2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
import os , sys , socket , random
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
from urllib . parse import quote_plus
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
from pandac . PandaModules import HTTPClient
from pandac . PandaModules import HTTPCookie
from pandac . PandaModules import URLSpec
from pandac . PandaModules import Ramfile
from pandac . PandaModules import Ostream
from pandac . PandaModules import HTTPDate
from pandac . PandaModules import DocumentSpec
from direct . task . Task import Task
from direct . directnotify . DirectNotifyGlobal import directNotify
notify = directNotify . newCategory ( ' UserFunnel ' )
class UserFunnel :
def __init__ ( self ) :
self . hitboxAcct = ' DM53030620EW '
self . language = ' en-us '
self . cgRoot = ' ToonTown_Online '
self . cgBeta = ' Beta '
self . cgRelease = ' Release '
self . cgLocation = ' US '
self . campaignID = ' '
self . cfCookieFile = ' cf.txt '
self . dynamicVRFunnel = ' http://download.toontown.com/ '
self . hostDict = { 0 : ' Internal Disney PHP Collector Site ' ,
1 : ' ehg-dig.hitbox.com/HG? ' ,
2 : ' ehg-dig.hitbox.com/HG? ' ,
3 : ' build64.online.disney.com:5020/index.php? ' }
self . CurrentHost = ' '
self . URLtoSend = ' '
self . gameName = ' ToonTown '
self . browserName = ' Panda3D % 20( ' + self . gameName + ' ; % 20 ' + sys . platform + ' ) '
self . HTTPUserHeader = [ ( ' User-agent ' , ' Panda3D ' ) ]
self . osMajorver = ' '
self . osMinorver = ' '
self . osRevver = ' '
self . osBuild = ' '
self . osType = ' '
self . osComments = ' '
self . msWinTypeDict = { 0 : ' Win32s on Windows 3.1 ' ,
1 : ' Windows 95/98/ME ' ,
2 : ' Windows NT/2000/XP ' ,
3 : ' Windows CE ' }
self . milestoneDict = { 0 : ' New User ' ,
1 : ' Create Account ' ,
2 : ' View EULA ' ,
3 : ' Accept EULA ' ,
4 : ' Download Start ' ,
5 : ' Download End ' ,
6 : ' Installer Run ' ,
7 : ' Launcher Start ' ,
8 : ' Launcher Login ' ,
9 : ' Client Opens ' ,
10 : ' Create Pirate Loads ' ,
11 : ' Create Pirate Exit ' ,
12 : ' Cutscene One Start ' ,
13 : ' Cutscene One Ends ' ,
14 : ' Cutscene Two Start ' ,
15 : ' Cutscene Thee Start ' ,
16 : ' Cutscene Three Ends ' ,
17 : ' Access Cannon ' ,
18 : ' Cutscene Four Starts ' ,
19 : ' Cutscene Four Ends ' ,
20 : ' Dock - Start Game ' }
self . macTypeDict = { 2 : ' Jaguar ' ,
1 : ' Puma ' ,
3 : ' Panther ' ,
4 : ' Tiger ' ,
5 : ' Lepard ' }
self . milestone = ' '
self . pandaHTTPClientVarWSS = [ ]
self . pandaHTTPClientVarCTG = [ ]
self . pandaHTTPClientVarDM = [ ]
self . checkForCFfile ( )
self . httpSession = HTTPClient ( )
self . whatOSver ( )
def checkForCFfile ( self ) :
if firstRun ( ) == True :
elif os . path . isfile ( self . cfCookieFile ) == False :
firstRun ( ' write ' , True )
def whatOSver ( self ) :
if sys . platform == ' win32 ' :
self . osMajorver = str ( sys . getwindowsversion ( ) [ 0 ] )
self . osMinorver = str ( sys . getwindowsversion ( ) [ 1 ] )
self . osBuild = str ( sys . getwindowsversion ( ) [ 2 ] )
self . osType = str ( sys . getwindowsversion ( ) [ 3 ] )
self . osComments = str ( sys . getwindowsversion ( ) [ 4 ] )
if sys . platform == ' darwin ' :
self . osMajorver = ' 10 '
osxcmd = ' /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType |/usr/bin/grep " System Version " '
infopipe = os . popen ( osxcmd , ' r ' )
parseLine = infopipe . read ( )
infopipe . close ( )
del infopipe
notify . info ( ' parseLine = %s ' % str ( parseLine ) )
versionStringStart = parseLine . find ( ' 10. ' )
notify . info ( ' versionStringStart = %s ' % str ( versionStringStart ) )
testPlist = False
try :
self . osMinorver = parseLine [ versionStringStart + 3 ]
self . osRevver = parseLine [ versionStringStart + 5 : versionStringStart + 7 ] . strip ( ' ' )
self . osBuild = parseLine [ int ( parseLine . find ( ' ( ' ) ) + 1 : parseLine . find ( ' ) ' ) ]
except :
notify . info ( " couldn ' t parse the system_profiler output, using zeros " )
self . osMinorver = ' 0 '
self . osRevver = ' 0 '
self . osBuild = ' 0000 '
testPlist = True
del versionStringStart
del parseLine
del osxcmd
if testPlist :
try :
import plistlib
pl = plistlib . readPlist ( ' /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist ' )
notify . info ( ' pl= %s ' % str ( pl ) )
parseLine = pl [ ' ProductVersion ' ]
numbers = parseLine . split ( ' . ' )
notify . info ( ' parseline = %s numbers = %s ' % ( parseLine , numbers ) )
self . osMinorver = numbers [ 1 ]
self . osRevver = numbers [ 2 ]
self . osBuild = pl [ ' ProductBuildVersion ' ]
except :
notify . info ( ' tried plist but still got exception ' )
self . osMinorver = ' 0 '
self . osRevver = ' 0 '
self . osBuild = ' 0000 '
def setmilestone ( self , ms ) :
if firstRun ( ) == False :
self . milestone = ms
else :
self . milestone = ' %s _INITIAL ' % ms
def setgamename ( self , gamename ) :
self . gameName = gamename
def printosComments ( self ) :
return self . osComments
def setHost ( self , hostID ) :
self . CurrentHost = hostID
def getFunnelURL ( self ) :
if patcherVer ( ) == [ ' OFFLINE ' ] :
if patcherVer ( ) == [ ] :
patcherHTTP = HTTPClient ( )
if checkParamFile ( ) == None :
patcherDoc = patcherHTTP . getDocument ( URLSpec ( ' http://download.toontown.com/english/currentVersion/content/patcher.ver ' ) )
vconGroup ( ' w ' , self . cgRelease )
else :
patcherDoc = patcherHTTP . getDocument ( URLSpec ( checkParamFile ( ) ) )
vconGroup ( ' w ' , self . cgBeta )
rf = Ramfile ( )
patcherDoc . downloadToRam ( rf )
self . patcherURL = rf . getData ( )
if self . patcherURL . find ( ' FUNNEL_LOG ' ) == - 1 :
patcherVer ( ' w ' , ' OFFLINE ' )
self . patcherURL = self . patcherURL . split ( ' \n ' )
del rf
del patcherDoc
del patcherHTTP
while self . patcherURL :
self . confLine = self . patcherURL . pop ( )
if self . confLine . find ( ' FUNNEL_LOG= ' ) != - 1 and self . confLine . find ( ' #FUNNEL_LOG= ' ) == - 1 :
self . dynamicVRFunnel = self . confLine [ 11 : ] . strip ( ' \n ' )
patcherVer ( ' w ' , self . confLine [ 11 : ] . strip ( ' \n ' ) )
else :
self . dynamicVRFunnel = patcherVer ( ) [ 0 ]
def isVarSet ( self , varInQuestion ) :
try :
tempvar = type ( varInQuestion )
return 1
except NameError :
return 0
def buildURL ( self ) :
if sys . platform == ' win32 ' :
hitboxOSType = ' c3 '
else :
hitboxOSType = ' c4 '
if self . CurrentHost == 1 :
self . URLtoSend = ' http:// ' + self . hostDict [ self . CurrentHost ] + ' hb= ' + str ( self . hitboxAcct ) + ' &n= ' + str ( self . milestone ) + ' &ln= ' + self . language + ' &gp=STARTGAME&fnl=TOONTOWN_FUNNEL&vcon=/ ' + self . cgRoot + ' / ' + self . cgLocation + ' / ' + str ( vconGroup ( ) ) + ' &c1= ' + str ( sys . platform ) + ' & ' + str ( hitboxOSType ) + ' = ' + str ( self . osMajorver ) + ' _ ' + str ( self . osMinorver ) + ' _ ' + str ( self . osRevver ) + ' _ ' + str ( self . osBuild )
if self . CurrentHost == 2 :
self . URLtoSend = ' http:// ' + self . hostDict [ self . CurrentHost ] + ' hb= ' + str ( self . hitboxAcct ) + ' &n= ' + str ( self . milestone ) + ' &ln= ' + self . language + ' &vcon=/ ' + self . cgRoot + ' / ' + self . cgLocation + ' / ' + str ( vconGroup ( ) ) + ' &c1= ' + str ( sys . platform ) + ' & ' + str ( hitboxOSType ) + ' = ' + str ( self . osMajorver ) + ' _ ' + str ( self . osMinorver ) + ' _ ' + str ( self . osRevver ) + ' _ ' + str ( self . osBuild )
if self . CurrentHost == 0 :
localMAC = str ( getMAC ( ) )
self . URLtoSend = str ( self . dynamicVRFunnel ) + ' ?funnel= ' + str ( self . milestone ) + ' &platform= ' + str ( sys . platform ) + ' &sysver= ' + str ( self . osMajorver ) + ' _ ' + str ( self . osMinorver ) + ' _ ' + str ( self . osRevver ) + ' _ ' + str ( self . osBuild ) + ' &mac= ' + localMAC + ' &username= ' + str ( loggingSubID ( ) ) + ' &id= ' + str ( loggingAvID ( ) )
def readInPandaCookie ( self ) :
thefile = open ( self . cfCookieFile , ' r ' )
thedata = thefile . read ( ) . split ( ' \n ' )
thefile . close ( )
del thefile
if thedata [ 0 ] . find ( ' Netscape HTTP Cookie File ' ) != - 1 :
thedata . pop ( )
try :
while thedata :
temp = thedata . pop ( )
temp = temp . split ( ' \t ' )
domain = temp [ 0 ]
loc = temp [ 1 ]
variable = temp [ 2 ]
value = temp [ 3 ]
if variable == ' CTG ' :
self . pandaHTTPClientVarCTG = [ domain ,
loc ,
variable ,
value ]
self . setTheHTTPCookie ( self . pandaHTTPClientVarCTG )
if variable == self . hitboxAcct + ' V6 ' :
self . pandaHTTPClientVarDM = [ domain ,
loc ,
variable ,
value ]
self . setTheHTTPCookie ( self . pandaHTTPClientVarDM )
if variable == ' WSS_GW ' :
self . pandaHTTPClientVarWSS = [ domain ,
loc ,
variable ,
value ]
self . setTheHTTPCookie ( self . pandaHTTPClientVarWSS )
except IndexError :
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
print ( ' UserFunnel(Warning): Cookie Data file bad ' )
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
del thedata
def updateInstanceCookieValues ( self ) :
a = self . httpSession . getCookie ( HTTPCookie ( ' WSS_GW ' , ' / ' , ' .hitbox.com ' ) )
if a . getName ( ) :
self . pandaHTTPClientVarWSS = [ ' .hitbox.com ' ,
' / ' ,
' WSS_GW ' ,
a . getValue ( ) ]
b = self . httpSession . getCookie ( HTTPCookie ( ' CTG ' , ' / ' , ' .hitbox.com ' ) )
if b . getName ( ) :
self . pandaHTTPClientVarCTG = [ ' .hitbox.com ' ,
' / ' ,
' CTG ' ,
b . getValue ( ) ]
c = self . httpSession . getCookie ( HTTPCookie ( self . hitboxAcct + ' V6 ' , ' / ' , ' ehg-dig.hitbox.com ' ) )
if c . getName ( ) :
self . pandaHTTPClientVarDM = [ ' ehg-dig.hitbox.com ' ,
' / ' ,
self . hitboxAcct + ' V6 ' ,
c . getValue ( ) ]
del a
del b
del c
def setTheHTTPCookie ( self , cookieParams ) :
c = HTTPCookie ( cookieParams [ 2 ] , cookieParams [ 1 ] , cookieParams [ 0 ] )
c . setValue ( cookieParams [ 3 ] )
self . httpSession . setCookie ( c )
def writeOutPandaCookie ( self ) :
try :
thefile = open ( self . cfCookieFile , ' w ' )
if len ( self . pandaHTTPClientVarWSS ) == 4 :
thefile . write ( self . pandaHTTPClientVarWSS [ 0 ] + ' \t ' + self . pandaHTTPClientVarWSS [ 1 ] + ' \t ' + self . pandaHTTPClientVarWSS [ 2 ] + ' \t ' + self . pandaHTTPClientVarWSS [ 3 ] + ' \n ' )
if len ( self . pandaHTTPClientVarCTG ) == 4 :
thefile . write ( self . pandaHTTPClientVarCTG [ 0 ] + ' \t ' + self . pandaHTTPClientVarCTG [ 1 ] + ' \t ' + self . pandaHTTPClientVarCTG [ 2 ] + ' \t ' + self . pandaHTTPClientVarCTG [ 3 ] + ' \n ' )
if len ( self . pandaHTTPClientVarDM ) == 4 :
thefile . write ( self . pandaHTTPClientVarDM [ 0 ] + ' \t ' + self . pandaHTTPClientVarDM [ 1 ] + ' \t ' + self . pandaHTTPClientVarDM [ 2 ] + ' \t ' + self . pandaHTTPClientVarDM [ 3 ] + ' \n ' )
thefile . close ( )
except IOError :
def prerun ( self ) :
self . getFunnelURL ( )
self . buildURL ( )
if os . path . isfile ( self . cfCookieFile ) == True :
if self . CurrentHost == 1 or self . CurrentHost == 2 :
self . readInPandaCookie ( )
def run ( self ) :
if self . CurrentHost == 0 and patcherVer ( ) == [ ' OFFLINE ' ] :
self . nonBlock = self . httpSession . makeChannel ( False )
self . nonBlock . beginGetDocument ( DocumentSpec ( self . URLtoSend ) )
instanceMarker = str ( random . randint ( 1 , 1000 ) )
instanceMarker = ' FunnelLoggingRequest- %s ' % instanceMarker
self . startCheckingAsyncRequest ( instanceMarker )
def startCheckingAsyncRequest ( self , name ) :
taskMgr . remove ( name )
taskMgr . doMethodLater ( 0.5 , self . pollFunnelTask , name )
def stopCheckingFunnelTask ( self , name ) :
taskMgr . remove ( ' pollFunnelTask ' )
def pollFunnelTask ( self , task ) :
result = self . nonBlock . run ( )
if result == 0 :
self . stopCheckingFunnelTask ( task )
if self . CurrentHost == 1 or self . CurrentHost == 2 :
self . updateInstanceCookieValues ( )
self . writeOutPandaCookie ( )
else :
return Task . again
def logSubmit ( setHostID , setMileStone ) :
if __dev__ :
trackItem = UserFunnel ( )
trackItem . setmilestone ( quote_plus ( setMileStone ) )
trackItem . setHost ( setHostID )
trackItem . prerun ( )
trackItem . run ( )
def getVRSFunnelURL ( ) :
a = UserFunnel ( )
a . getFunnelURL ( )
class HitBoxCookie :
def __init__ ( self ) :
self . ieCookieDir = os . getenv ( ' USERPROFILE ' ) + ' \\ Cookies '
self . pythonCookieFile = ' cf.txt '
self . hitboxCookieFile = None
self . ehgdigCookieFile = None
self . hitboxAcct = ' DM53030620EW '
self . ctg = None
self . wss_gw = None
self . dmAcct = None
self . pythonCookieHeader = ' # Netscape HTTP Cookie File \n # http://www.netscape.com/newsref/std/cookie_spec.html \n # This is a generated file! Do not edit. \n \n '
def returnIECookieDir ( self ) :
return self . ieCookieDir
def findIECookieFiles ( self ) :
try :
sdir = os . listdir ( self . ieCookieDir )
except WindowsError :
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
print ( ' Dir does not exist, do nothing ' )
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
while sdir :
temp = sdir . pop ( )
if temp . find ( ' @hitbox[ ' ) != - 1 :
self . hitboxCookieFile = temp
if temp . find ( ' @ehg-dig.hitbox[ ' ) != - 1 :
self . ehgdigCookieFile = temp
if self . hitboxCookieFile != None and self . ehgdigCookieFile != None :
return 1
if self . hitboxCookieFile == None and self . ehgdigCookieFile == None :
return 0
else :
return - 1
def openHitboxFile ( self , filename , type = ' python ' ) :
if type == ' ie ' :
fullfile = self . ieCookieDir + ' \\ ' + filename
else :
fullfile = filename
cf = open ( fullfile , ' r ' )
data = cf . read ( )
cf . close ( )
return data
def splitIECookie ( self , filestream ) :
return filestream . split ( ' * \n ' )
def sortIECookie ( self , filestreamListElement ) :
return [ filestreamListElement . split ( ' \n ' ) [ 2 ] , filestreamListElement . split ( ' \n ' ) [ 0 ] , filestreamListElement . split ( ' \n ' ) [ 1 ] ]
def sortPythonCookie ( self , filestreamListElement ) :
return [ filestreamListElement . split ( ' \t ' ) [ 0 ] , filestreamListElement . split ( ' \t ' ) [ 5 ] , filestreamListElement . split ( ' \t ' ) [ 6 ] ]
def writeIEHitBoxCookies ( self ) :
if self . ctg == None or self . wss_gw == None or self . dmAcct == None :
if sys . platform != ' win32 ' :
self . findIECookieFiles ( )
iecData = self . openHitboxFile ( self . ehgdigCookieFile , ' ie ' )
iecData = iecData . split ( ' * \n ' )
x = 0
while x < len ( iecData ) :
if iecData [ x ] . find ( self . hitboxAcct ) != - 1 :
iecData . pop ( x )
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
print ( ' Removed it from the list ' )
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
x + = 1
iecWrite = open ( self . ieCookieDir + ' \\ ' + self . ehgdigCookieFile , ' w ' )
while iecData :
iecBuffer = iecData . pop ( ) + ' * \n '
iecBuffer = iecBuffer . strip ( ' / ' )
if iecBuffer [ 0 ] == ' . ' :
iecBuffer = iecBuffer [ 1 : ]
iecWrite . write ( iecBuffer )
tempDMBUFFER = self . dmAcct [ 0 ]
if tempDMBUFFER [ 0 ] . find ( ' . ' ) == 0 :
tempDMBUFFER = tempDMBUFFER [ 1 : ]
iecWrite . write ( self . dmAcct [ 1 ] + ' \n ' + self . dmAcct [ 2 ] + ' \n ' + tempDMBUFFER + ' / \n * \n ' )
iecWrite . close ( )
del iecData
del iecWrite
del iecBuffer
iecWrite = open ( self . ieCookieDir + ' \\ ' + self . hitboxCookieFile , ' w ' )
iecBuffer = self . ctg [ 0 ]
if iecBuffer [ 0 ] == ' . ' :
iecBuffer = iecBuffer [ 1 : ]
if iecBuffer . find ( ' / ' ) == - 1 :
iecBuffer = iecBuffer + ' / '
iecWrite . write ( self . ctg [ 1 ] + ' \n ' + self . ctg [ 2 ] + ' \n ' + iecBuffer + ' \n * \n ' )
iecWrite . write ( self . wss_gw [ 1 ] + ' \n ' + self . wss_gw [ 2 ] + ' \n ' + iecBuffer + ' \n * \n ' )
iecWrite . close ( )
def OLDwritePythonHitBoxCookies ( self , filename = ' cf.txt ' ) :
if self . ctg == None or self . wss_gw == None or self . dmAcct == None :
outputfile = open ( filename , ' w ' )
outputfile . write ( self . pythonCookieHeader )
outputfile . write ( ' . ' + self . dmAcct [ 0 ] . strip ( ' / ' ) + ' \t TRUE \t / \t FALSE \t 9999999999 \t ' + self . dmAcct [ 1 ] + ' \t ' + self . dmAcct [ 2 ] + ' \n ' )
outputfile . write ( ' . ' + self . ctg [ 0 ] . strip ( ' / ' ) + ' \t TRUE \t / \t FALSE \t 9999999999 \t ' + self . ctg [ 1 ] + ' \t ' + self . ctg [ 2 ] + ' \n ' )
outputfile . write ( ' . ' + self . wss_gw [ 0 ] . strip ( ' / ' ) + ' \t TRUE \t / \t FALSE \t 9999999999 \t ' + self . wss_gw [ 1 ] + ' \t ' + self . wss_gw [ 2 ] + ' \n ' )
outputfile . close ( )
def writePythonHitBoxCookies ( self , filename = ' cf.txt ' ) :
if self . ctg == None or self . wss_gw == None or self . dmAcct == None :
outputfile = open ( filename , ' w ' )
outputfile . write ( ' . ' + self . dmAcct [ 0 ] . strip ( ' / ' ) + ' \t / \t ' + self . dmAcct [ 1 ] + ' \t ' + self . dmAcct [ 2 ] + ' \n ' )
outputfile . write ( ' . ' + self . ctg [ 0 ] . strip ( ' / ' ) + ' \t / \t ' + self . ctg [ 1 ] + ' \t ' + self . ctg [ 2 ] + ' \n ' )
outputfile . write ( ' . ' + self . wss_gw [ 0 ] . strip ( ' / ' ) + ' \t / \t ' + self . wss_gw [ 1 ] + ' \t ' + self . wss_gw [ 2 ] + ' \n ' )
outputfile . close ( )
def loadPythonHitBoxCookies ( self ) :
if os . path . isfile ( self . pythonCookieFile ) != 1 :
pythonStandard = self . openHitboxFile ( self . pythonCookieFile , ' python ' )
pythonStandard = pythonStandard . split ( ' \n \n ' ) . pop ( 1 )
pythonStandard = pythonStandard . split ( ' \n ' )
for x in pythonStandard :
if x . find ( ' \t ' + self . hitboxAcct ) != - 1 :
self . dmAcct = self . sortPythonCookie ( x )
if x . find ( ' \t CTG \t ' ) != - 1 :
self . ctg = self . sortPythonCookie ( x )
if x . find ( ' \t WSS_GW \t ' ) != - 1 :
self . wss_gw = self . sortPythonCookie ( x )
def loadIEHitBoxCookies ( self ) :
if self . findIECookieFiles ( ) != 1 :
if sys . platform != ' win32 ' :
hitboxStandard = self . openHitboxFile ( self . hitboxCookieFile , ' ie ' )
hitboxDIG = self . openHitboxFile ( self . ehgdigCookieFile , ' ie ' )
hitboxStandard = self . splitIECookie ( hitboxStandard )
hitboxDIG = self . splitIECookie ( hitboxDIG )
ctg = None
wss = None
for x in hitboxStandard :
if x . find ( ' CTG \n ' ) != - 1 :
ctg = x
if x . find ( ' WSS_GW \n ' ) != - 1 :
wss = x
if ctg == None or wss == None :
DM = None
for x in hitboxDIG :
if x . find ( self . hitboxAcct ) != - 1 :
DM = x
if DM == None :
self . ctg = self . sortIECookie ( ctg )
self . wss_gw = self . sortIECookie ( wss )
self . dm560804E8WD = self . sortIECookie ( DM )
def convertHitBoxIEtoPython ( ) :
if sys . platform != ' win32 ' :
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
print ( ' Cookie Converter: Warning: System is not MS-Windows. I have not been setup to work with other systems yet. Sorry ' + sys . platform + ' user. The game client will create a cookie. ' )
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
if __dev__ :
a = HitBoxCookie ( )
a . loadIEHitBoxCookies ( )
a . writePythonHitBoxCookies ( )
del a
def convertHitBoxPythontoIE ( ) :
if sys . platform != ' win32 ' :
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
print ( ' System is not MS-Windows. I have not been setup to work with other systems yet. Sorry ' + sys . platform + ' user. ' )
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
if os . path . isfile ( ' cf.txt ' ) == True :
a = HitBoxCookie ( )
a . loadPythonHitBoxCookies ( )
a . writeIEHitBoxCookies ( )
del a
def getreg ( regVar ) :
if sys . platform != ' win32 ' :
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
print ( " System is not MS-Windows. I haven ' t been setup yet to work with systems other than MS-Win using MS-Internet Explorer Cookies " )
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
return ' '
siteName = ' toontown.online.disney '
cookiedir = os . getenv ( ' USERPROFILE ' ) + ' \\ Cookies '
sdir = os . listdir ( cookiedir )
wholeCookie = None
while sdir :
temp = sdir . pop ( )
if temp . find ( siteName ) != - 1 :
wholeCookie = temp
if wholeCookie == None :
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
print ( ' Cookie not found for site name: ' + siteName )
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
return ' '
CompleteCookiePath = cookiedir + ' \\ ' + wholeCookie
cf = open ( CompleteCookiePath , ' r ' )
data = cf . read ( )
cf . close ( )
del cf
data = data . replace ( ' % 3D ' , ' = ' )
data = data . replace ( ' % 26 ' , ' & ' )
regNameStart = data . find ( regVar )
if regNameStart == - 1 :
return ' '
regVarStart = data . find ( ' = ' , regNameStart + 1 )
regVarEnd = data . find ( ' & ' , regNameStart + 1 )
return data [ regVarStart + 1 : regVarEnd ]
def getMAC ( staticMAC = [ None ] ) :
if staticMAC [ 0 ] == None :
if sys . platform == ' win32 ' :
correctSection = 0
try :
ipconfdata = os . popen ( ' /WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/ipconfig /all ' ) . readlines ( )
except :
staticMAC [ 0 ] = ' NO_MAC '
return staticMAC [ 0 ]
for line in ipconfdata :
if line . find ( ' Local Area Connection ' ) > = 0 :
correctSection = 1
if line . find ( ' Physical Address ' ) > = 0 and correctSection == 1 :
pa = line . split ( ' : ' ) [ - 1 ] . strip ( )
correctSection = 0
staticMAC [ 0 ] = pa
return pa
if sys . platform == ' darwin ' :
macconfdata = os . popen ( ' /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPNetworkDataType |/usr/bin/grep MAC ' ) . readlines ( )
result = ' -1 '
if macconfdata :
if macconfdata [ 0 ] . find ( ' MAC Address ' ) != - 1 :
pa = macconfdata [ 0 ] [ macconfdata [ 0 ] . find ( ' : ' ) + 2 : macconfdata [ 0 ] . find ( ' : ' ) + 22 ] . strip ( ' \n ' )
staticMAC [ 0 ] = pa . replace ( ' : ' , ' - ' )
result = staticMAC [ 0 ]
return result
if sys . platform != ' darwin ' and sys . platform != ' win32 ' :
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
print ( ' System is not running OSX or MS-Windows. ' )
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
return ' -2 '
else :
return staticMAC [ 0 ]
def firstRun ( operation = ' read ' , newPlayer = None , newPlayerBool = [ False ] ) :
if operation != ' read ' :
if len ( newPlayerBool ) != 0 :
newPlayerBool . pop ( )
newPlayerBool . append ( newPlayer )
return newPlayerBool [ 0 ]
def patcherVer ( operation = ' read ' , url = None , patchfile = [ ] ) :
if operation != ' read ' :
if len ( patchfile ) != 0 :
patchfile . pop ( )
patchfile . append ( url )
return patchfile
def loggingAvID ( operation = ' read ' , newId = None , localAvId = [ None ] ) :
if operation == ' write ' :
localAvId [ 0 ] = newId
else :
return localAvId [ 0 ]
def loggingSubID ( operation = ' read ' , newId = None , localSubId = [ None ] ) :
if operation == ' write ' :
localSubId [ 0 ] = newId
else :
return localSubId [ 0 ]
def vconGroup ( operation = ' read ' , group = None , staticStore = [ ] ) :
if operation != ' read ' :
if len ( staticStore ) != 0 :
staticStore . pop ( )
staticStore . append ( group )
try :
return staticStore [ 0 ]
except IndexError :
return None
return None
def printUnreachableLen ( ) :
import gc
gc . set_debug ( gc . DEBUG_SAVEALL )
gc . collect ( )
unreachableL = [ ]
for it in gc . garbage :
unreachableL . append ( it )
return len ( str ( unreachableL ) )
def printUnreachableNum ( ) :
import gc
gc . set_debug ( gc . DEBUG_SAVEALL )
gc . collect ( )
return len ( gc . garbage )
def reportMemoryLeaks ( ) :
if printUnreachableNum ( ) == 0 :
import bz2 , gc
gc . set_debug ( gc . DEBUG_SAVEALL )
gc . collect ( )
uncompressedReport = ' '
for s in gc . garbage :
try :
uncompressedReport + = str ( s ) + ' & '
except TypeError :
reportdata = bz2 . compress ( uncompressedReport , 9 )
headers = { ' Content-type ' : ' application/x-bzip2 ' ,
' Accept ' : ' text/plain ' }
try :
baseURL = patcherVer ( ) [ 0 ] . split ( ' /lo ' ) [ 0 ]
except IndexError :
2019-12-30 00:07:56 -06:00
print ( ' Base URL not available for leak submit ' )
2019-11-02 17:27:54 -05:00
basePort = 80
if baseURL . count ( ' : ' ) == 2 :
basePort = baseURL [ - 4 : ]
baseURL = baseURL [ : - 5 ]
baseURL = baseURL [ 7 : ]
if basePort != 80 :
finalURL = ' http:// ' + baseURL + ' : ' + str ( basePort ) + ' /logging/memory_leak.php?leakcount= ' + str ( printUnreachableNum ( ) )
else :
finalURL = ' http:// ' + baseURL + ' /logging/memory_leak.php?leakcount= ' + str ( printUnreachableNum ( ) )
reporthttp = HTTPClient ( )
reporthttp . postForm ( URLSpec ( finalURL ) , reportdata )
def checkParamFile ( ) :
if os . path . exists ( ' parameters.txt ' ) == 1 :
paramfile = open ( ' parameters.txt ' , ' r ' )
contents = paramfile . read ( )
paramfile . close ( )
del paramfile
contents = contents . split ( ' \n ' )
newURL = ' '
while contents :
checkLine = contents . pop ( )
if checkLine . find ( ' PATCHER_BASE_URL= ' ) != - 1 and checkLine [ 0 ] == ' P ' :
newURL = checkLine . split ( ' = ' ) [ 1 ]
newURL = newURL . replace ( ' ' , ' ' )
if newURL == ' ' :
else :
return newURL + ' patcher.ver '