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2021-07-07 06:51:22 +00:00
# The Toontown Offline Magic Word Manager
# Author: Benjamin Frisby
# Copyright: Copyright 2020, Toontown Offline
# Credits: Benjamin Frisby, John Cote, Ruby Lord, Frank, Nick, Little Cat, Ooowoo
# License: MIT
# Version: 1.0.0
# Email: belloqzafarian@gmail.com
import collections, types
from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
from panda3d.otp import NametagGroup, WhisperPopup
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from otp.otpbase import OTPLocalizer
from otp.otpbase import OTPGlobals
from . import MagicWordConfig
import time, random, re, json
magicWordIndex = collections.OrderedDict()
class MagicWord:
notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('MagicWord')
# Whether this Magic word should be considered "hidden"
# If your Toontown source has a page for Magic Words in the Sthickerbook, this will be useful for that
hidden = False
# Whether this Magic Word is an administrative command or not
# Good for config settings where you want to disable cheaty Magic Words, but still want moderation ones
administrative = False
# List of names that will also invoke this word - a setHP magic word might have "hp", for example
# A Magic Word will always be callable with its class name, so you don't have to put that in the aliases
aliases = None
# Description of the Magic Word
# If your Toontown source has a page for Magic Words in the Sthickerbook, this will be useful for that
desc = MagicWordConfig.MAGIC_WORD_DEFAULT_DESC
# Advanced description that gives the user a lot more information than normal
# If your Toontown source has a page for Magic Words in the Sthickerbook, this will be useful for that
advancedDesc = MagicWordConfig.MAGIC_WORD_DEFAULT_ADV_DESC
# Default example with for commands with no arguments set
# If your Toontown source has a page for Magic Words in the Sthickerbook, this will be useful for that
example = ""
# The minimum access level required to use this Magic Word
accessLevel = 'MODERATOR'
# A restriction on the Magic Word which sets what kind or set of Distributed Objects it can be used on
# By default, a Magic Word can affect everyone
affectRange = [MagicWordConfig.AFFECT_SELF, MagicWordConfig.AFFECT_OTHER, MagicWordConfig.AFFECT_BOTH]
# Where the magic word will be executed -- EXEC_LOC_CLIENT or EXEC_LOC_SERVER
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_INVALID
# List of all arguments for this word, with the format [(type, isRequired), (type, isRequired)...]
# If the parameter is not required, you must provide a default argument: (type, False, default)
arguments = None
def __init__(self):
if self.__class__.__name__ != "MagicWord":
self.aliases = self.aliases if self.aliases is not None else []
self.aliases.insert(0, self.__class__.__name__)
self.aliases = [x.lower() for x in self.aliases]
self.arguments = self.arguments if self.arguments is not None else []
if len(self.arguments) > 0:
for arg in self.arguments:
argInfo = ""
if not arg[MagicWordConfig.ARGUMENT_REQUIRED]:
argInfo += "(default: {0})".format(arg[MagicWordConfig.ARGUMENT_DEFAULT])
self.example += "[{0}{1}] ".format(arg[MagicWordConfig.ARGUMENT_NAME], argInfo)
def __register(self):
for wordName in self.aliases:
if wordName in magicWordIndex:
self.notify.error('Duplicate Magic Word name or alias detected! Invalid name: {}'. format(wordName))
magicWordIndex[wordName] = {'class': self,
'classname': self.__class__.__name__,
'hidden': self.hidden,
'administrative': self.administrative,
'aliases': self.aliases,
'desc': self.desc,
'advancedDesc': self.advancedDesc,
'example': self.example,
'execLocation': self.execLocation,
'access': self.accessLevel,
'affectRange': self.affectRange,
'args': self.arguments}
def loadWord(self, air=None, cr=None, invokerId=None, targets=None, args=None):
self.air = air
self.cr = cr
self.invokerId = invokerId
self.targets = targets
self.args = args
def executeWord(self):
executedWord = None
validTargets = len(self.targets)
for avId in self.targets:
invoker = None
toon = None
if self.air:
invoker = self.air.doId2do.get(self.invokerId)
toon = self.air.doId2do.get(avId)
elif self.cr:
invoker = self.cr.doId2do.get(self.invokerId)
toon = self.cr.doId2do.get(avId)
if hasattr(toon, "getName"):
name = toon.getName()
name = avId
if not self.validateTarget(toon):
if len(self.targets) > 1:
validTargets -= 1
return "{} is not a valid target!".format(name)
# TODO: Should we implement locking?
# if toon.getLocked() and not self.administrative:
# if len(self.targets) > 1:
# validTargets -= 1
# continue
# return "{} is currently locked. You can only use administrative commands on them.".format(name)
if invoker.getAccessLevel() <= toon.getAccessLevel() and toon != invoker:
if len(self.targets) > 1:
validTargets -= 1
targetAccess = OTPGlobals.AccessLevelDebug2Name.get(OTPGlobals.AccessLevelInt2Name.get(toon.getAccessLevel()))
invokerAccess = OTPGlobals.AccessLevelDebug2Name.get(OTPGlobals.AccessLevelInt2Name.get(invoker.getAccessLevel()))
return "You don't have a high enough Access Level to target {0}! Their Access Level: {1}. Your Access Level: {2}.".format(name, targetAccess, invokerAccess)
if self.execLocation == MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_CLIENT:
self.args = json.loads(self.args)
executedWord = self.handleWord(invoker, avId, toon, *self.args)
# If you're only using the Magic Word on one person and there is a response, return that response
if executedWord and len(self.targets) == 1:
return executedWord
# If the amount of targets is higher than one...
elif validTargets > 0:
# And it's only 1, and that's yourself, return None
if validTargets == 1 and self.invokerId in self.targets:
return None
# Otherwise, state how many targets you executed it on
return "Magic Word successfully executed on %s target(s)." % validTargets
return "Magic Word unable to execute on any targets."
def validateTarget(self, target):
if self.air:
from toontown.toon.DistributedToonAI import DistributedToonAI
return isinstance(target, DistributedToonAI)
elif self.cr:
from toontown.toon.DistributedToon import DistributedToon
return isinstance(target, DistributedToon)
return False
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
raise NotImplementedError
class SetHP(MagicWord):
aliases = ["hp", "setlaff", "laff"]
desc = "Sets the target's current laff."
advancedDesc = "This Magic Word will change the current amount of laff points the target has to whichever " \
"value you specify. You are only allowed to specify a value between -1 and the target's maximum " \
"laff points. If you specify a value less than 1, the target will instantly go sad unless they " \
"are in Immortal Mode."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("hp", int, True)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
hp = args[0]
if not -1 <= hp <= toon.getMaxHp():
return "Can't set {0}'s laff to {1}! Specify a value between -1 and {0}'s max laff ({2}).".format(
toon.getName(), hp, toon.getMaxHp())
if hp <= 0 and toon.immortalMode:
return "Can't set {0}'s laff to {1} because they are in Immortal Mode!".format(toon.getName(), hp)
return "{}'s laff has been set to {}.".format(toon.getName(), hp)
class SetMaxHP(MagicWord):
aliases = ["maxhp", "setmaxlaff", "maxlaff"]
desc = "Sets the target's max laff."
advancedDesc = "This Magic Word will change the maximum amount of laff points the target has to whichever value " \
"you specify. You are only allowed to specify a value between 15 and 137 laff points."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("maxhp", int, True)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
maxhp = args[0]
if not 15 <= maxhp <= 137:
return "Can't set {}'s max laff to {}! Specify a value between 15 and 137.".format(toon.getName(), maxhp)
return "{}'s max laff has been set to {}.".format(toon.getName(), maxhp)
class ToggleOobe(MagicWord):
aliases = ["oobe"]
desc = "Toggles the out of body experience mode, which lets you move the camera freely."
advancedDesc = "This Magic Word will toggle what is known as 'Out Of Body Experience' Mode, hence the name " \
"'Oobe'. When this mode is active, you are able to move the camera around with your mouse- " \
2021-07-07 07:09:41 +00:00
"though your camera will still follow your Toon."
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execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_CLIENT
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
return "Oobe mode has been toggled."
class ToggleRun(MagicWord):
aliases = ["run"]
desc = "Toggles run mode, which gives you a faster running speed."
advancedDesc = "This Magic Word will toggle Run Mode. When this mode is active, the target can run around at a " \
2021-07-07 07:09:41 +00:00
"very fast speed."
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execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_CLIENT
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
from direct.showbase.InputStateGlobal import inputState
inputState.set('debugRunning', not inputState.isSet('debugRunning'))
return "Run mode has been toggled."
class MaxToon(MagicWord):
aliases = ["max", "idkfa"]
desc = "Maxes your target toon."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
accessLevel = 'ADMIN'
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
# TODO: Handle this better, like giving out all awards, set the quest tier, stuff like that.
# This is mainly copied from Anesidora just so I can better work on things.
toon.b_setTrackAccess([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
return f"Successfully maxed {toon.getName()}!"
2021-07-07 06:51:22 +00:00
class AbortMinigame(MagicWord):
aliases = ["exitgame", "exitminigame", "quitgame", "quitminigame"]
desc = "Aborts an ongoing minigame."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_CLIENT
arguments = []
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
return "Requested minigame abort."
class RequestMinigame(MagicWord):
aliases = ["minigame"]
desc = "Requests a specified trolley minigame to be loaded."
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("minigame", str, True), ("difficulty", float, False, 0)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
minigame = args[0]
difficulty = args[1]
mgId = None
mgDiff = None if args[1] == 0 else args[1]
mgKeep = None
mgSzId = None
from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
mgId = int(minigame)
if mgId not in ToontownGlobals.MinigameIDs:
return f"Unknown minigame ID {mgId}."
if minigame not in ToontownGlobals.MinigameNames:
return f"Unknown minigame name \"{minigame}\"."
mgId = ToontownGlobals.MinigameNames.get(minigame)
from toontown.minigame import MinigameCreatorAI
MinigameCreatorAI.RequestMinigame[avId] = (mgId, mgKeep, mgDiff, mgSzId)
retStr = f"Successfully requested minigame \"{minigame}\""
if mgDiff:
retStr += f" with difficulty {mgDiff}"
return retStr + "."
class Quests(MagicWord):
aliases = ["quest", "tasks", "task", "toontasks"]
desc = "Quest manupliation"
execLocation = MagicWordConfig.EXEC_LOC_SERVER
arguments = [("command", str, True), ("index", int, False, -1)]
def handleWord(self, invoker, avId, toon, *args):
command = args[0]
index = args[1]
- "finish": Finish a task (sets the progress to 1000), finishes all by default
if command == "finish":
if index == -1:
return "Finished all quests."
if self.air.questManager.completeQuestMagically(toon, index):
return f"Finished quest {index}."
return f"Quest {index} not found. (Hint: Quest indexes start at 0)"
return "Valid commands: \"finish\""
2021-07-07 06:51:22 +00:00
# Instantiate all classes defined here to register them.
# A bit hacky, but better than the old system
for item in list(globals().values()):
if isinstance(item, type) and issubclass(item, MagicWord):
i = item()