this is a completely vanilla javascript and html canvas outpainting convenience doodad built for the API optionally exposed by [AUTOMATIC1111's stable diffusion webUI](, operating similarly to a few others which certainly have superior functionality. this simply offers an alternative for my following vain desires:
- "temporary" monitors at the bottom to see exactly what mask/image you're feeding img2img, no i'm certainly not using them as actual imagedata sources or anything
you'll obviously need A1111's webUI installed before you can use this, thus you're presumed to have an operational python install up and running to boot.
- technically you can run it directly in browser as a bare `file://` protocol webpage but that's _really_ not recommended as you'll have to add `null` as an accepted domain to your `--cors-allow-origins` option which just seems like it's a visibly poor decision
- a deliciously simple launch script is included to pop up a teensy tiny python-based local webserver, however you may have to manually `chmod +x` on mac/linux
- the address will be used as the host address for openOutpaint in the below quickstart; your local setup may use a different IP address or port. you can of course modify the included launch script to point at a different port than 3456 if desired, as well
- select an inpainting checkpoint/model - ([runwayml/stable-diffusion-inpainting]( [3e16efc8] is recommended)
- set your `Inpainting conditioning mask strength` to `1`
- disable the `Apply color correction to img2img results to match original colors.` option (the last 2 options are found under the stable diffusion category in the settings tab by default unless you've already moved it to your quicksettings list, and if so, you know where to set them already)
5. configure your local webhost in your homelab to serve the newly cloned repo like the technological bastion you are, or simply run the included `openOutpaint.bat` on windows or `` on mac/linux.
7. update the host field if necessary to point at your stable diffusion API address, change my stupid prompts with whatever you want, click somewhere in the canvas, and wait _OR_ you can load an existing image from your computer using the file selector browse button under "load local image"
8. once an image appears*, click the `<` and `>` buttons at the bottom-left corner of the image to cycle through the others in the batch if you requested multiple (it defaults to 2 batch size, 2 batch count) - click `y` to choose one you like, or `n` to cancel that image generation batch outright and possibly try again
9. now that you've got a starter, click somewhere near it to outpaint - try and include as much of the "context" as possible in the reticle for the best result convergence
10. enable the mask mode to prepare previously rendered imagery for touchups/inpainting, then paint over the objectionable region; once your masked region is drawn, disable mask mode and change your prompt if necessary, then click over the canvas containing the mask you just painted to request the refined image(s)
- overmask and related px value expands the area masked in img2img outpaint requests, so as to attempt to minimize the seam between images; it's _partially_ functional currently and correcting the flaws are already in the //todo and issue tracker
12. click "save canvas" to save the cropped region of outpainted canvas
13. click "clear canvas" to blank the canvas and start all over only to discover that it's like 2 AM and you have to go to sleep because you have work in about 4 hours
- [x] overmask seam of img2img ~~BUG: it kinda sucks currently, just moves the seam instead of fixing it, i want to try to gradient-fade the edge but filter = 'blur(Ypx)' is awful for this and my remedial per-pixel loops crash the browser because i am the embodiment of inefficiency~~
- [x] image erase region in case you decide later that you're not too happy with earlier results (technically i guess you could just mask over the entire region you dislike but that's... bad)
- [ ] "numpad" selector for determining how reticle is anchored against actual mouse cursor (currently works like a "5" [center] on the "numpad" paradigm)
- [x]~~something actually similar to a "user interface", preferably visually pleasant and would make my mom say "well that makes sense" if she looked at it~~
i am begging you, yes you personally reading this, please fix my horrible code and feel free to insult it, but i absolutely refuse to budge on no 3rd party libraries or dependencies, not even jquery, nothing. vanilla is a very complex and layered flavor if you give it a chance.
please do! kindly indicate your OS, browser, versions of both, any errors in devtools/console output, what you were trying to do, what you expected, what happened unexpectedly or incorrectly, if something caught fire (please call the fire department first), the usual
- ~~arbitrary "pasted" images require clicking twice to place them and i _don't know why_ [(yes i do)](#terrible), just getting them to be arbitrarily placable was a giant pain because i'm not got the smarts~~
- selecting an aribtrary image by double-clicking it in the file picker can sometimes trigger a dream request that errors out if your file picker is "above" the canvas; i tried to alleviate that by temporarily removing the mouse(move/down/up) handlers for the canvas context on selection of a file, but i'm POSITIVE it's an improper solution and not quite sure if it's even fully effective
- not sure if "bug" since it occurs in stable diffusion and not openOutpaint, but auto txt2img HRfix + odd number scale factors returns an "Exception in ASGI application" in SD console output; for example using scale factor of 9 results in "RuntimeError: Sizes of tensors must match except in dimension 1. Expected size 10 but got size 9 for tensor number 1 in the list."
generated using 100% openOutpaint UI defaults except for switching to/from mask mode and changing scale factor to adjust the size of the mask blob, there's some neat stuff down there even if it disregarded the `people, humans, divers` negative prompt but in its defense there is only one singular person, human, diver in there, so according to the no homers club treatise of 1995 it's technically correct
_(see for attempted counterattack)_
imported a transparent clip of a [relatively famous happy lil kitty](, used default openOutpaint settings except changing the prompt to "a cat on a space station", eventually received this magnificent vision

- 0.0.4 - batch size/batch count, approve/reject system implementations, snap-to-grid, other people are now allowed to see this thing [01f8c6a](
- - extremely minor revisions [02cb01a](
- - pull requests (<3), downloaded images now have a timestamped name, css breakout because hopefully this will become halfway attractive enough to benefit from non-inline stylesheets [70ad4fe](
- 0.0.5 - import arbitrary image from user's machine, "auto" txt2img hires fix, Very Important "new image" button [3b7f4e3](
- - erase rendered imagery with right click, ensure webUI is running [54577d4](
- - highly attractive and functional floating control panel which will be extremely useful for infinite canvas [dac188d](
- - _FINALLY_ the sliders update their values in realtime, a nice overall start on cleaning up my mess [d9fb87a](
- 0.0.6 - absolutely brilliant undo/redo system, logical and straightforward enough to the point where even i can understand what it's doing [25681b3](
- - finally think i've got overmasking working better with a bit of "humanization" to the automated masks, please play around with it and see if it's any better or just sucks in general [8002772](
- [@lifeh2o]( - overmasking concept ~~that is still driving me crazy getting it to work right~~ ([a](,[b]( [possible betterness?](
deep aquatic life is _fascinating_ so i went with something underwater for a default prompt which led to making an _"illustration of a bright orange fish, plain blue solid background"_ favicon which led to "ok then, fish is mascot"