self . notify . info ( ' Street %d has %d buildings; reclaiming %0.2f -hour-old building. ' % ( self . zoneId , len ( suitBuildings ) , oldestAge / 3600.0 ) )
oldest . b_setVictorList ( [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ] )
oldest . updateSavedBy ( None )
oldest . toonTakeOver ( )
self . __waitForNextUpkeep ( )
return Task . done
def adjustSuitPopulation ( self , task ) :
hoodInfo = self . SuitHoodInfo [ self . hoodInfoIdx ]
if hoodInfo [ self . SUIT_HOOD_INFO_MAX ] == 0 :
self . __waitForNextAdjust ( )
return Task . done
min = hoodInfo [ self . SUIT_HOOD_INFO_MIN ]
max = hoodInfo [ self . SUIT_HOOD_INFO_MAX ]
adjustment = random . choice ( ( - 2 , - 1 , - 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 2 ) )
self . suitCountAdjust + = adjustment
desiredNum = self . calcDesiredNumFlyInSuits ( )
if desiredNum < min :
self . suitCountAdjust = min - self . baseNumSuits
elif desiredNum > max :
self . suitCountAdjust = max - self . baseNumSuits
self . __waitForNextAdjust ( )
return Task . done
def suitTakeOver ( self , blockNumber , suitTrack , difficulty , buildingHeight ) :
if self . pendingBuildingTracks . count ( suitTrack ) > 0 :
self . pendingBuildingTracks . remove ( suitTrack )
if self . pendingBuildingHeights . count ( buildingHeight ) > 0 :
self . pendingBuildingHeights . remove ( buildingHeight )
building = self . buildingMgr . getBuilding ( blockNumber )
if building is None :
building . suitTakeOver ( suitTrack , difficulty , buildingHeight )
2015-03-27 02:48:23 +00:00
def cogdoTakeOver ( self , blockNumber , difficulty , buildingHeight , dept ) :
2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
if self . pendingBuildingHeights . count ( buildingHeight ) > 0 :
2015-03-27 02:48:23 +00:00
self . pendingBuildingHeights . remove ( buildingHeight )
2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
building = self . buildingMgr . getBuilding ( blockNumber )
2015-03-27 02:48:23 +00:00
building . cogdoTakeOver ( difficulty , buildingHeight , dept )
2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
def recycleBuilding ( self ) :
bmin = SuitBuildingGlobals . buildingMinMax [ self . zoneId ] [ 0 ]
current = len ( self . buildingMgr . getSuitBlocks ( ) )
if ( self . targetNumSuitBuildings > bmin ) and ( current < = self . targetNumSuitBuildings ) :
self . targetNumSuitBuildings - = 1
self . assignSuitBuildings ( 1 )
def createInitialSuitBuildings ( self ) :
if self . buildingMgr is None :
# If we aren't at our minimum number of buildings, let's spawn some!
suitBlockCount = len ( self . buildingMgr . getSuitBlocks ( ) )
if suitBlockCount < self . targetNumSuitBuildings :
for _ in xrange ( self . targetNumSuitBuildings - suitBlockCount ) :
blockNumber = random . choice ( self . buildingMgr . getToonBlocks ( ) )
building = self . buildingMgr . getBuilding ( blockNumber )
if building is None :
if NPCToons . isZoneProtected ( building . getExteriorAndInteriorZoneId ( ) [ 1 ] ) :
suitName = self . air . suitInvasionManager . getInvadingCog ( ) [ 0 ]
if suitName is None :
suitName = self . defaultSuitName
suitType = None
suitTrack = None
if suitName is not None :
suitType = SuitDNA . getSuitType ( suitName )
suitTrack = SuitDNA . getSuitDept ( suitName )
( suitLevel , suitType , suitTrack ) = self . pickLevelTypeAndTrack ( None , suitType , suitTrack )
building . suitTakeOver ( suitTrack , suitLevel , None )
# Save the building manager's state:
self . buildingMgr . save ( )
def assignInitialSuitBuildings ( self ) :
totalBuildings = 0
targetSuitBuildings = 0
actualSuitBuildings = 0
for sp in self . air . suitPlanners . values ( ) :
totalBuildings + = len ( sp . frontdoorPointList )
targetSuitBuildings + = sp . targetNumSuitBuildings
if sp . buildingMgr :
actualSuitBuildings + = len ( sp . buildingMgr . getSuitBlocks ( ) )
wantedSuitBuildings = int ( ( totalBuildings * self . TOTAL_SUIT_BUILDING_PCT ) / 100 )
self . notify . debug ( ' Want %s out of %s total suit buildings; we currently have %s assigned, %s actual. ' % ( wantedSuitBuildings , totalBuildings , targetSuitBuildings , actualSuitBuildings ) )
if actualSuitBuildings > 0 :
numReassigned = 0
for sp in self . air . suitPlanners . values ( ) :
if sp . buildingMgr :
numBuildings = len ( sp . buildingMgr . getSuitBlocks ( ) )
else :
numBuildings = 0
if numBuildings > sp . targetNumSuitBuildings :
more = numBuildings - sp . targetNumSuitBuildings
sp . targetNumSuitBuildings + = more
targetSuitBuildings + = more
numReassigned + = more
if numReassigned > 0 :
self . notify . debug ( ' Assigned %s buildings where suit buildings already existed. ' % numReassigned )
if wantedSuitBuildings > targetSuitBuildings :
additionalBuildings = wantedSuitBuildings - targetSuitBuildings
self . assignSuitBuildings ( additionalBuildings )
elif wantedSuitBuildings < targetSuitBuildings :
extraBuildings = targetSuitBuildings - wantedSuitBuildings
self . unassignSuitBuildings ( extraBuildings )
def assignSuitBuildings ( self , numToAssign ) :
hoodInfo = self . SuitHoodInfo [ : ]
totalWeight = self . TOTAL_BWEIGHT
totalWeightPerTrack = self . TOTAL_BWEIGHT_PER_TRACK [ : ]
totalWeightPerHeight = self . TOTAL_BWEIGHT_PER_HEIGHT [ : ]
numPerTrack = {
' c ' : 0 ,
' l ' : 0 ,
' m ' : 0 ,
' s ' : 0
for sp in self . air . suitPlanners . values ( ) :
sp . countNumBuildingsPerTrack ( numPerTrack )
numPerTrack [ ' c ' ] + = sp . pendingBuildingTracks . count ( ' c ' )
numPerTrack [ ' l ' ] + = sp . pendingBuildingTracks . count ( ' l ' )
numPerTrack [ ' m ' ] + = sp . pendingBuildingTracks . count ( ' m ' )
numPerTrack [ ' s ' ] + = sp . pendingBuildingTracks . count ( ' s ' )
numPerHeight = {
0 : 0 ,
1 : 0 ,
2 : 0 ,
3 : 0 ,
4 : 0
for sp in self . air . suitPlanners . values ( ) :
sp . countNumBuildingsPerHeight ( numPerHeight )
numPerHeight [ 0 ] + = sp . pendingBuildingHeights . count ( 0 )
numPerHeight [ 1 ] + = sp . pendingBuildingHeights . count ( 1 )
numPerHeight [ 2 ] + = sp . pendingBuildingHeights . count ( 2 )
numPerHeight [ 3 ] + = sp . pendingBuildingHeights . count ( 3 )
numPerHeight [ 4 ] + = sp . pendingBuildingHeights . count ( 4 )
while numToAssign > 0 :
smallestCount = None
smallestTracks = [ ]
for trackIndex in xrange ( 4 ) :
if totalWeightPerTrack [ trackIndex ] :
track = SuitDNA . suitDepts [ trackIndex ]
count = numPerTrack [ track ]
if ( smallestCount is None ) or ( count < smallestCount ) :
smallestTracks = [ track ]
smallestCount = count
elif count == smallestCount :
smallestTracks . append ( track )
if not smallestTracks :
self . notify . info ( ' No more room for buildings, with %s still to assign. ' % numToAssign )
buildingTrack = random . choice ( smallestTracks )
buildingTrackIndex = SuitDNA . suitDepts . index ( buildingTrack )
smallestCount = None
smallestHeights = [ ]
for height in xrange ( 5 ) :
if totalWeightPerHeight [ height ] :
count = float ( numPerHeight [ height ] ) / float ( self . BUILDING_HEIGHT_DISTRIBUTION [ height ] )
if ( smallestCount is None ) or ( count < smallestCount ) :
smallestHeights = [ height ]
smallestCount = count
elif count == smallestCount :
smallestHeights . append ( height )
if not smallestHeights :
self . notify . info ( ' No more room for buildings, with %s still to assign. ' % numToAssign )
buildingHeight = random . choice ( smallestHeights )
self . notify . info ( ' Existing buildings are ( %s , %s ), choosing from ( %s , %s ), chose %s , %s . ' % ( self . formatNumSuitsPerTrack ( numPerTrack ) , self . formatNumSuitsPerTrack ( numPerHeight ) , smallestTracks , smallestHeights , buildingTrack , buildingHeight ) )
repeat = 1
while repeat and ( buildingTrack is not None ) and ( buildingHeight is not None ) :
if len ( hoodInfo ) == 0 :
self . notify . warning ( ' No more streets can have suit buildings, with %s buildings unassigned! ' % numToAssign )
repeat = 0
currHoodInfo = self . chooseStreetWithPreference ( hoodInfo , buildingTrackIndex , buildingHeight )
zoneId = currHoodInfo [ self . SUIT_HOOD_INFO_ZONE ]
if zoneId in self . air . suitPlanners :
sp = self . air . suitPlanners [ zoneId ]
numTarget = sp . targetNumSuitBuildings
numTotalBuildings = len ( sp . frontdoorPointList )
else :
numTarget = 0
numTotalBuildings = 0
if numTarget > = SuitBuildingGlobals . buildingMinMax [ self . zoneId ] [ 1 ] or numTarget > = numTotalBuildings :
self . notify . info ( ' Zone %s has enough buildings. ' % zoneId )
hoodInfo . remove ( currHoodInfo )
weight = currHoodInfo [ self . SUIT_HOOD_INFO_BWEIGHT ]
tracks = currHoodInfo [ self . SUIT_HOOD_INFO_TRACK ]
heights = currHoodInfo [ self . SUIT_HOOD_INFO_HEIGHTS ]
totalWeight - = weight
totalWeightPerTrack [ 0 ] - = weight * tracks [ 0 ]
totalWeightPerTrack [ 1 ] - = weight * tracks [ 1 ]
totalWeightPerTrack [ 2 ] - = weight * tracks [ 2 ]
totalWeightPerTrack [ 3 ] - = weight * tracks [ 3 ]
totalWeightPerHeight [ 0 ] - = weight * heights [ 0 ]
totalWeightPerHeight [ 1 ] - = weight * heights [ 1 ]
totalWeightPerHeight [ 2 ] - = weight * heights [ 2 ]
totalWeightPerHeight [ 3 ] - = weight * heights [ 3 ]
totalWeightPerHeight [ 4 ] - = weight * heights [ 4 ]
if totalWeightPerTrack [ buildingTrackIndex ] < = 0 :
buildingTrack = None
if totalWeightPerHeight [ buildingHeight ] < = 0 :
buildingHeight = None
repeat = 1
if ( buildingTrack is not None ) and ( buildingHeight is not None ) :
sp . targetNumSuitBuildings + = 1
sp . pendingBuildingTracks . append ( buildingTrack )
sp . pendingBuildingHeights . append ( buildingHeight )
self . notify . info ( ' Assigning building to zone %s , pending tracks = %s , pending heights = %s ' % ( zoneId , sp . pendingBuildingTracks , sp . pendingBuildingHeights ) )
numPerTrack [ buildingTrack ] + = 1
numPerHeight [ buildingHeight ] + = 1
numToAssign - = 1
def unassignSuitBuildings ( self , numToAssign ) :
hoodInfo = self . SuitHoodInfo [ : ]
totalWeight = self . TOTAL_BWEIGHT
while numToAssign > 0 :
repeat = 1
while repeat :
if len ( hoodInfo ) == 0 :
self . notify . warning ( ' No more streets can remove suit buildings, with %s buildings too many! ' % numToAssign )
repeat = 0
currHoodInfo = self . chooseStreetNoPreference ( hoodInfo , totalWeight )
zoneId = currHoodInfo [ self . SUIT_HOOD_INFO_ZONE ]
if zoneId in self . air . suitPlanners :
sp = self . air . suitPlanners [ zoneId ]
numTarget = sp . targetNumSuitBuildings
numTotalBuildings = len ( sp . frontdoorPointList )
else :
numTarget = 0
numTotalBuildings = 0
if numTarget < = SuitBuildingGlobals . buildingMinMax [ self . zoneId ] [ 0 ] :
self . notify . info ( " Zone %s can ' t remove any more buildings. " % zoneId )
hoodInfo . remove ( currHoodInfo )
totalWeight - = currHoodInfo [ self . SUIT_HOOD_INFO_BWEIGHT ]
repeat = 1
self . notify . info ( ' Unassigning building from zone %s . ' % zoneId )
sp . targetNumSuitBuildings - = 1
numToAssign - = 1
def chooseStreetNoPreference ( self , hoodInfo , totalWeight ) :
c = random . random ( ) * totalWeight
t = 0
for currHoodInfo in hoodInfo :
weight = currHoodInfo [ self . SUIT_HOOD_INFO_BWEIGHT ]
t + = weight
if c < t :
return currHoodInfo
self . notify . warning ( ' Weighted random choice failed! Total is %s , chose %s ' % ( t , c ) )
return random . choice ( hoodInfo )
def chooseStreetWithPreference ( self , hoodInfo , buildingTrackIndex , buildingHeight ) :
dist = [ ]
for currHoodInfo in hoodInfo :
weight = currHoodInfo [ self . SUIT_HOOD_INFO_BWEIGHT ]
thisValue = weight * currHoodInfo [ self . SUIT_HOOD_INFO_TRACK ] [ buildingTrackIndex ] * currHoodInfo [ self . SUIT_HOOD_INFO_HEIGHTS ] [ buildingHeight ]
dist . append ( thisValue )
totalWeight = sum ( dist )
c = random . random ( ) * totalWeight
t = 0
for i in xrange ( len ( hoodInfo ) ) :
t + = dist [ i ]
if c < t :
return hoodInfo [ i ]
self . notify . warning ( ' Weighted random choice failed! Total is %s , chose %s ' % ( t , c ) )
return random . choice ( hoodInfo )
def chooseSuitLevel ( self , possibleLevels , buildingHeight ) :
choices = [ ]
for level in possibleLevels :
( minFloors , maxFloors ) = SuitBuildingGlobals . SuitBuildingInfo [ level - 1 ] [ 0 ]
if buildingHeight > = minFloors - 1 and buildingHeight < = maxFloors - 1 :
choices . append ( level )
return random . choice ( choices )
def initTasks ( self ) :
if self . air . wantCogbuildings :
self . createInitialSuitBuildings ( )
self . __waitForNextUpkeep ( )
self . __waitForNextAdjust ( )
def resyncSuits ( self ) :
for suit in self . suitList :
suit . resync ( )
def flySuits ( self ) :
for suit in self . suitList :
if suit . pathState == 1 :
suit . flyAwayNow ( )
def requestBattle ( self , zoneId , suit , toonId ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' requestBattle() - zone: %s suit: %s toon: %s ' % ( zoneId , suit . doId , toonId ) )
2015-04-07 14:19:50 +00:00
canonicalZoneId = ZoneUtil . getCanonicalZoneId ( zoneId )
if canonicalZoneId not in self . battlePosDict :
2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
return 0
toon = self . air . doId2do . get ( toonId )
if toon . getBattleId ( ) > 0 :
self . notify . warning ( ' We tried to request a battle when the toon was already in battle ' )
return 0
if toon :
if hasattr ( toon , ' doId ' ) :
toon . b_setBattleId ( toonId )
2015-04-10 08:59:34 +00:00
2015-04-07 14:19:50 +00:00
pos = self . battlePosDict [ canonicalZoneId ]
2015-05-09 17:27:08 +00:00
2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
interactivePropTrackBonus = - 1
2015-06-11 12:33:28 +00:00
if simbase . config . GetBool ( ' props-buff-battles ' , True ) and self . cellToGagBonusDict . has_key ( canonicalZoneId ) :
tentativeBonusTrack = self . cellToGagBonusDict [ canonicalZoneId ]
trackToHolidayDict = {
ToontownBattleGlobals . SQUIRT_TRACK : ToontownGlobals . HYDRANTS_BUFF_BATTLES ,
ToontownBattleGlobals . THROW_TRACK : ToontownGlobals . MAILBOXES_BUFF_BATTLES ,
ToontownBattleGlobals . HEAL_TRACK : ToontownGlobals . TRASHCANS_BUFF_BATTLES }
if tentativeBonusTrack in trackToHolidayDict :
holidayId = trackToHolidayDict [ tentativeBonusTrack ]
if simbase . air . holidayManager . isHolidayRunning ( holidayId ) : #and simbase.air.holidayManager.getCurPhase(holidayId) >= 1:
interactivePropTrackBonus = tentativeBonusTrack
2015-03-03 22:10:12 +00:00
self . battleMgr . newBattle (
zoneId , zoneId , pos , suit , toonId , self . __battleFinished ,
self . SuitHoodInfo [ self . hoodInfoIdx ] [ self . SUIT_HOOD_INFO_SMAX ] ,
interactivePropTrackBonus )
for currOther in self . zoneInfo [ zoneId ] :
self . notify . debug ( ' Found suit %s in this new battle zone %s ' % ( currOther . getDoId ( ) , zoneId ) )
if currOther != suit :
if currOther . pathState == 1 and currOther . legType == SuitLeg . TWalk :
self . checkForBattle ( zoneId , currOther )
return 1
def __battleFinished ( self , zoneId ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' DistSuitPlannerAI: battle in zone ' + str ( zoneId ) + ' finished ' )
currBattleIdx = 0
while currBattleIdx < len ( self . battleList ) :
currBattle = self . battleList [ currBattleIdx ]
if currBattle [ 0 ] == zoneId :
self . notify . debug ( ' DistSuitPlannerAI: battle removed ' )
self . battleList . remove ( currBattle )
currBattleIdx = currBattleIdx + 1
def __suitCanJoinBattle ( self , zoneId ) :
battle = self . battleMgr . getBattle ( zoneId )
if len ( battle . suits ) > = 4 :
return 0
if battle :
if simbase . config . GetBool ( ' suits-always-join ' , 0 ) :
return 1
jChanceList = self . SuitHoodInfo [ self . hoodInfoIdx ] [ self . SUIT_HOOD_INFO_JCHANCE ]
ratioIdx = ( len ( battle . toons ) - battle . numSuitsEver ) + 2
if ratioIdx > = 0 :
if ratioIdx < len ( jChanceList ) :
if random . randint ( 0 , 99 ) < jChanceList [ ratioIdx ] :
return 1
else :
self . notify . warning ( ' __suitCanJoinBattle idx out of range! ' )
return 1
return 0
def checkForBattle ( self , zoneId , suit ) :
if self . battleMgr . cellHasBattle ( zoneId ) :
if self . __suitCanJoinBattle ( zoneId ) and self . battleMgr . requestBattleAddSuit ( zoneId , suit ) :
return 1
suit . flyAwayNow ( )
return 1
else :
return 0
def postBattleResumeCheck ( self , suit ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' DistSuitPlannerAI:postBattleResumeCheck: suit ' + str ( suit . getDoId ( ) ) + ' is leaving battle ' )
battleIndex = 0
for currBattle in self . battleList :
if suit . zoneId == currBattle [ 0 ] :
self . notify . debug ( ' battle found ' + str ( suit . zoneId ) )
for currPath in currBattle [ 1 ] :
for currPathPtSuit in xrange ( suit . currWpt , suit . myPath . getNumPoints ( ) ) :
ptIdx = suit . myPath . getPointIndex ( currPathPtSuit )
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' comparing ' + str ( ptIdx ) + ' with ' + str ( currPath ) )
if currPath == ptIdx :
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' match found, telling ' + ' suit to fly ' )
return 0
battleIndex + = 1
pointList = [ ]
for currPathPtSuit in xrange ( suit . currWpt , suit . myPath . getNumPoints ( ) ) :
ptIdx = suit . myPath . getPointIndex ( currPathPtSuit )
if self . notify . getDebug ( ) :
self . notify . debug ( ' appending point with index of ' + str ( ptIdx ) )
pointList . append ( ptIdx )
self . battleList . append ( [ suit . zoneId , pointList ] )
return 1
def zoneChange ( self , suit , oldZone , newZone = None ) :
if ( oldZone in self . zoneInfo ) and ( suit in self . zoneInfo [ oldZone ] ) :
self . zoneInfo [ oldZone ] . remove ( suit )
if newZone is not None :
if newZone not in self . zoneInfo :
self . zoneInfo [ newZone ] = [ ]
self . zoneInfo [ newZone ] . append ( suit )
def d_setZoneId ( self , zoneId ) :
self . sendUpdate ( ' setZoneId ' , [ self . getZoneId ( ) ] )
def getZoneId ( self ) :
return self . zoneId
def suitListQuery ( self ) :
suitIndexList = [ ]
for suit in self . suitList :
suitIndexList . append ( SuitDNA . suitHeadTypes . index ( suit . dna . name ) )
self . sendUpdateToAvatarId ( self . air . getAvatarIdFromSender ( ) , ' suitListResponse ' , [ suitIndexList ] )
def buildingListQuery ( self ) :
buildingDict = { }
self . countNumBuildingsPerTrack ( buildingDict )
buildingList = [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ]
for dept in SuitDNA . suitDepts :
if dept in buildingDict :
buildingList [ SuitDNA . suitDepts . index ( dept ) ] = buildingDict [ dept ]
self . sendUpdateToAvatarId ( self . air . getAvatarIdFromSender ( ) , ' buildingListResponse ' , [ buildingList ] )
def pickLevelTypeAndTrack ( self , level = None , type = None , track = None ) :
if level is None :
level = random . choice ( self . SuitHoodInfo [ self . hoodInfoIdx ] [ self . SUIT_HOOD_INFO_LVL ] )
if type is None :
typeChoices = range ( max ( level - 4 , 1 ) , min ( level , self . MAX_SUIT_TYPES ) + 1 )
type = random . choice ( typeChoices )
else :
level = min ( max ( level , type ) , type + 4 )
if track is None :
track = SuitDNA . suitDepts [ SuitBattleGlobals . pickFromFreqList ( self . SuitHoodInfo [ self . hoodInfoIdx ] [ self . SUIT_HOOD_INFO_TRACK ] ) ]
self . notify . debug ( ' pickLevelTypeAndTrack: %s %s %s ' % ( level , type , track ) )
return ( level , type , track )