2024-07-04 23:55:34 +00:00

20 lines
626 B

# How I (Sammy Lord) setup linux
* Set theme
* Install proprietary drivers
* Reboot
* Check/correct sound output
* Download flatpak and flathub if not already installed
* Install keepassxc and librewolf flatpaks
* Copy keepassxc file from one of my other devices
* Sign in to keepassxc
* Open librewolf, set that up.
* Login to GitHub (with sam-sneed's account)
* Use sparksammy-packer script to install my base packages.
* Install more packages.
* Make sure I install both Ferdium and Discord flatpaks (that one always gets me!)
* Login to services
* Install NVM and python3-pip
* Done.
All this takes me a few hours tops.